Tuesday, November 15, 1955 Poae 4 THE NEBRASKAN Homecoming: Beia Sig's . ft X t- t. idie Firs ' f l T """""" fH: 4 I , i ' i 'i tt' S. - - v -. - . i . .. v.. . 4 ' ". ' ' '- -. V. - - ' " , - - V T " i ' ' ''"'" -W.. , . - t ' 1 - f-' , N ..-X- i , - - ' . - 7W---i ; . " " ' ; ! J 1 i "A r 4 i ' ' " -,. I - I v . ;;, 1 vw te f I i " ' 1 I f ' I ! : . MiV i ;. "Y : ' " S ' ' ,1 i I - IS New Spirit Booster Bill Dewulf, Corn Cobs mem ber in the Corn Cob man, and Doris Anderson, cheerleader, are examining the buffalo's head trophy won last year and re tained after the Cornhusker Homecoming victory Saturday. The Corn Cob man, a new sym bol of Husher school spirit, is the result cf eoordindated ef Union Dance Lessons Union dance lessons will be held Tuesday night instead of the regu larly' scheduled Wednesday night because of a conflict with the AUF Auction, Roy Boyd, chairman of the Union Dance Committee, an nounced. There will be refreshments served and a dance prize given, Boyd said. Cornhusker Pictures Deadline for signing up for indi vidual Cornhusker pictures for fraternity and sorority members is Tuesday, Carol Unterseher, Corn husker Associate Editor, an nounced. Ag Pot Luck The second Pot Luck with the Profs will be held Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in the Ag Union. Free tickets may be picked up at the Ag Union Activities Office until Friday. HI Zds's, ih2 Ossl BisStaplskd Gift of dl ,itf,n iifiiiirtnmMiiiiiitiiii run iiflu iiiimwi :- J toaijinwt rmg rirh kriiiUat ammnii cart 4'nmami, m hqitW iartoctmq -wdiiftq rmq with 2 iMqtwHM. Eiqui H in graceful mmmrinqi f 14k wiuta gold. Lowtiy KrM raft diwnond, )anUd by cWt, brfUiant bg rarH mmeh . Mowirtad m 14k wfc qoid, pmmrw Wf5iSy firm V ' C::i TO PAY forts of one yell squad, James Pittenger, s e c r e t a r y of the Alumni Association, Corn Cobs and Gene Christensen, Yell King. "The idea for a symbol origi nated in the yell squad last spring," Christensen said. It is patterned after the Kansas Uni versity Jayhawk, he said. Last summer, Christensen went Math Colloquium To Hear Xansan One of the nation's leading ma thematicians, "Nachman Aronszajn of the Universtiy of Kansas will lecture at the mathematics collo quium Wednesday at 3 p.m. in Burnett Rocm 223. His topic will be: "Positive Re producing Kernels and Green's Functions." A native of Poland, Professor Aronzajn received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Poland in 19.30 and his Doctor of Science in 1935 in Paris. He spent several years in Paris at the Centre Na tional de la Recherche Scientifique before coming to America in 1949. He has been research professor of mathematics at Oklahoma A & M from 1949-51 and at the University of Kansas since 1951. His appearance is being spon sored by the University Research Council and the department of mathematics. i.. mmtmmi m, !. .jimi.ii 1 1 i.iiu.m.. i mi iiii 4 BMutiful ffltarloeling pair, bt aijamMt ring with radiant mt quit dimond nd 7 bqutti. Wadrlinq rmg with 7 bgutti. Mountii m 14k white gold. Monthly lifM SwfMrb 9 diamond pair with larrja amaratd cut diamond. A raurW diamondt, 4 baguattK. 14k whit gold. kmu i ja-"!"'. B&m3 llston o Rt. ri. 2- Councay Sunday Journal and Star- to Minnesota to contact a com pany with facilities to make the "Corn Cob." "It was difficult to find such a company," he said. Pittenger and Christensen made numerous inquiries at other universities before they got the name of the Minnesota concern. Corn Cobs paid for the "Com Cob," and Tassels have ordered a uniform from a costume com pany in Omaha in the corn cob motif, Christensen said. The head was hand-made by the same woman who made the bear used in connection with the "Land of Sky Blue Waters" com mercials of a malt beverage company, he said. "The uniform was not com plete for the Colorado game, but it was decided to show half of it for Homecoming," he said. The rest of the outfit should be ready for the Oklahoma game Saturday, he said. Norm Creutz, Corn Cobs presi dent, coordinated all efforts to get the "Corn Cob!" 1. SUPERIOR FILTER ailvLtM gives you the superior Filtration of the Miracle Tip, the pnrrst tip that ever touched your lips. It's white . . al white ... pure white! FILTERS lISCETT t MVE"5 s inumsion Beta Theta Pi fraternity and Delta Gamma sorority combined cosmic dust and a torrid trumpet to take first place honors in house decoration competition ior the 1955 Homecoming. Beta Sigma Psi topped the smaller men's houses division. Also announced as winners at the annual Homecoming Dance Sat urday night were Farm House, In ternational House and Builders in the float competition. Beta Theta Pi, ' winner in the large houses competition, won the men's grand champion trophy, while buffalo heads danced across a sheet of music. Other winners in the division for larger men's .houses, were Sigma Alpha TSpsilon, second: Sigma Chi, third, and Sigma Phi Epsilon, hon orable mention. Pi Kappa Phi and Delta Sigma Phi took second and third, respec houses division. Second in the women's division was Gamma Phi Beta, and Chi Omega placed third. The Beta's display, "Buffs to Stardust," depicted a rocket ship swooping in from outer space to blast a large golden buffalo off the globe and up into the stars. The Delta Gumma's, with the "Buffalo Blues," had a giant Husk ei football placer playing the blues while" buffalo heads