Friday, May. 4, 1 955 Page 6 THE NEBRASKAN if. i -r LYulJ '. 1 Ft-tlman Hove Gourlay Kalskee Unterseher Beideck Mangold Llnqulst Young Berry Wells Cast HUI Bridges All Photos Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star - .4 - 7 i r i n ; V J 4b I 1 Smith .1 of - .- Scbraid ' I' Creutz Jarobsen Martin Petersen Shcgni Tomse " Conner Innes ' ,-'1 '. I j LkJ . J - - I r - f nnocenfs Practice Bruce Martin, Innocents' tall est, and Mike Shugrue, smallest, practice the traditional tackle on each other as the remainder of ivy And Trowei: Senior Song, Masks Ivy Day's Genesis By MARILYN HECK Nebraskan Reporter Ivy Day, one of the oldest tra ditions of the University began in 1898 as Senior Class Day. The spring festivities were first called Ivy Day in 1901, when sen iors marched to the south side of old University Hall and sang the asking, Tradition Follows On Ivy Day afternoon be tween five and twenty-five jun ior women will be chosen to continue the 51-year tradition of the Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board. The women will be chosen on the basis of leadership in student activities, service and scholarship. New members must have over a 6.1 cumula tive average and must have given service to the Univer sity. The tweftty-nine women who served as Mortar Boards this year are: Gail Katskee, presi dent, member of Sigma Delta Tau. Cathy Olds Bridges, vice president, Delta Gamma. Sharon Mangold, sec retary, Gamma Phi Beta. Janet Linquist, trea surer, Love Hall. Joyce Taylor Young, historian, Chi Omega. Carol Unterseher, publicity director, Delta Gamma. Marilyn Beideck, Alpha Chi Omega. Glenna Berry, Pi Beta Phi. Paula Broady Wells, Alpha Chi Omega. Phyllis Cast, Delta Delta Delta. Barbara Clark Hill, Kappa Delta. Shirley Dewey, Chi Omega. Suzanne Good, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Janet Gordon, Sigma Delta Tau. Clare Hinman,' Delta Delta Delta. Shirley Jesse, Alpha Omicron Pi. Marilyn Mitchell Severs, Pi Beta Phi. Kay Nosky Fussel nian, Gamma Phi Beta. Shirley Rosenberg Rochman, Sigma Delta Tau. Carol Thompson, Alpha Chi Omega. Virginia Wilcox, Alpha Omciron Pi. WORftB RTABI.B TRtlUVl OUtW Jwiir-j FtI' TharaMoi Simmmm "t Xiaa EcJm Dmr Job M nwwavm i ' i ve t Ctmic l ltit' frtii a Ttbiiwc Pntimm I p ( BMca Haattt M s-hl ft! a Manur inenir Mm :' f as'f Pno Tio Himm Bw awl j mm4 Si)4r KMiW Mat 0rw !": T R fxrr Ooaaa't R tBt&nm Vi H Mra 14:1 J Vuttaaxk. Frro Trainar 1S:l ftita ! ar Hw Ea IVataer F-' t htkm Haart lyrot Wotr SO:l 1 . Fmpn 1iera Traia 'RoMmt I:t 1 1 Tl Tar Hnpi i Triar tM . .-Mkr Ikrifr Iltrtr tut! riaatcr ti:l Fsiu' Laa Ibmrnittt , M mmmm Mat i-w Kaff MM Na Traimr"' :! iiAC ld Immi Tmawr ti:7 V . i! art, Oam'i Ktaadoai V H Mora 40:1 T'r. ki.ow I irvtuuM Hmt Kutet KM 44:1 Ivmm ' Halar'a Baaal T Kauai- ' 4:l .m . imHr fr.'