The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 28, 1956, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, February 28,
Engineering Displays:
-IV oelc hairiw en A! dined
Plan April Ei
The 44th annual Engineers
Week will be held April 26 and
27, according to Pat Moore and
George Fullerton, co-chairmen for
The exposition is an annual
spring affair conducted by the
College of Engineering and Arch
itecture. University students and
the general public are invited to
see displays that illustrate various
phases of engineering and educa
tional opportunities unique in the
fields of engineering and arch
E-Week activities begin with an
open house April 26. Displays will
be in the buildings of the respec
tive colleges. There will be convo
cations both days and E-Week will
close with a banquet.
Due Mar. 5
College students interested in
taking the Selective Service Col
lege Qualification Test have until
midnight, March 5, to submit ap
plication, it was announced Thurs
day by Henry Cox, director of
the bureau of instructional re
search at the University.
The purpose of the testing pro
gram is to provide evidence for
local Selective Service Boards
so they may consider student de
ferments for military registrants,
Cox said.
To be eligible to apply for the"
test, scheduled to be given Apri
19 to college students, a student
must Intend to request deferment
as a student, be satisfactorily pur
suing a full-time course of in
struction and must not have
previously taken the test, he said.
Students interested in taking
the test to qualify for possible
draft deferinent in order to con
tinue their college education are
urged to have their completed
application postmarked no later
than midnight, March 5. Appli
cations dated after March 5 will
not be accepted. Cox said.
For additional information, ap
plications and addresses of test
centers, students should consult
any Selective Service board.
Students with outstanding abil
ity will be honored and given
awards for their achievement at
the banquet.
The displays in past E-Weeks
have included such deverse models
as a futuramic lamp with no vis
ible electric power, a miniature
atomic pile that could make spec
tators' dimes radioactive and a
scale model of the now-completed
Lincoln Tenth Street viaduct.
As a curiosity feature, the de
partment of electrical engineering
! sponsors a display of a 500,000
volt electric chair. The electric
chair is harmless because the
electricity passes over the ''vic
tims" skin.
The E-Week co-chaii-men have
announced the committees who
will be in charge of phases of the
E-Week co-chairmen of the en
gineering societies are Richard
Eno and James Eagan. mechani
cal engineers; Robert Rohde and
Faculty advisors for the Engi
John Toman and Dean Zimmer
man, electrical engineers.
Marvin Vanek and Richard Sa
bin, architects and architectural
engineering; James Egenberger
and John Boning, agricultural en
Russel Nielson, chemical engineer
ing; Ralph Foral and Vern Sutter,
engineering mechanios.
E-Week committee chairmen se
lected by the overall co-chairmen
are Nancy Isgrig, secretary-treasurer;
Lloyd Nieman, banquet; Eu
dell Jacobsen, contest; Roger
Schutte, convocation; Aaron Schlip
mann, field day; Darrel Schlind-
ler, inquiries; Robert Young, pro
gram. Earl Barnette, ribbon sales;
Darrel Ingwerseon, sledge; Eugene
Aksamit, tours; Terry Wright, traf
fic; John Zinnecker, photograph
er; Rose Brown, window display;
Roger Berger, newspaper public
ity; Laurie Dempster, radio and
TV, and Jim Souders, visual pub
licity. Faculty advisor for the Engi
neers' Week are Lyle Young, pro
fessor of engineering mechanics
and Dr. Herbert Bates, chemical
i. " i biiiii mum J ..J-.i-i f - -wtnni mi ! lLUi . , -ii-m ,
a in mi in UH J " """"jmmi"i m'uuun""-t1-
, . -r , I
, .oiw.aoaLxK 1111 iini"'"""""" ." I I
because its More 'Itefeefly 'Ikckd!
The Inside World
Ag Meetings
A meeting to discuss new hous
ing for University women will be
held Tuesday at 4 p.m. in Room
320 of the Food and Nutrition build
ing, according to Dr. Florence Mc
Kinney, ehairman of the Home
Economics Department. All Ag
College women are urged to attend.
