Pen a 4 THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, October 17, 1955 Peyton Short: MniveFsify AiJJP u ells id (1 YQVGiS he Inside World Jty GARY FRENZEL At the luncheon he showed pic Staff Writer tures of s new student health cen Peyton Short, World University ter at the university of New Deli ferriet? regional secretary who is ' in India, a new TB rest home for visiting the campus related to the AUF Board some of the interest ing things which have happened to him in his WUS travels. Short has been speaking to var ious AUF and campus religious students in Japan, and many other projects sponsored by WUS. Short spoke to President Mag saysay of the Philippines. Chief Minister Lim Hew Hock of Singa oore. and Kaeawa of Japan, and .meeting on behalf of WUS which ! Prime Minister Nerhu of India, is one of the five charities support-1 From these men and many others, d by AUF. His speech will kick ; he has since received letters which off tht '56 AUF Fund drive next I express the admiration and grati Tuesdsy. tude fr assistance WUS has giv- This summer he made a 40,000 j en to universities and university mile world tour traveling by land, J students the world over, S ho r t by sea, and by air. said. He visited over fifty colleges and Short collected facts and figures universities in thirteen countries j on student community life wher where he saw the results of the lever he had the chance. He said WUS relief efforts. (he explained the American way On U.S. Tour: (SodlbBt Soys NU 'orrorcf Looking The Honorable Joseph Godber, member of the British House of Commons, "visited Lincoln and the University Tuesday as a part of an official tour of the United States. Godber was invited by the United States State Department to visit the country and observe the cur rent presidential campaign and Ha outcome. White on tour of the country, which involves approximately six states, Godber hopes to meet and talk with President Eisenhower. Godber also stated that he is very much interested in United States agriculture as he is a farmer him self. Chancellor Hardin talked with Godber Tuesday, about the Uni versity's program with Turkey. Godber stated that he is "very interested In the contact between Nebraska University and Turkey." i He also stressed "the importance of maintaining Turkey as a strong ! and viable nation for political rea- j sons." I "I am very anxious about Tur- j JtCy t fWbiUUil Jil iiic new iaab Godber went on to say. Godber also toured the Ag cam pus Tuesday and stated that he was ''vastly impressed with the University and its progressive, fry ward looking attitude." "I am particularly impressed with the College of Agriculture." Godber said. 'The Tractor Testing Trials were expecially interesting." Godber was elected to the House of Commons in 1951 as a Con servative from Grantham in Lin coln County. He is presently a Government Whip of the Conserva tive Party. After observing the presidential campaign and its results Godber will return to Great Britian. He arrived in Washington on Sept. 17. of college life from the surfs of Hawaii to the Elizabethan walls of Oxford University, passing out American college pennants as tok ens of good will and collecting seveial hundred pen pals. He spoke over national radio net works and tape recorded a series for further presentation. He also took miles of colored film. He ate raw "fish in Japan, took shelter under a Korean bamboo umbrella, ate bird's nests and cen tury old eggs in (he Philippines, traveled third class in the trains