The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 30, 1955, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, November 30, 1 955
Mebraskan Editorials:
'..Jo Be Congratulated'
AUF should be congratulated."
They have finally done what many previous
All University Fund organizations have been
talking about doing for years eliminating the
ethically questionable but monetarily successful
high pressure sales campaign.
But this year's group did it and they still
compiled the second highest sales total in his
tory. The important thing about the '55 drive, how
ever, is not the sum total, which nevertheless
will make a fine contribution to charity, but the
spirit in which this year's campaign was pro
moted. Without the aid of the near-traditional UMOC
contest, student house solicitations and the AUF
booth during New Student Week with, all the
aocompanying social pressures, interhouse com
petition and artificial rivalry final AUF con
tributions amounted to $9483.
Pressures the house rivalries, the $2 mini
mum, the blood-and-thunder canvasser, etc.
are detrimental not only to the spirit of charity
but to the will of the individual who donates.
AUF is to be congratulated for recognizing
this, giving the students and organizations a
free choice in donating money to a worthwhile
cause and restoring charity and the All Univer
sity Fund to a position of respect here at Ne
braska. Let's hope this policy continues. B. B.
Me It Slow!
The Interfraternity Council will vote today on
a set of recommended changes for the IFC rush
ing rules. These recommendations were drawn'
. op by a special IFC Rush Week committee.
They weren't drawn up too well.
The purpose behind these proposed changes
"Is-lb provide a quick remedy for the various
ills which have broken out recently in the IFC
rushing' program.
These ills are centered around spiking and a
number of other breaches of the rushing rules
by fraternities. The committee was appointed,
and wisely so, to work out some way to prevent
the fraternities from breaking the rules. In
some instances, the rules themselves were
dropped, so that the fraternities couldn't break
The main issue in the matter is spiking, which
is the presentation of a pledge pin hy a frater
nity to a rushee outside of IFC Rush Week
To complete the deed, the rushee must ac
cept the pledge pin. This is illegal, on both
sides. As the rules now stand, it is difficult to
prove any charges of spiking, as both the fra
ternity and the rushee will be penalized.
The proposed change would make spiking
legal. However, the IFC, through its rush book
Something Wholesome
In spite of the stormy season that plagued
the Nebraska football scene this fall, several
wholesome things have evolved.. For now that
the "Goodby, Bill" barrage has subsided, a true
evaluation of the season can be more, easily
What more could be expected of the Corn
buskers than two successive second places in
the Big Seven behind Oklahoma, prompting an
Orange Bowl bid last year! If the runner-up
position should be thus criticized, with what
must the other five members of the conference
be faced?
Is there no honor in second place?
Secondly, it must be recognized by all that
the team this season has made one of the out
standing comebacks in the school's history.
Finally, the admirable stand of Bill Glassford,
who has proved himself much more worthy
than any of his opponents, credits him both as
a gentleman and a coach. Continuing his policy
of praising his team and staff, and taking the
blame himself, be made his final gesture Tues
day. Ia a letter to The Nebraskan, be asked that
fee Student Body be recognized for their back
ing and support of the coaching staff and the
football team.
His last words . . ."I sincerely hope that the
Scarlet and Cream will always be victorious.'
8. C.
and letters, would assure the rushee that any
pledge pin accepted during summer rushing or
any time outside of IFC sanctioned pledging
periods would not in any way bind the rushee to
the particular fraternity.
The result of the ruling would be to put no
value on the pledge pin. Rushees could collect
them like cracker-jack prizes. This effect would
either discourage spiking, as the IFC hopes, or
put a damper on the meaning of fraternity
symbols which might f asily damage the whole
The proposals also include a changed Rush
Week schedule, which would allow for three
compulsory rush dates, but no compulsory open
house. The reasoning behind this change is that
most rushees when coming down to Rush Week
have their choice of fraternities down to two
or three.
Thus, they would have to go to their two or
three before pledging. The IFC committee,
however, forgot about rushees who have ot
decided between two or three, or who have not
been acquainted with the fraternity system at
All he would have would be a short, non
compulsory open bouse where he might be over
looked by a number of houses.
