The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 06, 1956, Image 1

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    It Happened At NU
While conducting a tour for the second grade
of Bancroft School through the offices of "The
Nebraskan, Managing Editor Sam Jensen asked
casually what the name of the paper was. Im
mediately one of the small tots raised his hand
and shouted out with confidence, "The Lincoln
Weather 'R Not
The spring weather we have been enjoying is
due to leave Nebraska Friday to make ay for
considerably colder temperatures. The high is
expected to reach only into the 20's.
Vol. 59, No. 39
Friday, January 6, 1956
A student tribunal with jurisdic
tion over discipline, morals and
scholarship was recommended for
study to the Student Council
Wednesday afternoon by Marvin
Breslow, CCRC representative.
Sam Van Pelt, John Fagan and
Breslow brought back the recom
mendation from the Big Seven
Colbert Queried
About Tribunal
When interviewed by a Ne
Draskan reporter in regard to
the proposed student tribunal,
Dean of Student Affairs J. P.
Colbert said that there are
areas such as conduct and
scholarship in which students
couldn't and probably wouldn't
want to function.
He said he feels that it is
quite .possible for students to
"have a greater voice in stu
dent government and student
affairs if they would accept
the responsibility.
Breslow, one of three coun
cil members who attended a
Student Government con
ference recently, pointed out
that four schools, Iowa, Colo
rado, Kansas State and Okla
homa have successful student
governments "with extensive
powers including expulsion.
"In these schools the stu
dent tribunals hear appeals on
all matters of student disci
pline, including scholarship
and other student actions," he
Student Government Conference
held in Kansas City, Dec. 27 to 29
Kansas State, Oklahoma, Iowa
State and Colorado, Breslow's re
port said, all have student tri-
bunal systems that are composed
entirely of students, as at Colo-
rado, or of a student majority.
These bodies have at least ap
pellate Jurisdiction over all stu
dent matters from action taken
by their office of student affairs
Some have the power of original
jurisdiction, with students choosing
whether to go before the dean of
the tribunal for original discipline.
"One impression," Breslow's re-
port said, "that "we received has
remained most important in our
' concept of student government, is
that students, although they do not
have the power to act In all af
fairs, d-1 have the right to (fues-
tion and recommend on all mat
ters that concern their welfare and
"At Nebraska, in comparison
with our neighbor schools, we have
been given and have exercised a
minimum function in areas that
do concern our welfare and edu
cation. "Therefore, it is our recommen
dation that, at least in one area,
immediate action should be taken,
and that a committee be immed
iately appointed to consider and
bring proposals on the establish
ment of a student tribunal at the
Other matters discussed at the
conference, the delegates reported,
were student councils' activity
within the community and state,
parking problems and book pools.
Filings Open
To Freshmen
On Nebraskan
Freshmen and transfer stu
dents may apply for staff posi
tions on the Nebraskan and
Cornhusker, Marvin Breslow,
Pub Board member, told the Stu
dent Council in his report.
Although freshmen and trans
fer students do not have -credit
at the University, they may ap
ply for staff positions the Board
decided. Breslow said that the
Board also discussed its policies
on standards for applicants to
positions on the publications. In
terviews for the Nebraskan staff
will be Jan. 19.
The Pub Board authorized the
payment of $3500 to the Barnhart
Press as a partial payment for
the Cornhusker. Ken Keller gave
an oral and written report con
cerning the trip to the National
Intercollegiate Press Meeting.
A request by the Nebraskan
to be allowed to donate $100 to
the AUF in lieu of its customary
donation of a page was denied.
It was the opinion of the Board
that since the Nebraskan was
subsidized by a tax on all stu
dents, the Board should not auth
orize donations, Breslow said.
Builders Interviews
Interviews for Builders board
positions will be held Saturday
from 9 a.m. to late afternoon in
Room 313, Dottie Novotny, pub
licity chairman, announced.
Not Even In Texas
Maybe he doesn't have any
particular "beef" but even a
Texan like Master Sergeant Rob
Nominations Increase:
VJemer, Breckenridge, Qberlhh Clark
Named For Qufstardma Mehmskan
Nominations, for the Outstanding
Nebraskan award have increased
to ten with the addition of two
students and two faculty members.
New nominees are Dr. Harry
Weaver, associate professor of bot
any; Dr. Adam Breckenridge for
mer chairman of the political sci
ence department and Dean of Fac
ulties; Bob Oberlin, senior in engi
neering, and Barbara Clark, sen
ior in Arts and Sciences.
