The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1956, Image 1

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    NU Fire Intentional:
Vol. 31, No. 29
Special Sale:
AUF Auction Set
The AUF Auction will be held
Wednesday in the Union ballroom
i 7 p.m.
Special event will include throw
ing a pie at Sam Jensen. Nebras-
kan Editor, buying of NU's Misses
Nebraska, Diane Knotek and Sheri
Lewis; Coach Pete Elliott and
Kosmet Klub:
Knotek Set
To Appear
At Review
Diane Knotek, Miss Nebraska of
1936, will sing at the annual Kos
met Klub Fall Revue to be held
In the Coliseum Nov. 14 at 8 p.m.
according to . Gary Lucore, -publicity
manager. ,
Lucor announced that Miss Kno
tek, who will be accompanied by
Jimmy Phillips and his orchestra,
is scheduled to sing immediately
after the last act of the Revue.
After Miss Kndtek's performance
the names of the winning skits
and the 1956 Prince Kosmet and
Nebraska Sweetheart will be an
nounced. Tickets for the Fall Revue were
put on sale last Thursday, accord
ing to Sam Van Pelt, Kosmet Klub
vice-president. Van Pelt stated
that those wishing to attend the
show may purchase tickets priced
at 90 cents from any Kosmet Klub
The theme of this year's show
Is "Classical Capers" and will con
sist, as is traditional, of acts pre
sented by six organized houses
cf the University campus.
Participants in the Dec. 14 show
will be Delta Upsilon, Phi Gamma
Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Theta Xi, and Zeta Beta
Nebraska Sweetheart finalists
are Charlene Ferguson, junior in
Teachers College and a member
of Alpha Chi Omega; Arlene Hrbek
senior in Arts and Sciences, and
a member of Delta Delta Delta;
Sara Hubka, junior in Teachers
College, and a member of Delta
Gamma; Mary Huston, junior in
Arts and Sciences, and a member
of Kappa Alpha Theta; Jane Jeff
rjr, senior in Teachers College and
a member of Kappa Kappa Gam
ma; and Marion Janda, senior In
Agriculture College and a mem
ber of Love Memorial Hall.
- Prince Kosmet finalists are Jim
Murphy, senior in Teachers Col
lege and a member of Delta
Tau Delta; Gordon Englert, sen
ior in Business Administration and
a member of Sigma Alpha Epsi
lon; Dyke Newcomer, junior in
Business Administration and a
member of Phi Kappa Psi; Don
Smidt, junior in Arts and Sciences
and a member of Delta Upsilon;
Al Dagget, senior in Business Ad
ministration and a member of Phi
Gamma Delta; and Lowell Nie
baum, sophomore in Arts and
Sciences and a member of Kappa
Houses contributing curtain acts
for this year's Fall Revue are Sig
ma Alpha Mu, Sigma Phi Epsilon,
Tau Kappa Epsilon, and Phi Delta
To Fall, But
No Cold Wave
Warnings of an extreme cold
wave have been cancelled for Ne
braska. The Weather Bureau said that
strong Pa
cific storm de
veloping on the
W a i hi n gton
coast will hin
der the Arctic
cold front that
had been ex
pected to bring
the mercury
down to around
the zero mark
In the Midwest.
Some snow,
however, still is expected in the
northern part of the state Tues
day. Temperatures will be colder
and skies mostly cloudy.
Low readings will probably be
15 degrees in the extreme north
to 20-25 in the extreme south. High
temperatures Tuesday are to
range from 30 to 40.
Ed Classes Change
Because of Saturday night's
fire, all Ed 30 classes formerly
meeting in Temporary K will be
held in room 11 of Teachers' Col
lege at the usual times.
Ed 262 will now meet in room
B-5 in Burnett Hal also at the
usual time. Ed 37 will meet at
4 p.m. Wednesday and Friday in
room 11 of Teachers' College
There will be no counseling
service this week.
coaches; Frank Hallgren, Asso
ciate Dean of Student Affairs,
Dean of Faculties, and Chancellor
.Clifford Hardin; faculty members
as bus boys; and the Activity
Queen and her attendants.
Fraternity and sorority pledge
classes will also be put up for
All functions as a result of the
auction must be registered with
Mrs. Frances Vogel of the Division
of Student Affairs and must be
completed before March 1.
An active and the house treasurer
must come up and sign for the
Freshmen will be allowed later
hours and will not be counted late
until fifteen minutes after the
auction is completed.
The Activity Queen will be
chosen Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Room
314 of the Uniorrr Finalists are Nan
Carlson, Nancy Copeland, Nat
Johnson, and Jacquie Miller.