. The purpose of the IFC to put a needed
change into their Rush Week rules is a good
one, indeed. . However, the fraternity system
might very well be hurt if the IFC accepts these
measures without recommendations. Basically,
some of them are sound, but many of them
need revising and more thorough investigation
before they are accepted.
It is a long time until spring, men. Sit down
and think through this problem quite a bit
more, before you decide v anything.
The future of the fraternity system a much
needed institution on this campus rests on your
shoulders. Take it slow! F. T. D.
It was interesting to note that the Tuesday
Evening Journal in a small agate filler article
mentioned that "your favorite Sports Editors.
Dick Becker and Don Bryant, are tops' at
sports writing.
A person learns something every day.
Bit Nippy Out
The cold weather has become one of the chief
topics of conversation around campus lately.
Two young coeds were discussing this annual
unpleasantness over cigarettes. One said to the
other, "You know, it takes all the force I have
to get up on these cold mornings and go to the
Crib for my 10 a.m. coffee.
Th No
ilembwr: Associated Collegiate Press
lEterccUeflate Press
Kevresentative: National Advertising Service,
Published at: Boon 20, Student Union
14th K
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
Ta SefcraUmi m aabttoBea1 Twtar, WttaKty .ml
r rtm laa at year, enca far waOaaa
ami axaaa agitata, ui mmm town la mmmatmt aaftac
Aaraat. mr acaawaa mt tmm Catvemt mt Kcataaka aaaer
Htm MtfewfaMm mt tmm Cimlil.i. mm Maim liMn
trrnm adJaarad nmma aai m tj
aa mt tmm tatawMM), mr mm taw part mt mm mm
mt tmm femttr mt tmm mr mm tt mart mt amy
JW tarn Smtmllr. TW Mtra mt tmm
Kcftmfcn tt mm mmmtmUr fur a-aat the
?" mm mrtmtrm. rihiaary a. use.
ewhwm mM tmm. amnar at mm mmm mtttmrn mm
tmmmttmt aaraat 4, uu,
TJUmt Dtt
v-mnmrum run W-nmt ..............
Maaactac Katttar
mkpmtm E-tftlW m mm mm mm mm mm mm . . . .m ...... . Bait CaMaat
Caay Eaan Jmtr Baat, Baaa Mnrinta,
Mary IMkO, Lrnvmnmm wttzr
Baaa MmMi
m realtor
Urmmnm: BaTaia Faara. AiVaw Hrwek, ara AV-k-jaar.
Caratya Batter. tmrr Hmrrr. fin Pttura
n Ha. Caiy FmzH. Ik Ir.laal, MM tinm,
fcaaa Miw, rnrfc aattasr. Jaak CmTUn,
SmUm D.m-U. Maty Pottraaa. aaaarc tmmH.
Marlaaai Tkranwm, Jety Hanniaa. Mart Unt
ax, ftrtote Klac. Oraaiae VrteM- tJmmm trtr-
Mary Lirfcrfc. Ma ft aawa, (ftrfery FnrmU aar
aar. Artec Faferaanaa. Lteaa Bek, rat Titm,
mxmm. h naraaar. morn a
rMrcvuw tKlw. Aaa Haat. CyatM
araf rtana. ral Vaa mtr. Mary
Wjfmem, tmmmmmm DanaX, Kaaey Caavcr.
KmMmrtm taMu) . . Maawtaa Xemt
Btaaiatai Maaacw
m aaatarai Haaagaii ...HI BaOwcH. Oaraara KMm.
Hana, Mick Krff
now until Christmas
Fcrbr UqdJ bed FescU
with eadb
fsktr n" LL Set
WemmWfmt CfcrKtmaa CifSm
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electrical engineers
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Or pn mt memd iaQvinm U:
Sir. Charles S. Ttxnew
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i Sm k m al I
Civiiisn Amirlccn Zasch Arms Corp.
Quit Czy, Lm( Tulad, N.Y.
4 n 1 1 1 aaaa-
Year 1965 Finds AAany
Changes At Nebraska U
It is the year 1965, and two old
Grads return to the University for
the first time, to find to their
amazement they don't recognize
the campus.
