Foe 4 Wednesday, Moy 2, 1 956 THE NEBRASKAN i I I 1 Over 500 Voices: Pave soloisfs Peafi tared In -x Jeanne Br Arts' Sfaovj Five soloists, 500-voice stu- dent choir andl tbeTO-pieee Un i t r sity, Symphony Or-l chestm will ; appear in the musical roles , f Honegger's f r a t r i o,l "J a n n el D'Arc, which will be pre- enied at the University at 8 p.m. May 13. The soloists mill be Martha Long mire, Nancy Norman, Marilee Amundson, Franklin Barger and Hugh Rangeler. The department of music and convocations committee will pre sent the musical drama. Directed by Dr. David Foltt, chairman of the music department, the soloists will be: Vera Zorian, well-known actress and ballerina, will star in the pro- V f It 'J P V Ivy D Song Fraternities: 'ay leased The final listing of the fratern ities and their songs for the Ivy Day fraternity sing was announced Tuesday by John Fagan, sing chairman of Kosmet Klub and chairman of the Ivy Day sing. Twenty fraternities, including a medical fraternity from the medi cal school in Omaha, will sing and compete for the trophies award ed to first, second, and third places. The listing includes Alpha Gam Ma Rho, singing "De Animals is a Comin, directed by Ron Bath; Al pha, Tau Omega, "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor," Claude Ber reckmann; Beta Sigma Psi, "God of our Father," Allan Zeigenbein; Beta Theta PL, "Loving Cup," Frank Tirro; Delta Sigma Phi, "Halls of Ivy," Norman Heinz. Delta Tau Delta, "The Three Bells," Larry Blevins; Delta XTp sflon, Meadowlands ," Mick John son; Farmhouse, "Chariottown," James Dunn; Phi Delta Theta, "Woo of JJ&rlock," Warren Burt; Phi Gamma Delta, "His Name So Sweet," Tom Gilliland. Phi Kappa Psi, "Set Down Sev en!," Harry Grasmick; Sigma Al pha Epsikm, "I Gotta Mule," Dick Andreses; Sigma Al pi a Mo, "Drink to Me Only," Marv Fried man; Sigma Chi, "Old Ark's a Movin," Jon Dawson; Sigma Nu, "YouTl Never Walk Alone"; Sig ma PM Epsilon, "Truth Shall De liver," William Hatcher. Theta Xi, "Nor ah," Wendell Friest, Phi Chi, "Jonah." Kappa Sigma, "Holloway Joe," Norbert Schurerman, and Theta Chi, "Dear little Girl of Theta Chi," Dudley UoCubben. 1 Miss Nermaa Miss AmandSM Miss Leagmire duction. Miss Zorina has appeared in 'Jeanne D'Arc' with the New York Philharmonic in 1953 and the Boston Symphony in 1952. She has been called "one of the outstanding ballerinas of our time." Martha Longmire, a soprano, will sing the role of the Virgin. Miss Longmire has appeared as soloist with the Dallas, Denver, Oklahoma City and Wichita Falls symphony orchestras, and with the Denver Grand Opera and the Mil haud Festival in California. She made her debut in a New York Town Hall recital in 1952. Nancy Norman will sing the role of Saint Margaret. A soprano, she is a graduate student at the Uni versity. Miss Norman sang the leading role in the University's 1955 presentation of Gian-Carlo Menotti's "The Consul," and was soloist in the 1952 "Messiah" pro duction at Albion. The role of Saint Catherine will be sung by Marilee Amundson. Miss Amundson has been contral to soloist in numerous perform ances of Handel's "Messiah" throughout Nebraska. Her other performances include: Mendelssohn's "Elijah" at the Ounces' Sunday Journal and Star Barger Rangeler University in 1955 and with the Omaha Apollo Club; Honegger's "King David" at the University in 1954; Gian-Carlo Menotti's "T h e Consul" at the University in 1955; and "The Rose Maiden" in Oma ha. She m as a church soloist in Omaha. Franklin Barger will sing the tenor role. A graduate of the Uni versity of Michigan, he has ap peared as tenor soloist in Univer sity productions of the following oratorios: "The Seasons," "The Dream of Gerontius," and "King David." Ee has also appeared in operas performed by the Denver Grand Opera Company. Hugh Rangeler will sing the bass j role. Rangelor is coordinator of vocal music in the secondary schools of Lincoln. Included in the 500-voice choir will be the Boys Town Choir, Ag ricultural College Chorus, Univer sity Chorus, sections I and H, Madrigal Singers and the Univer sity Singers. The University orchestra, con ducted by Emanuel Wishnow, will have James Stevenson of Lincoln as concertmaster and William Bush as pianist. f jiiwomiuiiwi mi ii mmm ii.iij.,jj..iihui. .in mmmmmmu, mv - V" - f . . ' - -' - , - ' " - k - ;; ... . . .1 - t ,--..! . . 