Wprlnesdov. Jonuory 4, 1956 THE NEBRASKAN Schedule YM1 Coih YWCA Pocks ISeepa 14 p.m. HATUTTOAY, JANUARY 21 All 8otlon of EnKllsh A ' W. or MF, or .y on, or two of th8 day t- P m. AM ictlona of Education 11, 5 (Oollfcum) -All aectlona of Buninaaa OrKnliHon Home Ec Club Nebraskan rholo Miss Deepe Miss Wiltse Crfy YWCA . . . Elections for City YWCA offi cers will le held Thursday in the Union from 9 a.m. to S p.m., Sher ry Mangold, president said. Candidates for president are Beverly Deepe and Parol Wiltse. The person receiving the second highest number of votes will be vice president. Other candidates are: secretary, pian Morgan and Jody Chalupa; treasurer, Barbara Rystrom and Nancy Salter; district representa tive, Mary Thompson and Luci grace Switzer; Student Council member, Barbara Sharp and Lou Selk. Miss Deepe Is a junior in Arts and Science College. She has Kitchens, 1 . ' tjL I Un kersily High Jo Utilize Innovations In teaching methods and equipment are the key to the new $1,000,000 University High School which is nearing comple tion. The building which serves not only as a school for 300 junior and senior high students but also as a laboratory for University teacher trainees, opened in September. The finishing touches are now being added to make it an out standing example of progressive, functional school design. The facilities, while helping pro vide a good educational program for the high schoolers, give stu dent teachers practical experience to the uses of some of the most re cent teaching aids. One must look far to find any conventional school desks in the cheerfully decorated classrooms. Movable tables and chairs have taken the place of desks enabling the teacher to plan for many types of learning situations. The class rooms feature brown chalk boards with matching tack boards and heavy plastic draperies to be pul led when movies or slides are shown. An interesting area In the two story building is the English and speech department. The two class rooms are separated by two smal ler rooms with windows overlook ing the classrooms. These small rooms are used for individual Bpeech work. One is equipped with a microphone and phonograph turntable so that simulated radio shows can be broadcast. Each of the classrooms has a loudspeaker which Is connected with the "ra dio" equipment. Emphasis on audio-visual aids is apparent in University High School. A special room has been set aside to store projectors and films and to provide space for teachers to preview films. The science department has its own darkroom so students may learn the principles of photo raphy. Laboratory tables in the science classrooms are built in the FLYING For University Students end Faculty Lccrn To Fly For Information Contact! Mel Adams: 5-6696 or 2-5383 Joe Steele: 6-4316 or 2-8891 Nominates Edwards, Richards, served as chairman and has at tended YWCA conferences. She has served as publicity chairman in NUCWA, Student Council mem ber, and is affiliated with Alpha Xi Delta. Miss Wiltse is a junior in Teach er's College. Her YWCA activities include chairman, treasurer, and representative to several confer ences. She has served on Panhel lenic council, WAA board, ACEI, and is affiliated with Chi Omega. Miss Chalupa is a junior in Teacher's College. She has served as YWCA chairman and has rep resented the YWCA at several con ferences. Other activities include .Coed Counselors junior board member. Alpha Xi Delta presi dent, NUCWA and Alpha Lamb da Delta treasurer. Miss Morgan 5s a junior in Teacher's College. She is a YW CA chairman and has attended two district conferences, Kappa Delta secretary, a WAA, Red Cross, and NUCWA. Miss Rystrom is a junior in Teacher's College. She is a YWCA commission leader, band member, treasurer of Coed Counselors, and affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gam ma. Miss Thompson Is a junior in - .