The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 05, 1956, Image 1

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Vol. 26, No. 96
Thursdoy, July 5, 1956
Education Conference:
'eochsrs CoIIo8 To Most
I : !
NU Trio Retires
The trio above ought to be fa
miliar to any student who has
had contact with the University
Admissions Office. They are (left
to right) Miss Kate Field, Miss
Virginia Zimmer and Miss Eunice
NU Pioneer:
Miss 'Rokahr To Assist
Turkish-Home Ec.:WorI
A pioneer . in home economics
work in Nebraska lias been se
lected to assist Turkish educators
in- establishing a four-year college
course in home economics at the
University ' T
She is Miss
Mary Rokahr,
a graduate of
4he University
and a native of
Hiss Rokahr
Joined the Uni
versity's Turk
i s h program
this month and
will be a mem-
. A.
CourUty Lincoln Star
Miss Rokahr
ber of Nebraska's field staff,
headed by Dr. Marvel Baker.
For the past two-and-a-half years,
he has served as associate pro-
Expert Hero
Roger Albright, director of the
department of 'educational service
of the Motion Picture Association
of America, has been visiting the
University campus as a guest lec
turer. He held conferences and visited
classes concerned with audio-visual
aids on Monday and Tuesday. Mon
day noon he discussed "What
Teaching Materials Should be
Available in a Good School" at the
Phi Delta Kappa luncheon at the
Albright has held his present
post since the department was or
ganized In 194G to coordinate and
administer education projects re
lated to the program of the Motion
Picture Association.
He also is director of educational
services of Teaching Film Cus
todians. He was the , consultant
proved by TFC for the Nebraska
Program of Curriculum Enrich
ment, the audio-visual program
which studied the utilisation of mo
tion pictures in some of the smal
ler high schools la the state.
Courtesy Sunday Journal tod Star
Willis, who retired Saturday after
a combined 125 years of service.
During this time they have lieped
an estimated 50,000 students in
entering the University.
fessor and chairman of the home
management department of the
University of Connecticut's School
of Home Economics. -Miss
Ttokahr attended public
schools in Omaha and is a grad
uate of Lincoln High School. After
earning her degree at the Univer
sity, she joined the Nebraska
Extension Service for five years,
serving one year in Scotts Bluff
She later served as home demon
stration leader in Wyoming for 10
years, and in the U.S. Department
of Agriculture for 22 years.
In 1951, Miss Rokahr was pre
sented the Distinguished Service
Award, conferred Jointly by the
University's Board of Regents and
Alumni Association. She is national
treasurer of the American Home
Economics Association and for the
past two years served as one of
seven Judges for the Mrs. America
contest at Daytona Beach, Fla.
Her sister, Miss Elsie Rokahr.
a retired Lincoln High School
teacher, plans to join Iter in Turkey
in the fall.
Luncheon Planned
For Friday Non
"Friday International Luncheon"
has been organized and will meet
regularly on Friday noon in the
second floor dining room of the
American students and faculty
members ere welcome as well as
students from other countries.
More information and details
may be obtained from A. Gordon
Ferguson or the department of ro
mance languages, Room 304, Bur
nett. Alum Magazine
Judged One Of 13
The Nebraska Alumnus, monthly
magazine published by the Univer
sity of Nebraska Alumni Associa
tion, was Judged among the 13 tup
alumni magaeines in the country.
The rating was made at the an
nual convention of the American
Alumni Council. First place was
won by The Johns Ilapfetos Mac-
'ol icy
"An Appraisal of Education To
day," a Teachers College Educa
tional Policies Commission Con
ference, will be held July 11 and
12 in the Union Ballroom.
General Conference lecturers
will be Lucile Liridberg, professor
of education, Queens College,
Flushing, N. Y.; Merle Stoneman,
professor, of school administration,
University Teachers College;
George Anderson, associate exec
utive secretary, American Associ
ation for Health, Physical Educa
tion and Recreation, National Ed
ucation Association; Harry Bard,
assistant director, Secondary
Curriculum Bureau, Baltimore
Public Schools, and Frank Henz
lik, Dean of University Teachers
In addition there will be two
Opera Cast
Set July 13
Cast for. the Summer Session
opera, presented ty the depart
ment of ' music, has been an
nounced by. Donald Caldwell, di
Members of the cast are June
Segal, Bob Vitols, Harold Slagle
Shirley Hall ig an, Marilyn Anson
and Caldwell.
In addition to the students, sev
eral children from Lincoln will ap
pear in the production.
They are Roderick Gibb, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gibb;
Glenda Payne, daughter of Mr
kind Mrs. Glen R. Payne; Roger
Egan, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Egan; Lara Pretty, daughter of
the Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Pretty;
Herman Saunders, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Saunders, and Steve
Deitemeyer, son of Mr. and Mrs
Carl Deitemeyer.
The opera, "Let's Make An
Opera" by Eric Crozier, is in three
acts. The first two are In the form
of a play and concern the prepa
ration and rehearsal of "The Little
Sweep", a children's opera which
is performed in aot 3.
The music was written by Ben
jamin Britten.
