It Happened At NU Among the more unusual calls received by the Campus Police was the one from a hysterical coed who screamed, "I left the dryer on." The call was heeded when the police discovered it was not a hair dryer but a dryer in the "pho tography department at Burnett Hall. Weather 'r Not Scattered showers are predicted for the Lin coln area Friday and there is a possibility of colder weather also. Temperatures are expected to range in the 60's with lows in the high 40'a and low 50's. Tfl Vol 29, No. 80 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Friday, April 28, 1956 n IIP - Imriheirra AfffeDrrs A ' - ' I ' ' i v i 5. A t l . - I 5 hmiiriYai immiim mimii-w liiitrtiimi lirniprnnnninmwinimwrii nwmmww m am -'-"t if Drahota Weighed Gail Drahota is pictured test ing the electrical weighing de vice rigged up by the Univer sity engineering students in con nection with Engineers Week. Frank Holm, junior in engi neering.figures her weight on a Unusual Displays: i-Week Dram Big Crowd; Dinner And Banquet Today ErWeek opened at 2 p.m. Thurs day and by 5 p.m. approximately 2000 people had gone through the displays. It was estimated that over 7000 people, including .high echool groups from throughout the state, would attend , the show. The- overall winners of the E Week, competition and the winners of Engineers' Field Day will be announced at the Engineers' . Din ner Dance, 6:30 p.m. Friday at the lincoln Hotel. ...... The overall winner of E Week will be the department that has accumulated the most points during the two day program. The departments of the College "of "Engineering have beeh' playing softball games all week and the winner of ' the Friday afternoon game will be awarded a trophy. The Field Day includes many track and field events. Blueprint Keys will be presented to the outstanding Blueprint staff members Friday night and the out standing senior and freshman in Engineering will be recognized. The outstanding senior is selected on the , basis of his overall con tribution to the College of Engineer ing, whereas the freshman is chos en on scholarship alone. Sigma Tau, engineering honorary will pre sent the awards. Arnold Steckling, assistant at Chrysler proving grounds, will speak at the Engineers' Convoca tion in Love Library at 11 a.m. Engineer's Week originated 63 years ago and has become an an nual event. It is presented so that the public, alumni, students and incoming students may judge the worth of the Engineering College. The unusual displays include an electric chair that could apply half a million volts to a human being without harming the person. By the use of liquid air mechan- Symphony Jo Play In Omaha Concert The University SytViOny Orch estra will present three concerts in Omaha Friday, with Prof Eman uel Wishnow as conductor. The 70-piece orchestra will ap , ear in concert at 8 p.m. at Boys Vown Music Hall. Concerts also will be given at 10 a.m. at North High School and at 2:30 p.m. at Westside High School. V 4 a I I T Displays Numerous Two students in the College of Engineering are shown examin ing one of the many exhibits on display during E-Week. The displays are designed to acquaint Tisitors, especially hifh school Courtesy Lincoln Stat graph. This device is one of the many exhibits on display for the public during E-Week. All engineering buildings were in spected Thursday from 2 to 10 p.m. during the engineers' Open House. ical engineers showed what hap pened when objects were cooled to extremely low temperatures. It caused rubber balls to shatter like glass and mercury to become hard enough to pound nails. " Another attraction was the chance to send a message to a friend anywhere in the U.S. Ham radio operators relayed the mes sages to other hams over the coun try and they in turn phoned the note to the recipient Vithin min utes after being sent. Behind all the displays was the competition of the six engineering societies on campus. The societies were rated by five Judges who con sidered the merits of their dis plays. Judges were, professor of Ac counting Ray Dein; Lloyd Corp of Bankers Life Insurance; John Ol sson of Fulton and Cramer; T. C, fichewront of the Dept of Road and Irrigation, and John Campbell, president of Miller and Paine. Exhibits were considered on the basis of (1) did they portray an accurate picture of engineering to high school students and visitors (2) did they build good will for the College and (3) did they show in genuity and skill on the part of the students. Pershing Rifle Assembly Set For University The annual Little National As sembly, of the National Society of Pershing Rifles will be held here May 4 and 5. Brigadier General William Wenz laff, present National Commander, will preside at the Assembly. There will be business meetings Friday and Saturday mornings, a banquet and luncheon. ; Regimental Headquarters at tending are: Ohio State, Clemson, Oklahoma A&M, Oregon State, Iowa University, Indiana Univers ity, Pennsylvania State, City Col lege of New York, Denver Uni versity, San Francisco