Judges will be Linda Buthman,
Cornhusker editor; Charlie Trum
ble, Cobs Treasurer; John Fagan,
Innocents Vice-president; Jack
Rodgers, Assistant Professor of
Political Science; and Dr. James
Miller, head of the English De
partment. Tickets for the auction may be
obtained at the door.
Frosh Hours Set
Freshman hours will be ex
tended until 15 minutes after the
AUF Auction Wednesday night if
the auction lasts past 9:00 p.m.,
according to Carol Link, AWS
Governor Objects:
New support, in the form of
the University Alumni Association's
pledge to "acquaint the people of
Nebraska with the need of the
increased budget", may further
Chancellor Clifford Hardin's ef
forts to gain the proposed $5.5 bud
get million increase.
The board of directors of the
Alumni Association passed a reso
lution at a meeting in Lincoln to
point out how the increase in the
budget is needed to maintain the
integrity of the University.
Governor Victor Anderson had
asked Hardin to review the bud
get proposal to trim it to "the
bare minimum" following the
hearing of the Budget Comittee
last Thursday.
Hardin wrote the Governor that
afternoon stating that the budget
he had sent the Committee had
been trimmed $2,500,000 prior to
its submission.
Hardin's letter stated that any
revision would "amount to an un
derstatement of the University's
financial plight." He continued in
the letter, "I cannot in good con
science tell the people of Nebras
ka that the problems of their Uni
versity can be reduced or solved
by changing totals in the budget.
Governor Anderson has asked
for additional information on spe
cific items in the budget.
The University is calling for
$29,150,125 for the 1957-59 bien
nium. Anderson, in objecting to the
total, has said that he finds it
difficult to present to the people
of Nebraska the total considering
that some of thfc state families
have been without incomes for
the past two years because of
But Hardin said that the increase
to meet a five-point crisis, was
the smallest amount the Univer
sity could ask for.
The Alumni Association's board
of directors in their Friday meet
ing said that one third of the
budget allocated to the University
is for the development and bet
terment of agriculture which is
most important during the years
of declining farm income. J
Another of points in the University
budget increase referred to the
teacher crisis. Hardin has main
tained that SO new teachers will
be needed at the University in the
Land Cited
At Annapolis
History Meet
ANAPOLIS, Md. Dr. Aubrey C.
Land, professor of history at the
University, was honored Nov. 28
at the annual meeting of Historic
Annapolis, Inc., a society formed
to restore the colonial appearance
of Annapolis.
Dr. Land was cited "for increas
ing our knowledge of colonial An
napolis by his biographiral study,
'The Dulanys of Maryland'."
Dr. Morris L. Radoff, archivist
of Maryland, accepted the award
for Dr. Land, who joined the Uni
versity staff iii September, 1955.
-Vi . " i .
Of)' ty
Husker Fouled
Husker guard Gary Reimers
(22) is fouled by Jim McConnell
as the 5-9 NU junior goes up
s Alum SuDPor
biennium. He said at the hearing
Thursday that there is a possibility
that 200 teachers will leave the
University because of higher pay
ing job offers. -
The building program of the
institution and the enrollment in
crease of 1500 within the next few
years were two more of the crit
ical needs.
The fifth point in the program
for more funds was the increasing
necessity to outbid other educa
tional institutions and private busi
ness for the services of profes
sional instructors.
Dean J. P. Tollman of the Med
ical College said that the increase
Military Ball:
file Petefson Atasif
Diane Peterson, senior in Arts
and Sciences, was named Honor
ary Commandant Friday night at
the annual Military Ball. Carol
Link was presented as Miss Army
and Linda Buthman as Miss Air
Miss Peterson was formally in
troduced to approximately 1350
spectators by Naval Cadet Ronald
Blue, chairman of the Ball com
mittee. Army Cadet Col. Roy Kee-
nan escorted Miss Link and Miss
Buthman was escorted by Air
Force Cadet Col. Marvin McNiece.
Earlier named Miss Navy, Miss
Peterson is secretary of the Rodeo
Club and social chairman of Kappa
Alpha Theta sorority. She has been
a memoer ot urcnesis, moaern
dance group, for three years and
has served as its secretary-treas
urer. This fail she was an Ak-Sar-
Ben countess.
Presentation of the Honorary
Commandant climaxed the tradi
tional grand march in which sixty
eight sefiior ROTC cadets in the
three service branches and their
dates took part. The grand march
was led by Naval Cadet Capt.