Other nominees are Sharon Man
gold, John Gourlay. Glenna Berry,
Gail Katskee, seniors in Arts and
Sciences, Dr. Arthur Westbrook,
professor of music and Ray Mor
gan, assistant professor of journal
ism. Weaver, the
letter of nom
ination said,
is outstanding
in his loyalty
and sincere in
terest in th e
various stud
ent organiza
tions he has
His person
ality is charac
terized by his
Coiirtesv Sunday
Journal and Star
friendliness, his modesty, and his
unassuming manner, it said.
Weaver has served as advisor to
the Interfratemity Council, Kosmet
Klub and the Innocents society.
According to the letter nomin
ating Bob Oberlin, he is a man
of good character, a student of
more than fair ability with am
bitious purposes, and has a congen
ial disposition, a high sense of hon
or, and a deep
sense of per
sonal respon
sibility. Oberlin i s
past vice pres
ident of N
Club, a Most
Eligible Bach
lor, th r e e
year football
1 e tterman
Courtesy Sunday - . ,
Journal and St&rS C h 0 1 a StlC
Oberlin All - Big Seven
and Scholftfiic All-America, for
three years, a member of Sigma
Six Traveler
Acts Chosen
By Judges
A board of judges -selected six
Coed Follies traveler' acts Wednes-
8ay night.
The acts will appear between the
skits both nights, Feb. 27 and 28,
of the annual presentation.
The act are: Joyce Brigham
and Durelle Moorberg, panto
mime; Barbara Coonrad, piano
and -voice; Alpha Omicron Pi
Traveler Act": Shirley McPeck,
marimba; Billie Croft and Carol
Untterseher, piano and drums.
The winners were chosen by
several AWS members and Jerry
Bass, instructor in speech and
technical theater; Dean Killion,
music instructor; Mary Jean Mul-
vaney, assistant professor of wom
en's physical education.
Cornhusker Sales
To Close Jan. 21
Cornhusker sales will close at
the end of the first semester, Jan.
21, Mike Shugrue, business man
ager of the Cornhusker announced.
The Cornhusker committee has
sold over 70 per cent of the 1956
Cornhuskers that will be available
in the spring, he said.
L ill 1
M &v
. .W- 'ft
J Jill
ert Ballard, instructor in ROTC,
has to come to Nebraska to get
an official "Beef State" license
plate. It might be that's his beef.
Tau and president of Sigma Chi.
Breckenridge, said the letter nom
inating him, came to the Univer
sity in 1946 and has had a steady
succession of positions in which he
has served the University with a
great degree of success.
His career
began here as
a professor of
political sc i
ence; in 1955
he was named
chairman of
the depart
me n t and
made a fu 1 1
professor. He
is now Dean
Of Faculties. Courtesy Lincoln Journal
This advance- Breckenridge
ment was made possible by his per
sistence ability and ambition.
The letter nominating Miss Clark
stated that although she deserves
recognition for her campus work,
it is her friendliness and considera
tion for nil the students on the
campus which mark her as an ex
ceptional person.
Prejudice Debate
Skips University
Debate over fraternity discrim
ination clauses, now being d i s
cussed on many of the nation's
campuses, has apparently not yet
affected the University, a Lincoln
Journal story said Thursday.
Frank Hallgren, Associate Dean
for Men, said the University has
no policy governing the restric
tive clauses of social organizations.
Student Council, however has a
constitutional clause forbidding
discriminatory practices by hon
oraries and other organizations un
der its jurisdiction, he said.
No formal complaint against fra
ternity discrimination has been
lodged since the arrival of Chan
cellor Clifford Hardin.
A legal basis for outlawing fra
ternity discrimination clauses is
found in the 1954 Supreme Court
ruling assuring public institutions
the right to define the policies that
govern fraternal groups on their
Recent publications have stated
that Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma
Nu, Sigma Chi, Kappa Sigma and
Theta Chi h a T e discrimination
clauses. Acacia, a college Masonic
fraternity, has certain religious
requirements in its constitution,
according to the story.
Pi "Kappa Phi has discriminatory"
restrictions in its 'ritual and Phi
Delta Theta' is in the process of
Calendar Acquires
Additional Events
Several additions have been
made in the 1956 University
Events Calendar. -
They are Feb. 7, 9 and 14 Delta
Sigma Rho speech contest.
