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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1955)
Carol Link Crowned Queen: Buffs To Stardust Black-lighted planets and rocket missiles blasting a buf- falo into outer space won Beta Weather 'R Not Mostly cloudy through tonight with snow or rain changing to snow. Colder temperatures expected by Wednesday. High today ki the SO's, low near 12. Vol. 59, No. 25 Wednesday: fiiofi To udiQiflfs Needs The new addition to be built on to the Union in the near future will I oe oesigaea la provide iacuiues reeded by all the students, Duane Lake, managing director of the Un ion said. To surrey student opinion on the subject, Lake said, a survey will be taken in all Wendesday 9 a.m. classes, as to what proposed new facilities students would use. The survey will emphasize per- soaal needs of the students, cot sj much organizational or general needs, Lake emphasized. Students should decide what they alone would use, be added. The poll will iocWe only facili ties, not programming or other sjxh services. The new adthtiom, which wil coA around one and a quarter million dollars, will cover about 74,000 square feet. TV cost of ex pansion is restricted to the amount that can be paid of! in a revenue band issue. The increase of fees to $? per semester will give the Union $5 a semester for every stu dent enroLei. Among ideas that may he kite Cite4 in the new addition would be to expand the Ballroom to three tinges its present size. Another idea is to expand the Crib three tiroes in a continental style, with a dancing space and small dining roams. la soaking out the poll. Lake and, students should be very sure fe tXiag cut heblaztks showing type of residence and how many times the particular student uses the Unacm's JaciLities. Iidkded oo the survey wil be places to express opinians on 36 different subjects, including more meeting rooms, additional recrea tiaiaal facilities, lodcers is addition to the check room and shower and dressing rooms. Other suggettians include a craft stnd hobby shop, photo darkrooms. Navy Drill Uniforms Uniform far Kara EOTC drill Tuesday wuH be Dress Blue Able ith blue CEpcwers, Dick Ed, Cadet Camniaoder. announced. Following 5s the list of rgauaized houses that beoli ia the ACF "Cattle" Auction Wednesday ia the Cmioo Ballroom at 7 p. eel. Beauty ueeos and other projects that will be acAd are net included ia the list of organized bouses. Groups wil be sold by the pmmd. Barn Yeiaht Catlls Comment tint CltMWJW die Mt SIMM I4 XT BHUJ turn mm ; HtKI .IMIHt lH liMt VMI WU Cat ilHt WIK nu SOT SlilMI W.i Tiim limn ;tm Kind :kkhh 'Im (7 YriinnjilHHat X'W T'lM! W k M' auama Jimm- ffMlHtM Cm ldm ftmUwn I'M S.IUW fMum" rtM CiuUraw aVmdfktk n!" twmr Ma bwif ' lunuia PtumwtkRar pvm . tout hS A f iuimiillwB Jki'ttHrsir V'jauimm II1 f nut tH IklD ftU)Oi (HUM) i'itmi. ' kwar - f 'HIIlH'fl f Vw9 I null Wtiiunr fluM Will - iiwill.r. (auueiuutr W-mtflins nic-wmi ( itoutn Anatav Ijtinim v. to Theta Pi's homecoming display the men's championship and first place in the larger houses' com urvoy music listening rooms, separate television lounge area, barber shop, bowling alleys and a small inter denominational meditation chapeL Students are urged to check fa cilities which would be of impor tace to them in the new Union, Lake said. The basis for judge ment should be the usefulness to the individual students, he added. Space is also available for stu dents taking the srrvey to fill any suggestions' or unlisted facilities they might feel important. Fair Board Filings To Run Until Nov. 29 Filings are now opes for the six senior Farmers' Fair Board posi tions, the Ag Exec Board has announced. Any Ag College senior with a 54 average may apply at 302 