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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1956)
Fridoy, October 19, 1 956 THE NEBRASKAN Page 5 f IV WW -v.-.- : .x .v Children Receive Support .-.1 ! 1 .1 w ... . .. Children from the Lancaster Association for Retarded Chil dren School gather around Jeanne Elliott, president of the Fall Drive: All University Fund To Ten Percent To LARC The Lancaster Association for Retarded Children is one of the five charities which will be sup ported by the 1956 AUF fall drive. Ten percent of the funds col lected during this fall's drive be- First Of Series This is (he first article in the series "Where Your Money Goes," concerning the contribu tions collected by the All Univer sity Fund. The articles will en deavor to explain each charity AUF is donating to and the var ious purposes the organization serves. ginning Tuesday will be donated to LARC School which is now making plans for the construction of a new building. The only other sources of income for the school are the annual Na- Kickoff Tues.: Chancellor Endorses Am Drive All University Fund will begin the 1956 drive for charity with a Kick-off Dinner Tuesday in the Union. Chancellor Clifford Hardin has endorsed AUF and urged support of its Oct. 23-Nov. 6 campaign for funds. Hardin said, "It is a privilege to be able to endorse the All University Fund and its objectives. It is, in my opinion, a most worthy endeavor and is de serving of the support of all stu dents and employees of this insti tution. In the past, the All Univer sity Fund has successfully achieved its goal, and it is my hope that all of us will support it to the extent that it can again be successful. "Certainly each and every one of us should recognize the need for service to our fellow men." AUF board members, assistants, and captains of independent solici tation teams will attend the Kick off Diner which precedes the Tues day evening independent silicita tions. The Union is donating the diner to AUF, Judy Bost, chair man of special events, said. Peyton Short, regional secretary of World University Service, will speak at the dinner. CREOLE PETROLEUM CORPORATION would like to say THANK YOU for the interest shown in our organization during our recent visit to your campus. If you were unable to schedule an interview and are interested in EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES in VENEZUELA plan new to see us on our return ' visit in th Spring or forward your quallucctions by mati to 1233 Avenue of the Americas, New York 20, N.Y. 4 i All University Fund, as she reads them a story during a visit to the school. LARC School is one of the five agencies which AUF is con tional Association for Retarded Children drive in Lincoln and in dividual contributions. LARC school was founded two years ago by the parents of re tarded children in Lincoln. The first regular classes began in 1954 with t 19 children attending. At present the school has an en rollment of 29 children whose ages Mums: Flowers On Sale for HC The sale of mums carried out annually by the Mortar Board, be gan Monday. This year's mums will be of a larger variety than last year, ac cording to Linda Buthman, Mortar Board publicity chairman. The sale of mums is an impor tant part of the homecoming spirit and this year will be no different. According to Carol Wiltse, treasur er of the Mortar Board, this year's sales are expected to surpass that of last year. Price of the mums will be $1. pizza and my second Alpha Phi dition on the University campus. Men buy the corsages for girl friends, mothers and housemothers. Members of the Mortar Board will contact all houses and take orders for the sale of mums. The sale will be concluded the week of Homecoming and delivery will be made on homecoming day. AWS Provides Free Week-end For Migration Women attending migration in Colorado will be given a free week end, but they must return and be signed in by 11 p.m. Oct. 28, Carol Link, AWS president announced. Each girl must consult with her housemother before leaving for mi gration to find out if her parents have signed the special permission sheet. If not, a special letter from her parents is necessary, Miss Link said. Women taking overnights for ac tivities other than migration will not receive a free week-end, be cause the purpose of giving a free week-end is to gain support for the University function and to bolster school spirit, she said. 5 Nebratkra Phtte tributing to this year. The AUF drive will officially get under