n enior ET"3 U mm DDOireSS0GD XffT M HP JV ' JJvfJvuJ Y . SI Vol. 59, No, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 21, 1956 Hickenlooper: Keynote Speaker N earned Sen. Bourke Hickedooper vR-It) be tbe Republican keynote pecker at the Hock Political Con- vesuwa !arch 14-17, according to Charlie Gomoa, a member of the xcchXst coaimiaee far the con vention. faackenlooper mill address tie ccavesxaon at 7:30 am March 14. Aa ardent opponent of the Xew Peal, the Iowa legislanr has de scribed bwesacracy as a fourta branch of goverainenlL" Ee has siwwn great interest in the aitTmic energy program, la JS49, Sen. Wckemo&peT sparked a fcaS-scale icre&'Ug&uoa of tbe Atomic Energy Consanissiaa, ac cusing Oiainnaa David T-inwiitihai OC "incredible mnii'CTmamjsgPnyfJf J ecurily makers. A laajociiy of tbe joint Baase Senate Atanuc Energy Cominis siiaa disagreed wain Luna. Kxrieo locper called the taajorty report a "miaitewasi." Tbe Senator gave support ia the Sena to cbarg ec by Sea. Joseph JlcCajthy IR-U'is) of Conamuiiistt Be Las Served m tbe slate legis lature of Iowa, served two terras as laeaumant g'sreraaair and one term as gwesraor before entering tbe Senate hj ISM. Ibis year. the Senator w3 be seeking ids third terra. Gamon stressed that aU tbe states to tie cveaataon bare mot been assigned and that any groan washing to represent a sitae c-Wiiit j make a list of their delegation be lare Thursday. Scales thai bawe not been as signed and tbe corresponding ber of noes are: Florida, 14 rones; Suati Csrcuoa. 2; Colorado, S; Jvew Eaapstee, 4; Delaware, 3; Wyoimang, 3; West Yirgtma. . 3braska. 6; Idaho, 4; Alaska, 3; Has Aii, 4; Virgin Islands, 3; Ore pee, ; Rhode Island, 4; Xorta Dfiikcfia. 4; Soma DataLa, 4; Mon tana, 4; 3evria, 3; Georgia, 12; md Washington, D. C, 3. RnenCy assigned states and their delfcgaiiam cbairia&ea iaclnfie Tennessee, Sigma Cha. Egbert Ire laud and Frari Momsan; OMs bu, Si,gma A2ja Ito, Mary Breslcnr; KaiiKSS. JLLpha In mega, Enooe Eauagmaam; 3firw Jfsrsey, ladrwdLiiJ Group 3, E.ul crl Janes. Missiissipp, IncLi-id.uiil Giicy 4, Ira Epsiifjm; Maryland, Sealoa House 1 amd 2 aikd Etotum House, Jciim Godlby and CoaiwntiPLit, Al pha Onucron Pa, Shirley Mead amd MariJya Christextsao. &CEEXA.1E. IX2 THE KOCK POLITICAL. COXXXTI0X Vtaes4ay augU, Martk IL J aaa. to IJd 1. C'4WttiLua Mnwrs 2. CreAHBtuJs reptt. 3. E4iles Ciiniiilre tpmt 2. S2Wjtt tf pemutawi cfcaJr srruia 2. Unu&aMa Kpmtiec Ilim-nAay firaa, Marth IS. 2:.3t( pum. I pm. 2. CMx-3niOHa wf awmnnat.irt i. lurfiMise Speaker FrMisy atrM, Marck IS. 2:9 vaa. 1. Caouaw atMWtiiigs, y nwall 2 v jh. I C pjoL. J. T.fclMaTig &atnr&ay, JOanft 17. 1 Ktwitary, Saiwraay wmmuBg -3 he ai4 l cwa3jk4 Wariint. is Imm4 fey Hue esmadve wt axdae (feat tbe Catwntawi -3 u4 TVifliF luglit at C jn. ...n,... . ' ' L Zj:,; : KAN IM Vt ftMlM by SAM JENSEN ktaaasiaf Editor A University senior will be in j tbe running for tbe congressional seat of the first district this spring, j Richard Johnson, senior in ag ricultural economics, has filed for the seat now held by tbe Hon. Phil Weavv.