danced acriss asheet of music. "Nebraska Whammie Bisects Bi sons" won first for the Beta Sig's in the men's small houses division. A huge Cornhusker SDlit a buffalo in two with an "evil eye." In the homecoming floats, Farm House won the men's award with "Steamed Up for Colorado," a huge locomotive which trundled its way down the parade route. Internation al House won the women's division with "The World's For You," and Builders won the division for hon oraries and organizations. In the men's division Brown Pal ace won second and Alpha Gamma Rho, third. Terrace Hall placed second and Howard Hall, third, in the women's division. Red Cross was second and Stu dent Union placed third in the hon oraries and organizations division. Judges for the house decorations were Dr. H. L. Weaver. Norma Carpenter, John Weaver, Col. C. J. Fiankforter and Max Worley, Lin coln Businessman. Winners in all competitions were announced Saturday night at the Homecoming Dance in the Coli seum. A traveling trophy was awarded to Beta Theta Pi and Del ta Gamma as house decorations winners. Vmners in all competi tion received engraved plaques. TOBACCO CO , " , -s. v. if Locomotive Wins First "Steamed Up For Colorado,'' the winning Homecoming float of Farmhouse, is shown in the Homecoming parade. The float won the men's division in float competition. International House Mass Meeting:. YW Panel To Discuss Girls' Role 4 The Changing Role of Women will be the theme of a TWCA mass meeting Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. in Love, library Auditorium. "The meeting will feature a panel who will discuss the cultural influences regarding the status of women in the past fifty years and the responsibilities of women who combine family and a career," said Janice Osborn, YW director. She added that another topic to be covered in the discussion was "Helping College Women 4o Pre pare For The Future." Student members of the panel will include Sharon Mangold, presi dent of City Campus YW; Marlene Hutchinson, president of Ag YWCA, and Dick Fellman, editor of The Nebraskan. The moderator for the meet ing will be Dr. Dudley Ashton, chairman of the Department of Physical Education. Other :panel members are: Mrs. Rex Knowles, past 'president of the YWCA ad visory board; Mrs. Leroy Laase, president of the YWCA advisory board; Mrs. George Ernest, vice president of the board; Dr. Garnet Larson, professor in the graduate school of social work; Mrs. Shirley Marsh, home economist for KUON. and Dr. Kenneth Cannon, associate professor of home economics. There will be an opportunity for the audience to question the panel members after the discussion, said Tootie Way, YW board member in charge of mass meetings. She added that men are invited to at tend this meeting. 2. SUPERIOR TASTE IaM's superior taste comes from superior tobaccos especially selected for filter smoking. Tobaccos that are richer, tastier...... i" won the women's division in float competition. International House won the women's division .and Builders won the award for hon oraries and organizations. All competing floats were seen in the Appointments: Department New ROTC The university ROTC department has announced the current appoint ments of cadet officers, Lt. J. C. Miller, public relations officer, said. Jtegimental promotions are: lieutenant colonel, Richard Dow, Barry Larson; major, Robert An derson, John Chappell, Mike Shu grue; captain, John Gray. Battalion lieutenant ' colonels are: Engineer Battalion, Harold Sorenson; Ordnance Battalion, Charles Meehan; Military Police, Darrel DeGraw; Infantry Bat talion, Arve Papst; Artillery Bat talion, Ellsworth Benson. Other promotions are: Artillery Battalion: major, Sol Stiss; captains, Larry Connor, Ronald Krejce, Dale Stukenholtz; second lieutenants, Jerrnld Stark. Shad Gager, Willis Kriz, Bobert Green, John Olson, Dana Eurich Engineer Battlion: majors, John Damon, John Rudd; captains. FREE FREE note unlll ChrintmuB $3.95 Porker liquid lend Pencil Willi carh MSt and 22.50 Parker "51" 11 Set V underfill Chrittmtu Gift EEGENTS lujt Worth al Ion library and ligbt and mild. Courtesy loncoln Jaurnil Homecoming parade Saturday, Winners were announced at the Homecoming dance. In the men's division, Brown Palace placed second .and Alpha Gamma Rho was third. Announces Promotions William "Wenzlaff, "Von Innes, Don ald Smith; Second Lieutenants, Gerald Bitney, lowell Vestal, Carl Vondra, Robert Johnson, Dale Wurst, Kenneth Priedrichsen. Infantry .Battalion: major, Phil lip Patterson; captain, -Charles Kate, Hobert Pfann, Jerry Hum phrey, Dean Lux, Richard Sloan; second lieutenant, Wyatt Schneider, Kenneth -Johnson, Keith Crowley, Bobby Banning, Herbert Mayer, Earl Howey. Military Police Battalion: major, Francis Harman; captain, Marvin Green; Larry DeFord, Hugh Os mera, Jiichard -Goettsch, Jerome Barton; second lieutenant, William Moss, Charles Beal, Fredrick SaathoK, David Erickson, William Cannon, James "Vanderslice. nt of the heart of Africa comes ' unbelievable , enterfaiirmeiit , three years of waitmg, "watching, stalldng, : J to capture on fflm f the -drama, t the adventure, the excitemeiit I cfthe ( aTitmal Mngdoia. An intimate ; , close-up of Africa, I Taever before seen! J- 1 it?. , "WAIT "D&WEY'S , PCTCnj and j the ITCLF A Musical Cartoon Fable "'" V. trom !Fiitmw ."Make Mine Muc'X 1' 3 FTAETS TOMOilRCW! Mm M t J M '