The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1956, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Tuesday, December 4, 1956
Nobraskan Editorials:
by Dick Bibler
h Student's Duty
Last week Chancellor Clifford Hardin pre
sented the University's proposed budget for
1957-59 to Governor Victor Anderson; this week
the proposed budget with the Governor's rec
ommendations will go to the Legislative budget
committee; and next month the committee will
hand over the final draft with its recommenda
tion added to the .Governor's for vote by the
Legislature. Every recommendation will be
weighed in the process but the Governor's pres
ent "hardtack" position will undoubtedly be
considered foremost.
In a letter to Governor Anderson, Chancellor
Hardin, who is asking for a $5,500,00 increase
over the 1955-57 budget, said, "May I assure
you that the University shares your determi
nation to keep state expenditures at a realistic
and efficient level. This determination prompted
the University to cut $2,500,000 from its budget
prior to its original submission to your office.
The budget wheh has been submitted is defi
ntely a hard-core one.
"For the sake of clarity may I repeat the
request we have made is a realistic one and
represents our best and most prudent judgment.
To revise it would amount to an understatement
of the University's financial plight. I cannot in
good conscience tell the people of Nebraska that
the problems of the University can be reduced
if solved by changing totals in its budget."
We might contrast the University's problem
In facing the national recruiting struggle be
tween colleges and universities with the ever
increasing per centage of University students the state of Nebraska after graduation.
Chancellor Hardin has stated that if action is
not taken now, "we shall be unwilling wit
nesses to the departure of over 200 members
of our faculty in the next two years." Likewise,
our graduates every year are leaving the
state to find what they hope to be more lucra
tive jobs with higher pay, better surroundings,
and more chance for advancement. A good
share of this is due to the. state's foremost
economic provider agriculture. At the present
time after two bad years we can see that our
agriculture is not providing a steady economy
and only through research can we expect it to
become more stable.
These graduates and faculty can only be
expected to stay if the University and the state
can provide a progressive economy, not en
tirely dependent upon agriculture but upon new
industry which might well be attracted to an
active state with a forward University.
Some of the most amazing pieces of legisla
tion have been caused by grass roots opinion
expressed through letters and personal conver
sations. Let us as University students do this.
Let us urge our parents and friends to back
the Chancellor and the University administration
in their requests for an increased budget. Per
haps, they could drop a note to Governor An
derson telling him how they feel or perhaps
talk with their state senator.
It is necessary to let the Governor know that
the people of the state and the students of the
University will not oppose, but will support,
legislation which will insure Nebraska's progress.
The Middle Years
reasonable that when a program available to
each and every student single, married or
married with dependents it will be to the ad
vantage of the school to know the plan now
Heretofore the success of the Middle Years
has been marred by ridiculous interventions of
Mother Nature. Insurance won't stop disasters
from striking even the best of us. But it has
a twofold influence on the actions of University
In the first place, the fact that a student can
get benefits only under certain circumstances
(which exclude for a large part on's own care
lessness) prompts one to be more sober; to
lead a more careful, adult life.
Secondly, a sound program of security tends to
create a mature atmosphere in the student's
private world.
It might be profitable for the average student
to look at the policy being offered to us. It
might prove worthwhile to get your teeth into a
program which starts you off on a more secure
future. It might be valuable for students to take
advantage of Middle Year protection.
After thoughts
Uncle Sam's routine screening process" will
no doubt have many reservists worried sick in
the near future, but Washington says there is
no cause for alarm if an unexpected letter from
the military or Selective service arrives in
quiring as to the reservist's "availability" for
recall to active duty.
The armed services and Selective Service want
to be sure that a reservist would be ready and
available in event of a national emergency. The
government agencies are not thinking in terms
of calling up veterans because of the Middle
East crisis.
"Adventure in the Middle Years" could be
an interesting novel. But more than likely it is
a tricky situation for someone between the time
of shelter-by-parents and total independence.
In short, the "years between" can be the most
dangerous time for a young man or young
woman to be ' experimenting with innovations.
In simpler terms, a student making a beeline
for a 7 average subjects himself to the strange
little midnight oil virus. Others, more prone to
partying, find themselves in a ditch after a
quiet evening at a local brawl.
Protection, then, is the keyword for the Mid
dle Years. And lest anyone be left in the cold,
the Universiy has done a study to find a health
and accident program to fit the average Uni
versity student's pocketbook. Programs at adja
cent state universities were evaluated. And
thus, a program tailored to meet the needs of
the student at the lowest possible rate has
been ground out.