The opera will be presented
July 13, at 8 p. m. in the Union
Un ion To Present
'Lydia Bailey' Film
"Lydla Bailey," starring Dale
Robertson, Anne Francis, Charles
Korvln, and William Marshall will
be shown in the Student Union
Ballroom, Sunday, July 8, at 7:30
This historical story, well-remembered
from the novel of the
same name, recreates the exciting
and turbulent history of the Repub
lic of Haiti at the turn of the 19th
century when Haiti was trying to
throw off the shackles of the
French Emperor, Napoleon.
In technicolor, the movie shows
the rescue of an American worn ah
living In the hinterland. It In
cludes a tortuous flight across the
rugged Haitian country, Voodoo
dancers, the burning of the city of
Cap Francois, and the success of
the revolution. ,
ossol Oiscusiori
observers: Gordon Samson, spe
cialist, Educational Policies Com
mission, and Wayne Reed, Assis
tant Commissioner of Education,
United States Office of Education.
Plane Crash
Takes Life
Of Student
A University student, Sally
Cressman, was a passenger on the
TWA plane which crashed in the
Grand Canyon in Arizona.
Miss Cressman, who was from
L e avenworth,
Kan., was trav
eling with an
She complet
ed her fresh
man year in
the University
in June. She
was a member
of Alpha
Lambda Delta,
ffoctifnntt sHa COOttMSr UinH WW
lastic boner- MiM Cressma.
ary, and was president of Ray
mond Hall.
Conference Observer
Wayne Reed will be one of
two observers for the Teachers
College Conference at the Uni
versity July 11 and 12. He is at
present Assistant Commissioner
of Education, Division of State
and Local School Systems, Of
fice of Education, Department
of Health, Education and Wel
fare. He began his teaching ex
perience as a rural school teach
er In Otoe County in 1930.
Added links in the stories of
modern horse, camel, and rhino
ceros may be uncovered this sum
mer by two field parties of the
University State Museum, digging
in western Nebraska.
One field party is now at work
northeast of Sidney, seeking fossil
evidences In the so-called Kimball
formation, which is a little more
than a million years old, Dr. C.
Bertrand Schultz, museum direc
tor, said today.
"Little Is known about the fos
sils from this formation which ex
tends from the Dakotas into Texas
During the time of this formation,
the rhinoceros became extinct and
the modern horse began Its devel
opment," Dr. Schultz said.
Digging In co-operation with
Cheyenne County Historical Asso
ciation, headed by Dick Herman,
is the field party consisting of
Bruce White, Carl Olson and
George Derleg, all of Lincoln. Lat
er, the party, under the direction
of John Howe of Bowling Green,
O., will 4g south of North Platte
River In sites near Bridgeport,
Broadwater, anil Oshkosh. ;
The second field party is work-
ing la older beds 35 million
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The conference - will begin at I
p.m. Wednesday and will continue
through Thursday afternoon with a
series of group conference ses
sions. The program will conclude with
a banquet in Union Parlors XYZ.
Samson will discuss rHow. To
Strengthen Our Teacher Organi
zation." Twenty-eight Nebraska eductors
from colleges and schools will
comprise the visiting staff for the
1 aga f
1 empest
Casting bas been completed for
the University Theater production
of "The Tempest' by William
Cast members are- John Thomp
son, Alonso, king of Naples; Ron
Kenney, Sebastian, his brother;
Jerry Carlson, Prospero, the right
Duke of Milan; Robert Morrison,
Antonio, his brother; Noel Schoen
rock, Gonzalo, an honest concillor;
Doris Attn Grow cock, daughter of
Prospero; Bonna Tebo, Ariel, an
airy spirit.
Others are Don Montgomery,
Caliban, a savage slave; Dale
Drake, Trinculo, a jester; Joe
Hill, Stephano, a drunken butler;
John Schepman, Adrian, a lord;
D. R. Hughes, Boatswain; Vir
ginia Haba and Christine Phillips,
The play will be presented free
of charge in the Pinewood Bowl
at Pioneer Park, July 28 and 29
at 8 p.m.
Max Whittaker is play 'director;
technical crews Tiave not been an
nounced. .
Forfiss Ssslc
Fossil Links
years old north of Ft. Robin
son. Later they will work the
world-famous ice-age fossil quar
ries in Sheridan County.
This party consists of Carl Bon
dra of Omaha, Darrell Avers of
Davenport, and Douglas Kent of
Dr. Schultz, and Lloyd -Tanner,
museum's assistant curator of ver
tebrate paleontology, will super
vise the two groups.
Union Artist Series
To Show 'Hamlet'
"Hamlet", Shakespeare's immor
tal classic, will be presented on
film Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the
Union Ballroom.
One of the Summer Artist Series
being presented at the " Union,
"Hamlet" won five Academy
Awards and has been rated by
critics as one of the best movies
of our time.
The tragedy of Hamlet, a man
of thought who failed as a man of
action, features one of the world 'a
most widely acclaimed actors. Lau
rence Olivier. In the title role. Jn
Simmons co-stars with Olivier.