The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1956, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Tuesdoy, October 30, 1956
. ,
Nebraskan Editorial
f Jo Frafj Mou? Proo
Peter Raible, minister of Lincoln's All Souls
Unitarian Church, has labeled a portion of the
University's faculty as "discouraged," "sick at
heart," and "fearful."
He baa said with some qualification that the
University, as a whole, is "sick." He has called
the present policies of the University acts of
In the past year there have been several in
cidents that give partial credence to the Lin
coln mlnistr's remarks, not the least of these
being the Clyde Mitchell case which is inten
tionally not referred to by the Rev. Mr. Raible.
The academic problem is that there have been
no men of recognize! stature, men of disinter
ested nature, who are willing to stand up and
be counted as observers of these injustices, if
they exist.
There have been no proofs of administrative
pressures which have threatened the freedom
of the University atmosphere brought before the
University community in an objective or factual
This is not to say that such practices have
never existed. Mitchell claims that he will be
able to prove that unfair pressures were exerted
on Mm while he was chairman of the department
of agricultural economics.
Although The Nebraskan was a strong sup
porter of Mitchell's case last spring, we now
acknowledge that little or no evidence of un
questioned veracity has ever been presented.
By custom, it is the accuser that must bear
the burden of proof.
In the case last spring, Mitchell was the ac
cuser. He will soon have his "day in court."
As far as election surmises go one thing is
fairly certain, President Eisenhower's popular
ity is an invincible element in the field of poli
tics. Everywhere he goes, Ike attracts immense
crowds which virtually bubble over with en
thusiasm in support of the president.
There is little chance, despite his much
stronger position than in '52, that Adlai Steven
son can even approach the vote of Eisenhower in
the coming election.
The Democrats are aware that their presi
dential candidate is for the most part less popu
lar in many states than local party office holders
and candidates. Because of this fact the Demo
crats have been applying what Time calls a
'reserve tail-coat" operation that is to say,
Adlai is campaigning on the popularity if auch
men as Lyndon Johnson, Soapy Williams, and
Hubert Humphrey when stumping Texas, Michi
gan, and Minnesota respectively.
This new strategy coupled with Adlai's
strengthened political machine and greater
knowledge of the intricate workings of American
politics, give the Democratic aspirant for presi
dent a much better chance to gain the White
House. Despite these indications that Adlai is
treding on the more stable political ground, Ike's
amazing popularity has been retained and pos
sibly increased during the last few weeks.
Ironically enough the Republicans seem to be
having great difficulty pushing their congres
sional and senatorial candidates even with the
From The Daily Kansan:
Today's devout Republican and Democrat need
to get out into the world and see more and talk
more and hear more. This will shake-up their
political beliefs a little but it will also strengthen
them where they deserve to be strengthened.
Now, a man goes through life believing in a
party and its candidates and feels confident and
comfortable in doing so. He reads the magazines
newspapers and columnists who help him be
lieve as he does, and he talks with those who
support his position. If a Democrat sits down
to read the column of David Lawrence or George
Sokolsky, he is as comfortable in knowing they
are fallible as he is in his easy chair. They may
write something but whatever, it might be, it's
only sprinkled among conservative "trash" and
The Republican, likewise, sniffs at leftist pub
lications as at an ill-wind blowing socialism east
ward across the Pacific. He looks at the qual
ity of paper the New Republic and the Nation
use and deduces everything but the simple fact
that these publications don't have the circula
tion as does Times magazine or other national
and well-known magazines'.
Then comes the day the day when the dyed-in-the-wool,
comfortable believer is either
matched against opponents who have just as
much dye in their wool, or he is put face to face
with his candidate's opponent.
In the first case, there is a discussion and
each points ou the qualities of his candidate
and jeers at the inadequacies of the opposing
office seeker. If the participants in the discus
sion are not party blind and if each can support
his candidate soundly on a few points, they will
walk away from the discussion a little less
devoted to their news sources and friends be
cause the opponents argument was sound in
places just as was his own.
