Tuesday, November 22. 1 955 THE NEBRASKAN srM NU-Envay 1(11)1 - i ir Page 3 jMJPosl (C) J5 QU I?ohnaer(G) J 1 cM 7 -7"-k., 3 intercepted! I Ji 1 OU D.Morris (C) it i h f i f u I i h 11 si 2 J 3 I f -- I Buskers try pass from 18 yards out , . . "WW it S. -i V. " V a Mi! J f 7 M ' ? -x I f OU Mobra(E) ft if sir 1 i "if v. x A.I' ? ' ! v 1 ig)l f 25v F"" k r. m mi s f ix n n n ?ir Lp LsiiuiireDs 41 - Sooner Intercepts on goal line . . . n . Courtty Sunday Joumtl IM I NU scoring chance is lost , . By WALT BLORE Staff Sports Writer You ran't CATCH a bear In a mouse trap! Regardless of the strength of the mouse trip, the spirit it demon strates against the bear will go for naught because the size of the beast and its strength it will only give a little snort and shake of the trap before it causes any dam age. This is an analogy of theOkla-homa-Nebraska gridiron contest that took place Saturday, Nov. 19. The bear trounced the mouse trap by a score of 41-0. But. the affair was not as much a run away as the score indicated. It was still 'A TO Peat the Crowd! 4-: Shop NOW from our complete selection of CHRISTMAS CARDS and GIFT WRAPS Ve five t TeArcm Community Stampi IalscMlrothers rsTATKNIHSAI MINTf II! 1124 O 5-3246 the most resounding defeat that the mouse trap suffered on the gridiron this fall. Oklahoma, the Bear, had trouble shaking the inspired Cornhuskers, the mouse trap, but after a slow first half, the Sooners marched all over the Memorial Stadium sod. Nebraska went into the Big Seven Conference championship battle with a decided psychological advantage since this was to be the last game for their coach, Bill Griassfora. But, the oil barons from the southwest proved that football is definitely a physical game- Okalhoma marched down the field for a touchdown the second time they got their hands on the ball. At the first quarter marker, the Sooners held a slim 7-0 lead. Then the Huskers started their first and only drive deep into Okie territory. With second down and four to go on the Sooner 8, Ne braska tried a pass play. It back fired and the men from the land of red dust and black oil had the ball on their 41 yard line. Coach Bud Wilkinson sent in his second unit to try and penetrate the Corhhusker defense. Glassford countered with his second unit However, Oklahoma's second team iooked about as good as the first unit and marched down to score with the second quarter half over Nebraska tried to stage a come- Dack. The Big Bad Bears dug in their claws and proved their de fense was just as good as their offense At half time, the Sooners had a 13-0 lead and it looked as if the Nebraskans might prove to be the toughest team they had faced all year. The second half was a different story. The oil barons took the kick off and without giving up the ball, scored with a few seconds more than four minutes gone in the third period. Before the game was over, the Cornhucker dam was broken open three more times by the relentless outfit fm Oklahoma- If there was any .difference in the 36 monsters that Wilkinson brought up from Norman, it wasn't noticeable to this observer. The linemen lookid like their contem poraries that perform on Sunday afternoon in the pro ranks, and they moved with the speed and aglity of a crew of Olympic sprint ers. Nebraska played hard, spirited ball for 60 minutes, but didn't get more than two decent breaks all afternoon. WAA FAIRER SIDE Thanksgiving Vacation Brings WAA Standstill If , a 4 VI By SAROL WILTSE Girls' sports have been click ing fast and furious, this Dast wpek with the vollevball. ducknins and bowling tournaments going into their second week. Last year the Hi Omegas won the volley b a 1 1 tourna ment while the Delta Delta Deltas cap tured the duck pins crown. In the bowling t o u r n ament Barb Ferguson knocked down the most pins to grab that championship. Are they going to be as successful this year? Sonn athletic minded women will