Ag Hall by S pja. Nov. 29. Board members will be elected ia an all Ag College election Dec. 6. The Board also decided to bring the proposed ormwtitiitimal amend ments concerning the Ag Exec Board and Fanners Fair Board merger before the Ag student body at the general spring elections. This can be done providing it is approved by the Student Council and the Faculty Comimttee on Stu dent OirganisatJons. Stanley To Speak At Voc Ag Dinner CecS Stanlley, aatianil president of the American Vocatianal Asso oiattoo and State Director of Vo cafckmal Education ia Nebraska, will speak at a dinner meeting cf the Voc Ag Assaciatiom Thursday at C.:3fl pja. ia She Ag Union. Tickets may be purchased for tl each from Arthur Zeck. Blair EAaberg and Kormas Bamm or froni the Vocational Education Of fice, Room 3U2, Ag Eall. exteu sion TlflE. 4 I the Chairf- "T um8tai aiSuk hkIAc ttfr mtrr. rwiuir attwik aa m ara VImOv Htmmm mu4 mrmjtt warn. Ktta vuiinuMiHa wnrr mm (man. am mw atmi aura hiAAm. 'lew ukm) ur aiiai f saJma. fnui.f tm annrnf m r tsliulnK. V,, lwikBHI m aw amnwrti BHUtt. -r-inriw minx Cvuji ua innjiawna . au rhituc moitilv uukf mm mmL l ull. i rbit. Oaotkr mrr mm 4mm ma. tmlntlilr tmaavwiiacana m'BBt tup tutal aalia M uu mmn. ttiifenr irtiww'ii wMttwML Wlnr idMtuti liitAi mm 9Hkm. taaim. tiut imdir vttKUta. 1 ini( aui tU. aia.. ta i iwtti urtaar matfe. ttattr ' iMwMir aniClMik. tftlimtw a ttmrv mmMV am. Uiaws o0 Mak. MM t itlrk avniait tmMOanL -mMw kv tHawv ttanr wlU tw tammm, Hatt1 auitf atuMimai nwitM- ain-2W mtinitwMl aiife mut&iiriL. mhih a mmmf mttu ufl amtnialtat. Iviiiir thHIir HlMnlttm. ftteitotilr aaui anti 0wML vA7 WDDU Courtesy Sunday Journal and Siar petition. A red rocket manned by pledge power circled through the planets to aim a smaller rocket at the buffalo. . JM vs .. ... Bancf To Perform Eddy Howard will play for the Military Bal Dec. 2. Howard's band has made numerous public appearances and records since the group's formation. The Hon orary Commandant and her three Going, Going, Gone: Chancellor Post, Pie On Block At Am By LI O SWTT'ZEE 1 Cpy Editor '"Going, Going Gone will be She call Wednesday might as a wide conglomeration of groups arad in dividuals tall under the AUF Ac tion block. The auction will begin Wednes day at 7 p.ra. ia the Union Ball roanm. Hank Cech, senior in Denial Colkge,.iQ serve as auctioneer. Two new features have been added to this year's aiutdicm, ac cording to Cyaathia Hendersan, AUF special events Chairman. The sor ority and fraternity pledge classes will be sold by the pound Cor the Hrst time Cms year. Another new feature this year is X2canceIlar For A Day." The student who purchases litis, tii "H3 spend one day as Thancel Jar," the day to oe selorted later. Several faculty members have donated their survioes t anyone Who buys them. They are '"Doc" Curtis Elliott, professor of ecorjcum cs and iriBuraiiDe; Wesley Poe, Di rector of lamor Dirisiati; Miss Mary Jeaa M.ulvaney and Miss Eeverly Becker, instnaclars in Physical education. Rex Kncwles, TeUrum sfct dent fiaaar and AUF advisor, has offered to wait titles far ary groiip mhich beys hum. A pie. Caviar aundentifiel, mnjl also be scu3 bral not ts give the auction a take sale aUxaatiaTt. The tayer w-HJ I given the right t throw &xe pie is Andy Smith's faoe.. Smith is president sS AUF. la additiua to the fratnniry and ar.arity pledge claises, the licSlcfw ing indfjienaraA jroips will t auctiuriwdj EAliI ComncI!. Beziim Horn of St.llbilk Quftd, Ttwot CLuh atid the 2;iwrs of the ifte&i dent JiiiUs iar Woawa, ; r7 x I irtesy Lincoln Journal Homecoming Royalty 19M-56 Homecoming Queen Carol Link was crowned during half-time ceremonies at the Nebraska-Colorado j game Saturday by Mary House, last year's queen. Chancellor Clifford Har queen. j Miss Link is a junior in Teach ers College ands a member of Tassels, AWS bpard and Delta Gamma. 