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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1956)
1 Page 4 Professor: CoL Ouricon Joins Sfoff Off AROTC Col. Carter Duncan, commander of the 323rd Fighter-Bomber Wing at Bunker Hill Air Force Base, Peru, Ind., has joined the Univer sity staff as. professor of air science. He succeeds Col. Joseph Steng lein, who has served as head of the Air ROTC unit for the past three years. Colonel . Stenglein Is leaving this week end for his new duties as group commander of an air-sea rescue unit in Alaska. A native of Bloomington, Ind., Colonel Duncan received his com mission from West Point in 1938. He entered flying training and re ceived his wings at Kelly Air Force Base in 1939. During World War II, Colonel Duncan was with 'the Allied Air Forces in Africa and the 12th Air Force in Italy. In 1944, he was as signed to SHEAF Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, and then with the occupation force in Europe. He has attended the Air Com mand and, Staff School, the Naval War College Senior Course and in structed at the Command and General Staff College. From 1949 . S2, he was assigned to the Joint Brazil-U.S. Military Commission. Since 1952, he has served as ir inspector of the 9th Air Force nd base commander of Pope Air Force Base, Ft. Bragg, N. C. Square Dance Sessions Sot For July 56 Square dance sessions for both the inexperienced and the "pros" will be held July 5 and 6 in the Union Ballroom. The Roundup is sponsored by the 'Women's Physical Education De partment and the -Nebraska Folk nd 'Square Dance Association. The schedule for July 5 is 4 to p.m. and 7:30 to 10 p.m. July 6 the afternoon sessions will be from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The eve ning session will be from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Mixers, rounds, as well as the traditional squares will be taught. There will also be chance to team fundamentals and simple dances. Callers will have their day too, as special sessions for both experi enced callers and beginners have been planned. Members of the steering com mittee from the University are Loyd Collier, caller-teacher j Mrs. Elvrrs Berck, coordinator; Dr. Dudley Ashton, advisor, and Mrs. Jessie Flood, music. Assisting from the Mate associa tion will be Mrs. Cornelia rutney, Lincoln; Mrs. Grace Smith, Omaha; Dave Rockwell, Lincoln; Roland Badberg, Lincoln, and Joseph Vavra, Schuyler. LEE'S SHUCK DAO 1227 ft. Street SERVING EREASTAST . LUNCH ffne Made R2! n4 Pie Every ay IPiroehnovj' The prospect of greatly in creased world production will not necessarily simplify foreign rela tions, especially with underdevel oped countries, a U.S. State De partment official told a University convocation audience Monday aft ernoon. Herbert Prochnow, deputy under secretary of state for economic af fairs, said that world output may very well expand in the next 20 years faster than H has in the past. He also pointed out that world output is expected to rise a great deal faster than world population. These prospects, he said, will bring new problems as they ease old ones. While the rate of growth of underdeveloped countries might Air Tours Air Tours to Omaha will be held every Wednesday afternoon, leav nig at 12 noon. The group will eat at the Hay den House in Omaha and tour var ious points of interest including the Weather Bureau and the Observa tion Tower. - Arrangements should .be made with the Air-Age office, Room 200-A, Teachers College. The cost is $3. exceed that of the United States, he said, the absolute gap between us may widen. "This situation wi)l call for all the diplomatic skill and public un derstanding that we can muster," Prochnow said. "While economic progress is a necessary ingredient to improving the welfare of free men everywhere, it alone by no means assures the continued ex istence of a free society." Prochnow said these economic forecasts are based on projections which suggest that world popula tion and world production will ex perience unprecedented rates of growth during the next two de cades. These same factors are true in the United States, he said. The sharp growth in American population, he said, will make it possible to reach tremendous eco nomic heights in a comparatively short period of time. He said it has been forecast that the gross national product, which is now approximately $400 billion annually, can be expected to be above $500 billion by 1965. It is predicted, he said, that there will be an annual outpouring of $670 billion of goods and services bv 1975. A second factor which will make this growth possible is that there Is no foreseeable exhaustion of priivtijvc; ProUmlty, Sorority, Organisation Ultorboad . . . Lotion . . . Now Bulloti. . . Sook'olo . . Program. CRAVES PRINTING CO. 312 North I2iJ, Ph. 2 M57 HAYLOFT THEATRE ON THE STAGE 8:30 P.M. TEfJOER TRAP JURE 27-JOLY 1 E10GL1 SERVICE JULY 4-0 BROADWAY MUSICALS FOR TICKETS: PHONE 4-2891 5902 SOUTH ST. NORMAL BUS TO AND FROM Tire THEATRE SUMMER NEBRASKAN TqIBs Convoeotion j&utjlienee technology, Prochnow said. This is a primary resource, he said, be cause without it the usefulness of other resources would be severely limited. "The real significance of the un folding of the American economic drama involves more than new gadgets and material things," he said. "It gives people more choices on what to do with their lives." Prochnow said we cannot as sume that economic progress will dispose of all our problems. . "There will be serious problems of adjustment as we go along, such as temporary imbalances (as in agriculture today), the increased savings needed for public and priv ate investment, and the shortening of hours of work." World economic growth wiH have several consequences for the United States, he said. "Economic growth," be i a i d, "may bring long-term strategic shifts of power centers ki the world since population and output do not everywhere expand at the same rate. Such shifts will prob ably lead Americans to realize, even more clearly than now, that we cannot work out our destiny alone." Prochnow said one of the great est consequences will be the ex pansion of world trade. "As regions develop economical ly, they become bigger markets," he said. "We in the United States will be sending our products abroad in quantities much greater than those of today." As national production rises, the expanding demand for raw ma Pioneer Abstract Art In Exhibition The University Summer Sessions office and the University Art Gal leries will present a special ex hibition of .painting July 1 through Aug. 5. The exhibition, entitled Pioneers in American Abstract Art, is being circulated by the American Fed eration of Arts. It consists of ap proximately 50 paintings by 18 artists, generally considered the forerunners of present day paint ing. According to persons in the gal leries, these artists are consid ered today to be leading American painters. TKEY KILLED V.Znl white KtX THAU ANY OTHER TKiSE lli HISTORY! m Ml SB -Hi tCXE tfffcMA tttpajpm Html tM Zi'.ZZ towfl UHAl -! S terials will have to be met increas ingly from overseas, he said. He said there may weH be the opening of larger and more ap pealing opportunities for Ameri- 0 S From GOLD'S Needs little or .IcGrcgor GOLD'S Men's Store Famous J ANT ZEN A big selection of the two favorite makes . . . i in both boxer nod Lastex styles! 1 iSliown in I 1 IV Ijantzcn's X : 4 ..'.Jf- COLD'S Men's Store TKursdoy, Jun 281956 OHSbQEm3S cans to carry their enterprise and investments to foreign countries. These investments ki turn win contribute to faster development in the countries where they are made. Men's Store . no ironing Looks like linen , . wears like iron . . . light textured royon that won't fade ever! Deftly tailored for fresh fash ion flair . with smart spread col lar . , . in colors tli at mirror the iiti Washahfe, of course! Short sleeves. Smalt, medium, medium large and large sizes. Street Floor and fAcGRSGOU t "Skiff . . crisp cotton poplin with fast-dry ing Zelan finish that wale r-rriie3lont. Rlati cized waist hand for snug fit, hiiilt-tn coin pocket, quidk-dryingj supporter. Siws 28-10. Street FUar