The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 24, 1956, Image 1
the It Happened At NU A pledge class was recently picked up on general charges of disturbing the peace, with the possibility of lighting fire to the Women! Residence Halls. They had been burning sacks in the street in front of the Girls' Dorm at 2:30 in the morning. x n Weather 'r Not The spring-like weather in the Lincoln area is expected to continue Friday and Saturday with highs ranging in the 60's. There will be moder ate south to southeast winds. No precipitation is predicted. I 1 Vol. 29, No. 65 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Friday, March 24, 1955 Elections: IPC EBB is AfOTiued Presides a It ... . r y;, .... . W 1 Sam Ellis, Phi Delta Theta, was elected president "6f the Interfra ternity Council Wednesday night by representatives of the 24 fra ternities on the University campus, Other officers elected are: Vice president, Bob Cook, Delta Tau Delta; treasurer. Ben Belmont, Zeta Beta Tau; secretary, Bo Schuyler, Phi Gamma Delta. Ellis, a junior in Business Ad ministration, is a former treasurer of the All University Fund, histor ian of Kosmet Klub and past Stu dent Council member. Cook is president of Delta Tau Delta, a Nebraskan copy editor and a junior in Arts and Sciences, Belmont, junior in pre-law, is secretary of AUF, a member of Kosmet Klub and past secretary of Zeta Beta Tau. Schuyler is an AUF Board mem ber, a sophomore in Business Ad ministration and a Kosmet Klub worker. Other nominees for president Were Dick Reische, Beta Theta Pi ft X 1 . ' -1 -:mmmak. 4 4 Courtesy Lincoln Journal Ma gnu son Magnuson: Alumni ppoin scrtary Arnold Magnuson, 32, executive vice president of the Beatrice Chamber of Commerce, has been named executive secretary of the University Alumni Association. Magnuson, a 1948 graduate from the University, will succeed Jamas Pittenger, who resigned recently to accept the position as adminis trative aide to Chancellor Clifford Hardin. Since graduation, Magnuson has served as manager of various de partments for the J.C. Penney Company in Lincoln, and was sec retary-manager of the Falls City Chamber of Commerce before taking the Beatrice Chamber po sition. Commenting on his new job, Magnuson said "My wife and I have always liked Lincoln and are very proud of the University of Ne braska. It is very pleasing to me to have the opportunity to work with the Alumni Association and the University. "The next ten years will be crit ical ones in American education. The expected 5ft per cent increase in college enrollment will tax the system to the extreme. I hope, that as Alumni Secretary and head of a well organized Association, to be able to play a hand in the strengthening of the University for your children as well as mine." Magnuson will take over official ly on May 1. Library Finds Book Display Space Lacking Plans are being made for the purchase of book display cases for the Love Library lobby, Bernard Kreissman, assistant director of the library, announced Thursday. Professors Frank Lundy, Library Director, and Bertrant Schultz, Di rector of the Art Museum, are supervising the project. The idea for the display cases was conceived when tvo visitors to the University commented on spac iousness for book displays and the fine collection of art, but that there was no place to put thern, he said. At present the American Lltera-ture-Orr Room in trie only spot where displays can be shown, Kreissman said. One difficulty is thate funds to finance this project will not be drawn from tax funds, he Bdded. "We hope that shortly the cases, V'hich will demonstrate to the stu I"nts and visitors the treasures of th University library, can be ob tuined," Kreisftrnan, said. A and Cook. Also nominated for vice president were Jim Boling, Pi Kap pa Phi, and Jim Feather, Farm House. Other nominees for treasurer were Ben Neff, Delta Tau Delta, and Feather. Also nominated for secretary were Bill Thompson, Phi Delta Theta, Marv McNiece, Delta Upsilon, and Don Freeman, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. There was no business at IFC meeting other than the e'ection of new officers. Retiring IFC officers are: presi dent, Bill Campbell, Phi Gamma Delta; vice president, John Gour lay, Beta Theta Pi; treasurer, Dick Trupp, Delta Tau Delta; secretary, Sam Ellis, Phi Delta Theta. Petition: am Ms or Entrance In Ivy Sing Kosmet Klub has received a pe tition from the Residence Assoc iation for Men for entrance of the RAM Glee Club in the Ivy Day singing competition. The RAM is proud to be able to offer the services 'of its Glee Club in helping to make the Ivy Day sing an all-campus event," Douglas Jenson, RAM president said. Kosmet Klub invited the RAM to compete last year, but Selleck Quadrangle had no glee club organization, Jenson said. 