Melvin Thornton.
Honored guests for the event
Chancellor and Mrs. Clifford Har
din, Lincoln Mayor and Mrs. Ben
net Martin, Major Gen. Guy Hen
ninger, Dean and Mrs. J. P. Col
bert, Col. and Mrs. Chester Destel,
and Col. and Mrs. Carter Dunkin.
Cosmopolitan Club
Cosmopolitan club will hold a
Christmas party Friday at 8 p.m.
in Room 315 of the Union. Mem
bers are requested to bring a small
wrapped gift.
YMCA will hold a meeting
Wednesday, at 4:30 p.m. in the
Union, according to Jerry Sellen
tin, publicity chairman.
Flying Club
The University Flying Club will
meet in room 318 Student Union at
8:00 p.m. tonight. All interested
parties may attend.
Tuesday, December 4, 1956
Nebraakan Phot
for a basket! in Monday night's
opener at home against Iowa
University which the University
won, 67-43.. . i '
in their part of the budget was
essential to maintain operation of
the University Hospital. "It can be
called a vicious circle," Tollman
commented, "that in the hardest
time when the most people of
the state are in need of the Uni
versity Hospital, it is most diffi
cult to obtain funds for it."
He said that indigents of the
state are sent to the Hospital upon
recommendation of country wel
fare agencies and private physi
cians. Dr. Hardin has asked the Gov
ernor for an opportunity 'to meet
with him personally "in the next
few days" to discuss the budget.
Courteay Lincoln Journal
Hardin Named
Special Guest
At Rag Lunch
Chancellor Clifford Hardia will
be the special guest of the Ne
braskan at its weekl press lunch-
eon Friday
noon in Parlor
X of the Un
ion. Hardin will
speak on the
imp ortance
of the Univer-.
sity budget to
Sam Jensen,
editor on n e i . x
Neb raskan, courteSy uneoln Journal
has urged all Hardin . .:
organizations on campus to send
representatives to the Juncheon.
Faculty members are welcome
All those wishing to attend
should contact Bob Ireland by
Wednesday afternoon at the . Ne
braskan office.
. , . . . , Copy Editor
, Lincoln, police checked Monday
on . the whereabouts of local
"known arsonists" on last Satur
day, when a rash of fires struck
downtown Lincoln and the Uni
versity campus.
Police chief Joseph Carroll re
ported, " howeverj that no suspects
had been questioned yet.
Adamonai "evidence" or arson
in the fire at NU was discovered
Monday by; State Arson Investi
gator G- W. Germain and Lincoln
Fire Department Inspector Roscoe
- Germain declined to say what
evidence had been discovered but
said an announcement might be
maae today or Wednesday con
cerning the blaze that gutted the
east wyig of the Temporary K
building on the NU campus. A can
containing an inflammible liquid
was found near the scene.
According to State Fire Marshal
E. C. Iverson, the investigators
were probing the connection be
tween the five Lincoln fires, three
of which struck at hotels, another
at a rooming house and the fifth
at the University.
Also under investigation, accord
ing to Iverson, was the possible
connection between two other re-
Fire Strikes Ag
Building Early Tuesday
A fire which broke out in the
Agricultural Chemistry building
on the Ag Campus at 12:10 a.m.
Tuesday morning was "definitely
not related to the recent arson
case in Lincoln," according to
Fire Department officials.
Faulty wiring In an electric
engine motor caused the fire
which was discovered by Cam
pus police.
The Lincoln Fire Department
said that flames may have con
sidderable damage in the old
building but no estimate was
placed on the amount of harm
The blaze was the second with
in a three-day period on Ne
braska University property, and
the fourth within the last ten
days to hit the school. The
others were at Pioneer Co-op,
Love Library and a temporary
cent campus fires, one of "under-
termined origin" at Love Memor
ial Library Nov. 14 and another
last Thursday at a student room
ing house, Pioneer Co-op at 1633 Q.
The fire at Love Library was
confined to a small area aruond
window between the wall and
frame of the building. Lincoln Fire
Chief Paul Feaster said for lack of
other evidence, it was most likely
started by a cigarette, although
none was found at the scene. He
added that the fire could have
destroyed a cigarette, however.
The fire Thursday at Pioneer
Co-op, which houses 27 University
students, broke out in a trash
chute located on the east side of
the house. It was discovered at
12:10 a.m. by a student asleep
near the fire area.
Lincoln Fire Chief Paul Feaster
said there was no apparent arson
involved in these two earlier Uni
versity fires but the five in Lin
coln Saturday were "definitely
"Other evidence, however, Feas
ter said, "could change our
opinion on the cause of the other
University fires."