Mutual of Omaha will set the program up at
our campus at the beginning of the spring term.
Students will be covered throughout the day
both on and off campus. And in addition to
these benefits, the student insurance program
will be on a 12-month basis.
The program which will be available for
students, covers from intramurals to field trips.
From the looks of references Mutual of Omaha
has submitted, the program will be a great
thing for this campus. It has worked at Boston
University, the University of Oregon and Pitts
burg University, for example. And since it is
designed to help the "average" student, it will
definitely fit in well with the average pocket
book. The Nebraskan is not selling the policy. Nor
is this paper receiving any commission for
buttering up the college audience. It is only
From the editor's desk:
...with malice
towards none
The story rf the Hungarian render for these "most hated date wore some stunning ere-
revolt is told in vmd and star- of men ation nd , WQre my regu,ar
tunc pictures in a magazine . cthica, ,t Tuesdfly.Thursdav R0TC uni-
which should reach the Lin- fc wou,d fom (whjch fa the wffl
coin newsstands today "Hun- o our nQ longer fce in flfter
gary s tignt :or reeaom is University buy thig maga. tni, sprlng though it prob-
JTa u i and- Perhaps, refer to it ably U 20 years ahead of time
published by the editors of few monthj when thingl with four bultonSi narrow ,a.
uie. (AU proms from the are qujeted d(jwn jn HungarV( and a 4ingle vent in back)i
magazine go to the Interna- ,f u,k of ..peaceful xhe Honorary Commandant,
Uonal Rescue Committee an coexlstence The peooie of choice wa, quite Bcceptable,
American organization estab- Hungfiry died or . kjnd rf but thLj WflJ cxpectedi unlike
Hshed to aid victims of poll- existence dld.t have, We gome qun-type selections, all
ileal oppression.) mustn't become complacent the candidates were quite
Many of the pictures have to the extent that we forget pulchritudinous since beauty
not been published before and that often in the history of. was the main criterion in se
others which have been used man certain individuals are lection,
in Life are brought into new wllUns to suffer martyrdom
focus through the chronologi- for Dread and freedom." You hear a lot about burned
cal sequence. One of the most Times may change and wean- out athletes, but how about a
Incredible pictorial essays of 0ns may differ but revolutions burned-out student,
man's inhumanity to man is are still fought for "bread Several students headed for
shown through the words and and freedom." Temporary K Monday morn
camera of a German photog- AJ j Jajd (he maga7i)ie ing only to find the building
rapber who was present at ihould be on ,al(, now and somewhat charred and not
the massacre of Hungarian costs 50 cents usable ,or classroom instruc
secret police In the town of ' Hon. Rumors that the blaze
Magyarovar on Oct. 26. Although 1m ,nteo was set by some member of
Not one member of the AVH with financial results from 6 Coln ProJect who had
survived the capture of their my point of view, the Military V, "e?aUve are- vet.
stronghold in the Hungarian Ball was successful. I had a unf0-
city. There was to be no sur- good time even though my T -7"""
: 4i JeHStti
The Nebraskan
Member: Associated Collegiate Press Mitw sm ..
T . . . " Managing Editor trrd t,..
Intercollegiate Press tentorial r.,. Editor . . . . . . . ....... Vmmw!!
Eepresentatlvei National Advertising Service, ie?&,:V.V.:V.V.V:.:V.:V.V.V.: wL'bE.
Incorporated topy Ed,tor' c,r Frenzel, Sara Joiie, Jack Follock
PcbUshed at: Room 20, Student Union Kdjulck Sh"f ; ron Hmna
r t " . . . Staff Photofmpher Pule Lewis
University of Nebraska staff Artt.t Andy Back,,
Lincoln, Nebraska Z2X, 'SESZ. .V'V.V.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.V. .'.512 S&
tn"l?i thftJonr 'A?.n1"F Marllya M"'" Mlnette Taylor. Ulani
MWHta ot .t,,d- TLSiiifff "" MaTwell, Sandra Whalen. far Saylor. Mania
EI. JUrlXaT .1 ' 6bLoJ!i SSSi? ioAnn G"orron.' Dorothy Hali, Dlanl
.TlftD, T,hU b. fiW tnS!Srt2 " '?,r?' fuL '" tn Wldman. Art Blackman, Barbara
wf th. fcnlt of the Unlvemlly. r thi "rtr ani Pttenon' Dave Herxoi.
r'rwm mitBide of the Inlwmlty. The member of the BUSINESS STAFF
ebntkm itaff are pronll rwnnntlble for wha tbey Bn.i Manana r,r M...
m,. .r do or w to be print, rebnuu 8. WM. SSSSKJ T Mafe,".V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V Hend
Mntn4 a mani elara mnttor M the poet of fir la AMUtant BiuIwh Menaaer Don Berk,
Lineoia. Nebraaka. odor W aot ef Aufiut 4.1S1S. JLarrj Xpatein. Tom Neif, Jerry SuUeotlne
A -nit riAx vra ir a i ce incem TUC it-iririC
tri. vr tuur bbruiAi ir. iw .
