.'. 1 T y ..... f ' - WW, mm Vol. 26, No. 97 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Thursdoy, July 12, 1956 Ch arm, Beauty: Five Numbers: Summer Sessions Orchestra LmJj f ' ' . ':'. -:' '':"-' ''"'"'l'' .' ' " ''' .". . V ;:.'.. y:;,::. : J .V i;'.--'. .... 7 . j ; V - . ' ,. .... , . . j . - ,, . ... ,., ... v - , . .. . . erefioe leBBBlH i o i mh Uf lUQ If nwn::Pr Caroline Leonetti, well-known beauty and charm expert will pfe- ent two programs at the Union next Thursday, at 3 p.m. and at 8 p.m. in the BJlroom. Although her own Charm School is in Hollywood, Miss Leonetti is well-known throughout the country because of her appearances on Art Linkletter's "House Party," and her own television program "Charm School of the Air." The techniques which she has developed in her Hollywood school have been so successful that she has been appointed to organize and direct special training pro grams for many )arge business firms. Miss Leonetti has been appointed to many advisory posts: she is department head of psychology of poise and personality development for Marymount College, instructor for the American Institute of Banking, instructor for the Los An geles Schools Personnel Institute, instructor fo the Los Angeles County High School Teachers As sociation, and h directed special training programs for nurses at the General Hospital in Los Angeles. In addition to many public lec tures, she is active in various charitable groups including the Community Chest, Red Cross, March of Dimes, Welfare Federa tion of Los Angeles and the John Tracy Clinic. Also, her special project is her work with the Jun ior Blind Foundation. According to Bob Handy, Union Activities director, she may give some hints Thursday as to bow she manages all mese activities without losing her well-known charm. , The two programs will be part of the Union series of "Trends in Modern Living." resent Concert i C The Summer Sessions Orchestra, under the direction of Emanuel Wishnow, will present a concert July 18 at 8 p.m. in the Union Ball room. The orchestra, which is com posed of about 60 summer school and graduate music students, will perform five numbers. Opening the concert will be the overture, to the opera "Eueyanthe" by Carl Maria Von Weber. The overture, like all of Weber's is closely linked with the principal themes and scenes of the opera Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 4 in A major will be performed by the orchestra. This symphony is known as the Italian because its main themes were inspired by Juh 18 Graham: A! Representative tlines 4 Friday Luncheon "Friday International Luncheon" will meet again Friday noon in the Faculty Dining Room of the Union. Those attending wig select theirj own meals from the menu. Both foreign students and American stu dents may attend. Diane Knotek: U Beauty o Appear OS &P" V 8 J n rrierias Diane Knotek, University senior who is Nebraska's entry in the Miss America contest, will leave Monday for New York City where she will appear on the Arthur God frey 'Friends' show on Wednesday. In the mean time sh e is appearing i n the Lincoln summer opera production of t h e "Student Prince in which she plays the fem inine lead of Kathie. , The opera, which is held at Pine wood Bowl in Pioneer Park, will continue through Monday, although Miss Knotek will miss the last night to leave for New York. During . her three years at the University, she appeared in a num ger of musical productions includ ing the Kosmet Klub show. August 4 and 5 she will be guest at the District Jaycees meet ing at Columbus. Then, the first week of Septem ber will climax her busy summer, when she goes to Atlantic City to compete in the Miss America con test. - Cimritmr Lincoln Star Miss XMttk A United Nations representative Monday afternoon listed a three fold program as imperative in this atomic age in the pilgrimage of the people for peace. Dr. Frank P. Graham, Unit ed N at ions r epresentative for India and Pakistan, out lined the pro " economic de velopment and . technical as- ? areas of deep- . . , ftuiMW Sunday esi needs ana Journal and Star highest hopes; Graham universal enforceable disarm ament; and the peaceful and creative uses of thermonuclear power." He spoke at the University World Affairs Preview, entitled "The United Nations: Its Work and Its Hope in the Atomic Age." The first chairman of the Board of the Oak Ridge Institute for Nu clear Research said: "In the very year in which was born the United Nations, atomic power also made Calendai Friday, July 13. "Friday International Luncheon," Faculty Dining Room, Union, noon. Summer Opera, "Let's Make An Opera," Union Ballroom, 8 p.m. Sunday, July IS. Union Movie, "Home of The Brave," Union Ballroom, 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 16. Elementary Ed. Club