The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 05, 1956, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, July 5, 1956
Page 3
Thrco Addresses:
George Hfelfe To Speak
On Recreation Thursday
Community recreation will be
the theme of three major speeches
to be given at the University
Thursday by George Hjelte, gen
eral manager of the Los Angeles
City Department of Recreation and
Parks. .
He will discuss ''Community
Park and Recreation Problems" at
the Thursday noon luncheon spon
sored by the Lincoln Park and
Recreation Board. ,
Luncheon gnests win include the
Lincoln City Council, the school
board, the Council on Juvenile
problems, the superintendent of
schools and his health, physical
education and recreation direc
tors, the superintendent of parks
and his staff, and the director of
recreation and. his staff.
The luncheon wSI be held at
12:15 pjn. in Parlors XTZ of the
Hjelte win discuss "Coardiaaiing
School Pacifies and Personnel
into a Community Program of Rec
reation" at 2 pjsu in Room 107,
Burnett HaS. This meeting will be
beld primarily for University Sum
mer Sessions students and faculty
The theme for the evening meet
ing win be Taa Xbere Be Equal
Recreational Opportunities for AS?
Coordinating A3 Community Re
sources lor Recreation.- Those
attending will include the Tirn
PTA presidents and recreational
Cannon Given
At Luncheon
Dr. Kenneth ffmyyi Associate
Professor f Home Iksonomks at
the University for a Bomber of
years, was guest of boner at a
luncheon meeting of f&e Nebraska
Council of Family Life VAnrmtrm
Tbarsday noon at the YWCA.
Dr. Camum, who will leave Sept.
1 to Joan the faculty of Brignara
Young University at Prove, Utah,
is a post presideDt eff the Family
Life CmmcH and Las gives leader
ship to a cumber cf Instifales
sponsored by the group.
Tribute was paid to Dr. Cannon's
leaderstiap in family life education
by Dr. Oslo Hofeerg, Unaversity
Rarteroaoa djviooo. and Mrs. Dar
etfcy Sm-itzer, Presides ti Hut
la as address to tbe group. Dr.
Cannon described a ounsber t
researdb projects wfekb are being
carried m at fee UzKversitv. and
expressed tie Lope Chat increased
e-mpjbasis may be g5vea to faimJy
relations courses ia elemeoUry
chairmen and the physical educa
tion' and recreation personnel of
the city schools.
The meeting will be beld at I
p.m. in Love Library Auditorium.
The afternoon and evening meet
ings are open to the public
Hjelte has held bis present post
since 1M7. He previously served as
superintendent of recreation for the
City of Los Angeles from 132S to
1930 and from 1S33 to 1947. He was
superintendent of recreation for
Westchester County, Hew York,
from 1330 to 1333.
Be was superintendent of recre
ation and director of physical edu
cation at Berkeley, Calif., from
1921 la 122S and was 3drPnt state
superintendent of physical educa
tion for California from 1919 to
tan. -
Hjelte has just returned from
the President's Conference on
Kiytical Fitness of American
Youth, held at Annapolis, Md.
He is chairman of the advisory
comca of the National Recreation
Association and a past president
of the American Recreation So
ciety. He was director of the Ka
baal Recreation Workshop ia
135X. Be was a aumber of the
state board of the California Con
gress of Parents and Teachers for
f oor years and this year was a
goest speaker at the national PTA
Handicraft Shop
To Feature Copper
Union Handicraft Lessons will be
beld in the Craft Shop of the Union
at 7 p.m. Tuesday. This is the
third in a series of lessons.
Mrs. Robert Nelson win give in
struction in copper tooling.
Following the class instruction
period, there will be time for en-
roDees to work on individual
Thursday night, the Craft Shop
will be open from 7 to 9 p.m. with
an opportunity to work at copper
enameling, copper tooling, leather
work and other crafts.
Panel To' Consider
France, Africa
France and North Africa wiS be
the topic for the first of two
Work! Trouble Spot-forums to be
beld at the University this sunv
Tbe topic will be discussed bv
three faculty members at 2 Dm
Thursday in Love library Audi
torium. The presentation also win
feature toe latest a audio-visual
teaching aids.