- of Falls City. Johnson, a member of Farmhouse, is a Ma rine Co-ps veteran. Active ia campus activities, Johnson initiated tie repeal of the Student Council activity limitation plan which was in effect at the beginning of the year. He is Build ers representaUrt to the Council a no a memoer oi tne mocK po- Congressional Candidate Soowa ia a press coc&reaxe are left to ngit, Sam Jessen, Nebraskaa maxiagiag editor; Brace Bnogimasa, Xebraskaa editor aiud Dirk Jiiasao, sendor ia Ag Coile-je who is ruurdrg for Congress from tie First Congressional District. Jctesoo will oppose sacssmbesst P3mO Wearer. He is from Fairbwry nd Is a member of tbe Stockist Goua cd, Bokiers, ASptz Zeta, Ag Eoooccoks dob aad Farmbciisse. Before eslericg tbe Mariae Corps, Jobnsoa farmed wii bis fatber on tbeir farm at Fairbury. He bas staled that be does rat expect to be elected but he does "hope to wake cp tbe peop!e of Nebraska by preserfing possj bUe sobitsoas to tbe farm pro gram before it is too late." See stry at rigM. rine Corps He entered the Uni versity is 1963 and will graduate in August after three terms of regular study and attendance at sumner school sessions. Johnson is a member of Alpha Zeta and Ag Economics Club in gkn, the First Methodist Church of Fairbury and was active in tha Future Farmers of America when in high school. YTeaver, the incumbent who ia seeking election to a second term, is the son of the late Arthur J. want it to happen addition to Builders, Student! Weaver a former governor. Ha Council and Farmhouse. He also! was elected to fill the post vacated is a menrber of the American Le-' by Sen. Carl Curtis. Johnson Statement "To put it bluntly Agriculture is ia'trouble! Ne braska is Drimarilv an agricultural state and unifies we, litical convention planning com- the citizens of the First Congressional District and Ne braska act, wnetner we De farmers or city raisea, we wiu also suffer. It is time we do something! This is the reason I have filed to be your representa tive in Congress from the First Congressional District. i Frankly, I don't think I can be elected but I hope to wake ! up the people of Nebraska by presenting possible solutions . In a formal statement which i A,"m FU1CU1 " " J""Z?' 1 T : 1 1 4 W A AWVtfkPCnVM IhA -? 1TC-T cfAl Ilia aid that he and tne nam times on me iarm. i aon i w to the people of Nebraska again. A few weeks ago a very respectable leader of the Republican party in Nebraska came out with a statement which indicated to me that he considered the farm prob lem not a problem. It is! Drive around the state. The g to snow up once again. Ask the small town merchant Is the farmer buy ing as mnch from him as he did a few short years ago? The answer will be no. The farmer is being squeezed off the faiai. What else can we expect when we are increasing the farmer's expenses, cutting down on his acres and not gning him a fair return for his product? Yet we are spending dollars and more dollars on the farm program . and we are not solving the basic farm problem. What is this problem? In my mind it is first the brought before tbe general pub-' problem of underconsumption of the products produced lie." ! and second the problem of giving the farm family unit Uy campaign is cot so much a fair and adequate income. The solution is simple for election as a is for those f although, complex The cost is no ereater and the results ibiiigs mbk-h win aid and strength- are rjermanent not hist something that is done to win an mfttee Johnson 24, is now below tbe legal age for a congressional post which is 15. but will reach the re quired age by the time of the primary, May IS. He will be 25 on May 1. jt Fairbury, Johnson said that he did not expect to be elected but be did "hope to wake up tbe peo ple of Nebraska by presenting possible solutions to tbe farm program before it is too late." Johnsoa did tell The Xebrakaa . . , t - ----- r- Mondav .fS. tSt unpamted