1oce of
The Turtle
Sometime in the future, when
they finish bandying about in com
mittee meetings, the Student Coun
cil is going to begin discussing
the possibility of a student judi
ciary committee, and even take
a few looks at an "Honor System,"
which could include unsupervised
exams and home work.
Just what the (Council will do
in this discussion cannot be deter
mined. Even after Nthe discussion
is finished there wifl undoubtedly
be a number of Council members
who won't know what the Council
is doing. This is the usual run of
What is important,' however, is
that the Council is going to attempt
to branch out on its own and do
Fred Daly
a little investigation on matters
that could make a big difference
in student-University relations.
A student judiciary committee
would have open voice in deter
mining the fate of students caught
for infractions of; University rules,
except for extreme cases involving
morals and the like.
Students would be tried in an
open "court," where all interested
persons could witness evidence and
testimony. There would be a lift
ing of the veil of noncommital rul
ings now asserted by University
All this, of course, is supposing
the Council should decide to back
some sort of judicial body, and
that the Council's proposal would
be backed by the Administration.
When this discussion in the Uni
versity's student governing body
will begin depends on when its
executives come around to some
sort of a proposal in their com
mittee meetings. It will then be
presented on the floor. .
It will be discussed, and ex
plained, and explained agam. It
will be amended and argued and
compromised and explained some
more. All this is part of democrat
ic procedure, and necessary for
clear thinking and honest deci
sions. What is probable, however, is
that no one will know anything
about this proposal when it is pre
sented to the Council except the
body's officers. They will know be
cause it is their idea, and they
are interested in it. The rest of
the Council won't know a thing.
Why no one will know is rather
evident. No one, either on the
Council or anywhere else in the
student body really cares about
what is happening, and won't take
the trouble to find out. The only
time anyone really cares about
anything is when he finds himself
getting stepped on. Then it is too
So, without trying to inconven
ience anyone or disrupt anyone's
schedule, I would like to suggest
that members of the Student Coun
cil try to find out if anything is to
be done on a judiciary committee.
They could also try to find out
what such a committee would and
could do, and what powers it would
The Council officers could help
their flock a great deal by letting
out a little information two or
three weeks ahead of time and
letting the members study up be
fore discussion opened.
If the Council itself would take
more interest in what it is do
ing, perhaps the rest of the student
body would take an interest also.
If this isn't asking too much,
that is.
Nebrashan Letterips
Dear Editor:
I would like to clear up a few
misconceptions that have been got
ten by the student who went to a
United Nations Seminar.
First of all, the Suez Canal as
we know it today was not built
and paid for by the Egyptians. The
canal as we know it today was
built by a French Company, La
Compagnie du Canal Maritime de
Suez. The company headed by
Ferdinand De Lesseps received
permission to build a canal for
sea going ships from the Wall of
Egypt, a Said Pasha who repre
sented the Ottoman government.
Money for the construction of a
canal to handle sea going vessels
was received from Frenchmen and
Turks who bought stock in the
company. Those Egyptians who did
work on the canal were housed,
fed and paid by the company.
Later most manual labor on the
canal ceased and machinery was
brought to complete the undertak
ing. No, the Egyptians did not
build and pay for the canal.
As we all know, when the Suez
Canal was seized by the Egyptian
government, Israeli merchant
ships were not allowed to go
through the canal. Here Egypt
rebels against the International
Treaty of Constantinople of 1888
which provided for passage of
merchant ships of all nations.
If the Egyptian say that their
acts of disallowance of passage of
Israeli merchant ships are legal
because Egypt doesn't recognize
Israel as a nation, they are then
ignoring the fact that they entered
into- an armistice with Israel in
1949, thus recognizing Israel as a
nation de facto.