Feb. 23 Illustrated Lecture Con
vocation on Russia, Union.
Feb. 27, 29, and Mar. 2 Mont
gomery lectureship.
Mar. 14 Mortar Board Spring
Apr. 9, 11 and 13 Humanities
Apr. 12 Phalanx Annual Drill
Apr. 19, 20 and 21 Kosmet Klub
Spring Show.
It i
ff ,1
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
In any event, license plates like
this are now officially in fashion
for all Nebraska oars even
for former Texans.
She is president of Red Cross,
corresponding secretary of Stu
dent Council,
a member of
Tassels, Mor
tar Board,
Gamma Alpha
Chi, Alpha Ep
silon Rho and
Kappa Delta.
O u t s t a nd
4 n g Nebras
kans for last
s e me s t e r
were M a rv
Stromer, 1955
graduate, and Dr
former chairman
Courtesy Sunday
JournRl and Star
Cliff Hamilton,
of the depart
ment of chemistry and chemical
Other nominations for the award
should be sent to The Nebraskan
office in letter form. The letter
must be signed, though the name
of the person making the nomin
ation will be kept confidential.
Deadline for nominations in Jan.
18. The Nebraskan staff will select
one student and one faculty mem
ber for the title.
eliminating their discriminatory re
strictions through convention
amendments, the story said.
The principal argument used by
those favoring elimination of dis
criminatory clauses in national fra
ternal constitutions is that local
chapters are not allowed to choose
their own membership, according
to the Lincoln paper.
Undergraduate polls, taken by
Elmo Roper, indicate that racial
and religious restrictions' would
disappear if the matter were left
to the discretion of local chapters,
the story reported.
To Plan
Spring Bay
Plans for an All - University
Spring Day are being formulated
by a special committee of the
Student Council, Don Beck, chair
man of the committee, announced.
Members of the -Council Central
Planning Com-
mitt-ee are:
Marial Wright,
John Fagan,
Bruce Brug
m a n n and
Other mem
bers assisting
in the planning
are Courtney
lomson, cnar- Writragkm phot
lie Go man, -Beck
Fred Daly and Jackie Kilzer.
The committee has been meet
ing Wednesdays at noon in Parlor
B of the Union. Plans for the
Spring Day are indefinite as yet,
but events being considered are
a dance with a name band, a pan
cake feed and contests and games,
Beck said.
The Spring Day would pmbably
be held on City Campus, he said.
"Any students interested in sit
ting in on this committee or who
may have suggestions to offer are
invited to come to the committee
meetings Wednesday noons," Beck
Second Semester:
Registration for the second se
mester for all undergraduate stu
dent now in school will be held
Jan. 16-19 at the Military and Na
val Building, Mrs. Irma Laase,
of the Office of Registration and
Records, announced.
Students should see their advis
ors and have their worksheets
made out before this time, she
The tentative schedule for reg
istration is as follows:
Monday, Jan. 19, at 8 a.m.,
registration will begin with students
having 100 or more hours on rec
ord as of Sept. 1, 1955. At 10
a.m. students with 95 hours may
register; 1 p.m. 90 hours; 2 p.m.,
80 hours, and S p.m., 75 hours.
Tuesday, January 17, 8 a.m.
registration will begin with stu
dents with 65 hours; 9 a.m., 60
hours; 10 a.m., 55 hours; 1 p.m.,
50 hours; 2 p.m., 45 hours, 3 p.m.,
32 hours.
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 8 a.m. reg
istration will begin with 30 hours;
9 a.m., 25 hours; 10 a.m., 15 hours.
At 1 p.m., students with any
hours on record may register. At
2 p.m. students with numbers be
low 200 may register; at S p.m.,
numbers below 500. On Jan. 19, at
8 a.m., students with numbers be
low 700; at 9 a.m.,. below 900; 10
a.m., numbers below 1100; 1 p.m.,
below 1300, 2 p.m., below 1500, and
at 3 p.m., all students can regis
ter. If" at any time, the number of
students wanting to register at a
given hour becomes too great to
handle, the assigrment committee
may change this schedule, Mrs.
Laase said.
Students who do not register
when their hours are reached may
Pilot Course
To Explain
Library Use
Bernard Kreisman, Asistant Di
rector of the Library for Humani
ties, announced Thursday that in
answer to student requests and an
article in the Nebraskan by Mari
anne Hansen, the University will
offer a pilot course in the use of
the library and card system either
next semester or next fall.