way Tuesday at the annual Kick Off Banquet. Contribute School range from kindergarten age to teenage. Tuition is $18.50 a month per child. The tuition fee, which is not suf ficent to maintain the scfiool and pay the full-time teachers and principal, is supplemented by charity contributions. One of the recent projects of the school was the building of a leather, weaving and woodwork workshop for the teenagers. Because the children need physi cal activity, LARC school main tains a playground and recreation room with slides, swings and basketball court. However more equipment is needed for the pro ject. At present LARC school is lo cated at 530 No. 21 St. in Lincoln. Architecture: Towns Set As Centers For Study Sidney and Mullen have been selected as study centers for architectural students at the Uni versity. As part of the Nebraska Com munity Education Project, the program will attempt to stimulate the people's sensibilities toward the materialistic development of their towns. ' The class of eight students, di rected by Eric Jensen, associate professor, will attempt in class room work to redevelop archi tecturally four different areas in Sidney and the main street in Mullen. 5 The Sidney project will involve a housing area, the highway en tering town, a slum area, and the city square. The eight students participating are: Iraj Dastan, J. C. Graver, John Merrow, Donald Perrenoud, John Rudd, W. D. Schwabauer, and Paul Zucker. Journalism School To Issue Letters The School of Journalism has issued the first number of a month ly news letter to journalism ma jors, entitled "The J-Schcol Beat." The news letter, which will ap pear on the 15th of each month during the academic year, con tains news about the School, its faculty and students, and news of general interest to students of journalism, according to Dr. Wil liam Hall, director of the school. Theta Sigma Phi: Colonel Barney Oldfield To Visit Campus Thursday Col. Barney Oldfield will be the special guest of Theta Sigma Phi, women's professional journalism honorary, from 3:30 to 5:30 p. m- in Burnett Hall, Room i!)6, according to Bev Deepe, president. A graduate of the Univer sity, Col. Old field is the Continental Air Defense's Di rector of Infor mation. Col. Oldfield will autograph ' 1 Copies Of hiScourtpsy l.lnpo.n .Touma! book "Never a Col. Oldfield Shot in Anger." Col. Oldfield is the answer to the question "How Full can a Life Be." He once fell into the hands of the Soviet secret police merely for asking who Andrei Vyshinsky was and how to spell his name. He was warned not to reach in his hip pocket for a handkerchief in the presence of Stalin because of the nervousness of his guards. He brought about the reunion of Marlene Dietrich and her mother in the ruins of Berlin. He was the first newspaperman to become a paratrooper. He once took his typewriter 75 miles inside the Ger man lines to write about a navy lieutenant who, with his 24 man platoon, brought in 20,000 German also forged the names of then President Harry Truman and Gen. George Marshall to get the left over liquor stools of the Potsdam Big Three Conference to establish the Press Club of Berlin. He is known for many things in Ag Union Slates Pot Luck Supper The dates of Oct. 21 and Nov. 11 have been set for the first semester Pot Luck suppers. The 5:30 Sunday suppers have been a traditional activity spon sored by the Ag College Student Union and Ag Campus faculty members to create a closer rela tionship between the students and members of the faculty, accord ing to Burt Weichenthal, Union committee chairman. Chairman for the first event are Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Graham, facul ty chairman and Burt Weichen thal, Student-Faculty committee chairman. Faculty hosts are Dr. Florence McKinney, Miss Mary Guthrie, Dean and Mrs. W. V. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ailing ton, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kelley. Students may pick up their free tickets to the supper by signing up promptly ' in the Ag Student Union. Parade Entries All Homecoming parade entries are due Tuesday to Nancy Tucker, 1531 S, phone 2-2529. r More Important Than "Playboy" ...Clark's Desert Boots Here Ron Green shows how comfortable a fellow can be, reading Pla)boy" and wearing the esmpua favorite shoe, Degert many places. In Trans-Jordan he did a hand stand on the banks of the Dead Sea as the lowest point on earth. In Lincoln, as a film reviewer he saw more movies in a five year period than anyone