The University has nearly doub
led in enrollment, and in plant fa
cilities, too, which was to be ex
pected. But the biggest change
isn't in the buildings or the size
of the classes, but in the general
picture of student life.
Most noticeable is the absence
of cars for faculty members
are the only persons at the Uni
versity allowed cars. This all
came about gradually; first, only
women were prohibited from hav
ing cars.
Then the ban was extended to
include all freshmen, and then all
students. The administration ex
plained it was necessary to re
strict ownership of cars because
of shortage of parking space, and
besides it was a good way to in
sure that students centered their
social activities on campus.
Social life in all aspects is not
as free as it was in the gay, de
cadent days back in the dark ages
ten years ago. For instance, no
woman student is allowed in a
dance -hall or place where liquor is
served. Instead, all social functions
planned by University-, students
must be held on campus.
This has led to more emphasis
on parties given in houses, and
of course, more work and closer
regulation by the secret police.
Except that the secret police are
by now such a large force they are
no longer very secret (mere effec
tive, however.)
University women are closely
governed with strict observance of
rlosing hours and severe penalties
for any infraction of a rule. Over
nights, of any kind are never al
lowed. Activities have been cut to the
bare minimum, leaving the Inno
cents panic-stricken to find even
13 boys in activities.
YWCA and Red Cross were elim
inated because they put too much
student interest into affairs not
strictly of the University.
Kosmet Klub and student shows
have been long forgotten. Coed
Counselors was abolished as a do-
nothing organization, and Student
Council has become a mere stu
dent figurehead to spout adminis
tration policy.
But all this leaves the students
more time to study (or go to mov
ies or plan riots).
Fraternities and sororities have
all become local, with one or two
exceptions. The administration
passed an edict several years ago
which permitted a discriminatory
clause against any race or religion,
so the Greeks were forced to give
up their national affiliation.
The Faction and TNE, once de
funct, have gained new popularity.
Students have formed many such
undercover social and activity
a 11 l - t
groups oecause au legal, aoove-i
board ones have been so effectively i
throttled. . j
The two Grads shake their'
heads, unable to believe such
changes. Is this progress, they
You'll probably all agree thet a
professor who comes to class three
minutes early is extremely unusual
. in fact, he's in a class by him
from Gustavian Weekly.
Fraternity. Sorority. & Organiiation
Lottarhaada . . . lotion . . . Nowa
BuDotina . . . Booklets . . . Program.
312 Nora 12th.
Ph. 2-2957
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Good selection of all
corsage flowers.
City wide delivery at no
additional charge.
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Open until 6:30 daily. Sun. UU 1
Nehmslian Letterip
A New Policy . . .
Fellow students, arise! Ttfrow
off your shackles, show the faculty
and administration for once and
for all who is running this univer
sity. Let's tell them that we will
spend at least two weeks on ex
ams; listen to as many off color
and smutty stories as we please
and if we so desire, have some
good healthy fun in the form of
an occasional panty raid.
Either that or we can regain our
senses and realize that we are here
for educaSon instead of a picnic.
It may be possible that faculty
members, more learned than we,
know more about the relative
value of lectures and exams.
We could also realize that a pro
gram spiced with off color jokes
can do more harm to the reputa
tion of the University than one
more musical production can re
We might als2 realize that ex
cessive consumption of alcoholic
beverages and panty raids are
not necessarily a part of the cur
riculum and those who felt them
necessary bad best go (or be sent)
elsewhere in search of such enter
tainment. E. W. . Hupp
The New Link . . .
To the Editor:
A proposed "New Look" in the
University Athletic Department:
The athletic department until
now has overlooked the most val-
For University Studests
end Faculty
Learn To Fly
For litormmtUm Contact l
Mel Adams: 5-6ESS or 2-5282
Joe Steele: -131 or 2-SSS4
uable asset in brawn our Univer-1
sity has, our women students. '
Women constitute about 50 per cent
of our total enrollment, and are j
ideally qualified for considera-
ticn into the ranks of intercollegi
ate athletics.