Home Ec Club
The University Home Economics
Club will meet Thursday at 4 p.m.
in the Ag Union lounge. Members
may bring guests to this meeting.
for all winners of supplementary
scholarships awarded by the May
tag Co. Foundation. Recipients of
the $200 scholarships were given
a tour of both Maytag plants at
Newton and were honored at a
special luncheon.
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Dance Lessons
The first session of Union dance 1
lessons will be held Tuesday at i
7:3C p.m. in the Union Ballroom. I
Subsequent sessions will be held !
March 6, 13 and 20.
Band Honorary
Eight members were Initiated
into Gamma Lambda, professional
Satisfy Yourself with a Milder, Better-Tasting smoke-
packed for more pleasure by exclusive Accu-Kay
Near End
Activities are drawing to a close
In the first Nebraska School for
Community Living, a four-week
course expressly designed for out-f-school
youth from crosa the
Development of leadership abili
ty is the principal goal of the
school being conducted by the Uni
versity Extension Division in co
operation with the College Agricul
ture. Extension Division personnel
re amazed at the great interest
being expressed in the course
which was made possible by a
grant from the Woods Charitable
Fund through the University Foun
dation. One of the 23 young persons at
tending said, "I wouldn't have
missed it for anything."
Dr. Otto Hoiberg, school direc
tor and Extension Division coordin
ator of community services. r-
plained that tba idea for the school
came from his experiences in com-!
munity work during the last seven j
or eight years. These people, he S
said, want to do things but they
are short on leadership talent. I
"Development of local leader-!
ship talent is particularly import-!
ant in rural communities,' he said,
'since so much of the communi-!
ty improvement work is done by
voluntary workers."
Therefore the young people at
tending the school were selected
from those living on farms and in
small town, who do not plan to
attend any college or university.
Six come from towns of less than
5000 population and the other 17
live on farms.
Dr. Hoiberg said the school is
trying to give them three things
techniques of leadership, an un
derstanding of their community,
and power to see things which can
b done to enrich life in the
Ag Interviews
Representatives of the Doane Ag
ricultural Service will be on the i band fraternity, Tuesday noon at
n --mpus Marcn t 10 interview ; the Union. New members are Wil
senior job applicants. Appointments am Raecke, Allen Ziegelbein, Bob
for interviews should be made in 1 Maagi Merie Fegley, Phil Coffman,
Room 206 Ag Hall. i Bob Hm Qrlan Thomas and Duane
,, . Booth. Wendell Friest was elected
Iheta nU vice president at the meeting.
Two men have been initiated into 1
Theta Nu, honorary pre-medical Hours Extended
fraternity. They are Robert Pelly j A11 university women will be
a sophomore and Lee Roy Meyer, 1 granted an extension of hours to I
a J1"1101"- ; attend Coed Follies Monday and I
. ..p.. ... wi ; wens, AWi presiaeni, nas an-
Alpha KaDDa Psi. nrofessional '. nounced. Women students should
I iiigi-tfiiiii-riirrr-' 1
III v' A V t I
"he more perfectly packed your
rigarette, the more pleasure it
gives . . . and Accu-Ray packs
Chesterfield far more perfectly.
To the touch ... to the taste, Firm and pleasing to the lips
an Accu-Ray Chesterfield satis- . . . mild yet deeply satisfying
fies the most... burns more the taste Chesterfield alone
evenly, smokes much smoother, pleasure-packed by Accu-Ray.
Stiss Honored
Sol Stiss, senior in accounting
was among the guests at a get
acquainted session at Newton, la..
Slote Announces
business fraternity, will hold a pro- sign out for 15 minutes after the
fessional meeting Wednesday at I show is over and return then.