else in the world. In Denmark he brought back the famed Isted Lion monument, the Danish equivalent of our Statue of Liberty, and since its return 1,200,000 Danes have pilgrimaged to view it in a country of only 4,000,000. His book deals with what he con siders a rapidly vanishing profes sion that of war correspondent. As a public relations officer he sees them in a considerably less heroic and more humorous point of view than they have hitherto seen themselves. The book is mainly a series of anecdotes about people whom Colonel Oldfield met in the wars. The names of several Nebraskans figure prominently. Live Stock Show: Ag Judging Team To Go To Missouri Three University judging teams will enter in the intercollegiate livestock, meat and wool judging contests in Kansas City, Missouri, October 20-28. The contests are held in connec tion with the American Royal Live stock Show. Senior livestock team members are Robert Discoe, Harvey Jorgen sen, Ed McReynolds, Billie Reed, Roy Volzke, Howard Atkins and Donald Beck, announced team coach Vincent Arthaud, assistant in animal husbandry. This team will judge beef cattle, sheep, hogs and quarterhorses. The wool judging team as an nounced by team coach M. A. Alex ander, professor animal husbandry consists of Howard Atkins, Har vey Jorgensen and Roy Volzke. Charles H. Adams, assistant pro fessor of animal husbandry has named these students to make the trip for the meat judging contest: Ray Cada, Carl Lorenzen, Arza Snyder, Dwight Trumble and Phil ip Starch. The meats team will be required to judge nine classes of beef, lamb and pork wholesale cuts in addition to judging twenty beef carcasses and ten lamb carcasses. Delian Union Plans Halloween Party The Delian Union will have as its guests Cosmopolitan Club at a Halloween Party, Saturday from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. The party will be held in Room 315 of the Union. Guests are asked to bring masks and to wear them when entering the room. Special entertainment nad refreshments will fit the Hal loween motive. The party is being given in an effort to acquaint the international students with the American Halloween customs and festivities. Boots . . . 12.95 on Simon's - mmm b Y; ) j y v..f' ; J 1 I I. Freshmen Decide Freshman women stop for a bit of discussion and considera tion before signing up for an ac tivity at the annual AWS Ac tivities Mart Wednesday. Most Saturday: More Than Playing Behind Band Day It's true it takes a heap of play ing in the University Stadium to make Band Day. But it also takes a lot of be-hind-the-scene work and co-operation between the University and the City of Lincoln to stage the Saturday spectacle. Prof. Donald Lentz, conductor of the University Band and co-ordi-nator of Band Day, said a size able army of workers is needed to carry out the day-long operation for the 3,686 high school musicians. The assisting groups include: Lincoln Promotion Council, which furnishes the lunch for the band members and supplies certificates of appreciation to each participat ing high school. Traffic division of the Lincoln Police Department, headed by Capt. Willis Manchester, which, along with the Boy Scouts and University Corn Cobs, will patrol You Are Invited To Worship ST. PAUL METHODIST CHURCH 12th and M Struts Radio Ministry Erery Sunday KFAB 9:00-9:15 AJ4. EFOR 11:30 A.M. Ministers: FRANK COURT, RALPH LEWIS, SAMUEL BEECHNER DONALD BLISS WESLEY FOUNDATION KEEP YOUR SUNDAYS SACRED THROUGH THE HOLY HUSH OF WORSHIP! $0 Itmctt4 Second Floor. X X Ntbraikaa P1w of the women's organisations were represented at the Mart, where freshmen women were given their first opportunity to sign up for the activities of their choice. the route of the Saturday parade, starting at 9:15 a.m. Gamma Lambda, University Band fraternity, which is in charge of registration. The University Builders, which will distribute the lunches to the band. Individuals playing a prominent part in Band Day are: L. F. "Pop" Klein, director of concessions for the athletic department; Dean Killion, Wesley Reist and Dan Grace, assistants in organization and administration of (lie half time program; Pat Alvord and Gerayne Swanson, ladies' sponsors of the University Band, who will be in charge of seating. Dr. David Foltz, chairman of the music department; Sgt. John Furrow of the University Police, in charge of parking; and Walter Renner, University groundskeep er. Morning Worship U .-00 A.M. Sermon Topic: Awareness Of God" Church Study Classes 9:45 All 5 i r i i i 5 '