This condition is good even if it is depress
ing for a time. It makes a person realize the
fallibility of his own, guiding publications and
it shows him the profit in questioning his own
beliefs even more than just those of people
who hold other convictions. It is much more dif
ficult to prove one's self right than to prove oth-
The Nebraskan
limber: Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Press
fejsresefitaSIvei National Advertising Service,
TuMMed St: Room 20, Student Unloa
nth & a
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska .
Tt JWrnukfia la pnMtoh Turwlajr, Wrdneaday a
PMiSajr dtirtnr v rhnnl y-ar, eaeept anrln varatlnna
mn exam wrlol, and en Ihim I published during
ifrnnt, b indent at the University of NWiranka unrit-r
ft-aa aaihorfzaiioa of the Cwnmttfr on fitndnt Affairs
W8 ao tiDhiuloa of atu"tt ilnln. Pnbliratlona ontfnr
! jiirlndlrtioa of tho Soheommttieo on ritnrfrat Puhil
!n h!l bo free from editorial onuorahlp on tha
JHvf of tha Huhrommlrfw or on the port of any monhrr
f rho taenltr of tha I ntvMUlly. or on the part of any
r'rvia AUtaffo of tha rntwmlty. Th member of ilia
hraaban aff ra MWTNrtxIhIe. for what tbef
Cav. or da or mm to bo prtrf4. rehniary 8.
f .Alfred a awwii ( matter at the po"t office. In
Unaauk. Aebiwduv nudcr tlw rxt of August 4.U1S.
In the instance of the "open letter to Chan
cellor Hardin," it is the Rev. Peter Raible who
is the accuser, and again, as such, he too
should bear some burden of proof. It would
appear that he has presented no proof, but
opinion. It would appear that be has offered not
truth but advice.
We would ask the Rev. Mr. Raible what right
he has to join the chorus of voices who challenge
the integrity of the University with words and
not facts.
The Nebraskan will literally fly to the side
of that responsible individual who will prove
an instance of violation of academic privilege.
But, The Nebraskan has grown tired of un
substantiated claims of lack-of integrity on the
part of the Chancellor and the administrative
saff. The Nebraskan has grown weary of charges
that can only harm the University. Without sub
stantiation, these charges boil down to nothing
more than "name calling."
The Nebraskan does not know if members of
the faculty are discouraged it is possible that
some are discouraged and fearful but we do
not know this, there has never been any clear
evidence of unfair pressure exercised by the
University in dealings with faculty which we be
lieve to be clear cut and unquestionable.
If. violations of academic freedom exist and
if professors are fearful and sick of heart, then
let some man shake off this fear and abandon
cowardice and let this man present truth and
The Nebraskan will see that he is heard.
We believe that there is no defense against
truth, just as we believe that there is no point
in unfounded name-calling.
rising tide of the president's popularity.
The Oregon senatorial contest, involving tne
political turnstile Wayne Morse and former In
terior Secretary Douglas McKay, promises to be
one of the closest elections of the year. Morse
is one of Eisenhower's most outspoken foes. In
contrast, McKay ardently supports Ike and his
policies of moderation.
In Washington, Republican Governor and con
vention key-noter, Arthur Langlie is slugging it
out with Democratic Senator Warren Magnuson
for the latters Congressional post. "Maggie"
and Langlie both are excellent vote-getters,
however the Democratic senator is currently
ahead in the campaign and is the predicted
In California Republican Senator 'Thomas
Kuchel is running scared in his fight against
young state senator Richard Richards.
John Sherman Cooper, who was defeated by
the late Alben Barkley in 1952, is reported run
ning very strong in Kentucky and from all indi
cations should win. The controversial Happy
Chandler, Democratic governor, is supporting
the Republican senatorial candidates in the Blue
Grass State. His influence is questionable, how
ever. Although the experts feel that Ike will win the
presidency and the Democrats will retain con
trol of both the House and the Senate, Ike would
insure a Republican majority in either or both
of the houses, if he repeats his landslide victory
of '52.
ers wrong, which is perhaps the explanation for
so little of it being done.