turkey, cranberries, and pumpkin pie instead of volleyball. But as soon as the stuffing is over, intra- murals will resume in full swing. For all girls who are partici pating in the bowling tournament, the bowline alley is Rosewilde Bowling Parlors located at 1126 P which is a half block south of the Nebraska theatre. Also cjieck the bulletin board for the correct time that you play. Wiltse All health permits must be turned have a brief respite from intra mural activities as Thanksgiving vacation turns their thoughts to in for upper classmen who are not taking physical education be fore their team plays. Any person who does not have n health per mit will not be allowed to play. Commencing the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, Nebraska ball will give all coeds a chance to find some unknown muscles. Big Seven Play: Eight In A Row For Sooners; Huskers, Colorado Next In Line By BOB WIRZ Staff Sports Writer Oklahoma's powerful Sooners wrapped up their eighth straight Big Seven Conference football championship Saturday afternoon as they defeated Coach Bill Glass ford's Cornhuskers 41 to 0. This was Glassford's final game as head coach of the Nebraska eleven despite the fact that the Huskers finished second in the conference for the second straight year. This was quite a accomplish ment for a team that was picked earlier to have a very dismal sea son. Both the coaching staff and team must be congratulated on a job well done. The same afternoon as the big I championship game Dal Ward's Colorado team which was propped 37 to 20 just a week earlier re bounded to soundly defeat Iowa State 40 to 0. This game moved BigSovenStanding Oklahoma Colorado 6 XKBRASKA ..5 Kansas Stale . . 4 Kansas 3 Iowa Slate . . . . 1 Missouri 1 Bi Seven Standings W li T Pet. Pts 0 O 1.000 SIS sits .500 1!7 1.1 9.1 8 Oklahoma ..... 6 NKBKASKA .5 Colorado S Kansas Stat . . S Iowa State .... 1 Kansas 1 Missouri FIXAIi CONFERENCE W L T Pet. Pts. O l.OOIl X.Y1 0 1 .1 4 4 1 S .M.I 100 .son m .100 .2.10 .2.111 . SO Opp. .14 ISt 178 191 S22 218 191 Opp. .14 94 12A T 1.12 13.1 104 Colorado into a tie for third place in the conference with Kansas State. The Buffs gained nearly 400 yards to less than one hundred for " their opponents in the rout which was witnessed by a dismal crowd of only 12,500 in Boulder. This dropped the Cyclones into a fifth place tie with Kansas. In another Big Seven game Kan. sas University won its first loop contest in two years as they up set Missouri 13 to 7 and shoved tha Tigers into the cellar and their worst season since 1935. Substitute quarterback D a v a Ureston sparked the Jayhawkers as he passed 19 yards to End Lynn McCarthy for the winning tally in the third period, to thrill approximately 30 thousands Kan sas homecoming fans, who wit nessed the game which was tied 7 to 7 at halftime. PSwiiIiiiiiii.iililiijiiiil mgmimmmmi Jims I llllllll . . . mmmmmmmm WlflttTl -x MISSION fc"-- KEEPS HAIR NEAT I BUT 1SAaj-.l Sf" ACCOMPLISHED I, AMD NATURAL- r THAT 'ffY ,1 riirnn .mi. I l NO DOLL.THANIK J WITH WILDROOIJA S VOULD I'LL BASH IN NDUR II HM.'y-By k ! l r I WLL-M- IV YOU.'.'-I'LL MAN CAN ATTRACT BE. HEAD, AN' WIN A PEFLATIMg 1 III DEFLECT MV 11 TAKE WILDROOT SHV ANV DOLL.f-fiEr I ILLEGAL -i PRIZE AT TH' r OWEOFMY I COURS,AND I CREAM OIL- ! 1 WILDROOT JJ MV rltf SAME TIME, 1 iOtYGS- rJ IrJ LAOV W AS MY PRIZE.? I. CREAM-OlLa NAME j.FOSDlCK.k y-r-J C TH RASCAL II J REMOVES LOOSE J rSoLIP ff- f r j " OpjvI 4 I I I rN CONDITIONS HAIftTHE NATURAL tW i y When the moon's shining bright And the party's just right. . . To top off the night -have a CAMEL! it iMttOttGlnW TfFr " mm 1kdk n y '" vs t y g m ufj -x x . y v ( ) It's a psychological fact: Pleasura htlpi your disposition. IF you're a smoker, remember more people get more pure pleasure from Camels than from ony other cigarette I No other cigarette is . t so rich-tasting, vet so miia i n zJ ri f : f it xfF