The women of the university are
healthy, aggressive and they love
competition. One only need observe
them during the Bermuda short
season to be convinced of their po
tentiality in the field of athletics.
Think how a girls' team of field
hockey from the University of Ha
waii would do against our team of
cornfed midwes terriers. No amount
of hip swinging would cause the
outcome of that game to go against
Nebraska! Think, too, of how the
coffers would swell winning
teams at Nebraska!
We could fill in the south end of
the stadium with one of the best
powder-rooms in the country to
match the one at the north end.
Joba Aadersoa
From Danielsons are
Sure to please We
guarantee it!
Order today from our large selection
of carefully selected flowert
1306 N 2-7602 840 No. 45 6-2385
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(Author ef -Bar f met Bom With Ckfk," U.) 1
Who would have thought that Happy Jack Sigafoos, the boy
the sky never rained on, would ever teeter on the edge of a lift
of crime?
Certainly there was no sign of it in his boyhood. Hi homo
lfe was most tranquil' and uplifting. His mother was a nict
!mp lady who hummed a lot and gave baskets to the poor. His
ather was a highly respected citizen who could imitate more
than four hundred bird calls and once savd an elderly widow
from drowning in his good suit (That is, Mr. Sigafoos was in
his good suit; the elderly widow was in swimming trunks.)
L.. ...... "f r7fm
What "3 Coins in the
t Fountain" did for
i nvuiw
does for Venice!
.,""5lt ?.
1 KaTHahINF mFPRiiRn
, uua Willi
t Si
mm 6C Mc&WN aw Ha Mi&MiM
Happy Jack's life was nothing short of idyllic until he went
off to college.
In college Happy Jack quickly became a typical freshman
tweedy, seedy, and needy. He learned the joys of rounding out
his personality, and he learned the cost His allowance vanished
like dew before the morning sun. There were times, it grieves
me to report, when he didn't even have enough for a pack of
Philip Morris-and you know how miserable that can be! To be
deprived of PhOip Morris's gentle flavor, its eubUy blended
tastiness, its traaiaa-repairing mildness, its ineffable excellence
-why, it is a prospect to break the heart In twain!
Happy Jack tried to get more money from home. He wrote
piteous and impassioned letters pointing: out that the modern
large-capacity girl simply could not be maintained on his meagre
allowance. But all Jack got from home were tiresome homilies
h.uoui in rui ana prudence.
Then one day a sinister sophomore came np to Jack and said,
"I know how you can get more money from home," Jack said,
"How?" and the sinister sophomore handed him a sheet of
paper. Tor one dollar,' said the sinister sophomore, "1 will sea
yon this list of fiendishly clever lies to tell your father when you
need extra money."
Jack read the list of fiendishly clever lies:
1. A biotch of us fellows are getting together to buy a new
house for the Dean of Hen. ,
2. A bunch of u feUowe are getting together to buy a Aeed
Ume for Rover, our late, beloved dormitory, watchdog.
t. A bunch of ut fellows are getting together to buy ths college
m new fullback.
U. A bunch of ut fellows are getting together tif endow a chair
of fine arte. 1
5. A bunch of us fellows are getting together u buHd our ovm
space satellite. , j
For a moment, poor Jack was tempted; surely fcii father could
cot bat support all these worthy causes. Then ' Jack's good op
bringing came to the fore. He turned to the sinister sophomore
and said, "No, thank yoa. I could not deceive my aged parent so.
And as for you, sir, I can only say Fie V
Upon hearing this, the sinister sophomore Lrcke Into a huge
grin. He whipped off his black hat and pasty face-and who do
yoa think it was? None other than Mr. Sifafoos, Happy Jack's
father, that's who!
"Good lad," cried Mr. Sigafoos. "Yoa have passed your test
brilliantly." With that he gave Happy Jack a check for a half
million dollars and a red convertible contiiuing four nubile
Crime does sot pay 1 eui tmim. u
Tkm wtmkrrt of Philip Morris, tpomsort of tkU tolmn, could not mrrra
mora. But wt'U teJi ytm that dots pm-y smoking America's genii
tUgareum Philip Morris, of eorritt