The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 16, 1955, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, November 16, 1955
Poae 4
Indonesian Tour:
fells Experience
Two Wednesdays in one week?
Impossible? It's precisely what
Dean W. W. Burr, dean emeritus
of the College of Agriculture, ex
perienced as he was homeward
bound from a
LJ 4'
recent seven
weeks stay in
"It is amus
ing to file
through m y
notes and find
a page dated
the second
W e dnesdayV
c o m m e nted
Dean Burr.
"But crossing Burr
the International Date Line from
west to east results in gaining this
extra day, while going west one
passes a "day that never dawns."
Dean Burr was a member of a
four man team requested by In
donesian officials to study facul
ties for technical education and to
make recommendations of their
Too fast a building program, a
woefully short supply of trained
people for any field, and establish
ing sufficient salaries for their
teachers, are their main prob
lems," says Burr.
"The first thing the government
must do is establish a stable mar
ket for their currency," he con
tinued. Indonesian teachers are paid an
average of $13 a month. They are
paid approximaetely 150 rupiahs a
month; 11.4 rupiahs equal one
American dollar. Many must hold
two jobs even to make a living.
Salaries are not only small, Burr
said, but living is made more dif
ficult because the value of the
rupiah is very low.
"I was very much impressed
with the students in many places,"
reports Eurr. "The country is
after technical training, whether it
be in agriculture, transportation,
communication or ceramics, and
the government is willing to try to
set up a school to teach it."
"However," he continued, "the,
educational program is too much
theory and not enough practice. In
one school they were teaching the
boys boat building, although the
school was some 200 miles away
from the nearest water.
"Many of the schools are run
ning two full sets of classes daily,
and in a few cases, three," he said.
"The people are very strong in
math. Differential calculus is be
ing taught to boys in junior high
Since less than one-third of the
Indonesians can read or write, it
is essential that a good educational
system be established. The United
States has furnished the people
technical aid and given them teach
ing equipment.
Burr found the people very
pleasant and co-operative in Indo
nesia. The majority of them are
Moslems. Javanese is the predo
minant language and English is a
close second.
"There are no signs of hunger in
Java," he said, "as the soil is
volcanic and very rich. Rice is the
principal crop, along with some
sugar cane, corn, soybeans, pea
nuts, and coconuts.
"They cannot mechanize their
fanning except on new land," he
continued, "because the paddies
are small and irregular. Tractors
are being used only to clear new
"The people are hesitant to leave
their home, however, and the pro
gram is progressing slowly.
Ag Student Health
To Close 3 Days
The Ag Student Health Service
Office will be closed until Thurs
day, according to Miss Celeste
Knipmeyer, nurse in charge. Stu
dents wishing service the first
three days of this week may report
to City Campus Student Health,
she said.
Booths Aid Study
Court ew Lincoln Star
Lincoln Symphony
Tryouts Scheduled
Lincoln Symphony Orchestra try
outs will be held Nov. 11 at the
Music Building Room 204 between
4 p.m. and 6 p.m.
All students are invited to try
out. There is a particular need for
string, oboe, and bassoon players.
For further information, inter
ested students should contact Jack
Snider, Director of Personel in the
Music department, at extension
Cosmopolitan Club
The Cosmopolitan Club will hold
a meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
in Union .Room 315, according to
Gunnar Green, president. On the
program is a travelogue of Japan
presented by Martin Lushei.
Fnrtoraitr. Sorority, t OrffaaJnrtioa
Latterhaoda ... UttMS . . . Hm
BuUatina . . . Booklati . , . Program
311 Nort. 12th.
Ph. 1-Z9S7
f Large Selection 4
I 215 North 14th J
The cold girls never get the fur
Newly designed laboratories
shown above are providing stu
dents with an opportunity to hear
and speak aloud a foreign lan
guage as well as study it from a
book. The Romance language de
partment has remodeled the lab-
On The Social Side:
IfC Spurlis VJeeiiena
Snarked bv a eala Homecoming
weekend, University couples an
ncunced five engagements and six
pinnings Monday night. Featured
social activities were the Home
coming Eve Dance, Sigma Phi Ep
aOon Homecoming Breakfast Dance
and the Homecoming Dance with
Ralph Flanagan and his music
Sleepy -eyed couples gathered, at
the Sigma Phi Epsioln house at
7 a jn. Saturday to eat ham"n eggs,
d?cce to the music of the Bill Al
ters Combo and start another
Homecoming day off with a bang.
The annual breakfast dance, which
has been held since 1931, was plan
ned by social chairman,, John
Cecilia Carter, Ipha CM Omega
freshman from Lincoln, to Hal
Rowe, sophomore from Lincoln at
Nebraska Wesleyan University.
