t I. Post 2 THE NEBRASKAN Friday, May 18, 1955 Ncbraskan Editorials: The Charge: 'hunk, Bui Unfair1 The Nebraskan has been criticized, for its news appraisal and editorial expression. In a letter to the editor Dr. William PfeHer, chairman of the Germanic Languages Depart ment, said that The Nebraskan has been "(rank ... but not fair In Its presentation of news and editorial commentary on the controversy arising from Che demotion of Clyde Mitchell as chair man of the department of agricultural economics. Editorially, Pfeiler says that "hearsay, rumor, yague generalizations and subjective impres sions are the basis for your charges." Newswise, he contends, the paper is too often . . oblivious to the truth that there are usual ly two, if not more, sides to the question." These arc important considerations for any newspaper, particularly a student publication, and they constitute essentially the criticism which has been directed at The Nebraskan in the past few weeks. For these reasons, It is imperative that these charges be answered as completely as space Sows. First, a little background. A chance remark in a Student Council meeting sometime ago first alerted The Nebraskan to the demotion of Dr. Mitchell. Checking on its authenticity, the Ne braskan contacted all but one member of the agricultural economics department who attended the special meeting with Dean Lambert prior to spring vacation. No. one who attended this meeting denied that they had been told: (1) Mitchell was to be re lieved as chairman; (S) a replacement was being sought, and (3) pressure from sources outside the University prompted the decision. In the meantime The Nebraskan talked with Dean Lambert six times; Dean of Faculties Adam Brechearidge three times (once In a 25 minute personal ceaversatiea) and Chancellor Hardin twice. No ee affirmed the reports of the twenty-odd professors. The Nebraskan printed the story in a Friday Issue, attributing its information to "sources in the agriculture economics department" with adjacent quotes from the administrative officials to the effect that "no change was being con sidered." Three days later the official announcement appeared that lEtcbefl was being replaced as chairman of the department. The reason given t this time for the demotion was to " . . . strengthen beyond present levels the research and extension program of the department. This statement appeared to be an oblique re flection upon Mitchell's reputation and prof es saonsl competence. In an attempt to learn more about bis abilities in agricultural economics. The Nebraskan wrote several important economists, all authorities in the field, who might be in a position to comment upon varhell. AH news paper clippings were enclosed in the letters. Many excellent replies were received, iaclad Ing cemineadataoas for Mitchell from sach eat standing figares as Lasrea Sola, editorial page editor of the Des Meiaes Register; Leo Key seriing, former chairman of President Tramaa's Ceaca of Economic Advisers; aad John GaB feraita, professor of ewraamits at Harvard Us, versify. About this time Dr. William Swindler's resig sstka a director of the school of Journalism appeared. The impSactians in bis rf:tgnwn to the effect that the rmnflifirms producing the demotion of Dr. Mitchell might Dot be isolated, prompted The Xebraskan to interview personal ly nearly 59 professors, who represented a trossectkm of IS diiefreni departments at the University. After two weeks of interviewing, the results were published in two news stories. Every re mark, every quote, every phrase which was used in these stories was given to Nebraskan reporters by University faculty members. AH quoted remarks have been saved in the report er's notes or notes specially prepared by the interviewer. v Names were not used in the articles at the request of the faculty members interviewed and, according to the ethics of journalism, cannot be revealed until the persons involved give the newspaper permission to do so. " Also, at this time, approximately 40 professors who had recently left the institution were con tacted by letter. Each was asked three questions: Would you care to comment on Clyde Mitchell the current controversity on the University cam pus or the reasons why you left Nebraska? Every letter which has been received from these professors has been published (including several which disagreed explicitly with the edi torial stand of The Nebraskan). These letters have all been signed; they represent the author's viewpoint and they have been published as such. The Nebraska cannot "back up factually" every assertion which has been made in its news stories. This is neither within the areas of journalism responsibility nor common sense possibility. However, it can completely back up the fact that irry