The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1956, Image 1

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Vol. 30, No. 7
Tuesday, October 2, 1956
Regular Students:
1 1
n o
relflDTi Lift
4 V
Li V.J t. ,, L.,..,. W
rsN pi n
eiswirs uinieiress
'HeJo Gr' Finalists
The fiva Hello Girl' candi
dales far 1336 we, left to right,
Marilyn Waechter, junior in
Teachers College; Ruth Rouhal,
ophamore la the College of Ag
Tryoute Today:
NU Theater To
Cwpy E&Utr
When tryoots for the second
University Theater production of
the year, Xardea of Astlepius."
beguss Dallas Oikqs, Oscar Man -
eel and Max TCuttaker, will be
well on their way toward working
cut the show" problems.
Jar3eL, an assistant professor
t English, is the author of the
&ama, Williams, the director of
Uaiversfty Theater, will handle the
technical aspects, for the show
and Whittaker will direct it.
The University Theater wall pre
sent the world premiere of ""Gar
den of Asdepias" Nor. 16.
Mandel. nataraEy excited about
his first produced play, had this
to say. ""Of coarse it is a most in
teresting eiperience to write a play
and to he ia touch with be pro
duction from the moment casting
Williams, Handel and Whittaker
bave discussed many of the as
pects of the drama which is based
a Greek mythology. "Alaer the
play is cast we can see just what
type cf scenery will be appro
priate,'" Mandril said.
"This is a learning experience
for roe, too. While I watch those
closely associated with the theater
working my play out I can learn
what technical difficulties to avoid
Co-ed Counselors:
Sixteen Booths Chosen
To Compete In Carnival
Sixteeo organizations chosen to'
compete in Penny Cancral lave
been announced by Coed Counse
lors. Penny Carafval waQ beaeldin
the Union Baflroam Oct. It. j
The ideas submitted far compe
tition were chosen cm the basis of,
originality, suitablity to the car
nival theme, attractiveness, and
possible audience appeal. J
The organization and boofh-dmir-.
men consisting of an active and
- one pledge are Alpha Chi Omega,;
Alyoe Friichmaa and ay Turner; i
Alpha micron Pi, Joyce Mason
and Terry Michael; Alpha Xi Heir
Applvcatians far the student
members is the Publications
Board vill be received in Frank
KaUgretfs office, . Ellen SmiSb
EaU, until S pan. Fridey.
Qualifications for xoemberanip,
as egtablished by the Student
Council are as follows:
1. A University student in food
2. A SJ7 cumulative average. I
X Must not be a member of She
CornhuBker or IQehraakan atafia,
including a columnist. j
4. May be a sophomore, junior:
or senior.
According to Mick TieH. cnair-j
snan the Council committee oa
Publications, jsxte member will be'
chosen from the junior and senior j
class, and one member from either ,
the sophomore, junior or senior'
class. i
The Publications Board .deter-;
mines staS members Jar She Jfe-'
braskan an3 iCorahuBker and Jar
that reason should be conversant
with the work involves in these
publications and the operation of
Shein, he said.
In addition 10 the student -mem
bers, ihe Publication Board a
coiRposed of W. C. Harper, direc-'
tor of University Services.; H21
rm. Assistant Dean of Student
Affairs.; Xen teller She Public;
Fc;iKtians Office, and three teaching-faculty
members, Jieff said.
Thre three leaching -faculty mem
bers ere appuinted by the Commit-'
tee on &uant Affairs, of 'lnch tie
publications Board is a sub-com-'
Pub Board:
Sough f .'j
riculture; Barbara Harris, junior
in Arts and Sciences; afyrna
Hunter, junior in Teachers Col
lege and Deanna Braiar, sopho
more ia the College of Agricul-
ia the fJture,'
"The pity," iJaaiel noted,'
been written for production. El is
J not one of the so called ctasset
1 dramas which are written merely
for the enjoyment of the reader,
"I expect sons changes ia the
script one too drastic though,
be said. This is an idea play.
""Garden of Asdepius" iawoJxes
the love of a stepmother for ber
husband's son.' When the busbasd
left for war, the stepmother want
ed to have an affair with the bey.
