THE NEBRASKAN Friday, February 17, 1956 Worship, Study: The Religious Week i By CIXDT tSCHAU Cfcarca EUtr Rev, Solomon Jacobs wl ad dress the &uder.t World Day of Prayer services to be held Sun day at 430 p.m. at the Univer sity Episcopal Chapel. Jacobs is the rectnr of St. .Phillip a Epis copal Church , la Omaha, a member of the Department of Christian Social Relations and an instructor la religion at BrowneU EalL Jacobs At the services, sponsored by the City Campus Religious Coun cil, he will speak a the topic, "Students Bound Together in Prayer." Music will be provided by the Episcopal choir. Lentea sea-rices will also be held for the students at 15:38 p.m., Monday through Friday, at Cot oer Chapel The services, which will continue ttirough Lent, are jointly sponsored by the freshy Student Fellowship. iSCesley Foun dation, Otterbeia-AIIbright Fellow ship, Baptist Student Fellowship and the YTTCA. h Speaker daring' the corning week will be Rev. Robert Daws,! Monday; Rrv. Donald Bliss, Toes-! day; Dr. Rex Knjwles, Wedaes- day; Miss Emy Jackson, Thurs-! day, and Rev. Marvin HerrkkJ Friday, " rrwifejOeriaa-Onprefatjonml 3 X ltta Sunday; S:36 jlhl, verse chair; 5:30 pxsL, forran wiia The Ans wers1 Isy the verse', chain v$:38, Student World Day ttf Prayer aervioes. , ; Monday: 7 :3jrn, Eiale Staly breakfast " ' :' .. ' ; - Thursday; 7 j.ra Sigma Eta ChL Wednesday; 7 pjn vespers. I'aivmnJty Lutberaa Chapel 15th 4 Q ... fJ Sunday; 10:45 a.m, worship; S:3B p.izu Gamma Delta supper;. p:m Assembly Council meeting- i Wednesday; 7 jim lenten j worship; 7.30 Jim, choir rehear-' sat i Wesley Feaadatiea Mil R Sunday; 5 p ra, supper; 4 p m.. Student Council meeting; ;3fl p.m.. World Student Day of Pray er services.- Wednesday: S 30 to 7:43 p.m., lentea breakfast and devotions with Rev. George Edgar as speak er and Frank Lindstxom, devo tional leader. railariaa -iSta a H , Sunday: 11 a.m., orship serv ice; 5 p.ra., student group, lunch and panel discussion, on "Educa tion in Preparation for Living'''. Transportation rwill be provided from the vestibule of the Union from 4:4S to S pa. Newman Clae 16M Q Saturday: pjn., get-acquainted party for married Catholic stud ents. Sunday: 9 a.m., 10 aja, and 12 noon masses. Religious classes: 11, Tues day and Thursday; 7, Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday. Baptists and Disciples f Christ , Stwteat Fellowship . t 'i2S7 r.:,i ..... v. Sunday: $ p.ra, Fellowship Sim per, worship and forum. Tuesday; 7:3b ijd, chapel serv ice. Monday through Friday; U:30 pan. lentea services. . : Iwrrrrsity Eaixwpal Cfcaael 2S X. ISt i Sunday: 11 am., service; 4 .m-. study group; e pju,, Canterbury dinner; 7 pjn, compline; 7. IS p.m., Canterbury meeting. ; : Wednesday; 7 pjm choir re hearsal. -; .,. I, Latberaa Stadeat feaaaatiM SSS X. ISta ' . . ; Sunday: 9:30 am-, group Bible udy; 11 a .rn, wrnang worship; 5:38 p-nu, LSA "dinner and pro gram. Wednesday; 9 pan-, choir re hearsal. South Street Teaaale Friday; pja4';..ersice."T : ;" Sunday; 10:30 ta, religious school; 9 pjn., worship. Amendment: Council Discusses Ag Exec, Spring Day Classified Ads WniWbml X:p3ttnirt tM Shti Wtth Ik jltuaua. jPhanc a-25.7 artiiro J0 XM, YOUR BEST BUY ALWAYS DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY FOR HIM or HER HIGHEST QUAUTY LOWEST PRICES "Your Credit Is Good" Set 1 "sick ctJn I Ph. 2-512& p r Expert Vi'etck Jewelry An additional amendment to the Ag Exec 'Board constitution, report of Spring Day plans and plans for the Council spring picnic were con sidered at fee Council meeting Wednesday, Ag Exec Board submitted an amendment proposing that the Farmers' Fair Board representa tive have full voting powers on the Board. Shawee Mangold, vice-president and chairman of the judic iary committee, recommended that the council approve the amend ment. "This is in line with the Council action last week on the situation,'" she said. The Council had voted last week that organizations have the right of self-determination. This, in ef fect, disapproved the merger of the Ag Exec Board and the Farmers Fair Board. The Fair Board had stated that it still wished to carry out its function and could do so. It was moved that the parking problem be discussed at the Chan ceDera Round Rahle. Council sug gestions for remedies to the situa tion included a special parking buildiog, having parking restricted as to scholarship, having hour park-: ing or underground parking under; new class buildings. ' Don Beck outlined plans for the! Spring Day. They include a bar becue on Ag campus, ' fun and games" for the afternoon and eve ning activities of a street dance and variety shows. "We are quite optimistic about the possibility of having Friday aft ernoon classes dismissed for the Spring Day," Beck said. Council members felt that hav ing the barbecue at noon would in- i sr-e greater attendance. Ag Exec Board has petitioned to provide food for the barbecue. First Of Four Rehabilitation Programs Set The first in a series of four in structive programs