The fires Saturday were all dis
covered within a period of two
hours and 10 minutes, excepting
the fire at the Cornhusker Hotel
which was reported at 2:40 a.m.
All were reported in the evening
or early morning.
Coincidentally the two "unre
Square Dance:
A Square Dance Jamboree has
been scheduled for Friday and will
be held in the Union ballroom with
dancing from 8 to 11:30 p.m.
All University students and fa
culty members may attend wheth
er or not they have had square
dance experience. Members of the
Lincoln Square Dance Callers and
the All-University Square Dance
Club will be on hand assisting and
instructing the beginners.
The Rockenbach quartet has
been engaged to furnish the music.
Western novelty vocal selections
by Jim Purcell with his guitar will
be featured at intermission.
Don Herman, Terry Mitchem
and Ron Thurman are co-chairmen
for this dance representing
the three sponsoring organizations;
Ag Union, City Union and the All
University Square Dance Club.
Tickets for fifty cents a person
may be purchased " at the door.
This Square Dance Jamboree re
places the- Mortar Board Turn
about Dance previously scheduled
on this date.
Babysitting facilities will be pro
vided for married couples.
lated" fires at the University, at
Love Library and Pioneer Co-op
also occurred in the evening.
A fire at the Thrifty Hotel at
1415 P, was reported at 6:55 p.m.,
the fire at the Grand . Hotel at
301 No. 12th, was discovered at 7:45
p.m., a fire at a rooming house at
129 No. 12th, was reported at 8:30
p.m. and the fire at Temporary
K was discovered about 9:05 p.m.
Lincoln arson inspector Benton
pointed out that the fire in the
NU temporary building was start
ed with inflammible liquids while
the fires at the hotels and room
ing houses were started by light
ing paper, indicating a possibility
of two arsonists.
Fire at the Temporary K build
ing Saturday damaged the interior
'Dark Of The Moon':
Ron Hull as John and Jacquelyn
Miller as Barbara Allen play the
leading roles in Howard Richard
son and William Berney's produC'
tion of "The Dark of fhe Moon'
Tueesday through Saturday at How
ell Memorial Theater.
Curtain time is 8 p.m.
The play is based on the legend
ary folk baiiad "Barbara Allen"
and has a supernatural and tragic
mood throughout the play although
a distorted folk humor is preval
ent. The theme of the play is the
soul not wanting to be bound, and
the witch spirit wanting to be' hu
In the play a witch boy,
John, is changed into a hu
man by a Conjur Woman (Janet
Dresher) because he wants to
marry a mountain girl, Barbara
After his marriage with Bar
bara, John spends many moments
ducking the local Baptists and
sighing for the days when he used
to ride with beautiful females on
eagles. A frenzied revival meet
ing climaxes his mortal life with
Hull was the recipient of the
Theatre-Goers Scholarship" while
attending Dakota Wesleyan Uni
versity and last year won the Lin
coln Community Playhouse best
actor award. He spent two years
as music and entertainment pro
gram director for the Army Spe
cial Services and has done sum
mer stock with the North Holly
wood Light Opera Co.
Miss Miller won the University
Laboratory Theater best actress
award last year for her role in
"Madame Butterfly." She also ap
peared in "The Inspector General"
and "Mary of Scotlabd." Last
summer she was the leading lady
for the Hayloft Theater.
Other cast members are L e n
Schropfer, (Conjur Man); Barbara
"The Corn Is Green" is the
theatre production to be presented
January 15 through 19 at the How
ell Memorial Theater.
Dr. Margaret Servine is to be
the director.
Those in the cast include Trudy
Scriven, Charles Alcorn, Roy Wil
ly, Len Scborpher, Joan Stanley,
Diana Peters, Janet Dresher,
Edythe Marrow, Charles Richards
and Bill Gnuse.
On the technical crew are Dave
Drews, Al Starr, Karen Peterson,
Steve Hansen, Gretchen Tyler,
Bonna Tebo, Syd Sears, Herbert
Parks, Ed Weise, Margeret Hook,
Jim Truman, Jim Dalton, Roy
Willy, Diana Peters, Margeret Ja
cobson, Gail Peterson, and Duane
De Heart.
Following' is the list of organized houses which will participate In , '
the annual AUF Auction Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. Js'
Special groups to be auctioned are not included in the listing. Tickets
are 25 cents.
Martin' Mob
Who 8aw?