of Indonesia, tried to photograph the monkeys in Singapore, was pestered by the beggars of Ceylon, and saw people die in the floods of India, Short said. Most world leaders are amazed at the accomplishments which WUS, the largest international stu dent relief organization has made since 1926, the year of its found ing. WUS belongs to the students, is run by the students, and is entirely dependent upon student support for its funds, Short said. The National Offices of WUS are in New York City; the internation al offices in Geneva, Switzerland. Over fifty member nations con tribute to a central fund. The mon ey is then redistributed to needy schools. Sixty percent of its funds come from the United States; 40 percent from the rest of the world. Short explained. WUS supplies the basic needs of universities who could not oth erwise operate as they should, Short said. University donations t h t o u g h AUF to WUS in the past five years are as follows: 1951-52, $1,750; 52 53, $3,109.63; '53-54, $2,297.98; 54 55, $1,957.28; $55-56, $2,581.63. AFME Meeting Don Ashley, president of the AFME announced that R , R. Robinson of the Caterpillar Trac tor Co., of Peoria,' 111., will be the guest speaker at their meet ing tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Rich ards Hall. The topic of discussion will be "Opportunities in Design Engin eering." Robinson, who is the Assistant Chief Engineer of deisel development graduated from the University in 1933 with a B.S. in mechanical engineering. Union Coffee Hour A Union Coffee Hour will be held in the Main Lounge of the Union, on Saturday, Band Day aft er the Indiana-Nebraska football game. Puncb. and cookies will be served and both students and parents are invited to come and enjoy themselves. Mum Display Nearly 170 chrysanthemum van eties will be on display Oct. 21 at the University orchard. Open house will be held in the orchard at 47th and Holdrege streets from S to 5 p.m., accord ing to Dr. V. J. Miller, chairman of the horticulture department. The public is invited. Dance Lessons Five free dance lessons will be given beginning- tonight, from 7; 30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Union Ball room and continuing every Wednesday night thereafter for a month. Theta Sigma Phi Meet Tbeta Sigma Phi, national pro fessional honorary for women in journalism, will hold a brief busi ness meeting Friday, 4 p.m. in Burnett flail Room 306. Members unable to attend may call tele phone 2-03, to be excused. Dance Lessons The Union dance on-jnittee is sponsoring iree dance lessons for all students who are interested from 7:30 p.ra. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Union Ballroom. 11 'Auntie's Antics' Slated For Review At Faculty Lounge Auntie Mame, the story of a boy and his eccentric aunt who raised him, will be reviewed Wednesday at 4 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge by Bob Schlater of KUON-TV. Schlater, producer-director for the University's television station, KUON-TV, was graduated from NU and received his Masters from Columbia University. The book Schlater will review is full of escapades in the social world of New York City in the 1920's and 1930's. according to Jack McCombs, chairman of the Union Forum and Convocations committee. Farmers Formal Scheduled Friday The Ag College social weekend will be highlighted by the Farmers Formal Friday from 9 to 12 p.m. in the Ag Union. The theme of this year's dance will be "Farmers Go Collegia te." The Collegians orchestra will