The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 25, 1956, Page Page 8, Image 8
1 V i! M! Si Page 8 The Rev. Cross: THE NEBRASKAN Friday, May 25, 1956 ipiscopQlmhChapkin Resigns horn Position By CINDY ZSCHAU Church Editor The Rev. William Cross recently resigned as chaplain of the Uni versity Episcopal Chapel in order to accept a position as rector of the parish of the Church of the Koly Trinity in Lincoln. During the four years that the Rev. Mr. Cross has served as chaplain, the entire program and policy of student work and partici pation in chapel 'activities have been revised and broadened. The program of the University Chapel is now entirely directed to students and organized to meet their needs," the Rev. Mi. Cross said. All officers and members . of the chapel staff are students, in cluding the organist, choir mem bers and janitor, he said. Since the Rev. Mr. Cross has been chaplain, Diocesan support and control of the work of the chapel, have been substantially in creased, and a permanent resi dence for the chaplain has been secured. "The program of the University Chapel has recently been put un der the supervision of a board of advisors of faculty and interested laymen," the Rev. Mr. Cross said. Plans for the reconstruction and expansion of the chapel and stu dent center are also now in the formative stage. . During his four years in the Diocese, the Rev. Mr. Cross has served o various diocesan boards, including the College Division of the Department of Christian Edu cation and the Division of Stew ardship and Missionary Informa tion of the Department of Promo tion. He also was a member of the bao,h nf Fvaminine Chaplains and the Executive Council of the Dio-j ! V, i V . - Courtesy Sunday Journal and ijlu REV. CROSS cese. A successor to the Rev. Mr. Cross will be appointed during the summer. Confei iclude Health: irence To lm Specialists Three U.S. Public Health Serv ice specialists will take part in the Conference in Human Relations for the. Hpslth Professions to be held at the University Monday and Tuesday. They are: Dr. William Hollister, mental health consultant, Atlanta. Ga.; Alfred Kinney, training methods consultant, training branch, Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Ga., and Mary Belle Roberts, regional consultant in psychiatric social work, Kansas Citv, Mo. The meetings will be held at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday in Room 315 of the Union. Niles Barnard, chairman of the University Department of Mechani cal Engineering, will discuss "The j Importance of the Person" at 9:15; a.m. Monday. j "Factors in Human Relations"! ... . 1 - 1 T i ar will oe aiscusseu uy m. iwiuohi and Kinney at 10:15 a.m. The topic will be discussed by all three guests at the afternoon session. TRAVELING DURING VACATION? 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COLLEGE WOMEN! ; Bo a United Air Line Stewardess Here's your opportunity for a wonderful career as a United Air Lines' Stewardess. You'll meet interesting people, travel throughout the country and receive excellent pay plus full employee benefits and paid vacations. Contact United now if you meet these qualifications: Candidate! must be attractive, unmarried, 21-27 years, under 135 lbs., 5' 2" to 57', good vision. You must have college training, be q registered nurse or o high school graduate with related experience in public contact work. Candidate lip to 5'8" in height now considered, Contact Nearest I'nited Air Lines Office or with n. H. Robinson District Personnel Manager I nited Air Lines 559 South Cicero Chicago 38, Illinois . '"'Mm,'' J yf fi "' ' 3UL2 :-.