The course. will be supplemented
by an instructional handbook
compiled by the library. The pur
pose of the course will be to ascer
tain which department could most
easily prepare to teach it in prep
aration for making it a regularly
scheduled part of the curriculum.
"The course will fill a need
which has long been apparent,"
said Kreissman. Many students are
completely lost when it comes to
finding something in the library,
while many others have only a rud
imentary knowledge of the use of
the Dewey system of cataloging. It
is for these people the course will
be specifically designed, he ex
plained. NUs Council
Greets Elliott
With Letter
The Student Council, as repre
sentative of the student body
at the University of Nebraska,
v -,hes to express Its (hanks and
appreciation to Bill Glassford,
our outgoing coach, and to wel
come our new coach, Pete Elliott
to the University of Nebraska.
We are sure that Mr. Elliott can
count on the complete support of
the student body, and we wish
him and his family the very best
during their stay at the University
of Nebraska.
The Student Council
library Adds
Extra Hour
Over Exams
Love Library will remain open
till 10:20 p.m., one hour later than
usual, during the first week of fi
nal examinations, Jan. 23 through
Jan. 26, Bernard Kreissman, As
for the Humanities, announced.
The College of Agriculture Li
brary will observe the same hours
as Love Library, he said.
An auxiliary typing room has
been added in the Love Library for
the convenience of the students.
One typewriter will be provided
in the room or students may bring
their own.
In the future, books will fall due
on Sunday, a regular library day
and fines will go on through Sun
day. Most overnight books will not
be due until Monday.
expect to find the sections
wish closed, she said.
Hours will be posted in front of
the Military and Naval Science
Building, the Regent's Bookstore
and on the Agricultural campus
at the College Activities Buildings.
Junior Division students with no
hours on record as of Sept. 1,
1955, will register according to as
signment number, she said. Num
bers will be issued at the Military
and Naval Science Building, Jan.
11, 12, and 13, from 7:30 a.m.
until 5 p.m., she said.
The numbers will be divided into
three groups, so students coming
on each of the three days will get
approximately the same numbers.
Students with last names begin
ning with the letters, A to G will
get numbers on Wednesday, Jan.
11; H to N. on Thursday, Jan.
12, O to Z on Friday, Jan. 13.
Students must present their ID.
cards to secure a number, she
All students not in Junior Division
must have a copy of the work
sheet, which their advisor made
out and signed, with them when
they come to the Military and Na
val Science Building to register or
they cannot be admited, she said.
YWCA's, Home Ee Club:
Richards, Jacobsen,
Deepe Win Elections
Bev Deepe, Ellen Jacobsen and
Shirley Richards will head City
Campus YWCA, Ag Y, and Home
Ec Club respectively as a result
of elections held Thursday.
Other officers of City YWCA are
Sarol Wiltse, vice-president; Jody
Chalupa, secretary; Barbara Ry
strom, treasurer and Mary Thomp
son, district representative.
Miss Deepe is a junior in Arts
and Sciences. , -
She has served
as Y publicity
rnmmis s i n n
leader and has
attended v a r-
i o u s confer
ences. She has
served as pub
licity chair
man of NUC-
wa, Wlioeni Nrtmslnra Thnto
Council mem- Deepe
ber and is affiliated with Alpha Xi
Miss Wiltse is a junior in Teach
er's College. Her YWCA activities
include chairman, treasurer and
representative at several confer
ences. She has served on Panhel
lenic Council, WAA board, ACEI
and is affiliated with Chi Omega.
Miss -Chalupa is a junior in
Teacher's College. She has served
as a YWCA chairman, and attend
TIT fll.. J A
ed several conferences for Y
Other activities include Coed Coun
selors board, Alpha Xi Delta presi
dent and NUCWA.
ivuss Kystrom is a junior in
Teacher's College. She is a Y com
mission leader, band member,
treasurer of Coed Counselors and
a Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Miss Thompson is a junior in
Teacher's College. She is a Y
Commission leader, has attended
regional and national conferences,
is a Coed Counselor big sister and
works in University Theater. She
is a Chi Omega.
Student Council member repre
senting both City and Ag Y will
be announced in the spring. Nom
inees were Barb Sharp and Lou
Ag officers, in addition to Miss
Jacobsen, are Sue Simmons, -vice-president;
Charlotte Sears, secre
tary; Evonne Einsphar, treasurer,
and Nancy Wilson, treasurer.