story and every assertion which has been made p the stories was either given directly to The Nebraskan by University faculty members or sent to us by faculty members who have recently left the institution. These are the only facts which are needed to publish a legitimate news story. The slay which each story has received has fceea gauged as objectively as possible in accord with its Importance, its relevance and its cor responding significance with the remainder of ; the news for that particular day. However, the point is still good that "the other side" has not been given adequate treatment. But this is not entirely the fault of The Ne braskan nor is it because such an opportunity has been lacking. Before and after each story has been pub lished. The Nebraskan has contacted all the persons involved, asking for comments or state ments. This has been done in almost every case, except where time did nor permit or the person concerned was unavailable for comment. When statements have been made, the paper has tried to give them as good coverage as their importance merited. The news columns as well as the letterip cohmms have and will continue to be open to all comment, pro or con, on the issue. In regard to editorial expressiea, The Ne araskaahas based its stand upon the remarks made in the arcicoJtcral economics staff meet ing, the series of conflicting statements made Vy the adwihrfstraQoa and the snasy statements which have been given to aw, both privately aad pablidy, by Caiverrity personnel. The Nebraskan may have made mistakes, it may have used bad judgment, but nevertheless it has striven conscientiously to provide the public with information pro and con on aa issue which may determine the future and in tegrity of the University of Nebraska. It is with this ha mind that The Nebraska weWmes the disecatiag opium of Dr. Pfeiler. B.B. Professor Calls Nebraskan- IF rank, Buf Mof IF ah In your campaign for academic freedom on the campus, you have given copious space to your sup porters. I trust that in the "enter prise of ideas" you will be equally generous with views differing from yours. C. P. Scott, famous editor of the liberal "Manchester Guardian" from 1872 to 1929 once said. "A newspaper is of necessity some thing of a monopoly, and its first duty is to shun the temptations o f manoDolv. ' Its primary of fice is the gathering o f . At tne pent I SO 1 1 ; ' HJJL Building Program Produces 'Unfunctional Mediocrity Before I satisfy four great hangar for more of my vrie daza, wit and Inimitable prose, I should like to Quote rather good comment which appeared to T2E this week I never read anything deeper than TIKE by K. Lw Mendken, on a professor's eavgonmentt "Eis whole professional ac tivity g circnmsorlbed by the prejudices, vanities and avar ices of Ins utuvertsty trustees, 1 a oamraitfcee of soap ttailers, nail - auunf aefcuren. bsnk-directort aid politi cians I dost mesa to say that that lias any relevance iter, of course. There's so soap-boiling Aam la skis state. However, whatever mm sy about the UsmirKitr, &m J& sunny-nailers a a always switch the sutjeet ty referring to "the bunding program" Cist fhey are carrying on nere at the Citadel They may be torturing pro fessors on the rack, -or cut ting the tongues out of stu dents, but we can always "point wifh pride to the new campus buildings. JUuS we must sty that fee aSahajsiratiaa las used great Joreeight, ingenuity and imng- inatSoa is forwarding our cam pus building. They are using all of the modernistic trends, like mo design, and no archi tects. I have beard competent architects foam at the mouth for bours about the ig2y new buildings that the University is erecting. The glory spot was the mausoleum called the State Historical Society that was set vp to bouse relics and give the campus the rigorous flavor of Forest Lawn. Next, we bave the Student Union, which. I hear, as going to be expanded. It it a de pressing spot as it is; ex panded it will become maca bre. This inefficient, colorless. My Booties Cries MnfanctionEl blc& is rather pa thetic when compared with the marvelous amions at Colorado and Oklahoma. The lBnrtm-.nr.mgr CJU) urB any bear! lyrical, especially the lovely temporaries enhanc ing the xnalL We're al des perately waiting Jar the sickly trees to row mp enough tto bide the rest of the building. Burnett H&3 and Andrews EaQ and MornJl Eal are all specimens of what is known areund bere as SeEeck Quad Modern or Upside-down Cracker Box. It wouldnt be so bad af they weren't building more and snore and more of these shape less, duD. (unimaginative mon strosities. More of that lovely, lovely SeBeck Quad Clasncal-Army-B arrack is on the plas oing board. Love library, which is at tractive on the outside, as completely impractical and wnfunctional as a library within. II is built like a public building, with great, empty, cVkh&Us. The only place you can study is at long, public tables as large, ao j s y public balk, where you are continually iis turbed by the ondartoae of fifty people comparing notes. In short, somebody bad bet ter leU Adminny EaJ that the 'buildine program" bat pro duced nothing but unf unctions! mediocrity and promises little better lunlet the Great Cre ators who are designing and planning it nee more imagin ation or hire someone witfj talent THd Nsbraskcn T3TT-TTfS TEAZS CLD tiembert Associated CGfisite Press f HtomiEegSate Press T&wmmxSn Ka&oud Advertising .fervtoe. Incorporate! 