University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. U " -r-tr 4 1 Court ey Sunday Journal ol Sut students, with the accomplish ments of the College of Architec ture and Engineering. Capacity crowds viewed the various dis plays during Open House Thurs day. . ...IHiiles Student Council was denied jur isdiction over the internal affairs of all campus organizations by the unanimous decision ot the lac- ulty committee on Student Af fairs. Meeting in closed session Wednesday, the Committee ruled specifically that the Council could not set up a scholarship require ment for board members and offi cers of campus organizations. The controversy over Council au thoritv beean when Interfraternity Council refused to comply with the Council ruling that all board mem bers have a 5.0 scholastic average and all officers have a 5.7 aver- Sing: is t Ivy Day choruses have been an nounced by John Fagan, Kosmet Klub sing chairman, and Linda Buthman, AWS sing chairman. In case of rain, both fraternity and sorority sings will be held in the Coliseum, Miss Buthman said. Winners of the sing contest will be announced at 2:30 p.m. and will be asked to sing again, she said. "It is important that all members of choruses be present when the winners are announced," Miss Buthman said. Entrants in the sorority sing and song leaders, in the order of ap pearance, are: Residence Halls for Women, "Re ligion Is A Fortune," Phyllis Ma- lony; Sigma Kappa, "Beyond ine Blue Horizon," Lois Panwitz, Alpha Phi, "Too Bright Stars," Kay Yerk; Love Memorial Hall, "Where Wil low, Bend," Betty Pearson. Gamma Phi Beta, "Dreaming," Ruthe Rosenquist, Kappa Delta, "K D Blues," Imogene Davis; Al pha Omicron Pi, "Oh What A Beautiful Morning, Sue Kukman; Delta Delta Delta, "The Crescent Moon," Carol Newell. Towne Club, "Trees," Nadyne Snyder;-Chi Omega, "A Chi O Girl," Jan Raach; Pi Beta Phi, "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor," Gerre Swanson; Zeta Tau Alpha, "I Hear The Call of Zeta,". Pat Al vord; Kappa Alpha Theta, "Walk in'," Joan Heusner. Alpha Xi Delta, "It's A .Big, Wide, Wonderful - World," Lois Ripa; Delta Gamma, "Liza," Gail Drahota; Kappa Kappa Gamma, "The Kappa Hymn," Carol Asbury; University Hospital Nurses, "Little David Play On Your Harp," Janet Carsons; Alpha Chi Omega, "Song Of The Lyre," Kay Cunningham; Sigma Delta Tau, "I Believe," Wil lis Rosenthal. Judges for the Ivy Day Sing are George Peterson, Kearney High School; Mrs. Elsie Jensen, Omaha Central High School, and Mrs. Elizabeth Kinkead, Falls City High School. ' The list of fraternities entered in the Ivy Day Sing competition is not complete, Fagan said. Following are the entries that he has re ceived: Alpha Gamma Rho, "De Animals Is A Comin' "; Alpha Tau Omega, "Give Me The Tired, The Poor;" Beta Theta Pi, "Loving Cup;" Del ta Sigma Phi, "Halls of Ivy." Delta Tau Delta, "The Three Bells;" Delta Upsilon, "Meadow lands;" Farm house, "Chariot town;" Kappa Sigma, "Holloway Joe;" Phi Delta Theta, "Men Of Harlech." Phi Delta Gama, "His So Sweet;" Phi Kappa Psi, "Set Down Servant;" Sigma Alpha Epsilon, I Gotta Mule;" Sigma Alpha Mu, "Drink To Me Only;" Sigma Chi, "Old Arks a Moverin." Sigma Nu, "You'll Never Walk Alone;" Theta Chi, "Theta Chi Serenade;" Theta Xi, "Norah;" Sigma Phi Epsilon, "Truth Shall Deliver;" Phi Chi, "Little David, Play On Your Harp." Ag College Plans Senior Coffee Hour An informal coffee hour for all graduating seniors in the. College of Agriculture will be held May 2 from 4-5:30 p.m. in the Foods and Nutrition Building, according to Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Eld ridge. Dean and Mrs. W. V. Lambert will join the Eldridges in receiving guests. Invitations are being sent personally to each graduating sen ior. "Both Dean Lambert and I would like to visit informally with as many graduating seniors ss pos sible," Dr. Eldridge said. Against age. IFC stated that they were un der the control of the Board of Re gents and the Committee on Stu dent Affairs and were therefore exempt from the Council ruling. Panhellemc and. Union were in cluded in the dispute when it was found that they too were under control of the Student Affairs com mittee and the Regents. The entire matter was brought to the Council and was then turned over to the Judiciary Committee of the Council! j The Judiciary Committee ruled that IFC, Panhellenic and Union would be covered by the Council scholarship policy. . The resolution as passed by the Judiciary Committee follows: "In enforcing the Student Council scholarship policy requiring a 5.0 average for board members and a 5.7 for officers, the Judiciary Committee of the Council, acting SC Members Disagree ith Ruling All but one of the Student Coun cil members contacted by The Ne- braskan in regard to the decision by the Student Affairs Committee to limit Council jurisdiction op posed the decision. "This is the most exquisite job of placing the students in their po sition of utter submissiveness that I have ever seen," Mick Neff, junior council representative, said. "The Council has been stripped of their inner workings and al lowed only the outer walls, thus becoming, a Student. Council in name only," he continued. "Such a Council for the good of the students, would be better off to disband than to remain as a powerless puppet animated only by the strings of the Administra tion at the suggestions of an organ ization faculty advisor," Neff add ed. "I'd like to inquire as to just what the Student Council does have power over?" Bev Deepe, junior representative, said. "This appears to be a direct vio lation of Article II of the Student Council Constitution which states . . . 