provide the music for the evening. The presentation of the Farmers Formal Queen and her attendants win be the main intermission at traction announced Walt Schmidt, elections chairman. Tickets available to all Univer sity students are on sale at the price of $1.50 a couple at the Ag Campus, Oldfield Guest At Coffee Hour The School of Journalism and Theta Sigma Phi, women's pro fessional journalism fraternity, are sponsoring a coffee hour in room 306 Burnett. Oct. 25, at which Col. Barney Oldfield will be the guest. An alumnus of the University C33), Col. Oldfield is director of information services for the Con tinental Air Defense Command, and was formerly on the editorial staff of the Lincoln Journal. He will autograph copies of his recent book, ""Never a Shot in Anger. ADVERTISING IS NEWS Yes, the NEBRASKAN ads contain news as pertinent, as interesting, and ex citing as that on the front page the latest in collegiate fashions contempor ary with the month's style magazines. . .featured items with the values to aid students in allowance stretching. . ..reports on the evening's dances and movies. . .news of the economical, tasty meals. . .distinctive gifts for that spe cial girl And don't forget advertisers help make the "NEBRASKAN" an out standing collegiate paper, They're interested in you Patronize Them AI's Hslf-Koar Lazriry 3 KR. SERVICE OH WASH, DRY, FOLD DR1YE-IX PARKING Drop It Off We D Rest Comer - 16 4 N 2-5722 W. Worth Us Wlht In Solid S. Laughs I cocumih wcrunr. FRIDAY October 19th COLLEGE NIGHT at 7 Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only Adm. $1.71 Per Couple SUart Right Ladies! Wit Every Two Pair You Get Two Spares ., Here' a xare opportunity to get a real long-lasting supply of fine nylon hosiery for far let, than you ever imagined ! A Tegular 1 .25 value for only $1 .00 P'"1 spat. When you buy this package of two pairs and two spares, you art actually getting three pairs of fine nylon host. Take advantage of this offer !OW. Clip and mail the Coupon below for fast delivery. DEVISE HOSIERY BOX 227, READING, PA. 1 Please send me two pairs and two spans of Denisr Hosiery. Tor this I am encloung $2.00. Nome i i . . Sire iength Business Sheer Q tre Sheer O f"y O Beige D Taupe SPECIAL TITLES IN ALL FIELDS-FICTION-SPORTS-RELIGION-SCIENCE-MUSIC-ART. ETC ORIGINALLY PRICED FROM $29i-$6-BUY OW FOR YOURSELF AND CHRISTMAS GIFTS Km VPherter' TUT, fTKAI.TFf WTTMrv Vol . AmnrtM'i top personality builder tell thr mHKi f Prrsldrut Fhtrnhowrr, Henry Ford. Conrad Hilton, i. I . Pnnnvy. hiintlrvit nf pttmn mnt kow how tholr "tmnrrt" ran hl you dtucmrnr Mill prottt from yoxrr own po tmtlalttiMi. T'uri. t 3.fts fim fl. VOIJ i'-AS WASTER Urr. Irr i. H. iravtr. Vim -to find mit wht to Kht for ynn and pat H im nrly "" dvnamk pranttrnl wp-lw-atop anliln to "positive hlnkln," rm fUMmwt. faith. froMdrm from fT and wimrjf. ?-titi. !. Xnw i. fPHOV;l FOKK.MTAWSnrP tw A. Vrin. A helpful kandrmnli on itrnhlcmn, duttn, produc tion, imwannul, labor nlatlnn te. I'uh. at Jnw . wo . mm, than a LAvn h . nwii, AH who minvMl "Th Anmnd 1 " will tmttn qnl d'Hrfit In fhhi unnxanl rwok ahmil hind and IMitpl. woavlnr nln, arrh-oliwv nd nrr.Mtmturr tnin a patn m enlnrfnl and arld in land Hmlf. rhnlo. and mmpt. imt 3.7 Hrwr l. I (IX'TKRAL IRAN'S urnRY. Tho mwit flra matte and tmrnHtng aim to fnwrie from Ihr tkurmn HarMator (wml Mim. f. ll'Bti'ii mwm amonnt nf hhi rairtin and trnatmmt y wmv. Phnttm. Yitm Now HI. TKr. ART OF KNTTHCTAIMNO by B. Hall. VvoryihirMC from imrtim to mrldonr plrnlr. fl.i.I'M. AftCKKIUIHir.M and 0IFTM YW f'Ai TMAkK br M. Moora. lntrn-tlon. nattrn ar aMM'l nnyottlr. hanritnMT. bolt, tlle. t hub. at :i.