""However," Mandel commented.
the son rejected bis step mother.
Tryouts Slated
For NU Play
The University Theater has an
nounced crew call for the coming
play ""Garden of Asdeptas.
Any student Merested in becom
ing a member of a crew may sign
op in Howell Theater Tuesday
through Friday from 3 to 5 pjn,
according to ax Whiltaker, di
rector. Available roeloae acenery,
fighting, costenea,' properties and
aoond, Whittakxr staled.
ta, Sara lone and Rich Cartee,
CM Omega, Gretdsen TLeCncne
and Sherry Armstrong; Delta Delta
Delta, Nancy MarreS and Mary
Metcaff; Delia Gamma, Carol Vin
grert and Mary Locke; Gamma
PM Beta, Anne Olson and Jo Wf
rens; Kappa Alpha Tbeta, Mary I.imrte
StaSord and Helen Hodcahout;
Kappa Delta, Georgann Hsmph
rey, Beverly Ellis, and Jane Sim
mons; Tappa TSappa Gamma, Xan
Carlson and Kay MargKrel; pa
Beta Phi, Jan ChatfviAd, Comae
Schock, and Jackie Meves; Sigma
Delta Tan, Joyce Maggetfton and
Virxinia TaK&an.
Sigma Kappa, la Tansy, Eeada
Clatterbuck, and Deanue Diftdrich,
Terrace Eall, Carolyn BnQwr;
Twane Club, Katbryn Knowles and
Mary Otto and Zeta Taa Alpha,
Caroline BosweQ and Eunice Mc
Cosb. A meeting wiS be beld at7 jsja.
Oct. 7 far the booth chairmen in
Union Boom Sit. At this time the
chairmen are to bring their booth
budget estimation.
Ag Union Fall
A .crowd Of approximately 4B0
students, faculty and guests were
greeted by representative admin
istrative personnel. epartineiil
a .chairmen of tbe College I Ag
riculture, and Dean and Mrs. W.
V. Ijambert at tlm annual Ag
tore. The winner will be selected
by popular vote at the annual
"Hello GuT dance Oct. 13 at the
Union Ballroom.
f o
Professor UaadeKWben the father returned, the
J wife killed herself, saying that the
boy bad tried to rape ber. The
father in turn killed bis son.
Same legends say that Asde-
pius brought the son back to life
and Zeus killed him therefore for
taking the power of life and death
into bis bands.
This play is written from the
view of Asdepius," the author
Handel stated that be chose the
mythological story because ""myth
ology is such a great treasure
chest of dramatic tales.
The play, according to its au
thor, has a moral. ""It's tap to each
viewer, however, to discover what
it is, Mandd said.
A Belgian who was educated in
the East and served two years
with the Army, Mandel said that
trere is definitely a place for the
serious playwright in modern
Tryouts for the play will be held
from 3 to S pja. beginning today
and ending Friday at the Howell
No previous experience as neces
sary aid no former speech or
dramatic course is meeded for
those who wish to tryout.
The play wi3 run only $v. IS
and 17.
To Continue
Fair temperatures, with a Tniigh
of 76, are forecast for liMsoUand
today, according to the U. S.
Weather TSareaa.
Nebraska tenmeratares far he
txt few days - r
wi3 be three to - v
1 1 v decrees . -.
ta re changes
c b a r a c -
terized by cool
warm days.
Little if any
tatkin is ex
pected within de nest two or
three days.
Coldest weather this autumn was
recorded over the weekend when
the mercury dipped ta 36 early
Saturday and registered 27 early
Sunday morning.
Rifle Team
IRifte.&eam tryouts will be btli
Tuesday at S pm. at the Military
and Naval Science Building. A
student sited not be in 1BOTC to
try out. Ammunition and rifles m-IQ
be furnished.
Union FaU Eaundup Tri&ay. Tlie
aiiusic mf Jonigr Jt- and bis
chestra pretttfed idaneers as xliey
entered lie lOecorated b&lirGiin.