4 : - -- ; A k.'Y I- 4 . i " t-fa , I ?s.' hi c.r... . v Proposed Chapel Shown above is the architect's drawing of the proposed Congre gationalists - Presbyterian cha pel. The proposed $100,000 cha pel, to be used by the Univer sity's over 1600 Presbyterian and Congregationalist students, will program and provide an asso be financed by individual sub scription of the state's Presby terian churches. The Congrega tionalists, who own the parson age used by the student pastor, will also contribute $3000 to the operating budget of the student Courtesy Sunday Journal tad Star ciate pastor. Ground breaking ceremonies will be held early this summer and the chapel is expected to be completed and ready for use by September of 1957, Charles Hoff of Omaha, president of the Westminster Foundation said. On The Social Side: Olson Named Queen May 12; air To Feature Fun, Games Fun, mirth, and merriment wiH fee ia order when tbe special events j&Jtae of Farmer Fair begins May 12. Game, relays, and contests have beea arranged for everyone, ac cording to Doyle Hulme, chairman of the special event committee. A pie eating contest will begin til festivities at 11 it.m. This year' contest will be held out ioon, if tbe weather permits, and will be sponsored by the Ag Un ion. E.ule for the contest will be ?a2able u. the near future. A tug of war will be next on tbe efaada, Hulme said. This will be contest between the houses, with tea men representing each entry. Then will also be a tug of war easiest for the .coeds, with classes Ksnspeting against each other. Horseshoes, sack race for men end women, slipper kicks, egg 6wi, boot races, Softball throw, mi a new box relay will follow. It will not be necessary far worn ca to register for the tug of war' eotitest, but merely be present for Cm event, Eolme added. A3 f fee events will be held ea tli re north of the Plant SMiaftry Building on Ag campus. By JAN FARRELL Social Editor Congratulations to Barb Olson, Alpha Phi senior in Teachers from Lisco, who was named Phi Gamma Delta Rose Queen at the Phi Gam formal last weekend. There were announcements of one marriage, three engagements, and eight pinnings. This weekend, besides all the Ivy Day festivities, there are two formals. a date dinner, a Par ents' Day, and a Mothers' Day Luncheon. Marriages: CeCe TeSelle, Pi Beta Phi soph omore in Music from Fremont, to LL Brian Hendrickson, Delta Tau Delta alum from Denver. Engagements: Grace Chudly, Delta Delta Del ta sophomore in Home Economics from Lincoln, to Larry Delaney from Lincoln. Maurine Newhouse, junior in Teachers from Nelson, to Fred Warneking from Superior. Joan Knudson, Alpha Chi Ome ga senior in Arts and Sciences from Lincoln, to Earl Barnett, Sig ma Nu senior in Engineering from Holdrege. Pinnings: Cleo B a u s c h, Lincoln Gen eral School of Nursing freshman from Superior, to Roger Haight, Brown Palace sophomore in Arts and Sciences from York. Nancy Dewey, Chi Omega junior in Teachers from Lincoln, to Don Heiliger, Theta Xi junior in Busi ness Administration from Lincoln. Carolyn Williams, Delta Delta Delta freshman in Arts and Sci ences from Ashland, to Jim Mc Gtfh, Beta Theta Pi junior in Arts and Sciences from Emerson. Dinah Raymond, Delta Delta Delta freshman in Teachers from Cn s!a At Unions :.L.i-i' lor tl Spring Day Bar- tre -new available at ail or i rr,s oa campus, at . Ag l J, n offices, and at basi--s tf the men's end wom T ' .. Halls, according to 1 rumble, clisimaa t4 i t t . 1 't is lu ir.g spwisored - "J ,' !tural Executive Z i ' ii e cocperatioa d. all i oa Ag campus, . V. i at 12.U p.m. IXzy 4. s - li cents P5c'h and ' ; ,-i ! .i-i-d by Tuesday. " . i be cheniteflj in on Council: Elections Schsdulsd For Biz Ad Elections for Business Admin istration Student Executive Coun cil will be held Wednesday from 8 a.m. to S p.m. In Room 212 of Social Science. No one may vote who does not have a minimum of 12 credit hours. Biz Ad junior division stu dent will vote for sophomore can didates. Biz Ad junior division students will vote ior sophomore candi dates. Student Lave 12 to 35 credit hours will rote for sophomore can didates; those baring 36 to 70 hours will vote for junior candidates and students