In the second case, meeting the man who is
trying to defeat your candidate, a good is also
produced. Although few people will admit it, the
politicians hand-shaking, even with those who
vehemently say he is a dirty politician and an
opportunist, has its effect.
Coming face to face with this man will temper
your convictions. It isn't easy to talk to a man
who pats you on the shoulder, asks about your
home town and how you are and not have him
make a place, however little it might be, in your
heart. A person discovers this political devil to
be human and as such, fallible. He sees him in
a honorable light for a change and wonders if
all the unkind and condemning things he's heard
about him might be partly wrong.
Again, the person who has not experienced
this will not believe it. Nor will the fool who un
derstands no change of convictions. However, it
is so and that is why more Democrats should
meet more Republicans and vice versa.
No matter which happens, each of the two
instances cause a person to reconsider his politi
cal beliefs. And if there is anything that's need
ed in politically unconscious America, it's closer
scrutiny of party politics by the party members
After thoughts
This Is Living?
The University of Texas was faced with quite
a problem this fall. It seems that it sent out
more dormitory space contracts than there
were available rooms. As a result, 16 students
showed up with contracts, only to find that they
didn't have a room. Since that time, they've
been living in the dormitory hallways. Univer
sity officials indicated the extra contracts were
mailed because some room cancellations were
expected. As of September 21, those cancella
tions hadn't materialized and the students were
still in the halls.
F.ditorlal Kdltor. .
....................... Sam Jensen
Managing Kdltor ...
non look
r4 flaly
7 ,w ji. wait mora
rrn one, nop ireiaaa. ae Pollock,
f.fdiJ0 Don Herman
Edltor Kara J.mea
A" Andy Backer
Serretary jne nmvcll
fjoelety Editor imn Farrri
8taff Writer Nancy DeLong, George Moyer, ary
f renrel, Marianne Thygemn. Cynthia
Zsehan, Bob Martel, Bob Win.
Beporteri. .C. O. WalH. Carol Frank, fin Boenz, Jndy
Hleler. Marilyn M.iiel, Mliette Taylor, plana
Maxwell, Sandra Whalen, Mary Savior, Marrla
Boden, JnAnn ftaborron, Ylororhy Hall, Plana
.eae, Nlnn Wlriman, Art Blackmail, Barbara
Meton, Herb Belkin, Bill Wilton, Ron 81a
ben, Gary Peterson.
Fn.lneM Manaaar Oenrga Malien
f'lrrnlatlnn Manager Richard ttendrt
Aaatstant BunJtv Manaaeri Don heok,
kMirj pstela, Tom Aafi, 401711 IMUsntlM
LITTLE MAN on campus
th' upflKY w W fis--n rr-
ommti 1 in rCil
Two weeks ago on this page
Richard Shugrue, to whom I am
bound by mystic ties, proclaimed
that what this country needs is
a good classical revival. For the
most part I agree with Brother
Dick. Life is not long enough for
any man to collect, unaided by
those who have lived before, all
the wisdom which experience can
give. We are presumtuous to as
sumeas we are inclined to that
and furniture makers are not
fables; the stories are true, and
they add to the thrill of owning an
tiques. But no tradition can gather
around assembly line products; no
trade secret is necessary to turn
bolt after bolt, hour after hour,
night shift after night shift. Mass
production is a tedious process,
and its procuts are equally tedi
ous. All this should not be con
strued as a battle against pro
gress. That kind of fight would be
futile. I am simply being wist
ful. Does anyone know where I
can buy a handmade cuckoo
Steve Schultz
the America of Metro Goldwyn
Mayer and Richard Nixon needs
no advice from the Greece of
Theatre Dionysus and Pericles.