- ki4aa W'i Sritrt :! i : (. KMwr fVfmt MfflMna ?l:l w VhiH Mm a Treiaar ri, tm qiaaaa MM 4;w :! .!' !! AMf.iaa Mwl Loot HI WU-.t Ncbraikaa Photo the society looks on. Chuck Tomson was not available for the picture. school song. After the senior class president turned over the ivy trowel to the junior class presi dent, the senior dance was held. Two years later, 13 Innocents were tackled, and 16 senior wom en did a May Pole Dance to make Ivy Day an even bigger occasion. In 1905, the Order of the Black Masque, the local chapter of Mor tar Board, was founded. The mask ing of outstanding junior women added more excitement to Ivy Day. Ivy and Daisy chains were added in 1910. Fifty girls carried the chains around the campus. The first May Queen was crowned in 1912. In 1918 a large flag of 1403 stars was presented to the University in honor of College men in the armed services. Ivy from Doughboys was planted. When the war was over, the Lord of the May was presented on Ivy Day, but this presentation was soon discontinued. Ivy Day in 1938 included Farm ers' Fair; E-WeeKr and; -the grand opening of the new Student Un ion. Now a May Queen, the Ivy Day Court, Ivy and Daisy chains, the Ivy Day Sing, the tackling of new Innocents and the masking of new Mortar Boards, and the planting of the traditional ivy are all a part of Ivy Day. , . , Ivy Day, May 5, 1956. won't bear much resemblance to the first Ivy Day in 1898. nnocenfs To Tackle Heirs i. Thirteen juniors in University activities will be tackled Satur day afternoon when the Innocents Society reveals its successors. The scarlet-hooded secret senior society helps with homecoming, football games and New Student Week. The society has combined with other Big Seven senior honoraries to set up a men's senior policy group. This year's innocents are: John Gourlay, president, Beta Theta Phi. Andy Hove, vice presi dent. Delta Tau Delta. Richard ellman, secre tary, Zeta Beta Tau. Andy Smith, treasurer, Beta Theta Pi. Al Schmid, sergeant-at-arms, Alpha Gamma Rho. Larry Conner, Farm House. Norman Creutz, Theta Xi. Von Innes, Pi Kappa Phi. Eudell Jacobsen, Sigma Nu. Bruce Martin, Sigma Chi. Marx Peterson, Farm House. Mike Shugrue, Phi Kappa Psi. Charles Tomsen, Delta Tau Delta. 'OMMETS Rawaical'f rkakc Iaa4 all fW way Tranwtf aa4 Irama mn4 trainMl . Small haMltcaiH Ixina ki( rraalta Qaict atari. fXaikj finiia A (taper of (ha rM acaool. eantl braadiac Ttaiaatf for tare year, akonld et paea LaoVi leaser itirkea' from lac atari Utile fill? alls tka bU lime riarprlw fMia raaea eoiaiiat Show hone tries rhe race same Xlaidea aaawtac mr print tna mack rraadf pacer, m ta rail all the war fVedtctea1 a winner laaw aaa 1Hlr asae af fimaat viable, au. He al Htablefk aela aile4 awniai raaner lar time ta aaHa fiaiim Pataare traiaiaa aomettme lielaf Mar be baaatcaBaei4 br lark af tuMe'i Ktabie boaw af an, waaaan Tramer kaowi Mia hKlee lyoA la the aM 4 amaetltina m borne alahle loa Jjark of eoacern binaered rare I . ,t'h weiabt nnt of elm I -twrtM (e rtia bona coateata lefraMe4 ia ba( Ivy Day Schedule 9 a.m. Carillon rings 5 minutes 9:05 Band Concert 10 minutes 9:15 Mortar Boards and Innocents enter in order of tapping 9:25 Ivy Day history read by Master of ceremonies 9:35 Chains enter lead by the Ivy and Daisy chain leaders Court enters: Attendants, maid of honor, children, queen President of Mortar Board and President of Innocents plant the Ivy 10:10 10:30 11:50 12:55 1 p.m. 1:10 1:20 1:30 2:30 2:35 2:50 Chains, Mortar Boards, and Innocents recess Sorority Sing Court Recessionai Carillon 5 minutes Band Concert 10 