Laving 71 hours and above will vote for senior candi dates. Biz A1" tudent will elect two sophooiL ; three juniors, includ ing one woman, and three seniors, one of whom must be a woman. The sophomore candidates are Marvin Dolirman, Kenneth McKee, Frank fBiTO.. Morrison and James i Whitaker, Juniors filing for the Bii Ad Couiiwl re Betty Bnuv-h, Ray mond DeVries and Marlyn Carl son. Senior candidate Include Dar rell DuToit, Bernard Eaton, Jerry Eounravell and Kyle Jeffrry. President of the Biz Ad Council next vear is Mari'yn Staska. Hoid over nerrh-rs ere J? an Johnson Bayard, to Will Wakefield, Alpha Gamma Rbo junior in Agriculture from Blair. Jean Swanson, Delta Gamma sophomore in Teachers from Lin coln, to Greg Eckland, Sigma Nu junior in Business Administration from Osceola. Cynthia Barber. Kappa Alpha Theta freshman in Teachers from Lincoln, to Tom Olson, Alpha Tan Omega junior in Business Ad ministration from Lisco. Nancy Allen, Pi Beta Phi junior in Home Economics from Valley, to John Haessler, Phi Kappa Psi junior in Arts and Sciences from Valley. Sandy Krizelman, Sigma Delta Tau freshman in Business Admin istration from Omaha, to Dave Cohen, Sigma Alpha Mil senior in Business Administration from Rockport, Mo. Social Calendar: Friday: Alpha Gamma Sigma "Rose For mal." Saturday: Gamma Phi Beta ' Mothers' Day Luncheon. Zeta Beta Tau "Whoopee Days" Formal Dinner Dance. Sunday: Farm House Parents Day. Gamma Phi Beta Date Dinner. Succeeds Doug Jensen: Lyle Hansen Selected President In Residence Association Elections The results of a general elec tion by the Residence Association for Men have been announced by Lowell Vestal, retiring vice-president and treasurer. He pointed out that the general election is for at large officers of the RAM and that elections for house presidents will be held at a later date. The new officers are: Director: Dr. Hall Replaces windier Th nside World Ag YM, YW The Ag YWCA and YMCA will sponsor three more group activi ties before the closing of second semester. May 8 round table discussion on pacifism will be held. Slides and a brief history of the Estes Con ference will be presented May 15. X J President: Lyle Hansen. Hansen is a sophomore in BizAd. He is a member of the Salvo staff, schol astic chairman of Andrews House, retiring Intramural Director of the RAM and was a delegate to the conference of the Association of College and University Residence Rails ia March. Vice-president and Treasurer: Lyle Paul Paul is a sophomore and is president of Benton House. Secretary: Jim Souders. Souders is social chairman of Gustavsoa II House and is active in the Engi neering Week Committee. Social Director: Gary Widman. Widman is social chairman of An drews House and chairman of the Union Exhibits and Display Com mittee. Activities Director: Bob Jame son. Jameson is activities chair man of Manatt House and was a delegate to the ACTJRH confer ence. Scholastic Director: Mohammed "Ned" Nadiri. Nadiri is president of the RAM International Club. Intramural Director: Jim Pike. Douglas Jensen, retiring presi dent of the RAM, said, I feel the member of the RAM have select ed a very capable group of lead ers for next year. 'I am equally confident that the men will do all in their power to back up these new leaders," he added. "Tbe RAM is still a young organization and needs firm lead ership. There is much that can be done to expand the program. Tbe two most important ele ments necessary for expansion are good leaders and loyal constitr uents. If the measure of coopera tion that I and the rest of my ex ecutive board have received while in office is an indication of the spirit of the men of Selleck Quad rangle. I am sure the new offi cers will have no trouble ia de veloping an even better program," Jensen said, "During my year and a half as president we have made many changes but there is room for far more in a growing organization. There ia virtually no end to the extent of a residence balls student! government program. AH phases of our present pro-; gram can be expanded to give greater service to the members of the RAM Jensen said. 1 wish to thank all those with whom I have worked and who! have made my terms of office so enjoyable. I am proud to have been able to have had a part in these early years