- ; : "I 'I " - iB J" ! ,:.'f 5 :::;,::::::; i J' t 1 M ; ' i Inter-Corns, Sops: center of the rooms. Special provisions have been made for the teaching of fine arts. The art room is equipped with high work tables and even has its own kiln for firing pottery. The music department in the auditor ium wing of the building is sep arated from the regular class rooms. It has a large rehearsal room with concrete risers, instru ment storage space and special cupboards for choir robes and band uniforms. Two small prac tice rooms adjoin it. Kitchen and laundry facilities which would please any home- ,.oVj ABE IOTEBSr ... lie sure to check your opportunities with STANOLIND One of the five leading producers of crude oil and natural gas in the nation, Stanolind is a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Oil Company (India na). In its search for new oil and gas reserves, it maintains an active exploration and development program in the U.S., Canada and Cuba. The Com pany is also moving into the fast-growing field of petrochemicals. Mr. W. H. Hawkes, Division Geophysical Supervisor for Stanolind at Casper, Wyoming, will visit this campus on Monday, January 9, 1956, to interview mid-year and spring candi dates for B.S. and advanced degrees in elec trical engineering, physics, mathematics (with -physics minor) and geology (with physics or mathematics minor). Stanolind has immediate openings within the United States and one or two openings in Canada. A limited number of summer jobs are avail able to Juniors who are majoring in these courses, and who intend to seek permanent employment in these fields upon graduation. Those who accept employment will be, initially assigned to the Geophysical Department in the Rocky Mountain Division. Excellent opportunities and a promising future are available in this growing company now just 25 years old for men who are capable and quali fied. Salaries paid are among the highest in indus try; benefit plans rank with the best. , rian now to see Mr. Hawkes vhen he is here. For an appointment, see Dean J. Phillip Col bert, Director of Student Affairs. LiiniMMMwm!Mnw"MmimnijonMi' r ni rimnniww wiMwr Him ma ffliimn In r ""' ""' "r ' Teacher's College. She is a YWCA commission leader, and has at tended regional and national con ferences, a Coed Counselors big sister and University Theater. She is affiliated with Chi Omega. Miss Salter is a sophomore in Home Ec. She is a YWCA com mission leader, representative for CCRC, attended a regional meet ing, Builders business manager and is a member of Pi Beta Phi. Miss Switzer, junior in Arts and Sciences, is a YW publicity chair- Nebraska! Photo Miss Simmons Miss Jacobsen man, commission leader, Nebras kan copy editor, Coed Counselor big sister, on Presby House coun cil, and attended various confer ences for Y. Miss Selk is on Coed Counselor Courtesy Lincoln Journal Innovations maker are found in the home ec onomics department. Kitchen units have built-in ovens and coun tertop burners while the laundry area is equipped with an automat ic washer and drier. All these class areas are con nected by a 35-station inter-com sound system. The main station is located in the principal's office. Twice daily announcements are made to all classrooms. In addi tion, announcements can be made into any "group of classrooms. The system also provides a two-way hookup between each classroom and the office. V, Hi QGTOlfiXDlHIS Solcol Board, BABW Board, dorm coun selor, noon commission, and is 4-H Club member, Home Ec Club, Gamma Delta and Ag Un ion. Miss Sharp, sophomore in Arts and Sciences, is a YWCA publicity chairman, on NUCWA Board, de bate, a Nebraskan reporter, and a member of Alpha Xi Delta. Ag YWCA ... Elections for Ag YWCA officers will be held Thursday in the Ag Union from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., pres ident Marlene Hutchinson said. Candidates for president are El len Jacobsen and Sue Simmons. The person receiving the second highest number of votes will be vice president. Other candidates are: secretary, Beverly Bunch and Charlotte Sears; treasurer, Evonne Eins pahr and Pat Mitchell; district