'The purposes of this organ ization shall be to act as the su preme student governing body in the regulation and coordination of all phases of student self-govern ment, " Don Beck, junior repre sentative, said. Junior council member Dot No votny said, "I feel that the deci sion was not in the best interests of the students as I definitely feel there should be a scholarship lim itation." . "Even though it puts the Coun cil in a bad light, it had to be done in view of circumstances," was the opinion of Dick Reische, junior member. "This makes the Council a group of people getting together Wednes days at 4 p.m. to drink tea," Marv Breslow, junior representative, said. "It is curious that the fac ulty is against any scholastic stan dards in activities, but it probably got in the way of their politics," he added. Faculty members of the Student Affairs Committee contacted by The Nebraskan refused to com ment on the decision. Display Examined Co-chairmen of the 1956 Engi neering Mechanics displays for E-Week are Ralph Foral (right) and Vera Sutter. They are pic tured examining an automatic pilot, a feature of the E-Week dis plays. E-Week began Thurs day with an Open House. Un usual, informative and amazing feats of engineering are on pub SshoSas'shipMstsuirsmsni -s ! t :? I Courtesy Sunday Journal and Stat Colbert Hove in accordance with a resolution passed in Council and pursuant to its authority 'to interpret the Coun cil constitution and by-laws Arti cle VII,- Section 2 (A), hereby rules that Interfraternity C o.u n cil, Panhellenic Council and Stu dent Union Board are subject to this policy, as are all other cam pus organizations which were en compassed in the enactment there of." According to J. P. Colbert, Dean of Student Affairs and chairman of the faculty committee on Stu dent Affairs, "The Council, as a whole, did not take action upon the ruling of its Judiciary Com mittee." "The Council then asked our committee to clarify two things (1) the status of authority of the Council over the three organiza tions in particular and (2) the gen eral authority of the Council over all campus organizations," C o 1 bert said. Colbert added, "The Committee Full Day: OnMl-Sports Day Show A full day of action packed events are slated for Saturday's annual All-Sports Day. Coach Tony Sharpe's baseball squad will lead off the festivities at 10 a.m. against Offutt Air Base of Omaha. In the second event of All Sports Day the Nebraska tennis team will try to break their losing streak when they meet Iowa State at 11. Varsity trackman will pit their skills against the freshman team starting at noon on the Stadium course. At 2 p.m. Varsity and Alumni football players take over in the Stadium in the main attraction of the day. There will be no re served seats for any of the events. Tickets may be purchased for $1 at Room 109 in the Coliseum. One ticket is good for all of the con tests. The University gymnastics team will present an exhibition in the Coliseum following the football game. There will be a swimming exhibition in the Coliseum pool at 5 p.m. Many of the alumni have been working out the past week and and most of them are expected at thn full scale practice which has been scheduled for today. Acording to Vic Schleich '42, who has appeared in every game since their origination in 1950, "once is all I'm going to get these old muscles sore this week end." Others are expected to join Schleich in watching Friday's prac tice but forty will be ready to go against the Varsity Saturday. ST' mm? lic display during the week. The displays can be viewed from 2 p.m, to 10 p.m. More than 5000 persons' are expected to view the engineering principles and practices which enter into every phase of modern-day living. Fea tured in the displays is a model of the proposed satellite which will be hurled into space next yeaj by the U.S. government. Mil klionSlaied n on Student Affairs discussed the problem and came to the conclu sion that in regard to overall juris diction of the Council, "The Stu dent Council '.has authority over campus activities of a general na ture but does not have authority over the internal affairs of indi vidual organizations." By "general nature" Colbert cited elections as an example of a general function over which the Council has jurisdiction. However, he said, our commit tee felt that the Council does not have the right to set up criteria for the selection of officers and board