During laser-mission, Barbara
Coonrud of LonculD pi'esented
comedy interprets tauris of popu
A fall enrollment at the Univer
sity of 8SS? regular students, or
an increase of 535 students over
ine same period last year, was
reported today by Chancellor Clif
ford Hardin.
This is the fourth successive year
that the University has shown a
substantial gain, in regular stu
dents, he said.
The enrollment record of 10,133
was set immediately after Work!
War n.
The increase, comparable to add
ing a small college to the Uni
versity, does not indade l.0o& stu
dents who are enrolled in the Uni
versity's evening and off-campus
Dr. Hardin explained that the
final enrollment probably will pass
the 8,490 mark as additional Grad
uate College registrations are ex
pected in the next few weeks.
The break-down follows:
College of Agriculture, 1,S;
Business Administration, LOSS;
Teachers College, 1,333; Arts and
Balks Huni
Gels Omaha
Rodeo fifle
DaH&s Hunt of Lincoln. IS-year-
old University freshman, was
crowded Queen of the Ak-Sar-Ben
Rodeo Sunday afternoon.
She won over six other oon
tostanJs repre-
sentzag rodeos
in Iowa, Xa
Dakota and
X e b r a s ka.
Miss Bant was
rep resenting
the BarweH
Rodeo Associa
tiva. It w a s the
fifth rodeo
title w-loch she
has won. Her
Cuattem tancnte Star
Xtss Bant
etfher crowns were Qtaeem of ttbe
Sutherland Kodaa, The Nebraska
High School Rodeo and the Na
tional School Rodeo at Harrison.
She has been BnrwtH Rodeo
Qaeen for the past two years.
As regional winner. Miss Kant
wi3 Es to Chicago to take part
in the Golden Spars Contest to
compete for the ttle Miss Rodeo
American this Wednesday. She
win meet coinprtitiaa from ts3ve
sections of the country..
Contestants wiH be judged on
personality, appearance, a 1 i
horsemimship. The winner eff the
contest receives a two-wek Strap
to Las Tegas, a televisian
movie contract, and will appear
with Gene Autry and Annie Oak
ley cm their circuit for the re
mainder cf the year.
Miss Bunt said she was "pleas
antly snrprisecT and "Qtnie
shockeiT when she won bar mew
She as a freshman in Arts and
Sciences and a pledge of Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority.
The Golden Spurs Contest was
originated to give girls who bave
horse back riding as their talent
in the Miss America contest a!
chance for recognition in ttbeir
lar music at ihe piano. Pat Kubr
of g.iiimis y.aS was winnar .of
tlie JLiur prize, a tldrty puund
U'r.nii;iuu. Tlie atflair w itt?
sci'ibed e a 4remeiid(ttts sucuess
by Eill Spilker, Uuioa buaxd
? f ;
i " -
Sciences 1,214; College of Engi
neering and Architecture, 1,730,
Pharmacy, 122; Dentistry, 123;
Law, 166; Junior Division, 221;
Students at large, SO; Teachers
College Advanced Professional,
189; Graduate College, 630; Col
lege of Medicine, 317; Nursing,
105; and medical technicians and
X-Ray technicians, 21.
Of the total enrollment, 6.235 are
male students and 2,101 are wom
en. Dr. Hardin said the increase
was remarkable because the num
ber of high school graduates in
the state has remained appxoi
mately at the same level during
the past four years.
The increase in the University's
enrollment has been the result of
youth in furthering their education
and not by increased birth rates.
Set Thursday
CaaaeeHr Hardin wiQ address
the stadeat Vt tae geaeral
sabjert af the ' State af the lai
versky Tnarsday, at 11 aan.
ia tae Catiseam at aa AH-l ai
verstty CaveaUt, acewwiag
to James Pstteager, Admiais
trative Assistant.
This wiQ be the first time that
CaaaceSar Hardia has kM sack
a CMvaratMa, PiUeager said.