representative, Nancy Wilson and Jane Michaud. Miss Jacobsen is BBW secre tary, 4-H Club secretary, Ag YWCA membership chairman, on Home Ec Club council, attended the Chadron district conference and is a member of Tassels and Phi Upsilon Omicron. Miss Simmons is a freshman commission leader, Ag YWCA dis; cussion leader, chairman of he Farmer's Fair booth, attended the Chadron district conference, stu dent Council member, Phi Upsi lon Omicron. She is vice-president of Kappa Delta. Miss Bunch is Ag YWCA Bible study chairman, morning worship chairman, and a member of Vo cational Home Economics Asso ciation, Home Ec Club and AUF. Miss Sears is Ag YWCA serv ice chairman, attended Estes con ference and National Assembly, and is a member of VHEA, Home Ec Club and Coed Counselors. Miss Einspahr is Ag YVCA pub licity chairman and a member of Home Ec Club, Alpha Lambda Delta and Gamma Delta. Miss Mitchell is Ag YWCA so cial chairman, attended the Na tional Assembly and the Student Volunteer Movement Conference, and is a BABW representative and a member of Home Ec Club. Miss Wilson, an Ag YWCA com mittee chairman, attended t h e Estes regional conference, and is i member of Home Ec Club, Builders, 4-H Club and Ag Inter denominational. Miss Michaud Is on the survey project, the worship commission and attended the Chadron district conference. Home Ec Club . . . Officers for Home Ec Club will be elected Thursday in the Ag Un - : Satisfy Yourself with a Milder, Better-Tasting smoke packed for more pleasure by exclusive Accu-Ray i The more perfectly packed your cigarette, the more pleasure it gives . . . and Accu-Ray packs Chesterfield far more perfectly, G HE ion from 9 a.m. to S p.m., an nounced president Jan Lindquist. Candidates for president are Shirley Richards, Margie Edwards and Marian Sokol. The second high est in votes will be vice president; third highest will have her choice of the council positions. Other candidates are: secretary, Ann Luchsinger and Rogene Lees; s Nrbrukaa Phots Miss Sokol Miss Richards treasurer, Ma rie Gerdes and Lou Selk; his torian, Bever ly Shepardson and Judy Ot radosky. Miss R i c h ards is presi dent of Love Memorial Hall, on Ag E x e c u tive Board, and a Nebraska!! Photo Miss Edwards member of Phi Upsilon and Vo cational Home Economics Associa tion. Miss Edwards is Ag Executive Board secretary, on WAA council and is a member of Phi Upsilon Omicron and Chi Omega. Miss SokoI is AWS secretary, Home Ec Club treasurer, Hello Girl finalist, AUF assistant, on BABW and a member of VHEA, Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Upsilon Omicron and Newman Club. Miss Luchsinger is VHEA trea surer, Alpha Chi Omega treasurer, on Ag Executive Board, Ag YWCA Cabinet and is a member of Phi Upsilon Omicron and Alpha Lamb da Delta. Miss Lees is a member of VHEA, Kappa Phi, Builders and Love Memorial Hall. Miss Gerdes is Home Ec Club historian, on BABW Board, mem ber of Luteran Students Associa tion, 4H Club, Tassels and Love Memorial Hall. Miss Selk is on Coed Counselors Board, BABW Board, Ag Union committee, Ag YWCA, 4-H Club, Gamma Delta and University Band. Miss Shepardson is a member of Ag YWCA and 4-H Club. Miss Otradosky is a member of Build ers and Kappa Alpha Theta. 1 To the touch... to the taste. an Accu-Ray Chesterfield satis- f ics the most . . . burns more evenly, smokes much smoother, i . If r $ 4 f "i MILD, YET toroVRSDAY. JANUARY 25 nt aii K,'ttoni of Math 11. ii a m. 1 e m. All aectlona of Math 14, S-B e m. Classei mcetlna at 4 00 or or two of theaa lay -12 .m. THURSDAY. JANUARY ? Clasae mtmg 8:00 a.m. 5 or daya. or Mw F, or i,ny ona or two of these daya 2-5 p.m. All aec:lons ot Enallsh 2, S. 4 -12 .m. FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 Clasa menlr.it at S:00 p.m. 6 or 4 daya. or MWF. or ny ona or two of theaa daya Claasea meeting at 6:00 p.m. 5 or 4 daya. or MWF, or any ona or two of then daya flasHea meeting at 6:00 p tn, TTh or either ona of theai i daya Claasea meeting at 7:00 p.m. MWF or any ona or two of thesa daya 2-5 p.m. All aectlona of Ecnnnmlca 3. 