Judy Kaplan, Union activities di
rector from Cambridge, Ohio, to
Dean Davison, Phi Gamma Delta
Kuior from Ainsworth.
Jacy Mathiesen, Delta Gamma
senior from Grand Island, to Ben
Zinnecker, Delta Tan Delta senior
fmm David CitV.
tvlsres PCler of OeaHala to Ea-
dell Jacobsen, Sigma Nu also of
Helen Siefkes, Alpha Chi Omega
freshman from Lincoln, to Don
Taylor, DelU Taa Delta alum from
Teve Bernstein, sophomore at
the University of Omaha, to Ber
nle TurkeL Sigma Alpha Ma soph
omore, also of Omaha.
Sandra Ledingham, Alpha Phi
senior from Lyman, to Louis Ro
per, PM DelU Theta alum from
Marilyn KXs, Towne Club Jun
ior, to Oliver Weber, Beta Sigma
Psi senior from Scottsbtuff.
feharon Sue Webb. Kappa Delta
Junior from Mitchell, to Mike Sur
rell, Sigma Na ahim and a Phi
Chi at fee University School of
Medicine ia Omaha, from Syra
cuse. Joyte Wiederspan, Alpha Chi
Omega sophomore from Lincoln, to
John Moyer, Delta Tau Del
ta sophomore, also of Lincoln.
Ginny Wilcox. Alpha Omicron Pi
senior from Lincoln, to Don Al
len, Alpha Tau Omega senior at
Alabama Polytechnic Institute m
Auburn, Ala,; from Waco, Texas.
Social Calendar
Delta Delta Delta Pirate's Hide
out Party.
AH University Square Dancers.
Love Memorial Hall House Party
Palladian Society Hayride
Ag Men's Club Date Dance
Nineteenth Intervarsity Christian
Fellowship Party.
Theta Xi Guys and Dolls House
Sigma Nu Western House Party
Phi Delta Theta Waterfront house
Delta Sigma Phi Apache house
Alpha Gamma Rho Rho Rendez
Alpha Omicron Pi, Dinner-dance
Beta Theta Pi, Roaring Twen
ties bouse party
Zeta Bete Tau, Isle of ZBT house
BABW-SeHeck Quad party
Delian Union, Thanksgiving party
Now Available
Root-Tilden scholarships for the
study of law at New York, Univer
sity School of Law are available,
through application, to any college
graduate or one who will have re
ceived a college degree by the time
he enters the law school, Judge
Robert Simmons, Chief Justice of
Nebraska Supreme Court, an
nounced. These scholarships, named In
honor of New York University's
famous graduates, Elihu Root and
Samuel Tilden, are awarded on
a geographical basis, two to each
of the ten federal judicial circuits.
Candidates are judged primarily
on the basis of three standards: su-
iwnor undereraduate scnoiasuc
records; demonstrated leadership;
and an indication of high potential
for constructive public services.
Candidates must be unmarried and
between the ages of twenty and j
The scholarships provide etach
holder with an annual award of j
$2100 ($1500 for living expenses
and $600 for tuition). j
ADDlicants for this scholarship!
should write to Simmons. I
oratories to provide individual
listening booths for students.
Each booth is soundproof and
equipped with a desk, earphones,
and volume control for the cen
tral speaker. The new booths
muffle conflicting sounds and
provide privacy to help students
concentrate on their work. All
first and. second year French
and Spanish students spend one
class period a week in the labora
tory listening to recordings
which are geared to their recitations.
Classified Ads
LOST: Brown Twted Topcoat t Klnw
gsnrrfT BirM. Vcvjm mora to GU
CEoork. 124 K Street.
Pot rinrm for nttmtnzs. IJrwcfn'f moot
emrrple rUrrrter Hoe. and lighter repair
it t cttira gmou KEp, ui . urn.
FOR SALE: Size 40 Sfnifl Brest ted
Tirrerto. Worn TwKre. Can Sam at
4-738. 2-77W. or 2-731 Ext. 4225.
Wanted foor wale gtoderrta for pert ttme
nenncanay. -
l iwi iAgSMf-'
Builders Meeting
There will be a tneetig for all
bos working in the Student Di
rectory sales committee, at S pjn
Thursday, in the Builders office.
Rfl 9Sv flS73qworr!Jpw
m turn m tarn am ma mm m
November 18th
and his orchestra
Dancing 9 until 12
A dm. $1.70 per couple
' Tax Included
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j j fully feminine fashion M V'" i f
j for the happiest ocea- f.jt I V ' ' I j j
II siona. Diminutive dia- ''j i S f'?'t j j
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0 Maore, Beige. Sizes 8 j j " I I ?
A diamend JubileV ISii j11 V