If the stadeats appear later
estoa, tie speech may became
aa aaaaal evest, Pltteagcr
Named To
Cancer Post
Dr. Norman CrcaawielL sr
feasor cf chemistry at the Uni
versity, bas been named to the
mewly created Cancer CbemaSher
ajy Study Section eff the UL Pnb
Hic H e a 1 1 Ta
Service, it was
a a n ounced
Meeting pe-
r i odically
ia Washington,
D-C, the com
niitee is coin
posed cf Ban
ff v ernmert
scientists se-
tecSsd cm a tna-
Cmtrww LinciilL Six
tian - wide ba
It raxEHmenii to the National
Advisory Cancer Come! research
grants in the field cf cancer
jhfm rt !Vrfr jy dje tfcrestmfiiA
wih chemical compounds which
hare a toxic effect cm imyiignant
cells without poisaniog the pattest.
The committee alsa survers tbe
atnt eff research in n? cancer
field to detarmine areas in m-Mck
research activities should be ini
tialed mr expanded.
The term cf the appointment Is
Sor Sour years.
Dr. Cromwfill just recently re
oerred a $lf..0aB grant for research
in cancer chenaotherapy. Ee bas
been (duing cbemiral reeearcb an
this particalar Seld Sor several
years. For the past Saur years be
lias served on the Experimental
Therapeutics and Pharmacology '
Study Section cf the U.S. Public
JSeaHa Service.
4 eS""-".. - .,
! t 3
i 14
Informal Survey:
Pogo Campaign Ends;
Close Race Predicted
ManSsy zaarked the finish cf
fee T&ebra&kass Ppgo Contest as
be front runners an both divisions
poured a 3 mast guectiun-
rztzrsm anto campaign xeaosua?
A3 iudica
fions porat to t .
an extremely
close race be-
tween Pi Seta rZj-'s,ur?
Phi and ATpbafS iTi
iumicrnn lh
sarantiet ia
the womens
divisiua. Vhea
tbe palls
closed bath
a r gaxiza-
tians were Hearing the 5y 3m?.rk ia
posstnn point tabulations.
Acacia fraternity, in an eleventh
hour bliizkreig msvemerit. stanned
ahead of last weeks isaaer an
the mens diriEion, Siiraaa Alpha
Epsilun. 3Cashing definite can be
said about this rate, however,
ulaiJiis from Beta SbiAa Pi
as I
Sigana Chi seem, very imamistic. jpaiga was smA dt t pjwjoe Sor
Cncmpleite results uf the conteKt'j ao aiiiarrraJ urvey & stuoeat p-'.
iadloding a va'ha ttmmary f the j litical cpinioo but t the cur -
.deat will be disclosed at the ek-j rent auecuas a bit -tf iiunaar.
This interest factor will add to
the so-called flood tide of students
which is expected to skyrocket the
University's enrollment in the 60 's,
be said.
Dr. Hardin said a study pre
pared by Dr. Floyd W. Hoover,
v I f 1
f ::-.;:,.'...
.. i -
r f 1
1 ! " 's )
t I I ll
Cms Sasto Joni mi Sui
Derby Day
Lee Jahr and Gimny Turchen
are bavsg a real cod time of it
as they participate in the bottle
ding contest at the anoosl
Sigma CM Derby Day Saturday.
Other ccctests inriiaiied kissing.
Theta Cops Title:
Pi Phis Win Annueai
i Sig hi Derby B&y
Pi Bkx Phi won the second
Dual ri Chi Derby Dav. beld
cm the t""1 Saturday imw a blaa-S
mg sun,
Kay Xielsen, Kappa Alpha Theta
sopboEMsre was selected fey the
Judges as the ISX Derby Day
Qaeen in the featured event of the
days competition.
The miTin;u:i"iE Pi Phis cocmpiDed
a total cf IS paints, coping two
events and placing in five cf the
cfiber seven. Kappa Kappa Gam
ma and last year's warmer. Kappa
Alpha Tbeta, ifimshed second and
third respectively.
The brrse and rider Egbt, one
cf three mystery events, resnlled
in a draw between the Pi Phas
and Alpha Chi Omega. Each rider
was fully eijuipped wiii an egg cm
ber bead ant3 a dead carp in band
and attempted to aHade !tbe ccber
ccEiieslants in pursuit.
