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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1955)
Pegs 2 THE NEBRASKAN Friday, November 18, 1955 Nebraskan Editorials: '. . . The Nomination Stands' Finally, after five long years, the drums In tht Jungle have stopped rolling. The savages have got their scalp. It's hang ing along a wall on a pole somewhere, side by side with quite an impressive array of other freshly scarred, still bloody tuft of greying, thinning hair. But it's there and a lot 6f people are happy. A lot of big, Important people who went to a lot of work and spent a lot of time getting the job done. Some of them made clever posters or ash trays, saying "Goodbye, Bill." Others, less imaginative but Just as hard-working, made threatening phone calls or sent poison pen let ters to the coach and his family. The rest just made nasty comments to each other, always ending with "he's no damn good." The newspapers, aided by the three big state dailies, pitched in heartily and began distorting stories, slanting headlines and perverting facts with merry abandon always remembering to criticize Glassford when the team lost, praise team spirit and drive when Nebraska won and give both a good healthy kick when they were down. (If anyone ever had any respect for the Lin coln papers, he certainly must have lost it after seeing Thursday's evening Journal and the head line NU COACH GLASSFORD IS THROUGH (APPARENTLY) the picture with the caption, "Going?" which shows Glassford head bowed, back toward the camera, walking away from the viewer and the statement in the story that Glassford . . . "had weathered a player upris ing, a demand that he resign by University of ficials and failure to win the Big Seven cham pionship.") This; i( not even yellow journalism. This is dirty Journalism caked with slime. The University administration did its small part, too simply by saying and doing nothing and never once coming out publicly with any solid support for Glassford or his team. And it would have been so simple. 'Something like, "Look, everybody, the University stands behind their head football coach and his team 100 per cent." By not doing this, Glassford was denied the support that any coach or any other member of the faculty should have been able to expect from any University. He and his team and his staff have been standing alone this season with not a scrap of official support, commendation or praise from either the Chancellor, the Board of Regents, the administration, the Athletic Director or anyone else here on the campus, in the city of Lincoln or further out state. The Nebraskan is ashamed, terribly ashamed, of many Nebraska fans, the University admin istration and the newspapers throughout the state who have allowed or who have themselves viciously torn, chopped and picked at Glassford till neither he nor his family could put up with it any longer. Nevertheless, he and his team were too big to succumb to petty criticism, too big to believe the products of dirty Nebraska journalism dis torted stories, slanted headlines, perverted facts 'too big to be affected by the personal enmi ties and bitterness directed toward them. But they were big enough, team and staff alike, to snap back after a pitiful opening defeat, to play fine games against three of the nation's top teams, to win their first Homecoming game since 1950, compile the best Nebraska conference since 1940, give Bill Glassford his best coaching record in loop play and set the stage for a show down with the nation's top team, Oklahoma, Saturday. The Nebraskan is proud, very proud, of its nominee for "Coach Of The Year"-Bill Glass ford. B. B. k lob I7eff Bono! Well, by George, they finally did it! They finally ran that mean varmint out of town! No longer will he slander our good name or bring disgrace on our proud and noble reputation. It was a hard fight, too, before they sent him packing into the hills from whence he came, dragging his record behind him. A really fine, noble, virtuous fight it was, since they had only the power of the press and the power of a patriotic, misguided public opin ion to arm themselves. He, however, had the dee and actions of one lone man, which made it a pretty even, open fight, all the way. It sure did. Of course, numerically, the sides weren't too even, but he was fair game, and the season is open all the year round. And his op ponents had all they could do to rally the public gainst him. "Well, maybe the public couldnt see both sides of the question, but one side is better than none, don't you agree? It's really a good thing he didn't say anything to defend himself. He might have said something that would have made someone think differently about the well-known truth. He's gone for good now. The people who worked so hard and so diligently should feel real proud of what they have done. They did a very thorough job. It takes a long time to pick at a man and his family with little jibes and anonymous phone calls and dirty cracks, but it works pretty well after awhile. It works real well. Yes, the people who rallied against this ter rible beast of a man should walk around with a fine, noble glow burning right down deep in their insides. Way? way down deep. Down