minutes Court processional Chancellor Hardin addresses the group ' Fraternity Sing ' Innocents present scholarship cups Residence Halls for Men and the Men's Glee sing Announcement of winners of sorority sing Winners sing again 3 p.m. Presentation of Mortar Board Cup Presentation of Innocent Cup Presentation of IFC award 3:10 Announcement of winner of fraternity sing Winners sing again 3:20 Court recessional 3:30 Mortar Boards and Innocents begin masking and tackling of New Mortar Boards and Innocents In case of rain, the Ivy Day activities will be held in the University Coliseum. , ; s , 5 N K " Th -TV - -? ' kill s b Then Pictured above are students during the "gay nineties," pick ing dandelions, the high point in the day now known as Ivy SongsYary: All Entries Named For Sing Competition ' Ivy Day Sing competition Will i begin at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. Fraternity entries in the Sing in clude Alpha Gamma Rho, singing "De Animals Is A Comin," direct ed by Ron Bath; Alpha Tau Ome ga, "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor," Claude, Berreckmann; Beta Sigma Psi, "God Our Father," Al lan Zeigenbein; Beta Theta Pi, "Loving Cup," Frank Tirro; Delta Sigma Phi, "Halls of Ivy," Nor man Heinz. Delta Tau Delta, "The Three Bells," Larry Belvins; Delta Upsi lon, "Meadowlands." Mick John son; Farmhouse, "Charlottetown," James Dunn; ' Phi Delta Theta, "Men of Harlock," Warren Burt; Phi Gamma Delta, "His Name So Sweet," Tom Gilliland. Phi Kappa Psi, "Set Down Serv ant," Harry Grasmick; Sigma Al pha Epsilon,, "I Gotta Mule," Dick Andresen; Sigma Alpha Mu, Sammies, Kappa Sigs Name Heads Sigma Alpha Mu and Kappa Sig ma Fraternities have elected new officers for next year. The new officers for Sigma Alpha Mu are president, Alan Heeger; vice-president, Marvin Breslow; treasurer, Alan Rosen and secre tary, Larry Schwartz. At its bi-annual elections, Kappa Sigma elected as its grand master, Paul Walters; grand procurator, Phillip Weherman; treasurer, Bob White; secretary, Pete Beege and master of ceremonies, Jim McCarr ney. 4 dai wttta relet .4 ' Couriciy Lincoln Journal Nancy Hemphill ... 1355-56 May Nebrankan Photo Day. Rather than "who can have the most activities," the ques tion then was "who can dig the most dandelions?" "Drink in M Onlv " Vturv VaA. man; Sigma Chi, "Old Ark's a Movin," Jon Dawson; Sigma Nu, "You'll Never Walk Alone;" Sig ma Phi Epsilon, "Truth Shall De liver," Bill Hatcher. Theta Xi, "Norah," Wendell Friest; Phi Chi, "Jonah," Kappa Sigma, "Holloway Joe," Norbert Schurerman, and Theta Chi, "Dear Little Girl of Theta Chi," Dudley McCubben. Sorority entries are Residence Halls for Women, "Religion Is a Fortune," Phyllis Maloney; Sig ma Kappa, "Beyond The Blue Ho rizon," Lois Panwitz; Alpha Phi, "Too Bright Stars," Kay Yerk; Love Memorial Hall, "Where Wil lows Bend," Betty Pearson. Gamma Phi Beta, "Dreaming," Ruthe Rosenquist; Kappa Delta, "K D Blues," Imogene Davis; Al pha Omicron Pi, "Oh What A Beautiful Morning," Sue Kukman; Delta Delta Delta, "The Crescent Moon," Carol Newell. Towne Club, "Trees," Nadyne Snyder; Chi Omega, "A Chi O Girl," Jan Raach; Pi Beta Phi, "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor," Gerre