4 l 5 h k 4 Page 2 SUMMER NEBRASKAN THursday, July 12, 1956 Summer Nebraskan Editorials: M Bacfiivard Look Well, Eisenhower has decided to run, just as many people knew he would, ana it ike and btevenson are nominated at their respective con ventions, this shouldn't surprise too many people. Weeks of intensive campaigning are sure to follow the conventions, and come November, whether Eisenhower or Stevenson is elected, were win te persons who were sure he would be. It reminds one of the story told about an old hermit who was being interviewed by a reporter. Telling how he had completely ' divorced himself of all interest in the outside world, he said that the last election he remembered was when William Jennings Bryan was elected. "But Bryant wasn't president, he was defeated," the reporter objected. "Well," the old timer commented, "just before I came here, I heard some fellow making a speech and he said that if Bryan wasn't elected the whole country would go to the dogs and everybody would be in the poorhouse. Seems to me things have been going along pretty well, so I just naturally figured, he'd been elected." This story illustrates the fact that things which at the time seem vitally important, to some people at least, are usually not the life and death matters they seem. Looking over some of the issues which have been fiercely contested on this campus in the last year or two, the same fact stands out. Whether to have one or two weeks for exams, where to go for migra tion, what average to require of organization officers, whether there would be another Kosmet Klub show, who should be in charge of Ivy Day all of these questions raised a considerable furor among various segments of the University population. Now, a few short months later, many of those same people could not remember where migration actually was held, or what was decided about Kosmet Klub, or what the average requirement was? This is not to say that free discussion and argumentation doesn't have a place. This right to express an opinion has been one of the things a free press has always fought for. But it still seems that many persons are too willing to take issue, merely to be taking issue. A little perspective never hurts. A quick backward look at the important issues of past days, will show that in all probability the world won't fall apart if your pet issue fails. It is fine to have an opinion, but after all, Bryan wasn't elected and most of us still aren't in the poorhouse. . umt man c?i CAv,rvi mmmmmmmmm0 X I I"""1""1 I Vr"",f"'i 0. mi " -- lil-HII lull -IBiMMiri 111 Wil l in iUlTi- I MAT This is a poor class to take f irst PiraoD-so noisy ya cant slup From The Editor: luife A Contrast 7 aSenfed Writers SfS A brand new magazine for people who want a fresh slant on the world, without the excess of "sophistication" of the "New Yorker," appeared last month. "Bounty" describes itself as the American Satirical Magazine. Covering a wide range of in terests, it is everything one would expect of a magazine whose editors include such "well-known satirists as Henry Morgan, H Allen Smith, Quincy Howe, Ilka Chase and Quentin Reynolds. If you can, get a hold of a July f i ?eci cf e Congratulations, rather belatedly, albeit sincere, are due Nebras ke's two beauty queens, both from the University. Miss Diane Knotek and Miss Shari Lewis' are not only very attractive and personable young ladies, but they are the sort of persons who make good representatives for the state and the University. One cannot help but contrast them with the young lady, to perhaps stretch the term, who is the holder of the Miss New York title. The newspapers recently carried the stories on the fight with her husband, which resulted from an all night celebration-drinking party. The stories also mentioned that this husband is her second and that she is 18. The state and the "University can well be proud of the caliber of Its representatives. Both Diane and Shari have worked hard in various campus organizations. Diane was one of 21 senior women named to Mortar Board at Ivy Day. -. "'".- Shari, Nebraska's entry in the Miss Universe contest, has been spending the summer quietly working a local bank, where she holds issue; it contains some particu a job of responsibility arian trust. larfy interesting articles on the The Summer Nebraakan wishes the best of luck to both Shari and Prospects lor we political conven Diane, knowing that wherever they go they can only reflect credit nons- upon themselves, their -parents, their school and their state. The mail situation is improving This morning I received an "Elec tion Year Argument Settler" from Time magazine. This handy wheel contains pertinent inform a- With the plethora of, fine free entertainment available to Summer tion about -H ne past presidents, School students at the University, it is often hard to decide what to vice-presidents and candidates on attend. The Summer Opera production "Let's Make an Opera" cer- me Biae tainly deserves special consideration. ' The other side will give you the The charming production tells the audience, in a most enjoyable governor of any particular state fashion, how to make an opera, and then proceeds to do so in the the number of Senators and Repre