farm buildings are beginnm; that be "could win if enough stu dents would get behind bis cam paign. "I would welcome aad covet tbe support of a3 University students, faculty and campus organizations in my campaign,' Johnson said. I am engaged in this en deavor because I adhere to those principals which I have proposed and I thick tht they should be IheSSS a iT, election. In later press releases I will give further details agncmsarai commoimty, Jot21-Up0ri E0W t.o solve our underconsumption problem and A Fairbury native, be farmed how to &ye farm family & fair the consumer's wfch Lis father on tbeir farm fors0ar- rlnancialiv, 1 cannot anord to run lor Congress. I two years before entering tbe Ma-1 Plants: mploys Sinfonia Petitions: Innocents Give liosmet liluh Approval Jo Handle Inter-iraiernity Ivy Bay Sing EZSen If.cwbead aad Myroo Braile, Uaversajy researcb as sociates, bare reported experi ments issscg i&e blood of Mvxog rab bets in researdi sgaiost rirn diseases o f hope however that the press will print some of my state ments in regard to the farm policy in the United States and then the person who does get elected will use them when he sees how the good people of Nebraska actually feel about the farm programs which are proposed and are now in effect, by their action in voting for me in the May primary. Just how long will So per cent of the people support a program which many feel is just helping 15 per cent of the people, in other words the farmer. Will he continue to pay once when he buys his steak, and then pay again to keep that price high? The answer is no. I know I have a lot to learn, but I am wdicg to learn. I feel I can help solve our farm problem as a dirt farmer as a politician who is looking for votes. crop Dr. bead. gist. riijinitai. Moor a sn" a m d Imaocests Sodety bas given sp-Mortar Board is beiog foroed to Kosnset Eab corastibition proval to Kosjiaet KU to baadk Idisnass tbe app!kzioa axd pas- cocoas a provision for tie stwo- iwawumiiiq ' ' ui w mumimr B somg c t2ne iJffler-lraSeraaiy Ssjl. agtns usn year, aocarcacig 10 jaraiicesa asw wartzr tfoard were' jj t, TCrv t bt cjvea jpoo-"1 Ieei 1 czn ce'P 8 ;Gecr"ay, presages off Ixaoce'&EaTei-C V,MrSy to fcaodJefft-j .s. -T1 would, instead f aibcqgb Fti Ka Afca Sf asia s tie Siag by tbe Cocacil last year, jv Qraca 'would Lave to ' I want to help vou. the farmer and the consumer. Do VOU agsua pxsxtxa to ce cos- Gamy exyajaed tbat tbe sStaa- k tbat Eosraet Klab resciad tbat want me to help? Your answer will be made at the poCs cart cf tetr eaesStttkta. ' l.r At t2 lime Kra&rt KfcSi w" " ' " given xpt-vcml, tbe Sisfccda re jaest Toad net yet readhed tbe at tentate of IiiaFiorema. Tbe petataani bad beem given to Gal Kaitskee, Stukdent C&mcM reareseiiaSatfve. Cnuraeer Oncmla fat Brakke, a tao claemist, are bcttk warkkig ia te fitld of plant psibefl ogy is ccctM um. with tbe U m iversa ty's researcb projects. Tbis mew rpe off IblaQd bank" provides a somrce off aiOisera, rab bit blood semaas etxsflaining acnJi- bodis. wbadi eaiiile plant pasfo .ologiKis to detcrmioe presence of nroaes aa yoiaiig plutis. Tbe antiser as eEetl-Te in de ifrmiaizig foe preeeuec of sack Tiraset as barley-c&npe nmosaiie aad forozae fnncs,.if wbidi cause 'iejury ksses to saal grajn growers. Tbe JtHsoi back" is expected to add ia closer s&tady off plaat vOTaees, tfheir soorciei!, h&w S2aey xme spread snd Hhtur rt'lalaottiiiipi to eada cfiihtsr. 