Vol. 26, No. 98 LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Thursdov. Julv 19 19 Calendar Friday, JIy All Summer School Golf Tournament, 1 p.m. Caroline Leonetti Program, Union Ballroom, S p.m. and 8 p.m. Uy,.Jul.T 22 Film "The Lavender Hill Mob" Union Ballroom, 7:30 p.m. Ma4y, July 23 Elementary Ed Club luncheon, Union, noon. Parent-Teacher Education Clinic, Z p.m. Love Library Aud Tuesday, Julj 24 Phi Delta Kappa luncheon, noon.' Pi Lambda Tbeta luncheon, noon. Union Bridge Lessons, 4 p.m., Parlors A and B. . Wednesday, JIy its Union Artist Series, Winslow and Carringer, S pjrj., Ballroom. Chancellor's Reception, 9 p.m., Parlors ABC. Tharsday, J&ly 2 " , - Sports Reels on Hi-Lights of 1955 Football season, 11:45 to 12 30 Main Lounge. . . y , "Trends in Today's Living" with Mrs. Hagan, 4 pm., Parlors B and C - Journalism Director: - if irroi fcP8 . P9HI If io ciriphGi U mm. noi . As size iSSSi Plans for emphasizing the pro fessional and technical aspects of Journalism were outlined by- Dr. William KaH, new director of the School of Journalism, in an inter view Monday. Hall, who Was appointed to re place Dr. William F. Swindler who resigned in April, said that be planned to cocttkrae the emphasis on professional preparation. . "A journalist doesn't write about journalism,- but - about history, political science, sad human events ad affairs, be said. He also discussed a immim to uly the School of Journalism with professional Journalism ia the state, by which he explained he meant being sensitive to their needs and doing everything possible to cooperate and assist. "There wiS be increasing empha sis on internships the s&adent inbo has worked ia fee field is bet ter able to understand field condi- Cewtew UbqA mar MALL tksas. Tbe ?yestaoa become far more neaeBQgfui; rae words ia the teat book sjs&eizy somf!iing". Dr. liaj expSaiaed. As far increased emrihasis technical josmalisat, he gave two te&aoas for exsaadisg this side 6s roe afTrim "First, there is am fecreasfeg mused far people so trailed ia 2fe fcraska, trad jwiooaiEy, there has fceem aa increase ia the number t fdb epsmtoiaaMes in ttJs field, ' Aa a-aut oSessfve La xtirari staSeals of the insect calibre to Jaorealism, was given by Dr. Hal u aaofter of Lis objectives ior SSss ached. "JaarasSa Is m professka o par &e m&Istry or. issedl kae," lie said, x m reassess, f"at &e iwkSoeji c mays Jkasikm coofronting our nation will depend on the information provided its citizenry by the mass media." "If we lose out at the conference table in our efforts to understand each other at home and through out the world, then all of our tech nical developments of recent years are of little avail, although hot .have their place. "Clear communication of man kind is the most pressing problem today," the new director concluded a this point. -. . . He expressed Ms admiration for the University and its reauLatwm and added "I could as no finer cooperation than that extended me ay me administration, faculty and members of the press with whom I have come in contact. "Tara confident that the journal ism program at the University will continue to advance and to offer continued service to the peopk of Nebraska, he concluded. Dr. HaS explained that he was not entirely oew to the Univer sity as he had attended an Army language program here in 1943- 1944. He later used his braining as an sxeni of the Ann bgeaee corps. He bad been bead of the depart ment of Journalism aad pubic ia fanaatka at Texas Tech i TiiK. bock, siace September, 1954. vr. KaH received Ids bachelor's degree in pohikal science from the Umrers&y of Kew Mexico w oegreii ia journalism from CotosMa University and bis doc torate sa mass commutations from the State University of Iowa. Family Picnic Set Monday Afternoon The AH-Sxmmer Sessions Fam ily Picaie wi2 be held Monday at 5 pjm. at SSpA sad W, Peter Paa Park. Fkauc liindbseas will be faimi&fA for $1; for chSdrea imder 12 for 59 ceots. Ticket may be par closed ia tint Mmh OfSce of tlse Or, If ttaey would r32)er, those aueneg may take their own teaches. Hecreaiioa b&s bea xsrmsiPfA tf the Sammer Sessxm cJBce. All Ssmraer School sfesdex. members of the facoty aad sd BtMarsaa mad their families may aSeM tl.ls soma! p-kaiic. Winslow, Carringer: QJJ r , - I- 7 f :-V the "Night Owls" and on the Ar thur Murray television show. She later toured with the Chartock Gil bert and Sullivan Company and as with the Paper Mill Playhouse Carringer was also selected as a soloist for the Shaw Chorale, while still a senior at Columbia University. He toured with the group for three and a half years as a soloist. Highlights were concerts in Town Hall, Carnegie Hall, recordings for Red Seal records, radio and tele vision appearances and six nation