- -Vi--V.- 1 ham Schedule . .... .. H. nn lh (lAt l't fOr "l!iase meeting on ,ne nun nrar a". ........ ,., , the hour which ti tn halved. For xamul, classes mtin from 230 to 4 p m. on Tih'Sflay snd Tliurwlayi ihall be examined on the date t ror C'aiT" VtuMeliU h'J' reeumny -he.luled xammtlon whit eonfllet jrltn unit ex:.minHt,onS. Mrmnsement. to take uch unit '"m""' "l',h" ,mif should be ma.le with the -tepartmfnt concerned on or blore Way 28 ror example. 11 . student 1. n-heduled for a regular exam nation wh en "fl" ' wlih Krench unit examination. nrran(tenienw ahoiild b ma.le .th he F-omance I.anRuKe dtpartn.em to take auch unit examination at another time. Saturday, May 26 Oil nrHlone of ;nltsh A Tuesday, May 29 All aectlone f Mat 11, 1. t, 1M All nertlon, of Math 14. 15. 11. . 10. 1T . mrtint at 4 p.m. I or 4 deja. or Nnr, r any ime or two nf heM day" All aretlnna of Spwh t, ID Thursday, may m J- p.m. :ttt a.m. II a.m.-l .1 p.m. -li .i 12 a.m. t-S p.m. l-lt a.m. f law mwtina at ;0 .m. 6 or 4 day., or MWf, or any one or ... - hnu rfa.-a AU MWIane of tnallrth t. S. 4 Friday, June 1 Clse mwtlna at S:00 p.m. I or 4 daye. or MB F, or any one or ,ll:::S'n,tl:M 4 .. or MVVF, or ..y on. or two of the daya Claa-we meetlnt at S:fK p.m. TTh or either one of theae da latiaea nwetlnn at 7:00 p.m. T-Th or rtther one of Hiene daya t-lnaae mwtln at VOO p.m. M or any on or two of the. daja laaea mertinx at : p.m. T-Th or either one of theae oaa All aeetlona of Kconomloa 3, 11. 12, 115 ICoUneum) Saturday, June I CIbkc mei-tlne at 5:00 p.m. J or 4 dya, or MWF, or any one or two of thee day a t-6 p.m. -It a.m. t-t p.m. -! a.m. t-S p.m. a-1(1 a.m. 11 a.m.-1 p.i -it a.m. t- p.m. a.m. t-S p.m. -1t a.m. t-S p.m. . ... ,, II on TTH or aoy one or two oi fneee tlMVal Sll.eor. .0,. M. Mt. Ml Monday, June 4 : f law. meetloa at l:M or 4 day., or MWr, or any one vXXmZtTj' P.m. r 4 da,., or M . or or I, ef theaa daye Tuesday, June 5 ,,.,.e. meejln. a. 4;0 CTJM. Vu Xtion. of Mi.,'Ln1;innr, 1 All eectlona of Home Kconornlea 41, 4 AH of Krench 1J. 14 , fi ah taction nf HiianWh a, o ... il! JertloSI of iu.ln Omaniwtlon 1 Wednesday, June ( x; Atl ronB of EnitHah 1 tCollwom) "I.WVA"'""" fthoaeday. ,S mt'! Si5 -:-: "S or any W t. of the-, day. AU aeeMon. of Sociology 83 Thursday, June 7 a.,e, meeting at 8:00 .m. S or 4 da,., or MWF, M .n. of riifmeVTlna'aVlI -ooo or 4 day., or MWF. o, ,W on. l'SSta?! :0 TTh """ 7 th" Friday, June 8 Cl.,e. at 11:M or 4 daya. or MWF. or ,n, .n. w All aeetlona of Bu.lneM rrnlatlon 3, 4 Lincoln's Bvtj Department Stw Original, exclusive styles to make you beam at your own reflection v I 1' l' yi(imlP' I A ; J M I - . - ' I I t 'i CI 1 i K:yr ' ' ;M I- f ! - . I f A' III T 1 . . -. ; 14;: I f t I .' y.:::i:'X'v s.- -. f-' -. vw;'t wm ' A - ' ' V I i Hi fH . r.oV'J W Give r.HitU tTfl (A) "S'lL V0US RAY" (D) "HEIDE HO" Swim shorts that daxzle. Pert plaid in crUp- Lovely Tunis textured taffeta for ipt- .i.r rnlnr. Red. brown or royal with taula.r flrure moulding nattering bra. white. Sizes 1105 ? heavenly colon in thm 11 m.W tor sizes lO-io (B) "ADfMAL'S LADY" (E) "EXCHEQUER" Jantien-fashioned of beautiful form-fitting , Swim shorts with elasticiied shirred front, faille, 4 colors in 1 ,f fj. ' check curfed br a,,d le- 1 flf)5 sizes 10-16 .i 4 colors In size 10-18 M.3 (C) "PERSIAN PHIKCESS" (F) "WONDER GIRL" For real intrigue choose this sheath of ex- Sheath with elasticiied crinklepuff shirred elusive Paisley design on mercerized, San- front. The most wonderful thing that can TuT.z:. e95 i.!ir..v,r... is85 . GOLD'S Sportswear . . . Second Floor f-f f !