(0 'Now both for tl. Tb ' for lmmnrtallty THIH IS 1.1FK f.TKHfXAl. by K. W jrnnr-Tjruon. Hnndrd f nrlllUiat tnnplrlnc atr m ronlliinHy f H. from await mm and thnlr) ranalnc tram m, ChrMt and Wudrtba tn tni. rmn and Aldnnx Hily. W ,,?'"w vmn mwr. wokkhhop ihwhtk ami f'tfaH. flow to iwlM and rwnd hunrlrwl of nlal nhi-n( rw on pnwnr tmiU. earpontry. to. llHiof prnfiv. !.8li nw tl. S-ACH fuANT aiXtil.T! hy Tvan Wnnt-r. m amattnnai HtrlliT about Wwn-r an mf In xrr cUMMimrm. I'lwt rdltton. W .pf w 9U HOW TO KVJOT VOT'RMFIF by A. A. ltrnw. Maklnr thr mini nf your Inbiurr and a way to happier llvlns. Wa J.5 Wow tl. Whni Ihf Hnl wan wild WKSfKHATK HI'KrVKKV. Klllrtf I'aul'ii wrthy, nnltni: mr munt of Wyonilnr fHuim tnwm, life and Iny intmw thr rl-rnrlnr frmotmrtlon orow whn hnltt thr fHbuloiK lliMr Dam In mill. Km t:i.7S Knw ki. nrWKNARII THAfTUIKN': WMTIn.f. AMI ( AHIIOT (STItll'M by Mary Marfaddm and K. fiaiivrmn. I'tturly frank and fantaxttr lory of "Th f'nrhdr of Hhynloal fmllirrr" land 1 rhlldnn) hi maailni rnnrrira, fxillt Iral amnltlnim. health fart, mnrrdlble para rliul Jiimixi. nr. V n 3.7S iow tl. rur. hawk or itohiwaijty by Rmiir Mllliet. With nti-tmtln, pmtle InKlarht. th author trora utralKht to thr hrart nf thr my, trry and wnndrr of nflf-eommtmm prronl rxUtmrr. annwrrlnr man' holr onrtlon about hhi llrf and drallny. Hm ta.nO Now tl. Imil Armrron' lory ATfiHMO. Prim hr honky-lonk of w Orlrana to trrtorrna. tlmial tame -thr warm, human, faclnBf.n try of thr wmld'n (matmt Jki musician. Wm t:i.5ll Wow tl. Rertanri Buwiell on TMT TWTArT Or N tMtClfcTV. Mrilltant rwy on rlrnllflr and tradition rffent of alrntlflr trihniiir and nclenee and -value rrfferlnt hey anlntlon to mankind' rraclal prolilrnw. Pub. nt ma.iui "Now m. tnck lem.ey: rHMPIVmnP FKITTTrvf;. Thr ureatenl furhter In rln htatin-y tell how to pnnrh mnlolyely and defend arenlveiy. Ouldr for all flrht fan. Bmateur. and pn with over Mill lull-tow niiwtmllmMi rorr)n: ryery aanert of honing. Wa :i.HO 'Mow tl . Vour llnldr fo a Illlirr lnrnnw --RA1H1'. VOI R MKiHTH by Martin I'airaer. FrtMitlcal, detailed Informittlivn on the Tlaht way to aim t,n- und to reaeh thr ton. tl 'Now tl. Inoldr lnda THF, HIIJ. Of MV1 oy M. I imrter. Intimately nnfnldlnt India' -tram, crvemnnle and mvrlfw. tmr of thr world's fceenmt Interpretern of India aid her peupie and alio one of the (matrot llvui novrlUta. THoto. Tnh. at tt.Bfl fiale tl. Hide turret of thr World HI TTON'K l'L(W by Horace Hutton. The Katurdav' Rrvtrw' rovfnr rarnntrur derlbm offbeat plaer In the T.H.. Mexlro. l,uroi, thr f arlbbran In a hook rrammrd with rotor, iKiifb and travel Information not In thr tourist uldr book. I'uh. at $:t.B0 Hair, at tl. Made and Thoatrr KUROTT; Of Tiff AW.F by Claudia :ald. nlorfitl. flntthand record of Kumpe' way and by-way with tourt tip and a hrllllanr rrylew tif dm llnental hallnt, niters and theatre featKal. I'uh. at :t.m Hale tl. thf i,ih)i;r of mihtorv t t. riiHM. A M. Burke. An tf!5 PP. prtif unely-llllMtrated world hltory. rerordlnr irotnklod'a prorrix In government. e!mr, a.rt, religlnn, ate. from thr aarllrat lvllltmM to thr I leanor llooneyelt: 1N1MA THF TNO J'.AIT. A warm, nmnml aweount of hey jonmel thra f'aklntan. IndonroHt, Arab land. Israel, mtr.. a rrveallne plnturr of thr Kaat prohlrm and hope with 3 photo of It -re-makablr people and placoa. lri. 3.J rterTln'llnne. HWJ THF EXPlWIOW