11. 12. 1 15 eOottscunrt . Olaaaea meeting at 2:00 p.m. TTh or elthar ona of these daya -12 a.m. . SATURDAY. JANUARY 28 Olaaaea meeting, at 2:00 p.m. 5 jt 4 daya. or MWF, or any one or two of thee daya J-5 p.m. All aectlona of Naval Science 101. 201. 801, 401 -12 a.m. MONDAY, JANUARY 3d Classes meeting at 10:00 a.m. 5 or 4 daya, or OTr, or any one or two of these daya 1- 5 p.m. Classes meeting at 1 :00 p.m. TTh or either one of these daya 8-12 a.m. TUESDAY, JANUARY SI " . . Classes meeting at 4:00 p.m. TTh or either one of these flays Clssscs mcctlnt at 8KH) a.m. TThS or any one or two of these dura 8-5 p.m. All sections of Mechanical EnRlneerlng 1 All aectlona of Home Economics 41. 42 All aectlona of French 11, 13 All sections of Spanish 51, 63 All sections of Bualnesa Organization 21 8-10 a.m. WEDNESDAY, FEFRUARY 1 All aectlona of English B Collseum) , 11 a.m.-l p.m. All sections of English 1 (Coliseum) 8-12 a.m. Classes meeting at 3:00 p.m. TTh or either one of these days 2- 5 p.m. Classes meeting at 9:00 a.m. TThS or any one or two of these days All sections of Sociology 53 8-12 a.m. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Clares meeting at 1:00 p.m. 5 or 4 daya, or MWF, or any ona or two of these days 8-5 p.m. Classes meeting at 11:00 a.m. TThS or any one or two of these days All sections of Speech 8. 10 8-12 a.m. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Classes meeting at 8:00 a.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF, or any ona or two of these days Classes meeting at 12:00 noon on 6 or 4 daya, or MWF, or any one or two of these daya 2-5 p.m. Claasea meeting at 10:00 a.m. TThS or any one or two of thesa days Elementary Schools: Men Term Profession Rewarding, Challenging Grade school teaching can be a challengingj rewarding profession for men, according to four Uni versity students. n They should know, for all four men are enrolled in the Teachers College department of elementary education. These four who are entering a predominately woman's field are Marlin Languis, Galen Nelsen, Harold Hansen and Fred Schrock. "Children in the lower grades offer a real challenge," Languis said. "At that level, they are learn ing fundamental work habits and study habits that will last all their lives. This phase of education is like the basement of a building since it will determine how suc cessful they will be in their adult lives." Languis, a senior, believes that elementary education is a wide open field for men which has been neglected. Working with young children is' nothing new to him, since he taught for five years in a rural school. He is now com pleting his work for a college de gree. "fly . - mm-. JYvV'tv Firm and pleasing to the lips . , . mild yet deeply satisfying to the taste Chesterfield alone is pleasure-packed by Accu-Ray. THEY gatidffl . 18, 41, 1. 17, 42, 106, 107 p.m. S 4 days, or MWF, or n on "Challenging" is also the word that Nelsen used to describe tha field of elementary education. Nel sen, a sophomore, said he has always been interested in teach ing and that is sister, Margery, a Fremont grade school teacher, in fluenced him to enter this area of educational work. Hansen and Schrock both have religious training as background for their work in elementary edu cation. Hansen attended the University for two and one-half years and then entered theological seminary. At the conclusion of his seminary training, he decided he was more "cut out" for school teaching than for the ministry. He plans to teach in a private church school believ ing that this is an important phase of religious work. Schrock has completed a four year Bible course at the Grace Bible Institute in Omaha. When he decided to enter the teaching profession, he chose the elemen tary field, he said, since he feels he is more qualified to teach young children. .. ilPTMni i ............................... .in, imnii im t& ' 1 - " V' ;' 5 h .-. 4 t LiccErT & Muni Tomuo Ca