7 sl-Zi&i& mm SB, Stodest Unloc 34sa A S. Vievwulf mi Kebrttska S..hafsSn, Kebr&siLa "im HHwSwaatssw to ralitb SUMtttey, WwaomOMir mat frtmttr tumum mumm yMuc, mmM Oimitt nsuimi uii ra !., ui mm www w uMuk Aurtnc f utiwa, . J mwMiui w lmiwl v hmvtum -huw tm ltrfir vio tt ! Mina( mm .no .?! s rAi.trentim vfi wwm unnwn. -ttlntniw wta-f tsu-ii"'i ui marimine ma httmtat lun .istH -tm 1m t-wro Mmmmt nmo m 1.1m ,.f tt ffw S ii . . vr 4W 4m mm - ,.vf m rfmtfm' mim'itiA'Hm 4nr vxgt Kttaflr jk s at hsj W r. tmttnmn S, 3i-j. .... AiwmO , SOU. ECrrOEIAL STAFF SSOIMt S rtttwTiMi 9ttmm mmm . -.... ... . 4nttr mvmm mmm Mm k.mnuMa iupv t.atuum Bwt Cwtik, AMmw SMmA, Hmtm annex. svuma stttwu M r.OHnr . , ttfui fmw Cdltyr .. tmUmm tff , .Crtiiftjr WkS tuom. twniitrwm : V miri iU4iiir. HwhunHi Wviminiv, (Cmvv Swo, SHik Wm, Diik I iInm Salm Stoma. ECETJSXSS fTAIT HHm MrnfiMM mm mH(tn. CouiM Kim. turn rl of iU s o u 1 it I ' must see that ' ) the supply is , not tainted. tJk kA Neither in courts icoin tur what it gives Pfeiler nor in what it does not give nor in the mode of presentation must the unclouded face of truth suffer wrong. Comment is free, but facts are sacred. 'Propaganda so-called by this means is hateful. The voice of opponents no less than that of friends has a right to be heard. Comment also is justly subject to a self-imposed restraint. It is well to be frank; it is even better to be fair." The Nebraskan has, indeed, a monopoly as far as campus opin ion is concerned; in issue after issue for weeks and months you have set forth your views, un hampered by censorship or re straint. In your charges you have been frank, in the arraignment of sup porting views you have shown skill, but you have not been fair insofar as you failed to consider the com plexity of the administration's pro blem and insofar as you gave edi torial emphasis to statements so licited according to your apparent ly handpicked list. Tea have saeeeeded ia sevees lag the last modkarn of seasatioB al alarmism eat of year campaign Tear sampling of epiaioa was well directed, hat agaia yoa failed as giving aay evidence of a sober, critical appraisal of the stories yoa gathered from variees soarces. You cannot be oblivious to the truth that there are usually two, if not more, sides to every question. Bjt with unbelievable thoughtless ness, you accepted each critic's view and opinion as a sterling fact, never suggesting that men have an inborn tendency to ration alize their actions and expei "s in terms of maximum self-. 1 cation. Hearsay, rumor, vague general fxations and subjective impressions are the basis for your charges which you voice with such ictrig tdnf eloquence and ringing pathos. When Chancellor Hardin, after serious and thoughtful deliberation with the senate committees, point ed out the right approach to the rectifk-aaon of passible imdeair able condTlaiwts, yon tried to pre judice your readers against hum from the start by taead!iaac.g: "Hardin says Expressions if Opin km 'Welcome'." The Quotation marks here are the tools of a vicious type of jour nalism that should have no place in a newspaper that claims to fight tor lugn ideals. In your editorial of May 15, you state that all statements, etc., made this semester The Nebras kan can "back up factually." Please do so; do not just say so! Repeat: do so!!! Two committees are ready to receive the proofs of your accusa tions, especially the one on "Ten ure and Academic Privilege," whose chairman, Professor Julius Cohen, 302 Law Building, is a col league of top professional compe tence and unquestioned integrity. If you should fail to "back up factually," you will be suspected of reckless and irresponsible cal umny. Since I have started to express to yon my views, mainly because no one single facultv voice had been raised ia opposition to your spirited campaign so far, permit me a few more observations: For the first time I have seen the term "demotion" used in con nection with the replacement of a chairman. It was cleverly chosen because of its deprecatory overtones. A chairman is never "promoted" to his position, but appointed; he is never demoted, but relieved. If