And certainly the modern portray
ers of dead fish and explosions in
paint factories could benefit from
study of the literary and plastic
arts of Greece and Rome.
But I differ with Dick on one
point; he seems to foresee that
a classical revival would mean
marvelous marble temples instan
taneously springing up where corn
grew before. (Probably the author
of "Pandoria" does not believe in
overnight architectural miracles,
but his article gave that impres
sion.) The point needs some clari
fication. Men of Greece did noW
live beautiful lives because they
constructed perfect buildings and
sculpted mighty statues; on the
contrary, they built and carved
well because their everyday lives
were beautiful. The ancients sir
rounded themselves with works of
art which were minor only in di
mensions. Their cups and caucers,
knives and forks were miracles of
craftsmanship. Their religion com
pelled them to erect shrines in
their homes, carved and painted
with artistry and precision though
they were small in size. And the
Greeks had leisure to stop on
street corners for speculations
about manners and morals. Con
trast this everyday beauty of an
cient times with our life today.
We drink from plastic cups, we
ea; with plastic spoons. After din
ner we become engrossed with
the trivialities of television rather
than with discussions like the
"Symposium." We drive chrome
laden automobiles, which may be
faster than chariots but are not
as aesthetically pleasing. And so
on and so on in modern life.
Mass production is, of course,
responsible for our beauty-barren
lives. When one must produce
in quantity, he has little time to
consider quality. Instead of orna
ment one must consider function
and instead of craftsmanship,
speed fit manufacture.
Moreover, mass production has
caused us to lose the sense of tra
dition. Antiques are not necessar
ily valuable for their beauty,
though beauty is a contributing
factor. Antiques attain value be
cause in their presence the behold
er has a feeling of awe for the
craftsmanship involved in their
making. The stories of trade se
crets handed down from genera
tion to generation of silver-smiths
fratarnlrr. Sorority, A Organization
Latlarhaada ... L tiara . . . Mows
Bullatlna . . Booklata ... Programa
312 North 12th Ph. 2-2957
-f mmMz, r....i
r n
$2.25 Weekly
by Dick Bibter
Voce of
The Turtle
Another Migration shot, and
those of the faithful who made
the pilgrimage West are back safe
ly, their pockets empty, their eyes
hollow and their digestion
The migration cannot
a success, because the
to Colorado. It is still a
however, to frisk about
tains for a few days,
vestigate th local spots in Den
The natives aren't exactly friend.
ly, but they are lately
Fred Daly
drunk with the heady
ansre blossoms, and
The Sink lias been
with bricked-up windows
er pictures on the walls.
exodus must have been too mucn
for them.
One of the wierdest sights seen,
to these Nebraska eyes, was the
Marathon Dance held
morning and on into the
on the outdoor patio on
floor of the CU Union.
While investigating the
quarters of the Colorado
The Editor and I stumbled onto
these primitive rites and
transfixed as ducktailed
dents and active girl students
bopped merrily away
hot morning sun.
This Elvis fellow really must be
going places. He has even found
supporters among the College In
tellectuals. a
The reason for taking out the
shuffle board down at
has finally come out. They have
installed a bumper pool table,
or whatever it is called. More
scientific, like.
You can't escape it. Migration
Mr W
i: cnmp f
You are there, I am sure of It.
Deep, hidden, but there.
Sometimes I pusn you back,
but mostly you are not.
there while you are there.
piece by piece, ever so carefully
have I built your cage,
ever so flawless and
patterned as a mosaic.
No reaction. All done while
You're not there being
there, no reaction.