third act. - sentatives at stake in the election The cast, all veteran performers, should add much to the opera, for their party affiliation, the number in opera, as in most musical forms, it is the music, rather than the electoral votes, the state's ecory wmcn is tne most important. cnuice m ana me results in This opera, is not the sort of thing intended to be an oasis in any 1954 'cultural desert"; it is a good piece of musical entertainment. As In fact, Time claims that such, it should have wide appeal. gives you 818 helpful facts. This may well be true. But as for I being an argument settler, I don't know. A friend and I got into an argument immediately over pos- This is a story. It is the story of Joe, who went to Summer School session of the wheel. at the University. He went partly to show his parents he really was The 'mail is beginning to take serious aoout college, partly because his friends were going, partly on a decidedly international flavor because there was nothing to do at home, and partly because he So far this week the mail has fur- figured he could easily have a whale of a good time in town while nished me with the start of a fine picking up a few easy credits. . I stamp collection. We received He skipped class when he felt like it, and spent a lot of money on copy of "The Mita Campus", the beer, while he complained to his friends about the heat. He ignored student newspaper of Keio Univer- the special programs planned for summer school students, he never Bitv in Japan; several copies of reaa a book, nor visited the library. tne English-language weekly "The All in all, it was a pretty good summer, there were parties, and Times of Viet Nam"; and a some pretty girls; he got a lot of sleep (during the day) and every magazine, printed in what I be- so otten ne wrote home and told his parents how much good summer ueve 18 uermMi caiiea puren. school was doing him, and laughed at all his friends who spent the Mavbe mme kini reader would summer workine. interpret that for me. I cant tell But then, summer was over. There was Joe, several hundred whether it is a serious publication, dollars poorer and not a whit richer in any respect for his summer or PrhaP the German version of . Yes, it can happen in summer school, even at Nebraska. 8 co,leSe humor magazine. - . A brightly colored leaflet an nounced the opening of the World Student Congress August 26. The pamphlet, published by the Inter national Union of Students in Prague, Czechoslovakia, began: "What are the main Questions facing the world student com munity? How can we overcome the existing division in the stu dent world? It went on to describe the steps we could take to unite Illinois Finds 'Boners1 Made By Freshmen At the University of Illinois, the faculty has been going over fresh man English papers with an eye toward perhaps revising the cur riculum. ' Seems they found a few 'miner' errors. "Whenever anyone called on the head of the government, the visitor was expected to stand while he sat." "'Tragedy, of course, has the in evitable sad ending; the lover loses the girl or dies in the at tempt." "Your telephone also brings in convenience to yon by ringing when you are cooking and are near a critical point of being cooked." "Since George Washington, we have had some thirty other odd presidents in the White House." "Like all great Americans, Lee was called to his rest in the year 1870." The introducatktn of the gas driven motor put the finishing touches on the end of the Isorse," "When we saw the Pacific, it was miles from the shore." "Whether raining, snowing, or hailing, every person in the audi ence stands, faces the flag, and if it is a man, he removes his hat." "'It is the fortunate housewife who is able to phone her grocer, . repeat to him her specific desires. good English, but jts just didn't kitchen." add up. Anyway, I'm going to be " fusf A Story . . . : The Summer Nebraskan Editorial Staff Editor Lucigrace Switzer Business Staff Business Manager...... Jerry Nissen For information concerning advertising or editorial matter in The Summer Nebraskan call 2-7631, University extension 4225, 4226, 4227. very busy during August. . . !,''ti'l'M '" i $f bad. Cars are still parked at strange angles, without regard to the lines. Those of you who re turn to find your car fenders dented, check. Maybe, if you had , parked correctly, there would have been room for the other fel low too. Progress Report 2: There was quite a good turnout for the first Friday International Luncheon i but many more foreign students than American. Here is a fine opportunity to meet some students j from other countries who are studying here so I hope to see lots of American students there this Friday. Elsewhere in this! paper is a hidden clue, and 1 am offering a small prize to everv American student attending, with tne correct solution. I -FRAYED 1 1 'electric J swim iw OONT GIVE FIRE A PUCE TO START , Staff Member? A letter te the editor received I this lnmm, !i... i , , ...... 1 " fci " J '"W ICUVH the other day, might indicate that member. staff Lefferips To the Editor: What proof can your officers give that: Journalism is not the pimp for the International Kennel Clubs? Explain payments lor dog stories, etc.? 3. JL