Luncheon, Union, noon. Book Review, "Auntie Mame" by Robert Schlater, Union Book Nook, 4 p.m. Tuesday, July 17. Bridge Lessons, Union Parlors A and B, 4 p.m. Phi Delta Kappa and Pi Lambda Theta combined dinner meeting, 6:30 p.m. Handicraft Lessons, Craft- Shop, 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 18. Orchestra Concert, Union Ball room, 8 p.m. Air Base Tour, meet -at Union, 2:30 p.m. Thursday, July 1. Sports Reels on football, Main Lounge, 11:45-12:30, World Trouble Spot Forum, Love Library, 2 p.m. ' 1 Handicraft Shop, 7-9. p.m. , its entrance upon the stage of the world." He called "atomic power in the hands of man in the absolute na tional state" as one of the . most terrible threats "which has come to the existence of the human species on this planet." Discussing the commercial and industrial revolutions of the 16th and- 19th centuries, he said na tions "could make slow adjust ments and muddle through for the heavy woes and larger weal of the people. But not so in the A to trie Revolution. ' 'A social lag in the mastery of the Atomic Revolution does not in volve the slow processes of cen turies for human betterment, but involves international adjustments and controls in present decades for human survival against the im mediate potentials of swift and global tragedy for all nations." Dr. Graham, the former presi dent of North Carolina University, said there is a "widening con sciousness of people that a third world war might be started against design by some irresponsible local spark kindled In the global tinder box, or by some local war expand ing beyond its boundaries. "It is the universal prayer of people of all religious communions Craft Lessons The last of the Handicraft Les sons will be held in the Craft Shop of the Union, Tuesday at 7 p.m. There is still time to join the class and learn a craft. Mendelssohn's journey to Italy in 1830. The second suite of five move ments from Rossini, 'Matinees Mu cales" by Benjamin Britten will follow. The suite, which was writ ten as a part of a oallet, is in five movements: March, Nocturne, Waltz, Pantomime and Moto Per petuo. The latter makes fun of the learning of scales and musical in tervals as traditionally taught in harmony and theory classes. Changing moods, the' orchestra will present Tragic Overture by Brahms. . According to Wishnow, this is not an overture in the strict sense, in that it is not a piece intended to precede an opera or some other musical work. It ;s a piece of ab solute music not telling a story. The orchestra will finish the con- cert with Danse Slave by Cha brier. Chabrier was a Frenchman who wrote most successfully the music of Spain. This piece Is reminiscent of his better-known work, "Espana." The concert is sponsored by the Union with the co-operation of the acnooi ot Music. Film Head: mafcheii I 0 j iSit and the hope of people in all lands that the muster of nations should decisively shift in time from the lineup of the two worlds with arms and bombs against the family of man to the solidarity of one world of the family of man against arms and bombs." His visit to the University cam pus was sponsored by Summer Sessions. Periiidisbl Schlater To Review 'Auntie Mame' "Aunt Mame" will be re viewed by University television di rector, Robert Schlater in the Un ion Faculty Lounge at 4 p.m. Mon day; Schlater will not nly review this humorous book, but will act out parts of it as well. "Auntie Mame" concerns a young man who comes td Eve with his aunt. Many humorous situa tions revolve around her efforts to open his eyes to "the facts of life." ' A vetertm of the communications industry, Maurice Mitchell of Chi cago, president of Encyclopaedia Bntannica Films, Inc., will visiit the University campus Thursday and Friday. He will deliver a public address rnday at 11 a.m. in Love Library' audi- , torium on "The R o 1 e of ; Films and Oth- ! er Communica- f i tive Media in . Higher Educa- , tion." i - " Mitchell di rects the oper a t i O n Of a Jmimal and Si-ir Courtesy Sunday unique organ- Mitchell ization of educational film writers, producers and technicians who pro duce more than 50 films a year in special studios in Wilmette, 111. The world's leading educators contri bute to the production of these teaching films as collaborators in their subject-matter areas. He began his professional career in the newspaper field in 1935, and after World War II entered the broadcasting industry as director of press information for the Co lumbia Broadcasting System in Washington, D.C. He was elected president of En cyclopaedia Britannica Films ict June, 1953. He is author of a num ber of articles, pamphlets, and re corded lectures on subjects in the communications area. His visit to the campus is being sponsored by the University's bu reau of audio-visual instruction and Summer Sessions.