1 Tbe petoiiao ccanlaa-ipg Smfanaa's recoest presexted tbe same pro posal wbjcb was presextfed to Ixboo ceaStr last year aad rejected. Caader tbe proposal ssfonitsed by SaniiBiaiia, sen's professional ramac Ifraternaity. sodepemdexit men's cxr gaiiuatikins wosald be eligible to ccraapeite. Under Kmmet EM roles, mfy sooa! aad medics fraiara 'tx are eligible to paitkxps&e. La presaatang tbe proposal last year Eon Becker. RiTifrmia repre sentitv;. said tb.s)t .fanfamfa fe-2t St was tbe logical and oiiilifaesj grfflnap saqservise tbe Skig bs- caxse off our immaral jitjex rsx proposea mies any men s orgaamactm ia elected ce- fioers and berveeo 25 amd f W bers w&J&i be peraaaiued to car- ttcipbte. X-9 attxm can be taken on Sia- laula's regsiest sottJ he pefeiaa as HarmaTy presetoted to teaocexSx, Gourlay taid. A coajmJSee eff Innocents sod 'Kiss Me Kale': losmet lilub Sets Dates For Spring Short Tryouis Seven Chosen Final Speech Confesfanfs Seven staSeais w3I cexmpete is Che ffiruOs eff the Hatt Sgms Eho GpetSaxKg cantitat Taenili'y 4 7:15 pm. in Eawm SRI off She TrarrpO EuHdiiig, ooorfiirig to Mm Mc CafJfy. tihaiirmaii tff Le cualetlt Eac2o EtQiliHt drw a ttcipic Mcro-&-y eretKDg atad wH3 gire a ifow XUIiUt cpwtcito KM) Ms fflSfbjtJtit. Firve ffactKy mntsm'bers wi3 judge The top-aiiLtid sasKalser ad crgKB 5zed bauBe i3 recitih a tecyy- FmiliEts aire: huaa liWnraHr, Delta DtKa Df 1 ta; ty WEiains, Delta DelU E3 ti Larry Sdbwarti, Sigma AApba lu; KtEja reSnaaa, Sigma AJha 3(Jia;; latiqufliae .MUer, .S pha Tut; Gscry Freral, Aiha Tryoots Sar "Eass Me, Eate' jfbe spring Cosmet E1UJ presex&a- Sicca, "3 be bald Tatsdsy, We&nmt day Qd Tharedsy, aooardnig to V-oa Ibzkx, president off KoKnart Izftf rKifl .rtudats m&y iga nap Sor a ttryoiA jpwjitnaent Taesdsy ittid 1u'dtifBd4iy from 3 p.m to tS p jai. ia Itibe Idb'Ly toff She Unioa. Kcmetors off S2a hw are dra maatttc director. Bill Walton; cat i∨ Bob Esmwajj; tfcedb ucal director, Mary Siiigler sead rdaac direciors, JCaary Kjtij acod Mary Mang. Wsd!.CB3, director, nil hxt fiber asre sfix e&aar uosle spejJt kg parts m he plsy luda rtxre jao sisg'iDg. The cast aadiades 14 priacjpst fpe&teg parts, 12 oers md m chssrm of 14. The sthtifiiJe ur trj'y! at Tues day. IMoa Balhpoam finoan 7 pm. to 3& pjai. siuging, draxuctiic piLi'i. dasoag id eharat tryotttE. Wedaiieafiay Ifcrwrn 7 naa. to .:S8 p .m. am She Baillroora, tingg atad 'da-amctic prts. h'Jt ts dsaacLcg. Vaosrs&sf the cs3 backs far (the rtrr.tsie aad Kinging leads w3 be frsca 7 pan, to t ;a and tryoet! for the dancars af cbomus 'H be frera 7 pm. to f;3 pjn. Xu Ke. &te", fit Ccle Por ter flBtuicsL fftataree sati sBar.rt km" and ""Braaiih Up Tar Sbike speare." The plot begins wben, oa H eve off the first aaxxreeasary ff fihesr oaiMsmce, Fred Grsbaat atafl Lei Vabessi- are rebeartrg the Jeadsiig rsies is "TaaaiiEg eff abe Shrew. Ei3 CalSmEO, a saeaa htr off tlie catt bas lotnarrtid a gSuaKir.vg M4 and tbells nctoess Lais Ltae be bas xigaed Fred's mme to sn As tbe pisy fitself be glut. Fred, ice Vesrmiim, seeks a we sand fmds a ffcisatsg patsuhiliy iza he slireiiiJa Kaheaibe. tto at plsyed by bis resl 12e ex-wife 13 the nxsitaaaiie. two thiirs arriivie acad dtaaaad psynnsat frMs Fred for EiS's HOT. At first, Fred claanas be bts sagjaed tao sada dooBaarat, bast wbea LaHa fibrealtesw to Ssve tie jihow tar FrwS's too reaHstje par trxyal t tbe sbre-w taaer, be chErges bit rdad. Fred talks Che fuzxsen ssto don- mlag coitemes auad tsocuriirtg l2s bofi-2y ChpoKga a3 the ctaaes far Jbe reoaaiadtr t She plsy's ea-gs-geaaaeaL In tbe ccd, Fred