Homele Herd
Shot Down
Ag Boy
Fluffy Toaat
Mechanical Men
Powder 'a Paint
Slant titer on 14th
New Queen
Hying KortreM
Thrice Dirty
Mergered Monkey
M?rbld Mob
Questionable Taate
Widest Hip
Constant Study
Road Runner
Omaha Annex
Bucks 'n Buekleg
Squared Knight
Johnny' Friend
Innes Outcs
Home of Yesterday
Carvm Marvin
Double Cros
We Tried
Ike Pusher -f
lerhy Winners
Mr. Peeper
Pollt leal lgaey
Crowded Comer
Snl! croup but worth It
Premium quality
lVp hrlprra with wide rleettoa
Ocen blue mop at rood prlct
Rtronc young mm, wide ritjr
Mixed weight in food quality
Home of the boy who cried wolf
Hefined little cranp
Conveniently eloM to onkmi
' Have variety produce good reauiU
Top quality despite wing
Fwimoi group (pawn new crop
Added aumheri, added strength -Talkative
lot, but top quality
Keeent trial can't hurt famoM mea
ConKiitent quality
Matlou vehicle add tnterert
fr'amout group with top new crop
Move In time add mora than nino
Homo of the Ag nvyitlr
Widely pralned young thing
New net of Ivy gentlemen
Honor for enthiiaglstn
. VYlt conquer all
Jnon the whlnUer leave
Artistic backdrop for a thief
Homo ot the poor man" Maehfaveffl
New name for the weetheart lot v
Good little moppet of top quality
Big political activity in Heartbreak Heai
Two way proposition
Noted for cond genemttonen
Convenient location view
A noteworthy win
Ptendy group with propert
Little group (tand well on own feet
New crop avenge Trlamphiutt TH
of the east wing, as well as sev
eral desks and books. The wooden
structure was purchased as sur
plus material from the armed for
ces in 1945 to handle the influx of j3
students from World War' II and V
boused several education functions.
A portion of the building will
not be rebuilt, accroding to Charles
Fowler, Superintendent of NU
buildings. Most of the education
classes were scheduled to mow to
the new administrative wing next
year, according to Fowler.
The Lincoln Police Department
has warned hotel and rooming
house managers to be on the alert
for "loiterers," according to Chief
Carroll. Additional police Sunday
evening failed to turn up any new
leads or suspects.
Millnitz (Dark Witch); Sally Wen
gert (Fair Witch), Janet Dresher
(Conjur Woman), Robert Griffin
(Hank Grudger), Phyllis Chard
(Miss Metcalf), John Madin (Mr.
Jenkins), Don Sobolik (Use la
Smelicue), My ma Mills (Mrs.
Summey), John Thompson (Mr.
Atkin), Mary Thompson (M r s.
Bergman), Judy DeVilbiss (Edna
Summey), and Milton Grimes (Mr.
The play is directed by Dal- j
las S. Williams, director of the :v
University Theater, and has been
designed by Harry Stiver, techni
cal director.
Members of the production staff
Scenery department-Bill Gnuse,
manager; Linda Beal, Maryanna
Gould, Joan Riha, and Lyle Wa
thier. Stage property department Len
Schropfer, manager; Priscilla Lo
we, and Noel Schoenrock.
Hand property department
Mary Thompson and Manager;
Marion Rickert.
Costume department Sue Wool
ard, manager; Sharon Fangman,
Celia Madsen, and Myrna Mills.
Lighting department Jim Copp,
manager; Joan Carroll, and Char
lene Ferguson.
Sound department Jim Copp,
manager; Joan Carroll and Char
lene Ferguson.
Sound department Phyllis
Chard, manager; Barbara Harris,
and Roy Willey.
Party Set
For Tonight
The Union will hold a Christmas
Decorating Party Tuesday at 7
p.m., according to Jan Chatfield,
decorating committee chairman.
Each of the . Union committees
will be in charge of decorating one
room and two members from the
hospitality committee will act as
chairmen for each of the rooms.
The personnel committee will be
in Parlors A B and C to serve
refreshments to all Union mem
bers who help in the decorating.
Nine large Christmas trees will
be used throughout the Union with
the lighting and decorating of each
left to the ideas and work of the
Union members in each room, ac
cording to Miss Chatfield.
The Christmas scene on the ball
room stage will be done with trees
against a stained glass window.
The Special Activities Committee
will have a chimney with a large
Santa's sack in the main hall of
the Union.
According to Miss Chatfield, all
presents from students will be
greatly appreciated, as they will
be delivered to needy families for
Christmas. The gifts are to be