Swanson; Zeta Tau Alpha, "I Hear The Call of Zeta." Pat Alvord; Kappa Alpha Theta, "Walking," Joan Heusner. Alpha Xi Delta, "It's A Big, Wide, Wonderful World," Lois Ri pa; Delta Gamma, "Liza," Gail Drahota; Kappa Kappa Gamma, "The Kappa Hymn," Carol As bury; University Hospital Nurses, "Little David Play On Your Harp," Janet Carsons, Alpha Chi Omega, "Song Of The Lyre," Kay Cun ningham; Sigma Delta Tau, "I Be lieve," Willis Rosenthal. Judges for the Ivy Day Sing are George Peterson, Kearney High School; Mrs. Elsie Jensen, Oma ha Central High School, and Mrs. Elizabeth Kinkead, Falls City High School. The 4 l Craaader Rabid ZiM-Beem-llaB Kaawlea' Favarlle TrafaUar Kaaara Ivana rmile TbaaderleH Bird Banna raaaaeea Varaam-Pai ked Rabbling Kraak Nam de Plume Hntf H'hiitlr Rl.rk PKINCK nine ftaial Mi-ftke ar are MllM'l NVohfW Mooer Maddr Natural fiat Henerbear r.ranl 'a' fireaa Prairie Harne Pllrht trader f. Baar, Baur tamakla 4 1 J MB's Show Style Sharon Mangold, left and Carol Anderson, right, are shown practicing masking their Mortar Board successors on Mortar Full Day: Ivy Day Activities Set The traditional full day activ ities of Ivy Day will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday morning at the site to the north of the Administra tion building. In case of rain activ ities will be held in the Coliseum. Gail Katskee, president of Mor tar Board, and John Gourlay, pres ident of Innocents Society, will plant the ivy during the morning ceremonies. Sue Kirkman will be solist, Dr. Robert Knoll, assistant professor of English, will act as master of cere monies and will read the Ivy Day history. Judges for the sorority and fra ternity sing will be: George Peter son, music director of Kearney High School; Mrs. Elsie Jensen, music director of Omaha Central High School; and Mrs. Elizabeth Kinkead, music director of Falls City High School. Application Deadline Announced The closing date for applications to take the Department of State Foreign Service Officers Exami nation is May 11. Students should mail applications to the Depart ment's Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service so that they may compete in the examination on June 25. Information pamphlets, sample examination questions and appli cation forms are available at the placement office. They may also be obtained from the Board of Ex aminers for the Foreign Service, Department of State, Washington 25, D.C. One of the unusual features of Ivy Day 1940 was the absence of one Innocent. He hadn't been draft ed, either. He was spending the day in the hospital with appendi citus. Until 1942 Ivv Day had always been held on Friday with classes dismissed. Indeed, until 1S08 regu lar classes were held on Ivy Day. J y Now The old custom of digging dan delions has changed somew.iat through the years as Ivy Day now is highlighted by the mask cam TABLE TRAINER N'eae Nana Teelalaler 4 ernan tr-ftammiacbii-a' Cara Chief A. Na. t-Saew Jab Rlcbl Ckelca-Hapr nammrarblrt-Wataaalr f all Gar Wamaalr-Hammlorbird Knew Jeb-lc. Na. f Ad. Na. t-Saaw Jab Naae f era f'hlet Nat Oat Teetetaler rlammmtbird Waaiaalr Happr-Rlrhl Cbawe W amaalr-Hammlndblrd Naae Teetotaler Hummtnrblrd-tVomaatr liaaa Nana Veereaar Rlrkea Kind ftonr'a Orvkaa Aa"a"lea Idlewlldr Brawaell Rail Maldeafarm Brif Danbla Dealer Irllewill Heartbreak Ratal Id Ira lid Maidenlarm Brtd Maidrelaraa Bnc Karnjami BrawarU HaH Hwwrir Honne Orvbaa Addle IdleaiU rible Dealer Idlewild Barknrapner Orahaa Addle Idtewlld b'r.'