7:30 p.m.. Union Room 316. Chuck j '
Sayre of a local real estate firm ' I TliM
wiU speak on "Project Develop-jLQD I 1160 TGl
To Present
Passion Play
Laboratory Theater will present
the play, "The Childhood of Man",
Friday, at 8 p.m. in Laboratory
Theater, Temple Building and
again Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in the
University Episcopal Chapel .
There is no admission charge.
James Tomasek, a graduate
student, will direct and produce
the medieval drama to complete
work for his Master's thesis.
Cast members include: Bob
Wells, Charles Weatherfo'rd, Karen
Peterson, Millard McCormack,
Barbara Coonrad, Jack Parris, Na
than Miller, Gloria Kollmorgen
and Margaret Samani.
Ted Nittler, Beverley Giltner,
Len Schropfer, Bonna Tebo, Dolly
Rcjda, Don Aulds, Boyd Ronney,
Kathleen Schmutte,
Contest Judges
The judges for the Prairie
.''cbooner Fiction Contest have been
announced by Miss Bernice Slote,
chairman of arrangement. They
are Walter Wright, assistant Dean
of Arts and Sciences; R. W. Frantz,
professor of English, and Edgar
Johnson, professor of history.
Mari Sandoz sponsors the Prai
rie Schooner Fiction Awards. Prizes
are $30 for first prize and $20 for
second prize.
The deadline for submitting
stories is March 1. All stories are
to be handed in at the Department
of English office. Rules and other ! Schoenrock,
information can also be obtained
at the office.
Claryce Evans, Stephen
and Bill Raecke.
Too Cold And Snowy To Wash
Your Gar?
A cnfMtrb WMh In
U Viim. for onijr
2222 "O"
Open until 6:30 daily. Sun. tH 1 p.m.
with WHITE WALLS $1.75
in Engineering. . . Physics.. . Mathematics
A ircrafl Corporation
California Division
Georgia Division
Staff Representatives
will be on campus to discuss your futurt
Wedntsday, February 29
in Lockheed's expanding research
and development program
Both divisions of Lockheed are engaged in a long-range expansion program in their fields of endeavor.
Postry Judges
For Contest
Judges for the lone Gardner
Koyes Poetry contest have been
announced by the English depart
tanerft. They are Walter Wright, asso
ciate Dean of Arts and Sciences,
C. E. Pules, associate professor of
Eiglisih, md Peter Worth, chair
r.ftri cf the art department.
"!' coitft closes March 1. Two
"S .11 be awarded: $50 for
t i'.je and $25 for second
' "T information, and rules
i fce obtained from the depart
t tf rr;'..;h offices, Andrews
flow thy wrt drifter end
(Hi sir! th who! town kntw It!
Am - HK
Se Tin P.M.
796 S Till
Ac A fur
California Division activities in Burbank
cover virtually every phase of aircraft, both
commercial and military. 46 major projects
are in motion, including 13 models of aircraft
in production -extremely high-speed
, fighters, jet trainers, commercial and military
transports, radar search planes, patrol
bombers. The development program is th
largest and most diversified in the
division's history.
New positions have been created for
graduates in: Aeronautical, Civil, Electrical
and Mechanical Engineering and
Mathematics and Physics.
;'. Y
At Lockheed in Marietta, Georgia, new
CI 30 A turbo-prop transports and B-47 jet
bombers are being manufactured in th
country's largest aircraft plant under one
roof. The division is already one of the
South' largest industries.
Ia addition, advanced research and
development are underway on nuclear energy
and iu relationship to aircraft. A number
of other highly significant classified projects
augment the extensive production program.
New positions have been created for
graduates in: Aeronautical, Civil, Electrical
and Mechanical Engineering and
Mathematics and Physics.
This broad expansion program is creating new positions in each division.
Graduates in fields of Aeronautical Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics and Physics are
invited to investigate their role in Lockheed's expansion.
Separate interviews will be given for each division. ' '
I 3
Aircraft Corporation
California Division, Burbank, California Georgia Division, Marietta, Georgia
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