a i EJT5I4ES It Happened At NU Two coeds were discussing love problems. One related the story of her old maid aunt who had many boyfriends in her youth. The aunt' had told each of her boyfriends that she loved him eternally. However, she had never married. The other coed after hearing the story, said to her companion, "I guess it just pays to specialize." Weather 'R Not The highways from Lincoln to the west art covered with packed snow and spotted ice, ac cording to reports from the Nebraska "Safety Patrol. The highway between Grand Island and North Platte is quite icy. The highways to Omaha and Beatrice are clean. There is spotted ice on the highways to Norfolk and on to the north. Vol. 59, No. 37 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Friday, December 16, 1955 V ' ... : , ' - ;..,.. "if ' ' - I v, - I MWUWMMMHWW' 1 -House Caroers Sng Singing Christmas carols around the piano are students liv ing in the International House. The Board of Regent's proposal to convert International House into a Faculty Club has been passed by the administration. The girls now living there would be moved to Terrace Hall. Ter race Hall residents would in turn move into the dorms. Bev Wirz, president 'of Terrace Hall, indi cated "that the girls definitely intend to oppose the Board of Regents decision. Some of the Courtcir Lincoln SUr residents of International House are (from left, seated) Margery Polzkill, president, Olivia Carion, (standing) Andreas Pasio, Shir ley Lin, Lichu Chen, Hideko Katayoma, Darnella Williams, Kirsteen Paterson ' and Afshan Hessam Voziri. Outstanding Nebraskan: Letters Nominate Westbrook, Mangold, Berry, Gourlay Three students and one faculty member have been nominated for the Outstanding Nebraskan award. They are Sharon Mangold, John Courlay, Glenna Berry and Dr. Arthur Westbrook, music profes sor. The letter nominating Miss Man gold stated that by participating in worthy campus activities and maintaining an 8.0 scholastic avei iige, she was not only typified all that a coed should be, but all that an outstanding one should be. . Miss Mangold is past president o' NUCWA, president of YWCA, Mortar Board secretary and is a member of Student Council, debate team. Alpha Lambda Delta, and Camma Phi Beta. According to the letter of nom Ination, Gourlay has constantly striven to make the University Carols: Madrigals To Perform Over CBS The University Madrigal Singers will present two coast to coast Christmas broadcasts over the Co lumbia Broadcasting System dur ing the holidays, Dr. David Foltz, Madrigals director, announced. The first broadcast, consisting of Christmas carols from various countries, will be heard from 9 to 9:15 p.m. CST, Thursday. , The second broadcast will be a half-hour presentation of Benjamin Britten's "Ceremony of Carols" to begin at 11:05 a.m. CST Christ mas Day. This presentation is at the special request from CBS offic ials. This year is the second consecu tive year the Madrigal Singers have been asked to sing over CBS. It is one of the few times a non professional group has been asked to present a program. 'If Came To Pass' r And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city iof David, which is called Bethlehem; (be cause he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were ther e, the days were accomplished that she should be. . , delivered. , y And she brought forth her firstborn son, ' and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was nc room for them in the 1nnv """! ' : " Interfraternity Council: Revised Rush Week Schedule Approved E-Week Heads: Tvv7 meg! file its George Fullerton and Pat Moore were announced as co-chairmen of Engineer's Week by Bill Neff, chairman of the Engineer's Execu tive Board. Fullerton, a senior in civil engi neering, is vice-president of the student chapter of ASCE and a member of Sigma Tau and Delta Tau Delta, .., Miss Berry Westbrook community more profitable for all the many with whom he comes in daily contact. Probably his most outstanding quality, the letter said, is the high moral character which is apparent in both his speech and actions. Gourlay is Innocents president, Cornhusker editor, Interfraternity Council vice president, Student Council treasurer, and a member of Corn Cobs and Beta Theta Pi Miss Berry, said the letter nom inating her, expresses a social con sciousness of the world about her by her aptive leadership in such organizations as NUCWA and YWCA. She has the courage of her convictions and the ability to ex press them well. She is vice president or YWCA, member of Student Council, NUCWA executive board, CCRC executive board, Mortar Board, Phi Sigma Iota, and Pi Beta Phi. Dr. Westbrook, the faculty mem ber nominated, was recommend ed this year for a second time on the basis of his influence on the lives of many thousands of stu dents during his 16 years at the University, the letter said. Westbrook, director of Universi ty Singers, has been responsible for building the music department from 40 music majors to 250. He was also responsible for the in corporation of a Master's Degree in music at the University. Other nominations for Outstand ing Nebraskan should be sent to the Nebraskan office in letter form. The letter must be signed, though the name of the person making the Courtrty Sunday Journal awl Slat Miss Mangold Gourlay nomination will be kept confiden tial. Deadline for nominations is Jan'. 13. The Nebraskan staff will select one student and one faculty mem ber for the title. The candidate must have made outstanding contributions to the University as a faculty member, senior, or graduate student. Revision of the Interfraternity Council's Rush Week schedule was passed in the IFC meeting Wednes day on the recommendation of the rushing committee. ine rec ommenaation was made by committee chairman Jan Pickard, Kappa Sigma, in the com' mittee's report to the IFC. The main revision in the commit tee s recommendation was the in sertion of a compulsory open house from 9 a.m. to noon on the first day. The recommendation provid ed for a non-compulsory open house The orientation period on the first day was also set to begin at 8 a.m. instead of 9 a.m. The reason for this change was to prompt both rushees and fraternity men to keep from staying out late, as they have to be ready for early parties. The schedule also provides for three compulsory rush dates every rushee must attend before filing. They are