Miss Jacobsen is BABW secre
tary, 4-H Club secretary, Ag YW
membership chairman and a mem
ber of Tassels and Phi Upsilon
Miss Simmons is a freshman
commission leader, Ag Y discus
sion leader, Student Council mem
ber and vice-president of Kappa
.Miss Sears is Bible study chair
man, morning worship chairman,
and attended Estes conferences
and National Assembly for the Y.
Miss Einspahr is Ag Y publicity
chairman and a member of Home
Ec Club and Coed Counselors.
Miss Wilson, an Ag Y commit
tee chairman, attended the Estes
conference, and is a member of
Home Ec Club, Builders, 4-H Club
and Ag Interdenominational.
Other Home Ec Club officers are
Marian Sokol, vice-president; Ann
Luchsinger, secretary; Marie Ger
des, treasurer, and Judy Otrados
ky, historian.
Miss Richards is president of
Love Hall, on Ag Exec Board, Phi
Upsilon Omicron and VHEA.
Miss Sokol is AWS secretary,
Home Ec Club treasurer, AUF as
sistant, BABW board, and a mem
ber of VHEA, Phi Upsilon Omi
cron and Newman Club.
Miss Luchsinger is VHEA trea
surer. Alpha Chi Omega treasurer, ;
Advisors or deans will not send the
worksheet to the Assignment Com
mittee, Mrs. Laase said.
Junior Division students, fcowev
er, leave their worksheets with
their advisors, who send two cop
ies of the worksheet to the Junior
Division office, where they are pro
cessed. The Junior Division will
bring these worksheets to the Mili
tary and Naval Science Building,
beginning at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan.
17, and there will give them to
Junior Division students when their
number of hours or assignment
number entitles them to register,
she said.
Any Junior Division student
whose hours come up before Tues
day afternoon will have to po to
the Junior Division office in Tem
porary A to get their worksheets.
All worksheets, except students
in Arts and Sciences carrying from
12 to 17 hours and Teachers Col
lege students carrying from 12 to
18 hours, must have the signature
of the dean of the college in which
the student is registered. Special
permission of deans is needed be
fore students will be allowed to
register for less than 12 hours, or
Continuel on Page t)
on Ag Exec "board, Ag YWCA -cabinet
and is a member of Phi Up
silon Omicron.
Miss -Gerdes is Home Ec Club
historian, on BABW board and" a
member of 4-H Club, Tassels and
Lutheran Student Association.
Miss Otradosky is a member of
AUF, Builders and Kappa Alpha
Members of Home Ec Club coun
cil will be Margie Edwards, Rc
gene Lees, Lou Selk, Beverly
Shepardson, Helen Barnette, Lora
Jane Baskin, Deanne Brier, Mar
cia Broon and DeEtta Chatterson.
Others are Carolyn Edwards,
Carol Erickson, Ellen Jacobsen,
Joan Norris, Judy Oeltjen, Janice
R e e d e r, Elaine Sackschewas
ky, Kay Skinner and Rose Marie
Press Club
To Discuss
Pub Board
The fifth Bag Press Club lunch
eon will be held Friday at noon la
the Union, Dick Fellman, editor,
Freshmen reporters and transfer
students will have the opportunity
to become better .acquainted with
the procedure of the Pub Board.
Reports for the Associated Col
legiate ( Press Convention which
tok place in Detroit, Nov. 17 to 19
will be given by George Madsen,
business manager of the Nebras
kan; John Gourlay, editor of the
Cornhusker; and Michael Shurgrue,
business manager of the Corn
husker. Fellman will act as moderator.
All reporters, columnists, staff
members and Student Publications
Board members are invited to at
The luncheon will cost $1.
Farmer's Fair
Now Available
Applications are now available
for junior Farmer's Fair Board
positions, Allen Trenkle, manager
of the board, announced.
Juniors may pick up applica
tions in Room 202 Ag Hall. Appli
cations will ne due Jan 10, he
Any junior in the College of Ag
riculture with an accumulated
average of 5.0 is eligible to apply.
Three men and three women will
be selected by the senior board
members, Trenkle said.
Senior officers of the Farmers
Fair Board are Allen Trenkle,
manager; Sharon Egger, secre
tary; and Steve Pederson treas-