Then when not there nor I
either, you suddenly vaporize, shattering
the mosaic, pouring, erupting
in semi-liquid unknowns:
then darting back into gone
but leaving an unalterable
scar. I examine the
mosaic, it is untouched,
perfect completely, except
for a tiny crack in one
L. Bowey
He Flew 1900 Mi.
an Hour
1 1 ill n f -i 1
mmm mmm
"WHY do the girl act to .tuck op?" moaned's quillina rac the
way they giv me tha broth -off." "It's your hair, J. Paul," said one of
the lads. "It stick out all over. Confidentially, it stings. You need
wildroot Cream-Oil. So Sheedy picked up a bottle.
Now he has all kinds of confidence, becaute hit hair
looks healthy and handsome, the way Nature intended.
Neat but not greasy. Try Wildroot Cream-Oil in bottles
or handy tubes, it contains Lanolin, Nature's finest hair
and scalp conditiones. Soon all the dates you needle
be yours for the asking.
- &f
of 131 St. Hurts Hill Rd.,
Wildroot Cream-Oil
Gives you confidence
, , Fidtrol
barely a memory, and now Homt
All this week members of or
ganized houses will be up to their
elbows in chicken wire, paste,
newspapers and old lumber, try
ing to conjure up that gem of
creative imagination that will put
the display trophy on their man
tlepiece. It means long hours, classea
skipped, sleep lost and front lawns
turned into trash heaps.
But it's worth it. Homecoming ia
the one time of the year when
our fading Cornhusker spirit comes
back in full. This stylish apathy
sometimes gets to be a drag.
a a
Most men students are inclined
to look upon their military sci
ence obligation at this land-grant
university as little more than time
consuming Mickey-Mouse. Then
something like the Arab-Israel war
comes along, and we are jerked
from our trundle-beds into the re
alization that this world isn't so
big after all.
a a
A nice young CU man and hi
nice young CU girl were in Tu
lagi's Friday night with all those
Nebraska people running around.
They didn't seem to care. She
sat on his lap and pulled at his
nose. He poured a pitcher of beer
over her head.
They just don't seem to give a
gosh darn about anything out
there. Makes for a nice, scholarly
be called
team lost
the momv
and to in
wine of or-
can't see
and clev
The 1954
the 5th
male stu
under the
Favor Pogo
MOOSEJAW, Australia (By
Special Pouch) The Wallaby
Word in a semi-copyrighted story
today claimed that Pogo, the Amer
ican Marsupial candidate for Presi
dent, will spring an upset surprise
decision hitherto kept dark from
even those sources close to the head
waters when he reviews the Echid
na Troops at a Gala Event held in
honor of Harry Gala, unknown
Kangaroo soldier, just behind tha
the Patagonian Swim Team's lock
er rooms immediately after tha
opening of the Olympic Previews.
Just what this decision is has
been kept a secret from normally
well-informed observers and not a
few experts. Press representatives
far the Possum Hopeful have said
tersely, "We do not know." Terse
ly, a reporter for the Wallaby Word
has copyrighted a story today
which says in effect that "No com
ment" is the byword. It is believed
that the affair may blow over, or
may possibly blow up into a major
campaign issue. In any event, by
sheer reiteration, politicians here
have made of "no comment" a key,
or major, phrase.
Some disturbance among the
Bandicoot Band members was no
ticed today as the group (Basil
Baxter's Bugle Bunch) performed
at a ceremony intended to welcome
the Welcoming Committee selected
to welcome Pogo to Australia when
he gets here in search of votes
already concerned by ttie two ma
jority parties. It is believed that
the Tuba section inferred that the
Welcoming Committee was wel
come to leave any time it so
desired. A strong movement in the
Trombones combined to pour wa
ter into six tubas and upon seven
tuba players. A more harmonious
note ("A" flat) was struck by the
bass drum player, and it is hoped
by party hopefuls that this will be
the last dissension in party ranks.
A piccolo man, who was accused of
blowing spitballs at the chairman
through his instrument, resigned
and left in a 1938 Huff.
the Grill
J. Paul Shcedy Wasn't Very Sharp Till
Wildroot Cream-011 Cave Him Confidence
"V; "
Williammillt, N, Y.