'Kosmet Klub is happy to see this interest on the part of RAM in the Sing," Von Innes, Kosmet Klub president said. "There are, however, several complications," he continued. "The RAM Glee Club represents some 800-900 men, while a iraternity chorus would repre sent a membership of 100 at the very maximum." "Personally, I feel that it would be unfair to place the RAM Glee Club in competition for that rea son," Innes said. "Also, at the present time the Kosmet Klub con stitution states that they shall spon sor an 'Interfraternity Sing' on Ivy Day." "If the Innocents-Mortar Board committee on Ivy Day would allow the time, the Kosmet Klub would like to see the RAM Glee Club in cluded on the program this year as a guest group, not entering the competition," Innes said. Possibly this could be expanded in following years to include the various dorm houses and men's cooperatives in the competition," Innes said. The RAM Glee Club has been organized since last fall, under the direction of Dick Oehring, and is fully prepared to enter the Ivy Day sing, Jenson said. ' Dorm: Olson Co. Apparent low bidder for the cen- eral contract on the proposed south addition to the Women's Residence Halta, is Olson Construction Com pany of Lincoln which submitted a bid Thursday afternoon of $356.- Low bidder for the mechanical contract is Natkin and Company, Lincoln, $113,340, and for electric al contract, Dodran Electric Com pany, Omaha, $46,124. The University's Board of Re gents will award the contracts Saturday at 11 a.m. The four-story addition, which will house 160 students, will con sist of an "L" shaped building con nected to the Residence Halls by an enclosed one-story sun room. The exterior of the building will be finished in red brick with Indiana limestone trim. Financing for the structure -will come from the recently issued $4, 000,000 revenue bond issue which will be retired from student and rental fees. No tax funds are in volved. Other bidders are: General contract George Cook, $373,539; Assenmacher Construc tion Co., $332,488; M. W. Ander son Construction Co., $33,9B7; W. Browr Construction Co., $."H7,- 900; Kingery Construction Co., liMi.OOO and Wescott-Bowen, $405,- 411, all of Lincoln. Mechanical contract Ray Mar tin, $114,400; Reinhardt Brothers, $115,977; Wentz Fuel and Oil, $118,- 33 and Newberg and Bookstrom, $124,007, ail of Lincoln. Electrical contract A.B.C. Electric, $!ifi,7(K; Indrtrial Elec tric, $1,857; Mson Electric, $60,- 278 and OramnnwiKh, $61,1)79. Submits Low Bid ! J X ' I ' - II 'if 1 11 If? r flv; ' ' 1 i Sri If N- .'4 It""4 " , . . ,. . .- The New Rises Shown above are the nearly completed Kappa Sigma frater unity house and the nearly wrecked Baptist Student house. The two projects are part of a general building expansion by private organizations on the New Buildings: Expansion In Store For Campus Mouses Considerable expansion is ki store for the University campus as two fraternities, two student religious houses and a sorority plan for new facilities. Kappa Sigma fraternity, whose work on a new house began on September 6, 1955, hope to see the building completed by the end of May, according to Jan Pickard, past president. The new modern style house will consist of two connected buildings, one contain ing the library, living room and house mother's quarters, and one containing the dining room, study and sleeping quarters. The latter are unique on the University campus, Pickard said, being neither dormitory nor study room style. Instead, each four man sleeping room will be flanked by two-man study rooms. The house, built at a cost of $214, 000, will accomodate 72 people. Dissatisfaction with the location and condition of the present house was given as the reason for mov ing. Delta Upsilon fraternity has not yet contracted for the building of their new house, but hope to have it ready by next September, ac cording to Joe Krause, president. It will be located on the corner of 16th and Vine. The modern brick and stone structure will accommo date 48 -to 64 people. Delta Gamma sorority will not continue with plans for their new house which will be located at 636 North 16th Street until they have sold their present house. In conventient location and the crowd ed house necessitated the move, ac cording to Carol Link, vice-president. The Lutheran Student House is planning an annex for a worship sanctuary, according to the Rev. Alvin M. Peterson, pastor. There is no definite time schedule on the project, but the Student House hopes to have the sanctuary ready in a year or two. The Presbyterian-Congregational Student House plans the addi tion of a chapel and a recreation The Outside World: Dulles Reports On Trip By CINDY ZSCHAU Nebraskan Start Writer Secretary of State Dulles Thursday gave Democratic and Repub lican -congressional leaders a "moderately optimistic" report of con ditions in the Middle East and Far East. President Eisenhower sat in as Dulles made his report to 22 leaders of Congress on this just-completed CPP Confers On Atom About 200 persons from Lancaster, Gage and Saline counties at tended a conference on the applications of atomic energy held at Doane College Thursday. At the same time, officials of Consumers Public Power District were in Chicago negotiating a contract with the Atomic Energy Com mission to build an atomic energy power plant near the intersection of the three counties. Consumers hopes to sign the or eight weeks. Magnani, Eorgnine Honored Anna Magnani and Ernest Borgnine were presented Oscars as best actress and best actor of 1955 at Wednesday night. Mies Magnani received the award and Borgnine received his for his pari in "Marty." Jo Van Fleet and Jack Lcmmon were named best supporting ac tress and beut supporting actor. "Love is a Many-Spleiidored Thing" received the award as best movie Bus Lines Ask Increase Lincoln