of tbe RAM and Selleck Quadrangle, Jensen said. Dessert: Workers Honored By Union Winners of the Distinguished Service Award, the Outstanding Freshman Award and the 1936-57 activities committee chair men were announced Tuesday at the annual Union Awards Dessert. Kay Christensen, junior in Teachers college was awarded the Distinguished Service Award for her contributions to the Union. Miss Christensen served as chair man of the exhibits and displays and special activities committees and assistant chairman of the rec reation committee. Her other activities include Tas. sels, AWS Board and Union Board of Managers. Miss Christensen is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. The Outstanding Freshman Award for the City Union went to Judy Decker, Delta Delta Delta, member of the AWS Board and a member of the Comhusker staff. Carol Johnson was named the Outstanding Worker for the Ag Union. She was editor of the Ag Rag. The following new committee chairmen and assistants were an nounced for 1956-57: Personnel: chairman, June Stef anisin; assistant, Helen Beal. Public relations: chairman. Ana Hale; assistant, Judy Douthit. Special activities: chair man, Judy Decker; assistant Jaa Chatfield. Film: chairman, Phil Kapustka; assistant, Joan Carroll. Art and exhibits: chairman. Ir ene Nilson; assistant, Jan Olson. Hospitality: chairman, Kay Dep pen; assistant. Nan Carlson. Dance: chairman, Terry Mitch em; assistant, Tom Gilliland. Forum and convocation: chair man, Joel McComb; assistant, Ste phan Hanson. Music: chairman. Mary Jo Mo Cune; assistant, Martha Daniel son. Recreation: chairman, Dor thy Beechner; assistant, Gwea Crowley. General entertainment: chair rsan. Barb Meston; assistant, May rene Maxwell. Pledget New pledges for Gamma Alpha Chi, women's advertising honor ary, have been announced. They are Betty Branch, Laurie Dempster, Williamette Desca, Mar ilyn Heck, Mary Dee DeMars, Mimi Gordon, Gladys Evens, Mary Egan and Connie Hurst. Also included are Babs Jelger huis. Mary Keys, Joe Kroeger, Marcia Mkkelsen. Barbara Pack ard, Judy Ramey, Ruthe Rosen quist, Barbara Thompson, Pal Cower. Margaret Book and Jo Anne Junge. AIEE The AIEE will meet in room 217 Ftguson at 7:30 p.m. Wednseday. A film on the testing of guided missiles at White Sands, N. M. will be shown. KK Scores Anyone who has a musical score or a dialogue part for 'Kiss Me Kate" is requested to return them to Jim Boling, Pi Kappa Phi or Morgan Holmes, Phi Delta Theta. ASME Student branch of ASME will meet Wednesday at 7:15 Room 2UG Richards Lab. Officers for next semester will be elected. Seniors may trtriHfer to tle parent society at tliis time. Officers Norm House has elected of ficers. They are Dale Marples, president; Jason Armstrong, vice president; Jess Navarro, secre tary, and Sieve Geargeau, treasurer. Cnurtew liincoln Star HALL Dr. William Hall, director of the departments of journalism and pub lic information at Texas Tech in Lubbock, has been announced as the new director of the University School of Journalism. The appointment is expected to be confirmed by the Board of Re gents at their next meeting. He will succeed Dr. William Swindler, who recently sub mitted his resignation as director. Swindler, however, will remain as professor of journalism. Dr. Hall lias had 15 years jf newspaper, magazine and public information experience. He worked approximately five years on the staff of the Albuquer que Tribune, a Scripps-Howard newspaper. After serving in the armed forces from 1943-45, he was appointed alumni director of the University of New Mexico and ed itor of the association's monthly magazine, for aeven years, lie also served that institution as a member of its journalism faculty and assistant to the president. Dr. Hall received hi bachelor's degree in political science from the University of New Mexico, master's degree in journalism from Columbia University and his doctorate in mas communications from the State University of Iowa. While at Iowa in 1152, Dr. Hall was one of 10 Americans co-ordinating a study of the "flow of news" between the U.S., Western Europe and India. This project, sponsored by the International Press Institute, was called the most comprehensive new study ever undertaken. Dr. Hall's doctoral dis sertation