The EaUaon Belay started eff
the corcpetitiaEL Pa Beta Fta, wib
trackslers Julie Eatbewiy, Ge
uene Braiiflt, and Pat IBolfs, 3eaa
the field all the way and ashed
borne to victory.
Jsae jg'Tn'm"TtB and Janice Crist
ly Sebraiika press JLuncbeaa
The Pogo Ouestaommire was de
signed to -disoever the relative
anaount f enthataasm each earnest
participant pQEsesssd Sur bis ac
tual choice Sor presidert, Bab Ire
land, associaie cag?pa!ga rarnrger
Eestills from the Pogo EiecSiciB
Questiannaire will enable the SCe
braskaa to state very dtSriittOr
the University studeula aiSual
presidfintial preffirence.
HI a atadKBt dis sicit cbosse P&ga
an the first baTat and instead se
lects Ike cf AiiT.aa be at SiandfiE
irsg espresEian eff enrihuaasSe par
ty support, according to Irtland.
AbaoBt a0f eaesti-uniiaires bave
been turned is ta Poga 5ar Presi
dent beadguarters at iht 3bras
kan iffke.
A SOifcl si -63(19 eueasjunrmi'rres
base beea diFtributcd ta rarioos
crgajasatbsa iy Pog for Presi-:
de;t cairmec.,
',l- -1. .. .-r - Prr.i .rt, m.
registrar, shows that by 1961, the
University's enrollment potential
that is, 12th graders in the Ne
braska public schools will have in
creased by 40 per cenC AadV. ba
added, this is a conserratirt figure.
drinking and balloon relays as
well as five other events. Kay
Xielsaa of Kappa Alpha Tbeta
captured the Miss Derby Day
title and Phi Beta Phi von the
an-iof Kappa Delta won tbe Bottle
rmg umsea, tae seoona evesa
cf the ' day.
1 JUi
I. .
Judy TraeH cf ATmfea PM proved
be the champion greased pig
catcher ia a ties race wish the
Pi Pbfs and Sigma Kappa's.
The Driskzng Contest, was woa
by Mary La Lrire of Delia Gam
ma wih Pi Beta Pla placing seo-
Kappa Kappa Gamma led lbs
5eld in the Kissing Cozftest Soi
lowed by Gamma PM Beta aaad
PS Beta Phi. The contest Judges
were Warcne CThristensots, Bob
Langhauser, Rip Van Winkle, and
Gary Dacgberty.
Mary Patrick of Alpha Phi woa
the scramhle for the gCf bal.
which was placed in a aand-SZHed
The Tartarioos Pi Phi's w3 at
tend the Sigma Oafs Sunday 2im
ner. FBI Invite
To Speak-
Dr. James fU&LarcX praf esaor
ff criminalagy at the drives siltj,
bas been invited by J- Edgar Boo
ver, director eff the rederal Bareaa
cf LdvesligaliaB, to address ,. fee
FBI" atamans
Ac a X aa y in
' , , Wafit;":il.Ta. D-
? D-P?Ja5sl
Be .kI- C9-
cussXxir Ea-
fforceaiws cna
bas ; Dr.
Eeitiaart ta
CMtnum idDBdtai sum speak,." a - She
Acaieisy graduates an Sew Jer
sey Oct. IS m "Sex Dfca.-iaa
Sat Crisues. 1. ZZZ
Earlier. Dr. EaLar' -dress
izxe aanaal Foa3ks-!Iiry
Cosveniiaa cf Alabaina Z CS".
IZaomZo. Oat. 12. tsvi nfielitr
the keynal adissE. "2be Cassja
nily and the ZznvcuzziZ Prxssx,
at the Alarms PrebEnro l F
rcle CaxferEace, sdhediiei JL. 11
at the Uniiversaar f Alibarju,
La aidiijaa ie wZl CtLr-tr lie
taiiistic smKuuy aa4 rL
fcaa co OX EX
Dr. ?eiu4usrd3. bas ba j.cjS
auei&lnw uf the adrisary etK--ar3
ff the Mariua Com&j f,m3i
CourJ at 2a2jtap4., f