City Bus Lines will file a request with the State Railway Commission early next week for the down last fall. The company will ask for a continuation of the present cash fare of 15 cents for all persons over 12 years of age. It will also ask that children from 5 to 12 who now get two tokens for 15 cents be charged straight 10-cent far. , The Old Falls University campus. The Kappa Sigma fraternity hopes to be able tb move into their new house next fall. Located at 525 North 16th street, the building was con structed at a cost of $214,000, room, for which the ground will be broken late this spring. The chapel will seat about 280 people and will cost approximately $100, 000. The funds were raised through contributions of student and alum ni and through a fund raised by the Presbyterian churches of Ne braska. The old Baptist Student House, located on north 15th and unused for two years, is now being torn down. The Baptist Fellowship is new meeting with the Disciples of Christ in the Cotner School of Re ligion and will continue to meet there ki the future, the Rev. Rob ert E. Davis, pastor, said. Health Day Panel Talks On Stress An international authority in the field of stress in everyday living said Thursday afternoon that "we should accept a certain amount of stress as Inherent in life and only fight stress where it obviously weakens, wears out and results in disease. Dr. Gunnar Heuser, research as sociate at the Institute of Experi mental Medicine and Surgery, Uni versity of Montreal, appeared on a panel at the annual College Health Day. Dr. Heuser said it has been shown by experiments that the body reacts to stress with a very typical set of symptoms. "This response leads the organ ism into a stage of adaptation to stress. It is a normal reaction of a normal organism. Only if stress is too severe or too pro longed, or if the body's reactions become deranged, disease ensues. This should be prevented. "However, stress can also he, under circumstances, a stimulus to a healthy full life." trip to 10 Asian nations. final contract for the plant in six the1 Academy Awards presentation for her role in "The Rose Tatto," song. same fare increase that was turned raised by personal solicitations from alumni. The Baptist Student House was abandoned two years ago. The Baptist Fellowship has been meeting with the Dis 0V7 S K era fi Thirty-five women have pledged Zeta Tau Alpha to form the newest addition to Sorority Row. The fifteenth sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha, formerly had a chapter here which was forced off campus dur ing the depression for financial reasons. Pat Coover was elected presi dent of the new sorority. Other officers include Bonnie Prior, vice president; Pat Alvord, recording secretary; Pat Patterson, corre sponding secretary, and Janice Larson, treasurer. "We win participate in Rush Week next fall and also hope to participate in campus activities this spring," Miss Coover said. A house with Georgian style architecture and pillars will be constructed by the sorority on University Terrace near 17th and R streets. The organization of the new so rority began last October. "We be lieve that another sorority is need ed on campus and we are thrilled to see that this sorority has be come a reality," Miss Coover said. Zeta was founded at Longwood College in Farmville, Va., Oct. 15, 1898. It was chartered as a legal corporation in 1902, thus becoming the first sorority to be chartered in Virginia and the only one ever to be chartered by a special act of the legislature. Charters have been granted to 97 college chapters in colleges and By-Laws: NU Council Interprets Regulations University interpretation of Re gents by-laws concerning the ju diciary committee's ruling that In terfraternity Council, Panhellenic and the Union are subject to the Council's average requirement, was presented at the Student Coun cil meeting Wednesday. The interpretation, as approved in December, 1953, by Acting Chancellor John Selleck, stated that IFC and Panhellenic are sub ject to the faculty Senate com mittee on general organizations and the Dean of Student Affairs. "These groups may take no ac tion that conflicts with University policy or rules though they may make such regulations affecting only fraternities and sororities as they may desire," the approved interpretation stated. This interpretation is in effect until further administrative action, Andy Hove, Council president, said. This policy states that the Council has no authority over fra ternities and sororities but Coun cil jurisdiction over organizations thereof are not forbidden," Marv B res low, CCRC, said. "I referred to a point in the approved interpretation Which stat ed that social fraternities and sororities are not under the juris diction of the Council but made no other mention of Council jurisdic tion," Breslow said. In other Council business, a mo tion to recommend to the faculty. commencement committee that a speaker be oouoned lor com mencement failed. Glenna Berry, second vice-president, presented a suggestion of the committee calling for a student sneaker or no speak er st all. No final 4'cision was reached. The Council picnic U slated for April 85. ciples ot Christ fat the Cotner School of Religion and will con tinue to meet there in the future. No new building is planned