Taking part will be Co&ert
Held, assistant professor of geo
graphy; Wallace Peterson, assis
tant professor of economics, and
Dalmas Nelson, instructor
in po
litical science,
la efearre of the forem vill he
Jack MeBride. director of educa
tion television.
- "
Looks To
Recognition of the responsibil
ities and impact of boards of edu
cation in the community as well
as the school is one of today's
big problems.
This belief was expressed by
O. H. Roberts Jr. of EvansviHe,
IndL, immediate past president of
the National School Boards Asso
ciation. He presented his views
at a Board of Education Work
shop at the University.
It is significant,- be said, that
school boards are now being
looked to for leadership.
. During the last 10 years, school
boards as groups and laymen
both in groups and individually
have reawakened to their respon
sibilities in education, Roberts
"We have bow reached the
place - be said, "to take a look
at what to do about this reawaken
ing and find what is the responsi-
SatflSssss? 0 sftvM&aWwS s awfVMsBsV
S22 Be 12 n. s-sssr
biiity of she layman for solutions
of problems of education."
The National School Boards As
sociation has just received a grant
from the Fund for Advancement
of Education to conduct such a
study which will be directed by
Among the things which they
must determine, be said, are the
best techniques for laymen and
professional educators to work to
gether. Roberts said be believed the
basic thing that has to be con
cluded is that only by working to
gether will education problems be
There are toe few instances
where we have recognized that
solution of problems must be done
by organized interest groups work
ing for a common cause," he
said. "If we laymen are to play
our part we must get together as
citizens and as school boards
I fakt Shew f Ac WM f
"wea am
L f!fV""',l " a
I AAfllfr'c Shop.DoUy 9:30 to 5:30
VllllCr b Thurdy, 10 to 8:30
i E
brings you
ant?-UD Darpains
O 1 o
Basketball Slated
For Sports Heel
Sparls reels on Modern EasSaet
tT vrJ3 be sb&vm in be Mala
Lounge of tbe Union froze 11:45 to
12:30 xuxm Jnly 12.
Gctac&E wsrfcirap on adHiiraaeesS
degrees will be interested ia the I
pokilers os bahMbaJl itxhzHqat
and strategy, acoardiag to Bc&
Handy, Oniem activities director.
Originally 19J5 to 195
Formerly 17.50 to $70
15 to
Missy Junior Half Sizes
Spring and summer fashions to
enjoy now ... some that will
be good year "round! Both dark
and light shades in a wide
range of styles.
lissa Peri SS'
$Dl sJ CstSsa
Csffsd Su&s
Semtd Wl&or
3 Pairs!
Andrew CeHers orig. 22.95
DkJcersont orig. 15-95 to 20.95
Deliso Duzbs orig. 16.95 to 17.95
QC3 is "1 3C3
Rice O'NeiHs rig. 16J5 to 17S5
ia3 fa 12X3
Casaals Dress flats and
at gut SXJMMERETTES . . .
Regularly 4.45 to 11.93. .
Z3 fa 7X3
mum vimz
Famous Brands
Special Purchase
1.50 values
1 Pr. E9c
3 Prs. 2.65
6 Prs. 50
9 Prs. 7.85
12 Prs. 10.50
SAVE 1.83
SAyE 732
Stretch Sbeers
Sneers with Cotton Sole
HOSIERY, rim Tlr
rxmos ftaonr"
tiJi t shut
JS2. stoca mromM
FCR ) SPC3T. COATS Famous Males, were 22ZQ to 2714) 1.3 lo tE3
g Still:: EH SLICES MosOj Wabble, were 7. to 10.65 5. 3 Qf 210.C3
I J SF0HT SHL1TS Sammer Patterns and SoMs, S-1I-L-XL, were 3.1"5 to 5.&5.
" METS SHOP, Tint Floor 2S3 Cf 2$5
o n