from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the first day of Rush Week, and from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. the second day, At 10:15 a.m. on the second day, all rushees will be required to be present at the Union, and will re main there until 11 a.m., after which he may pledge at the fraternity The Outside. World: 'Cold War On Again' By BARB SHARP Staff Writer The East-West cold war is on again, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles told the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Council of Ministers. Dulles told the ministers that after nearly a year of Soviet policy lig-iagging, the rulers of the Soviet Union have opened dangerous new cold war fronts in the Middle East and South Asia. Dulles' remarks were made at the opening of the first council meeting since last summer's Big Four summit conference at Geneva and the foreign ministers' subsequent dealock in the Swiss city. The 15-nation Atlantic Alliance has overcome greater dangers in the past by remaining ever vigilant and united, Dulles added. Search For Killer Continues . Law enforcement officials investigating the murder of Mrs. Nancv Parker had long conferences with the dead woman's husband and with a former employee of the park department, found sleeping in a haystack a mile west of the Men's Reformatory. Mrs. Parker, whose husband is Parrel Parker, city forester, was found Wednesday, bound, gagged and strangled on a bed in her home on the south edge of Antelope Park. Her husband found her body when he returned home for lunch at noon. "We are running out every lead," said County Attorney Elmer Scheele. Officers were fanning over the county checking on black 1949 and 1950 Fords, like the one reported near the Parker home the day of the murder. of his choice, or file any subse quent rush dates. The schedule is as follows: First day 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., orientation period; 9 a.m. to noon, compulsory open house at least four houses; 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., filing period. Filing may also be done during open house; 5 p.m. to 7 p. m. dinner, compulsory rush date; 8 p.m. to' 10 p.m., compulsory rush date. Second day 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., breakfast, compulsory rush date; 10:15 a.m. to 11 a.m., rushees re port to Union; 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., rush date; 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., dinner, rush date. Third day Open rush, no ree ntered dates. Filing of pledge as sumption cards will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and from 8 a.m. to noon on the Monday following Rush Week. A proposal by Ben Belmont to organize a special IFC Rush Week governing committee was tabled until the next meeting. Pickard said that if nothing fur ther was done about spiking, he would move for the reconsideration of legalized spiking. Moore is a senior in mechanical engineering. He is a . member of Sigma Tau, president of Pi Tau Sigma, and a member of ASME. Among their duties as co-chairmen of E-Week, they choose and oversee the various committees that are the nucleus of E-Week. , Held the last week of April, E-Week offers the opportunity for the public and students of the Uni versity to observe the functions and capabilities of engineering and the College of Engineering and Architecture. It consists of open house the first day, window dis plays, a field day, and closes with a banquet the final evening. Co-chairmen for the individual departments of the College of Engi neering are: Jim Egenberger and John Boning, agricultural engineer ing; Jim Eagan and Dick Eno, mechanical engineering; Bob Rhode and Dean McNulty, civil engineering; Marvin Vanek and Dick Sabin, architecture; Ken Hornby and Rus Nielsen, chemical engineering; John Toman and Dean Zimmerman, electrical engineer ing. In 1894 the forerunner of Engi neer's Week took place. On Feb. 15 the Department of Electrical Engineering staged a small exhibi tion for' Charter Day. 1913 marked the official entry of Engineer's -Week on the campus scene. Since then the program has been greatly expanded. . Displays and exhibits showing the role of engineering and architec ture in modern living will be fea tured at the 44th annual Engi neer's Week. Women's Houses To Close Saturday All women's organized houses will close Saturday at 2 p.m. for Christmas vacation. Unless spe cial arrangements are made in in dividual houses with the house mother, girls may not return be fore Jan. 2 at 2 p.m. Women students are to observe the same rules of signing out as they observed for Thanksgiving vacation. Two Workers Given Plaques By Builders Plaques were presented to the two outstanding Builder's workers, and citations were given to 13 com mittee workers at the Builders din ner, Wednesday. Marilyn McHareue was eiven the city campus plaque for her work on the student directory commit tee, and Will Schutz was given the Ag camous Dlaaue for his work on the Ag public relations committee. The citations were given to Sherry Moore and Tom Neff, tours and conventions; Claire Carden, student directory; Bobby Holt, calendar; Nancy Coover, publicity; Judy Douthit, First Glance; Dar rina Turner, special edition; Mar ion Elder, Husker Handbook; Lar ry Voss, Ag tours; Willa Waldo, Ag publicity; Burton Weichenthal, Ag sales and membership; John Buff ington and Sara Alexander, assis tant treasurer of advertising. One hundred and thiry attended the dinner. Dick Johnson played Santa Claus. Mel Fehrnbruch, president-elect, planned the dinner. lSlt iiiiiiip -Yrirrf'fimiimuif "TThem i lnt"ilWrrmlrimaattlT-T'-lrtilfl1lJ'il'Tr ; ' - "i iii Santa Rewards Staffs George Madsen, Nebraskan business manager, is shown pass ing out presents to gathered Nebraskan - Cornhusker staff members of the annual staff Christmas party. Staff members exchanged 25 cent joke gifts. Refreshments- were served. Mrs. Dorothy Switzer, mother of Luci grace Switzer, and Mrs. W. T. Spelts, mother of Soren Samuel Jensen, HI, provided cookies foi the event. Recordings of Christ mas carols and Tichaikovsky's "Nutcracker Suite" were played. Nebraskan and Cornhusker staff Nebraska ihtto members, workers, reporters and members of the Faculty-Student Subcommittee on Student Publi-. cations attended the party. Rob ert Knoll and Ruth Levinson, Student Council advisers, also atended the party. ft 11 11 ' a I n V' h'i 7 it S3 Vi r f 4 t-"WHM