dealing with rehabilitation of the physically handicapped will be he'd Sunday at 3 p.m. in Morrill Ball Auditor ium. The film, "You Can Hear Again," will be shown. Dr. E. S. Maness, ear, nose and throat specialist, and John Wiley, asocial professor of speech and1 speech pathology at the University, will discuss "Rehabilitation of the Hard of Hearing. Bui? vf H 1 mm RGSSAXA P00ESTA JACKSERNAS s;s cmt KAROfnCFX IS raj era a &i!itiiniKtiiiii(DtuiiiuuiEa:inuiiiDtitiHHmiautuiHii:otuuiiiaia!Lnmriiic I , WE WANT A NAME I I FOR "OUR BABY" . E Tt w wast to radrs to sa?mst mam for ear tveordiag I lahL Thr wr lota ef record booms: Dacca. ECA Victor, Capitol ft Columbia, mi ohr w0 hwwi aamw. s W wwat mm tor OUB OWN RECORDS. H'a toot chaac to win a prise. Send as a smom ya fhialt E will be suitable lor record labeL Tea do mot awtve to hwf eay- E thiag. fat write aogyested asa ea a card, sigm year aaate 9 ' oad wddresh wad acil it to as. E : There are 3 Oar jadyea wiQ eelect 3 aaaM treat fhoee s suhaiined. We will fbea deteradae which is to be let Sad wad E 3rd. Oh Tea' The priaes ore lat tlUtO. Sad SUM ami 3rd Q Of ceorse we cosaot aae a aaate already biag releeeed. so oet E ! -year "Tiuoldag Biucp" to peridaa awd aead a XEW KAKE" tor ear BAST. Semi urntiM fea mmir) ts Q ASH WILLIAMS HECOILDTXG skxTICG - - .. ; E S19S -O- Street E lincela, Xebraska AU rmtrir mart i im ey Aforca f, 19SS Q cruumwiDmiiiiimia: 1 1 Biinmonimninfoi itffimmaiitnmmo uifnmo!niBSK IT ""J "ALL CAMPUS DANCE" eith LEE E1RR0I & HIS ORCHESTRA DANCING 9.00 TIL 12:00 . STUDENT UNION BALLROOM Admi&$ioa 73c prr prrMMi Tickets Available at Door 'awv'-? Z. jHemmt t pst Inow "Out Spice JLnm $nxt Lotiok. Each lime won ulmvr. you can look Sorward aonie--iliksg jic"iij3; die Old Spice aueut Lriuk, r"iHp, Iretik a 2 4utdoars.'v.tiie 2ang t3 itkat wlgoraus ontririgeifl 3 jLfift slkCVMonp 4,lm, Kftals tiny razor uicts. Splatib 'a Oi.i I -to. tl tiut cry ureireiihedl a Spice to Tovr Lif ... Spice Fo-r SII.ULTON " ' ' '''M"'""rl!il .. "'""""" .,allMilJ"'te"' ""r " - " ... ' : ", - fEAIIWORfEWgISCRlJM rpHE development of a new airplane such as tie Crusader, tie World's Fastest JL Navy Fighter, cannot be credited to any one engineer. Eadi engineer, hew- erer, is inraliiable because tnis truly new fcigi-perfennance airplane is only the final result of the creative tnocgit and teamwork of a large number of engineers. The individaa ideas cf eala CEgineer re most importauL In aircraft design, (the Sime Uf between diBcoverj &sd tie utilization f lencrwieflg-e 5 extremely short, shcrteT perimps tJi&m in any ether major anflnstry. The scHntsans to tlie most s&nu lating problems miiitii arise in the industry are frequency dependent upon ttihe dsSSy mtaEz&tion cf new ideas anJ new kncrwefig"e. The fradlnatang engineer censiiderinx hit first career decision may choose mitetiier lie wiH enter Chis field cf work ithe dssagn cf airplanes and roiBEiles that progresses htui in ihand wrili ew disewcries in a3 facets f science and eEgiaeeriKg. r choose a less aggresslTe indastry. Of course, at follows logically that frater and more rapid ad vancement opportunities lie on a field that does not stagnate, in a field that as hounded by the creative imagination f asaan alone. At Chance Vcught, air craft design dravs capable engineers to positions f greater respisnsibiflity in derelopirg new ideas and .supervising the additional technical marpower iueeded ,t "radicalize'" the ideas. Starting sala ries are commensurate iLh education and crpe rience for partaralar specaalizatioa and are also competitive m-ith ther industries as well as ther companies- Advancement, as cne wtsld expect, is based upon demonstrated performance, not seniority. The future f the aircraft industry as e?ual ton, if cot brighter than, that f other industries. The complexity f maodern aircraft and missiles, the iwesttgation 'cf mew fields f Ikncrwlefige as air craft y higher and faster, the possibilities cf man's farther use f science and (engineering f or conijaest f the air in the second 3Mf f the 201h century, all emphasize the challenge and oppor tunity t the joung fraduale. ...We' urge the cra&uating engineer tt iowstigate these ppxjrtnnitieB at Chance Vccght He wiQ find a stable, S S-year-ld aircraft designer and builder rith young ideas, a designer and builder moled far adranring 4he slate-cff-fthe-art f air oaft and guidad missile desigja. Me wiH discover tthat Chance Vought ffers career pportunities, not merely impressife titles, and that he wS3 join as engineering rg-anizatsn that thin! and operates as a team rather tthan as a random collection cf indMdual engineers. We hare the usual fringe benefits including am -ce2ent graduate study program, group insurance, retirement income plan, paid vacation, rick leare, raorirg aUcrwance, and cumerous paid hoSidayju Wt ivviU yo H ii&vuxi yovr v?portvmiUu tit Charm VmsH ttrisk wli.9 kZ2 interview SS MS. r PhD.. $rc,dmU f of the clan i j '5$ in Ike Hacenttid Cffa mi February 22, 4 r 1 4vk, r nrnU: l r i