to replace the old. Other organiza- . . . Zeta Tau universities throughout the United States and Canada. The organiza tion attained international status in 1929 with the establishment of a chapter at the University of Man itoba. Sorority women on the Nebraska campus are in favor of the intro duction of the new sorority accord ing to the opinions expressed by sorority presidents. "We're all very glad to see an other sorority on campus and we'll do all we can to help them get started," Jo Kruger, president of Chi Omega, said. Beth Keenan, president of Kap pa Alpha Theta, said she felt the addition of Zeta Tau Alpha would be a benefit to the campus as a whole and in particular to the so rority system. "This is a much needed addition and Panhellenic is to be praised for their part in or ganizing it," she added. "I think everyone will agree that there certainly has been need for a fifteenth sorority and Panhel Committees: pring Bay Chariot Hate, Tug-of-wars, chariot races and a greased pig catch are among the events announced to be held on Spring Day, May 4, by the Spring Day committee. Spring Day chairman Don Beck also announced the chairmen of the committees. The various commit tees and their chairmen are as follows: Awards, Sharon Hall; faculty, Sandra Kadlacek; sales, Connie Hurst; barbecue, Jackie Kilzer; publicity, Fred Daly; contracts, Rich Hagemeier; finance, Ben Bel mont; arrangements, John Nelson, and events, Nels Jensen. Events are being divided into groups according to team and In dividual participation. The winners of both the individual and the team competitions in the faculty divi sion, the women's division and men's division will receive awards, and engraved trophies will be awarded to the winning men's and women's organizations which achieve the highest point totals in all events. The afternoon competition will New Program For Flying Announced A new flying program for college undergraduates ha s been an nounced by the Marine Corps. The major feature of the new program for the Platoon Leaders Class in Aviation will be that mem bers belong to it while attending college and are guaranteed flight training as second lieutenants in the Marine Corps Reserves after graduation. At this time they will be designated student aviators and begin training at the Naval Air Sta tion, Pensacola, Fla. No training will take place during the school year. College-time train ing will consist of six-week indoc trination session during two sum mer vacations at the Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Va. All train ing and assignments will be for flying. More information may be ob tained from the Marine Officer In structor, NROTC Unit, MAN Building. IMU tions planning cspaneloa It elude Delta Upeilon fraternity. Delta Gamma sorority and th Lutheran end Presbyterian-Coo-gregational Student Houses. Alpha Returns lenic is taking a step forward be cause of it," said Panhellenic pres ident Mary Lou Pittack. Zeta Tau Alpha also has a chap ter at the University of Omaha. Alumnae advisors of the sorority instrumental in organizing the group are Mrs. Madison Brewer and Mrs. Wesley Antes. Charter members of the fif teenth sorority in addition to the officers are: Marilyn Arvidson, Beverly Ann Bartz, Cheryl Blake way, Ann Brooks, Jayne Brown, Rita Carroll. Colette Crouse, Barbara Curry, Katharine Gregory, Ann Hermes, Doris Hinds, Carol Hughes, Jo Ann Jaspers, Sharon Johnson, Marilyn Kirk, Jeanette Krohn, Phyllis Me Crary. Anna Marie Meyer, Dorothy Mul hair, Anita Nordhausen, Dolly Ann Rejda, Elaine Overturf, Lois Over turf, Lois Sigwart, Martha Step hens, Carla Wademan, Mary Jans Wilhite, Jeanette Zabloudil, Mar ilyn Zuhlke and Charlotte McVay. To feature Tug-QWhr begin at about 1:80 p.m. and wfll be conducted by the N Club in a manner similar to the track meet. Applications have been sent to all organized houses and are dot April 7. The scheduled events are: Worn en's Division, relay events, costume relay race, tug-of-war and sack race relay. Individual events art peanut pushing, 3-1 egged race, baseball throw, egg catching, tan dem bike, greased pig catch and football throw. Men's Division relay events are the chariot race, tug-of-war and push-ball. Individual events are th wheelbarrow race, 3-legged race, baseball throw, football throw, tan dem bike, 100-yard backward race and pushups. Ranching: Ag CcHcgo To Set Up Mew Majo A new major is now In the pro cess of being set up for Ag Collega students interested in the ranch ing phase of animal husbandry, ao cording to Prof. William Loeffel, chairman of the Animal Husban dry Department. The new mtjor will be tptitted "Ranch Management" and tenta tive course requirements have been drawn up by a faculty committee, v Loeffel said. The new curriculum will have to be approved by the faculty before it will become ef fective, he added. The general agriculture major has been used as a basis lor th proposed curriculum. It would in clude 40 hours of agricultural cours es, 23 hours of biological science, 10-14 hours of chemistry, and 23 28 hours of free . elect! ves. Eiiglkh and social studies requirements would be the same as under tht general ag set-up. A list of free etectives hci &lm been drawn up by the -committe and rated ss very desirable, 'mod erately desirable, or dimimble for a rarw.h tfiatwemettt jsv-'1?- "