.imai aamatrr Kaaieaak Bieae 1 '1 Nrbrankan Photo Boards, Jan Lindquist, left and Joyce Taylor, right. Carole Un terseher watches the practice ses sion. Each year the Mortar Boards and the Innocents award a first and second place trophy to the fraternity and sorority with the highest scholarship-activity rating. In addition the Mortar Boards award three other and the Inno cents award eight other places. Last year the first place Inno cents trophy went to Phi Kappa Psi and the Mortar Board's to Chi Omega. In addition the Innocents and Mortar Boards award a trophy to the senior man and woman with the highest four-year cumulative average. Dave Gradwohl won the men's trophy last year and Mary Gattes won the women's. Tassels Name New Pledges After Tea New Tassel pledges have been selected following their annual tea. Sally Flanagan, Gamma Phi Beta; Judy Chapman, Alpha Phi; Anne Pickett, Kappa Alpha Theta; Judy Douthit, Delta Delta Delta; Carol McPherson, Pi Beta Phi; Billie Prest, Kappa Kappa Gam ma; Carolyn Freeman, Alpha Omnicron Pi. Donna Miller, Towne Club; De anna Brier, Love Memorial Hall; Patsy Kaufman, Loom is Hall; Bar bara Lantz and Sondra Lee, Alpha Xi Delta; Alice Knudson and Barb Christensen, Alpha Chi Omega; Mary Hemphill and Pat Stalder, Chi Omega; Dee Wertz and Georganna Humphrey, Kappa Del ta; Sandy Kully and Joyce Magid son, Sigma Delta Dau; Mary Hep perlen and Barbie Sharpe, Delta Gamma; Linda Fahrlande and Frances Wortz, Sigma Kappa. Patty Patterson and Jayne Brown, Zeta Tau Alpha; Rose Ma rie Tondl, Nadine Calvin, and Phyllis Hansen, Ag-at Large; Jeanne Woodside, Eleanor Meyer, Mernie K a m p m a n, Betty Lou Hoaglund, Alice Young, and Mer na Hunter, Barb-at-Large. Nebraafcaa Phot ing of Mortar Boards, the tack ling of Innocents and the Ivy Day Sing competition. MQHQS ODDS COMMENTS 1:1 SeabiMaH fixed race. M HSite i d art er haaM lead a tnnddr traek. t-.l Dare leaden raanlac far three reara. I I Heaf-a-tneath leae abaakto't prarcal arm. 1:1 KteadT bladder! iheald came la. 7: Meadr baeeri will annear al ftalah. 4:1 Laeiaeeted arrival at track) aaaeaaed alakleataM acaiaat rail I Aanred br trl-werllr farm ah ret I.Ttl:! Kkittleb bereei wlU wla br a naae. :1 Auatbrr flahbr bareei dead el able. ld:l f.aad trainer, bat ba been raaalnd at eeantr f"" 11:1 Hakaawat Uaalerat r brabablr. ' U:l Kaaa tea mark at aider herera. 14:1 rirtmlte dark barae. lm:M Shawr barae i will brabablr fad ai flnlab. a:i l.ililr-kaeoa m bid-time raeteai anar eaaat :U Lai af meaer aa blm. bat earnlad tea maib aa:i rine barae i babbled br tralaerai aent la VV Mt:l I.a.t I. ,. 174:1 Shetland ponr' meat lea Imarde fait. :t trtitalrle ranarr. bat rmru-lri. :! nad beraa beat br track rate. 14:1 rornbeakrr haadieaa n4 aavadb. 14: I Tea far bark. Dewey 5 atan ... 0 j Good I"1 Gordon S 1 W ri f Hinmaa age jaji Jess if.'1 "". 1 , J Severs Fusselmat Rochmai Thompsoa eidbi Wllco