members of campus organ izations. "It must be remembered," Col bert said, "that the Council and the Committee on Student Affairs acts upon the constitutions of the various organizations." "As long as the organizations are not vio lating the requirements as set up in their constitutions, the Council has no authority," Colbert stated. "The Student Affairs committee is certainly interested in high schol arship," Colbert continued, but ri x hf.r ' r v' ti v- Top Rating Given Dick Fellman, editor of The Nebraskan last semester, headed the staff of the Nebraskan that won the AU-American rating. The ratings, compiled by the All-American: Paper Receives Top Ratiw The Nebraskan has received the Associate Collegiate Press All-American rating for the se mester ending February 1956. The top rating was given to six college newspapers of com parable enrollment that pub lished two or three times a week. Thirty college newspa pers were entered in this di vision. This is the third time in a decade that The Nebraskan has received the All-Americsa rating. The last time the pa per received the rating was in the spring of 1952, when Joan Kruger was editor. Prior to that, The Nebraskan received the rating in 1947. According to Fred Kildow, director of ACP, "All-American rating indicates a distinct ly superior achievement. Pa pers in each group were com pared with each other, and standards were set up by the newspapers themselves, after basic Guidebook considerations were taken into account." The newspaper Guidebook sets up critera that the news papers are judged by, includ ing, physical properties (typog raphy) and coverage. The judge was Gareth Heil bert, columnist and former city editor of the St. Paul Pi oneer Press and Dispatch. "The Nebraskan seems to be a pretty good model of a good college newspaper I It has per sonality and leads in opinions, whether or. not it . is always Club Endorses The Agricultural Economics Club endorsed the petitions in re gard to Clyde Mitchell. The latest results on the peti tions indicate that approximately 500 students have signed, roughly about one-half of the students en rolled in the College of Agricul ture. Ag Ec Club also voted that Mel Bellinger, club president, present the petitions to the proper author ities. Results on city campus are in complete and probably represent still feels that the Council cannot set up the qualifications upon which the organizations can select their officers. . "Also the Student Council can say that all Council representa tives must have a certain average, he said. In addition, "The Council can recommend to all organiza tions that they set up the require ments desired by the Council, Colbert said. Other action pending before the Committee on Student Affairs in cluded (1) student representation on the Student Affairs committee and the Library Committee and (2) the financial responsibilities of campus organizations. The Committee recessed until Thursday when these two matters will be discussed. Members of the faculty commit tee on Student Affairs in addition to Colbert are Robert Knoll, Hel en Snyder, Marjorie Johnston, H. L. Weaver, Elsie Jevons, Mrs. An gline Anderson, A. P. Bates, A. B. Ward, Irwin Hathoway, Mrs. Ruth Levinson, Miss Mabel Strong, L. E. Young and W. C. Harper. Associated Collegiate Press, are comparative ratings of all col lege newspapers which desire ratings. All-American , is the highest rating given. the accepted view is beside the point." he said. "You take a stand and stay with it. That is part of a news paper's job ... to stand up for what it believes is right," Hielbert continued. The coverage of student "life" was designated as "out standing." "All your editorials are strong in voice. Your edi torial page has variety, good unity, thoughtful commentary and humor. It has a lot of good reading," Hielbert said. In addition to the comment on the editorial page, The Ne braskan also rated well in typ ography, pictures, make-up and general news coverage. The is sues which were judged were , published during October, of 1955. Dick Fellman, Arts and Sci-' ence senior, was editor of the Nebraskan the fall semester. "I'm happy about the rating and proud of the staff. I al ways did feel that the staff did an excellent job throughout the semester and ran the paper on a professional level with com plete cooperation, although cer-' tainly not always agreement, on the many issues of the day," Fellman said. The fall semester staff in cluded; F e 1 1 m a n, editor; George Madsen, business man-; ager; Bruce Brugmann, editor ial page editor; Sam Jensen, managing editor, Fred Daly, news editor, and Bob Cook, " sports editor. Ag Petitions from 259 to 300 signatures. Peti tions must be turned into The Ne braskan office by Friday to be con sidered for the Board of Regents meeting.. - Spring Day Meeting A meeting of all intramural chairmen or representatives from each organized house will be held at 5 p.m., Monday in the Union, Room 316. A schedule of events, and details of Spring Day will be released st this tims.