deep enough so as not to burn away that fine cloud of nobleness of purpose and self-sacrifice. Of course, there were people who could have defended him. A few did, but either they didn't speak very loud, or they just couldn't be heard above the din of righteous indignation and couldn't be seen above the smoke of the lamp of virtue. It might look a little funny to see a man sub marined without anyone to help him, but that's life, and of course who would want to stand up with a man like him. His men? Well, yes they did, but they don't really count. After all, what do they know about the issue. They don't write about it and they don't go to the games and sit in the same seats for the last 15 years, by dad! So, as everyone knows, we are well rid of him. He can take his Orange Bowl and his three second places in the conference and go hence. He can take his staff, too. Wipe the slate clean, boys. Don't shoot until you see the whites of his eyes at the Monday quarterback club! One more thing, fine and noble gentlemen. This may be the wrong thing to say, but whei if are you going to get anyone to replace him? Oh, I see. That's not your job; you just cut m down. WelL good hunting! F. T. D. Mot The Way To VJin Finally, after many weeks of hard work and a little too much delay, the IFC has announced its revised rules for Rush Week. For the most part the revisions are pro cedural. Few, if any, arguments can develop from most of the new rules; for all fraternities realize the difficulties present in the past and most fraternities will see the wisdom in most of the new provisions. There is one major provision in the new rules, however, that is wrong. It makes no sense. It weakens the IFC. It proves that stu dents really are incapable of managing their own affairs. This provision is the one about spiking. This fall, during Rush Week, spiking was like an infectuous disease that hit the corner of 16th and "R" and spread in two evil directions. It was common to see a fraternity herd their new charges, like a master would herd his slaves, who were bound by a simple little pledge pin. This year these groups went unpunished. The IFC was too weak to take action. Though it was common knowledge who had spiked, who had . been spiked and all the other primitive details, nothing was done. So, now comes the IFC with new rules. The : new rules make spiking legal. The IFC thinks it has out-tricked the fraternity system. Here's how the IFC reasons, that is, falla- " ciously reasons. If a boy knows spiking is legal, and if all fraternities spike, and if all this is done prior to Rush Week, the pledge pin will be worthless. Well, this could be. If it is, pledgeship will be just as worthless. The pin itself will be a farce. Some boys will collect pins. Some will never see a pin. Some will recognize the stupidity of the situation and may decide to stay independent. They might have a good idea. What the IFC is forgetting is that there is something more important than spiking itself. Certainly spiking is rather petty, if it is con sidered all alone. But it is not. What the IFC is doing is admitting to all op ponents of the fraternity system that something actually is rotteu. Almost all criticism of the Greeks revolves about Rush Week, pledges, dirty rushing, the blackball, hazing, snobbish ness and the like. Here the IFC could exert its power. It could demonstrate to the interested world that it can handle its own problems. It could show the University that it is capable of policing itself. Who knows, maybe if this were now true, the IFC could have handled such things as liquor enforcement or the all-fraternity KK Show. But the IFC is too weak, organically weak. The biggest project of the year, after Rush Week was over, was the preparation of a scrap book. IFC wants to win an award as one of the best groups in the nation. , Look what it does. It gives an orphans party at Christmas, it publishes a nice rush book, and it happens to have men in most of the big jobs on campus. So what! The IFC, at the present at least, is unable to keep its own linen clean. It runs away from a simple problem like spiking and by double talk tries to legalize it. Gentlemen, this is not the way to honestly win an award as a leader among national Inter fraternity Councils; D. F. The Nebraskan ranr-nvE teaks old I'ssber: Associated Collegiate Press ImtercHegi&te Press. S;resenUtive: National Advertising Service, Incorporated . FisIIiile3 at. Eoom 20, Student Union im & e University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska V SWwumfcaa Is pnhllibefl ToeNlay, Wrtnesdar aaa fhlr otirlis th fhoM yea, r4 during vacation wt pwrfoiift, ao ane lmwt It pubiinhed during A.. bs of Untwsttjr of Nebraiifca ndr ta tmrtms-jMOna af Vommiitm en Affair n-rromion of tu)it opinion. riil.lirUii nmhir im' opw ft ' Sutweromltt- on grodmt fuliilia- ?mH he five from editorial effMoranlp on the , of t:t f.HKmmltt!i. 4 n lb part of an.T nwmbrir i x faculty of the I Mti1t. or ea th par of anjr oatnrto th NurwrtHy. The members of the iKjkff are pfi responsible for what they or e or cmm e he vnnf. ebrmur S. 1HSH. Knxtea ' i ss ru mutter at the poet of flee to litumlm, 'braaiia muter tba act of August 4, 1818. EDITORIAL STAFF ttfttor