To Miss Alexander, a junior in
home economics, the Israelis have
not threatened to take over the
Egyptian government, if that is
what she means by Arab govern
ment. It is clear that Israel wants
to have peace with Her Arab
neighbors, for to a country the
size of Israel, it would be econom
ic suicide to have a war with her
Arab neighbors. The fact is that
the Arabs don't want peace with
Israel. The Arab League was
formed for the purpose of expul
sion of Israel. No, the Arab coun
tries are not faced with an ag
gressive Israel, but rather Israel
is surrounded by six aggressive
Arab states. These states have
constantly trespassed into Israeli
territory destroying farms, blow
ing up homes and killing men,
women and children. There was
an armed suicidal guerrilla force
called the Fedayeen that was
based in Egypt and trained by
Egyptian officers. These guerrilla
forces for years have invaded Is
rael. It is true Israel retaliated,
but she did so for the protection
of herself. The. attack on Egypt
was purely to prevent a known
oncoming war. Why would Egypt
receive so many arms from Rus
sia? She is at peace with her Arab
neighbors; she is at peace with
Monaco and Lichtenstein; why did
she buy these arms? To invade
and destroy Israel.
No, I believe that these students
heard only the Arab viewpoint;
what these students should do is
look into the matter more closely
and perhaps hear the Israeli view
point. Stanley Bursteln
It Happened At NU
An economics class was recent
ly discussing the growth of the
bright student predicted that at
the present rate it wouldn't be
long before every one had two
His comment was answered by
a terse reply, "If everyone had
two cars, no one would be alive."
A mathematics instructor was
telling his Math 15 students about
what they would encounter next
semester in analytic geometry. He
said that classes in analytic geom
etry no longer spend as much
time on the elementary forms of
circle, ellipse and hyperbola as
they once did.
"They tend to emphasize other
curves these days," he explained.
Use Nebraskan
I heard a Republican call it a
conspiracy of FDR. . .The fact
that Thanksgiving comes earlier
than it used to. The Elephant
claimed that it was another al
phabet agency trick to give
store owners more time to hawk
their Christmas goodies. This same
fellow tabbed the pre-Christmas
(almost pre-Labor Day) sale ca
tastrophe the ADTTPCAY or The
Almighty Dollar Takes the Place
of Christ at Yuletide. The sad part
of the whole business was that
the man was completely right.
I suppose some good comes from
the early opening of the Christ
mas season. Downtown Lincoln,
at least, gets its yearly brighten-
Dick Shugrue
ing up. South Omaha has the scent
of the pine to mix with the scent
of the Armour. And, brother, that
is a real benediction!
This year I won't be a bit sur
prised if Uncle Scrooge (Not
Scrooge Dickens, Scrooge McDuck)
puts on a red suit and ends up
ho-ho-ho-ing all over this town on
Christmas eve. First it was the
elimination of a beautiful cresche
from the canopy of Penr.ey's, then
it was the Mickey Mousing of the
"O" Street gang for the light
pYxsts anything is liable to happen.
Out in our neck of the woods,
there aren't any decorations on
the streets yet. College View
hasn't made the change from Guy
Fawkes day yet. And we seem to
be surviving. On Fraternity Row
not a bright light nor pine tree
has been plucked in the front
yards. Any minute, though, wa
can expect tinsel, pine cones and
the annual change over from fra
ternity song serenades to Christ
mas Carolling functions. A few
houses will be bopped for having
Christmas Spirits.
The whole idea that Christmas
has to start earlier each year is
rather ridiculous. I don't suppose
that anyone is tired of it by the
time the 25th gets here. That's
not the point. The thing is that
commercial interests have to start
the ball rolling. Churches don't
even get a chance to surprise con
gregations with Advent any more.
Maybe the whole mess can be
blamed on world tensions. We want
to associate with gaiety, with pag
eantry, with color, and Christmas
is the time for that association.
Indications that people are buying
more and more every year leave
me a little confused. It's the "First
ya say you do and then you don't"
type of situation. People gripe that
the commercial Christmas has
taken over the spiritual Christmas;
that Xmas has replaced Christ
mas; that they resent this lost
feeling of the real meaning of
Christmas. And yet they spend
more and more on goodies for
the kids, gratuities for the office
and et ceteras for the bridge club.
But I've never been one to un
derstand the workings of the hu
man mind. Perhaps that is why
I am happy doing this kind of
work. The more and more a per
son says, the less and less I know
about him. (With apologies to
Psych 187.) As medicos declare,
"Complications have set in."
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Wildroot Cream-Oil . . .eider a bottle or handy tube.
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Talking Technology
with Esso
The Esso interviewer
will be on campus...
Thursday & Fridays December 6 & 7