Jn ' Hlldrlrmnt atory of .tt lirrmany)i hltorl itprhlnc for freedom and unity told nr worurra and Munent who nartleljmtod In the reyolt that rocked thr Kremlin. rhoto. tn.7t rZ7 Adynt,rr.r nf Fllitht-wmn": WKrT HKim MKN by . MtllKon. Thr faaelmtt inc auwy of thr reatet mlranlr of natural and human mlneerln the 1rm. woluoo and heron of fWlmt from hlt.rrlc flvlng yeT tlle to the Wrltht Bn. lllua. WiOlHlJw tK KORKA . tro. try firorar nndlnt WltHhn pirte .tory of thr Korean Haran atithmtlr eye-wltnew hhtfiry of the haUIr and thr otirr of thr mao who fought them. I'uh at 4 7S Male tl. BAsrhi.L ih tiii;ir wwr.m. it pert roporl on playing, neontlng, nmpirint. televleliuj, ib. Pub. at fl.Vb Wow tl. wtOJ ' EACH OTHER TOP VALUES RANGING FROM M49 TO 6es rT.rinE vs. rooKrsfwrHE Rt-vr in At k rrKfJtnoOSt. Href Htroganort. Waldorf-Halnd. "QiMMi of 1 f'rram" hnndnd of mey r ittmf gnarmrt vmii by thr rollnary IruMtrr m1 tha WalJnrf-Ator and Miami' f-oun-tainvhteu. Pull, at 4.l" nalr tl .4. TifK Alt:i0V HKiHWAT ATI.(. The mow, roniinelr hftrbway atln rvrr inihllalieri: He iint-l"-d IM-slH'V lBe t full eotur Kwm of VM.t annrta, lixlen, Including III eity rbrt. man, of imllonnl imrU and pr Tla! jrolr,t nf )nteret, tSiig llnta Immmi for viiirr, nlenmen, wIiihiI, lnl,nr fr,dmn, S'ub. at l.6 Hair t'i.lnt. V11K ''Ki,ti liOOK lr 1HKSH with Id fllll ..(.ir r-!int II other eiinerb alitlng ht i,nwlti lMt. n-nittltHI volttme v.,f 0'c '.. ! lit tle-Mmn fnelw and lve S )' warming tle attnut reunite terrier. ,M'.,t, nmtiti of hern By 4. Ho'imm. t'Mt. at ;t.&n emir fi.M. ;rii;at ato'kktiikfk tkj MrmftAn. "r page of the nioet lanlfk!ant and writing writ ing In thr great mm and event In thr hl tmly nf medlelnr. from thr lilpnorratle Oath the tor fight again! taneer, Ineindlnc dr nrnilr atorlra of atrugglr, dUeorery and Irtunifih, and memoir of famotw phvaletan and i'ienlliit. f nntrlhuted by ttalen Jen net. Koeh, l.lteT. Krend, nolilm. t'arrel, I'lemlng, Hi'hnelHT. nmny otlirr, I'uh at tfi.MI Hale '.;.AM. rnt and Mtur Mltm OI'TWIT VOI R APPT TITI: by J. (Irant.. Hundred of tempting, eay-tu.preNirr veelpe and menu plu intilr rurrelaem all imnuiteed to help you lne welulil without rnuntlng italrrrlr, I'uh. at t'.I.Mt Hale 1.4M. tertrnnd urll: I'l MAW WW! I FT V f: I THK AMI 1'OI.ITK'K. The ntnet brilliant of IRvhig thlnkr ntontlnr thr blr humnn nlnn and their effent. annlyliw wit warmth and loglr tit eh eonrent a "right and wrong " "mmn and end," eeing and rernon.' I'uh, at lU.IHt plain f tht: 'nimh. fowAKn norvo unoK.. a ip- tlvatlng rolleatlon of worn and mualr for thr heal iuig Noel oward ha written. Including 'III Her Vnu Again." "Mad About thr Jtoy." and 4 other oiihlttinted fwvorltr. Vth an liltroduntlon by Mr. Onward, baokcrnund etai on rarb aong and note on hk tnualeal prudiietlim. Mll'i": HIS tnrtr page, tlllw Irwted with ilor plate. Pub. at i.ftO Hak 4.H. ABF IJTN(! A VTH01.0C.V. f4andlirrg, (Vhlmmn, Cliurnhlll and more than Bli other famnim autluir pmcent an hunt ring plntura nf thr tlreat rimanelpaUrr' Ufa and areom pluhment. With a reformer nertlim nf J.n roln'a apredhe. 1IU t.BV Halo SltS. Tins viili'tion of irtr tiy nmaid' o. Thr lint frank aeroWrft nf mankfnd'a m anlvmal .moat perannaJ aonrrrn the art of Inr. a praetlred from hltilleal time to prrarnt. 2Z pp. Puh. ait tft "nlr ).. ENCYCLOPEDIA SETS SOME AS LOW AS $5 AMERICANA - BRITTANICA HARVARD CLASSICS - MANY MANY OTHERS TECHNICAL 8 CRAFTSMEN BOOKS BARGAINS AT 19c.39c-69c OFF p-K ma im 1 1 awn' laan an mm i una i OOK S Mil fJ im' fUllL