wide tours. After leaving the Chorale in 1953 he was selected as tenor snlnict for the American premier nerfor- mances of Handel's first and last oratories, the "Passion According to St. John" and "The Griumnh of Times and Truth." He also sang the New York premier of Lucas Foss's "A Para ble of Death" in Tcwn Hall, where he appeared nine times. . Ia December, 1955k on the occa sion of his debut with a major symphony orchestra, the National bympnony in Washington, D. C, Paul Hume, dean of Washington music critics, wrote: "Among the soloists, Carringer distinguished himself ia both vocal line and musicianship. . A Joint recital bv ElixaiwjUi t . natim nt &fns nK- twti Iriseer first anoeared in Washino-i low, soprano, and Walter Carrin-ltion. j. Hume worte: "Good tenors ger, tenor, will be presented as was m Eiooklyn where Pf6 &Carce &ese das 81x1 Dart of the Union Artist Series! .-.,. I nngef is a very rood one . . . attrac' next Wednesday at 9 pjn. in the ste Institute. She later attended ff'' teisor 8 m BaSroom. - Vassar College, graduating with H S nKmeJ a a luscious A reception for Chancellor CM- a BA. degree. Her voice studies fi66' T he U5tes ford M. Hardin who will return have been with Ruth Gev.lt Glarer. - e5Lv Uer stmpHC,ty ' ' : Moay froma two-week tour of at Vasssr. Miss Winslow ' a sS? kSo. Turkey, mil foSow the nrosmim. 1.- superb legato. The recepUon be held m Unwn ap?eared often as a . 7 : r- ' , - P5 wi Glee dub, includ- frfhfP ilfStmr Miss WmsJow. a comparative fcg . Town Ha3 appearance. She! 1 Wfc?,t' tC?C0r newcomer to the concert world. 5 w was the personal choice of Robert 2 shows, sang with an octet caTed I HfO O. TQTtl 5f prano soloist with his famed Cbo- I isfinrtM rale lis wwi mm ntMcii tmr fcvyyilUiU to Boston, Chicago, Decver, Kan sas City, Baltimore, Phoenix and Portland amocg osher cities. She also appeared with the Chorale in Carnegie Hall appearances. Miss Winslow was the winner of the Musk Education League com petitios ia 1X4 and was New York state wiaaer ia the Natiooal Fed- Heaa erty To Address Ed Clinic Frasik Heagerty superiMendeEt of schools at Lebanon, Mo., will be the featured speaker at a clin ic sponsored bv Teachers College and the Nebraska PTA, Monday. The clinic wi3 discuss the Leban on plan of education. Dr. Hearertv will ewe tmn A- Union Summer Golf Tourney Planned Friday L.. to wS m . a Tournameat via be held Fridays, V: . " essea ra lass new bobby. AE of her after boos at the Pkoeers - GofH . L "ST .m . vti5 S work is originaL Refreshments wEl ""tl J 0P W1U he erM hof.r For Trends' Mrs. Arthur Hagan of the Uni versity Club, noted Lincoln aathor ity oo table decoration, win pre sent a program in Parlors ABC of the Union July 2S at 4 p.m. The program "Centerpieces for Special Events" will conclude the summer series "Trends in Todav "a Living." Mrs. Hagan recently began writ ing a book on this subject. She put on a similar program this spring at the University. This pro gram will show bow to decorate one's borne for special parties, dinners mod other events. For many years Mrs. Hagan was a teacher, unta she became foter- Spsrts Heels footbal fc&sm. w21 be shewa ia tbe Loge cf Cbe Uniosa nti I - - m - - 4 . m-w it. n ma Coarse. Tee off Mme is 3 p.m. but sta demts can register rata 4 p.m. if they arrive late. Those who do not have partners will be teamed szp at the course. JJd fsre-regMratkm is necessary. A greea fee of tl per person wil oe caarged for the mmt bole toor- Tie tosrcasscBt Is open to ary s&fcct w&s is reeistered m Sam- ssser ScExsgL aay roember of 'the iMitr or admMstra&oei. or asv part4ia or raasag iatractors. lx tropty wtaca is a dissMav bs the Mana Loange of tbe Umkat sri3 be presented to the wiaser. and Y. His tousc will t-r . tm 1 Difiwc iae program. be "Kids are Olizens. Too. I Reservations for the luncheon D,f CMf.:n mjst be made by 2 p.m. Friday CXpiOin m'STc1S,a ,m CAA Functions Jasses T. Pyle, depsty Civil Aeracsaatics Admiaisfratwa sdmla isirator, wSl speak to the Uslver-, sity Aviation Workshop on the ma jor fuaeijons of the CAA Thurs day at 2 p.m. ia Room 433, Love At 2 p.m. Monday in Love Ii brary Audlorliim, Dr. Heagerty mil speajc on A Scaooi and Com- mmiiy Get Together." Interrogators for this sessloa 53 be Mrs. Gladys Bass, ch&irman Omaha; Mrs. Carl Deitemeyer, coracS delegsle, past-pre&idext ia primary education at Sioux Falls, S. D.; aM Dr. Dale Hayes, assistant professor of school cd- msiistraiuon; assistast admras- Larary. Pyle worked whh Pan- Ameri can Airways from 1335 until ISIS, wtih the exception of two years which be spes ia the VS. Navy, ia 1S53 be became special as. trstor, Nebraska CommsBiity Edc-sistaBt to the Assistant Secretary calm Project at fee Uiiver&ij.'cf ti Navy foe Mr. i $ I ! ' i i