Dick fellmaa f;1itniial Pure Editor ....... ...... .Brace Brarmana Maawlnc fcdilor . ""' New Editor ,.i.uinnt'n' Ualy Sport Riiltor Copy Gdlton Indy Boot, Babe Jelgm-hui. Manr Hhelledy. LnHrrane Pwltcrr Night Wew Editor .Luelrraee Swltser A editor Unw ibiwvm,! ttm-hara Rhro. Arlam Rrbek. Mara Alex ander, Carolya Buttar, George Meyer, Wn FlttacU, Bill Olden. ary IfreitiiM, bob ireiana, run rim, Kenneth Peterson, Dick Reatllncer, Jack Carlin, Julie Dowell, Mary Peterson, Janice Faiwll, Marianne ThyKeitOB, Judy Hartman, Marty Keat ing, Svlvta King, Oermatne Wrlirht, IJnda Levy, ' Mmr-w iiirii-k. Mil it Anderwm. Mickey Freed. Nancy lloK. A vice Fnitchmaa, Unda Week, Pat Tatron, Tom Keene, Marmot Montaay, mann itaymtino. i.mrrlvnm. stoher. Ann Hale. Ontljin Kechaa. :athv .umb. Donal Van Hteenbery, Mary Lee Kihumi. Janniene Barnard. Nancy Coflver. Editorial Secretary Maurlne Newborn BUSINESS STAFF Bntlnean Manager Oenrye Madwa ain't BtnliieM Manager ...BUI Bod well. Barbara Link. Uonnl Hutu, Mirk Nff Circulation Huun ..Ion Book 'THOSe ARtN'T CAMPAIGN KIB60NS. THOSE" Al?f PINS HE PICKCD UP LAST SVMMCtt .' Worship, Study: Flie Religious Week Baptists and Disciples of Christ Student Fellowship Sunday: 5 p.m. fellowship, sup per, worship, and forum. Lutheran Student Foundation Friday: 8 p.m. Social-Old Timers party, square dancing. Saturday: After-game coffee hour. Sunday: 10 a.m. Bible study, 11 a.m. Worship; 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. Bible study, 11 a.m. Worship; 5:30 p.m. Lutheran Student Association supper and program with topic "Stewardship." Newman Club Sunday Masses: 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 noon. Religious courses: Newman Cen ter Tuesday and Thursday, 11 a.m. University Lutheran Chapel Sunday: 10:45 a.m., Thanksgiv ing worship with celebration of Lord's Supper; 5 p.m. Gamma Del ta supper followed by topic, "Find Your Place and Fill It" (Pastor Burroughs, Topeka, Kansas), and initiation. Presbyterian-Congregational Fellowship Friday: 8 p.m. Informal party. Saturday: 6:30 p.m. Couples' club at 1600 South 22nd. Sundav: 9:30 a.m. Worship Workshop; 3-5 p.m. Sigma Eta Chi Silver Tea; 5:30-7:30 p.m. forum Iranian Night with Iranian supper and program. Wesley Foundation Friday: 7:30 p.m. Square Dance, meet at Wesley Foundation. Sunday: 4 p.m. Student Council; Wesley Fireside topic, "Christian Faith and Public Opinion," 5 p.m. supper; 6 p.m. Forum; 6:45 p.m. Worship. Unitarian Sunday: 11 a.m. services. 4:00 p.m. Union room 212, another in a series of discussions on compara tive religions and concepts of values, "Buddism." Makoto Ueda, guest speaker. All students invited. 'The Challenge' (Fd note i ThU I Hi fourth article IM "Th C'hallen" erles written tpmlally for The Mebraakan y ttlntulhe leader In world affair. II congratulate The Nebraskan for organising "The Challenge" series of articles. It was because of' this challenge that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed in April 1949, and that General Eisenhower came to Europe in January 1951 to establish the military headquarters of NATO which became known as SHAPE. ' SHAPE has made great progress since that time. We now have a going concern, a well coordinated plan for defense and forces four to five times as strong as they were in January, 1951. The period ahead, however, is apt to be very difficult, because the element of fear that united us has begun to wane. An alliance, in order to thrive, must have active public support and participation. Whether we like it or not, the mantle of world leadership has fallen upon the shoulders of the American people. "The Challenge" for them is how best to carry that load. Whether we have the necessary wisdom to solve the complicated problems that entails remains to be seen. Personally, I am confident we can do it, but a vast amount of hard work and intensive study will be required. ALFRED M. GRUENTHER General, United States Army WE'RE PULLING FOR YOU TO BEAT OKLA "U" BE SURE TO SEE RICH OR JOE FOR YOUR IIE1ISTU AS GIFTS QUALITY DIAMONDS WATCHES LUGGAGE-JEWELRY ETC KAUFMAN'S credit JEWELERS LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN 1332 "O" St. Ph. t-5128 Shseffir's Snsrkel Pens. Special $18.68 cm, StMial at S T IS $11.91 m. SPMitl t $ 1.95 $11.18 am, SbmIiI at SIMS $11 SI tta, Spatial at SIMS Sets comparably priced. REGENTS BOOKSTORE Juf North ttf Love lAbrnrf You Are Invited To Worship ST. PAUL METHODIST CHURCH 12th and M Streets Morning Worship 1 1 :00 A.M. Sermons "Pilgrims of Today- Church Study Climes 9:45 A.M. Radio Ministry Evary Sunday KFAB 9:00-9:15 A.M. IFOR 11:30 All Ministers: FRANK COURT, RALPH LEWIS, SAMUEL BEECHNER DONALD BLISS WESLEY FOUNDATION KEEP YOUR SUNDAYS SACRED THROUGH THE HOLY HUSH OF WORSHIP! Chevrolet's got- your number among these 19 (count 'em) new beauties all with Body by Fisher. Whatll it be? A four-door hardtop? Chevrolet's got two new honeys. A Station Wagon, maybe? Chevrolet ftb - ' K V v r offers six, including two new nine-passenger jobs. Convertible ? Sedan? Sport Coupe? Chevrolet's got it for you . . . come see it. THE HOT ONES EVEN HOTTER DrW with car. . . . EVERYWHERE! Mak Dcccmbar 1 and ivry Day SAFE-DRIVING Day V J U-w See Your Chevrolet Dealer