texae tbe sbrrv bxla era sad c2 the stare. Jlea- real lie rorauxee is rerrri aad the fTaruaen get a gwd 1!esmiu ia tAi:pt.sre. Tbe hfx.k s vr&fs by EtZ aad fisxaadl pt--sK... T tss-mis WUWW J -VLilMJn(JH..Uk UW tOTA f JIUJ . , !;! -s8D 81 Campus I i:;: racism Ng? Diagram Tf MMm4FmimiM 3 f4 L! . ' i . j! rwHtl I'iwairatf mm K vM f-l i , I ll a "v tetortr-S . Jf - jPZiri I rj -t r i;- i ; i!F3Lrr ft a Ll I f t 1 1 rnt - 1 f :t IWMJi ..J-n '- H CSS i i m Wtr-srV" pyFi l : i If pni nnia-Jr r tc it I I ; ran-! rriosgn r larsJ f f p fTtrognl HlritaH I ilwfflr 1 17 1 1 tor UrijiprV rO J ll34 f to i 1 h 1 M uqf -..r 1 - -.mi J - - - -- - l 8. ., -. i-" - i; T MW,in : T .L, J t t ' tM.' hwwaMBl Jfcwwf ; , ; ir&iii im p I" - . j i m : I -;U l -l-LJ 1 S llmawr if La, If 11 i Proposed Expansion To lednce Parking By EOB COOK Gty E4itr ffj-Ja the proposed br,i3feg proj ects tf.iaiskig to beoarae a realr.y at tJie Uxxrersity, a ladle of parking rja on caar.pas sptars to be tbe first probieaa pre-jBeraed. As itesre are five tdht!d.-d susd & nanoed bcuHbgs fxnr to the prep a4cjry t55es, the prtseat pasrldg -i2 Lve to be eDcrMKii apoa dae to the LmiliSioa of arsi able land cat the ciry csarpsas. Tbe above typciaieacal arsp of tbe Ca verriry plsst ifier the preiefjCy pi..-iSid billys are erected she- ocJy two rptcJ'.i parking ur ad3ts. 64'eral vi..f.yx; as -WJinaeraix, as ww. isns ?yric were wraiiaa aoa eora- useaoi is&hers at u wetkry li -AJt:- True to Ta is My Fa&- J pased by Cs psurter. I CLKxjr Eoxd Tb, ta s rfaaa Las been taken as yet. Tbe'sci sciSaStaions suggested kcliidei re-1 Tbe sakliii parking by scb&rarsiip, bsviig new b&dgs costola park kig bisenaetSs or erectijag a innlii stoty parkirf bwdig. Tbe cxpsn saoo off ibe caarpnss if eitresseJy iii?i' for horizontal grow-Js de to tb hrjw&nts of ra2rrid tracks an tbt- eaat. west and nortn sides saad ths iJcwsstown bmsoess area be ixasted parfcjsg j otber parkk area to be eradacaiad is north of tbe &tZexJk Quadracg' wbere tbe proposed j.-dett Eealth Center is to be beaiX Tbis win leave only tbe areas ai;jrtsst to tbe rjadraE; tb mare wstkiEg. Be mMtd tbai ; there wI fee no aoy.'ltkxi of ad ditkiBial prcjperry. d-irfeg tbe jat year for parifeg purposes. A pas- .'bse tti-JZkio ia tbe fnn d re- i strfct&rg cars few fressBa was i trtcgli purely iar-'reacticjsiary . srsd seemed urJavoraiie on ta west side and tbe street ? tssirrxse ta av&ble for parting to the ' stoderst body aM was on caarpas. Add.iiooal parkxrdrcf.pe4. Aboogij tbe factreraaxrj space is now araal ca. irtn this var ;1 f . s.ujc a ijwr, wae ; s..reet nons 01 caxr.p'is across troca wsb nv.e parfdr.g rpac taa -. ernraes kj new;:iae tigia panur.g vx aad across wj tavc ii tie hLzt prfgraars d. to gt uader-:: tbe street west of tbe tt-aai. "the larw tain way ttas rpreg fcrve to be raise en ptrkssg s..tes. H new Ciiwa ndiiticsa is ptord for tt grKjaid ciorta of v. Cclon, wfikb as cf.w mcm..ismt&itSkig m cfcpel.?y .rsttd4 o4 velsK., Tbe addiiioa wl nt CK.Tj.-:ry cci'r a3. of There are co addiliocal J-S Cttni-g ytcrs. V 11 8-'3 tM vtztizz vrct .i-rs . eaneasx tie pirfccg arti as Jeas-Jwbstt. jLLsd terr:.;- . j. -; f rMre latad is too errer--;re o,vr ris,rg acoacjrir .-3 --kr 5.5p...! l.t. ) c..i...:..i i . ... ,-he aTjiii sjise a tbere J prlccj Kreocenrtiwge, ueaa oi f vxfa,xrtirr?v: v"rj fc.,.g t at M f ' - me prc6ieai was n-4 f'.u on r - iTre, ar4 tUl frejr c.-s c-trtie uLil f WiJ trcaa a L; Je , i-g fccr-w. , y ver ! r i i i V f- t: ft i i i 4 ft- t I