the policies of the administration clash with the views of the chair man, be may withdraw from his position and devote again his full time, in full academic freedom, to hi- professorial duties. Many outstanding faculty people have served as chairmen and after a while returned to research and teaching. The duty of a chairman commands no higher respect than those pertaining to teaching and research. A prerequisite for his success as a departmental administrator is that he can co-operate loyally with the University administration. With academic freedom goes re sponsibility, fairness and restraint. History shows that ambitious ad vocates of freedom too often came to identify their own personal in terests with the cause of human ity at large, and it is also a sad fact that not infrequently pioneers of liberty have turned into arro gant and intolerant suppressors of views contrary to their own. Another matter has bee givea small attention. Oar demeeratie belief that the wffl of the people WEDDING STATIONERY Large Selection GOLOEIIROD 215.Norfh.14 must prevail Is also basic to oar system of University administra tion. The Regents, elected by the people, appoint the executive offi cer, the Chancellor; they are the legitimate functionaries of the people. Not for a moment do I maintain that they and the Deans and the faculty represent wisdom incar nate; I am sure that errors in judg ment cannot be avoided, but the fact is: they are the people with the legitimate authority to run the University. We may disagree with them on some of their decisions (those who know of my record will remember that L on occasion, openly and in Eds. Note: This letterip was sent to The Nebraskan by Prof. W. K. Pfeiler, chairman of the department of Germanic lang uages. It Is printed in its entirety. committees, vigorously questioned some measures of the administra tion), but no public institution can function if it lacks the support of its staff. I am surprised that in all the dis cussions of the ethical issue of freedom, etc., the important fac tor of loyalty has never been men tioned. Loyalty is not obsequious conformism; it means a faithful support of general policies, even if some of their aspects may cause us to wonder. The success of a democratic community rest, as I see it, on two pillars: the restraint of the majority in the use of its authority and the willingness of the minority to co-operate with the majority for the good of the whole, as long as no basic principles are violated. I want to go oa record thai according to my knowledge the morale of the faculty is far from low, that research and teaching are seder no restraint aad are carried oa vigoroasly, despite the fact that professors come aad pro fessors go and ehairmea are ap pointed and "dis-appolnted." This process goes oa in any institution of higher learning; it Is normal at the University of Nebraska. As a member of many com mittees of the University in the past, and among them was also the committee on nomination for membership in the Graduate Col lege, I found the approach to per sonal problems and questions of policy eminently factual and fair. On more than one occasion, any suggestion of an undue personal influence found vigorous and unan imous rejection on the part of a faculty that in no way resembles a bunch of cowed weaklings as you portray them In your discussions. And most of them do not wait to speak up to the administration un til they live at a "safe distance" and have gone elsewhere because "freedom was threatened" We. Chairmen and members of the faculty cannot always secure ad minis trational support and approv-. al for plans and policies that some of us deem quite essential. Sensitive people might be likely to see in this a personal persecu tion, or feel that someone is "after them"; they feel offended, hurt and sulk when they cannot have their way. The University has over seventy departments, so one should realize that not having all of ones own suggestions followed is not a mat ter of personal suppression, but a procedure dictated by necessity and an over-all well-balanced ad ministration. The majority of the faculty Is alert and not aware of the daa gers that selfish groans constitute; it welcomes vigoroos support from the students In the eaase of aca demic freedom, bat views it with sadness wbea this grand eaase Is used to vent aa fares poos Hrie ani mas, perhaps for the sake of aa exaggerated self -assertion. W. K. Pfeiler Chairman Department of Germ an! a Languages You Are Invited To Worship ST. PAUL METHODIST CHURCH 12th sad M Streets Morning Worship 11 0 AJ4. Soraoa Topic: "Education or All of live" Gtttttm 8 tody daos t:tt AM. Bodio Ministry Every Soatdoy XTAS afU-f:U AX. xrca ma km. Ministers: ntAXK COCBT. 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