was an analysis of inter national press freedom. Dr. Hall joined the Texas Tecb faculty in September, 1U54. In a statement from Lubbock, Dr. Hall said: "It is with pride and pleasure that 1 accept thi appointment. The School of Journalism ha a fine faculty and a fine program, and the state boasts an alert, cap able press. There is every reason to believe the school' progress can be lurther accelerated." The newly-appointed director La been active ia the Texaa Preti As sociation during the pasttwo years. Also during that time lie has served a secretary-treasurer of tbe South Plain Press Association and as a member of the West Press Association' journalism scholar Outside World: D.C. Holds ritnary By WALT SWTTZEK Staff Writer In tbe first legal balloting in tbe District of Columbia in the past BO years both the Republicans and Democrats were out to get the District's six presidential convention votes. The Republicans were settling a factional battle while ArUai Stevenson and Estes Kefauver beaded the Democratic primary. In Tuesday's Democratic primary in Alabama tbe big question is the vote-pulling power of Gov. James E. Folsom, who has been under fire for his stand on segregation. Ike To Campaign By TV Republican National chairman, Leonard Hall said following a con ference with President Eisenhower that Ike will probably make five or six television campaign speeches this fall. Hall told White House newsmen that "nothing more is expected of the President. "That doesn't mean we don't have a rugged cam paign ahead," be added. "We don't take anything for granted." Train Rates Hiked A five per cent increase in all passenger rates was granted for trains traveling through Nebraska by the Interstate Commerce Com mission. The increase was also authorized ior intrastate passenger travel in Nebraska, Arkansas, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and Texas. Spokesmen for tbe Rock Island, Union Pacific and Burlington rail roads said tbe increases, which went into effect immediately, would raise tbe price of each fare five per cent. May Day Quieter vs. servicemen and their families, in Casablanca, Morocco, were restricted to bases or quarter to prevent them from getting mixed up in possible May Day riots. Elsewhere May Day activities were quiet. Tbe Moscow parade was smaller than usual but the East German youth group marched through Berlin to the "goose step". I Four Cadets Recognized By Ah ROTC Four cadets of tbe University Air ROTC unit received awards late Thursday afternoon at a parade ceremony. Tbe cadets are: Cadet CapL Charles Stewart Jr, who received the National Defense Transportation citation in recogni tion of his leadership qualities, academic standing and achieve ment. Cadet Airman First Class Greg ory Stinman, who was awarded tbe Convair award for being considered the outstanding sophomore appli cant for advanced ROTC fully qualified for flight training. Cadet Airman First Class James Wilkinson who received tbe Reserve Officers Association award for hav ing the highest cumulative grade average. Cadet Airman Third Class Lee Wotipka who received the Reserve Officers Association award for hav ing the highest cumulative match score on tbe Air ROTC riOe team for the 1955-56 school year. Tbe latter two award were pre sented by Charles Hinds of the Reserve Officers Association. 7?crv? o llVMtMVttki C3 STL3 ! Ift t t Leffler Appointed To ROTC Post Sgt. 1-c Charles Leffler of tbe 28th Infantry Regiment, Ft. Car son, Colo,, has joined the Univer sity Army ROTC staff. Col. Chester Diestel, professor of military science and tactics, an nounced that Sgt. Leffler has been placed in charge of the training aids department of the Army de tachment. Sgt. Leffler entered military serv ice in 1030. He saw combat in Italy and later aerved in Okinawa. Classified Ads anm T"' tUnt, frfr 1 l etftUm lrfc yirtrvmolr reuKinvlila. Cma sitna in TOW. srfM. or cll t-tHtl ari-noun or -7 p.m. Mothers Day end Fathers Day CAESS AvcdkzLla How, ooLOEnnoo 235 IJorfh 14 USE NEBRASICAH To place a cfststfied ed Sin la k jVwIiwt I'm C3 3-7ttl tmi Sarir Off 20 Ex, W fr Crf. sm 149 Has. ihtw frL THRIFTY AD RATES So. word, I toil deysH dgyHftrra JJ-W I Jilt s 1 6-20 U j M lljssii i ?' -?H 1.1 M 143 1.75 i i aid Sob febyyter. ship committee.