1 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA attendants. Miss Army, Miss Navy and Miss Air Force, will be announced at the dance. Tickets may be purchased from any senior ROTC student and at a Union booth. Auction Weinesiay Might Among the Queens being offer-land ed, fcr a price of course, are Barb dark, ISM Typical Metraska Co ed; Carol link. Homecoming Queen; Elaine Satkschewsky, Hel lo GirL and Miss Jiehraska, Sandy Spekher. Being offered for sale are the 1955 Gornnusker beauty queens. Honorary Commandant finalists, cheerleaders and Eligihle Bachelors. Others who will be sold are the Mortar Boards, the football team, BABW president, Carol Anderson Cech To Serve As Auctioneer Hank Cech, a sexoor in Dental CoHege. wifl be the auctioneer far the annual AUF Aoc&oa to be held Wednesday at 7 pjta, Cech also served as AUF Auc-j tioneer last f" year. Two years ag be was the Mas ter of Cere namies fa the ELcKinet Ehih faHshTw. Among the things Cech w23 be aiac boziing are co-tuen-xit cam CsnBOnw Lrecals turn Cec pus yaeis, the Beards, the fatfiUJ team. the title of Cbanct-acff Tar A Day, and a chunoe to throw a pe at Andy Soma, preiidect of AIT. TjictoU fw the Autttaa are S cents arad win 1 as ti ira or f anuftd houses and darms, Be Ag Vtixm and at the dxr. ld)3spDv lvv : - &m.t?i "XLVJ'OL i T Tt H 1 j4 V nit i iL , , ,. ipJ34 f .-.rn 7 1 tTT -..njs -'r V I . , f 1 "V S la ' I - V,. A tf 7 Buffalo Blues Delta Gamma won first place in the Homecoming Display con- test with this version of "Buf- Bancf Rated Eddy Howard and his orchestra will play for the forty-third annual Military Ball, Dec. 2, at the Coliseum, according to Chuck Thomson, Air ROTC. Tickets will be $3 per couple and $1 for spectator seats and can be obtained from any senior ROTC cadet or from a booth in the Union. Howard s group became the band of the year in 1947 with their hit recordings of "To Each His Own" and "I Wonder." Many of the nation's top music authorities have called the Howard musicians "A merica"s Favorite Dance Band." The Eddy Howard orchestra has won more music polls than any other group. A versatile performer, Howard plays trombone and guitar, sings, conducts the orchestra and com poses many of the songs that his group plays. The Howard orchestra features a "band within a band." Choosing several of the musicians in Ms regular orchestra, Howard has or ganized a small jazz combo called "The Dixaelaoders." They play "New Orleans Style" and the group is composed of bass, drums, piano, Doran Post, Prince Kosroet Highlight of the action will be the presentation of the 1SG5 Activ ity Queen and ber attendants, who will also be sold. Finalists are Barb Sharp, Beverly Buck. Sar Cyn Heck, Sara Huhka and Xancy Salter. . The new qrueen will be presented by Diane Knotek, last year's Ac tivity Queen and AUF president Smith, v Tkkets are being sold this week in al organized bouses, men and women's dorms and Ag Campus. They will also be sold at the door. Tickets are 23 cents. Paul Draper: Union Starts Sales Of Single Admissions Single aijELiss iaa for the dancer Paul Draper .who w21 appear Nov. 17 are new on sale at the Union prkes are II far students, XUS9 lot ticket bocfih. Single adnmsion faculty, and 12 for patrons. Draper who conshines tap with mo&Jjad ballet inovemient is part of the Arts series sponsored by the Union. The performance will be held ia the Union BaHr&ncn. "After the perf;rxnaare, there i3 be a ccilt boar," Care Ei bssjs, iTjeniber ctf the Unka Bwird, said. This provides an epporfem tj Iw the firLlty and rtjicits to speak pem-X-2f with the artist. The pc can coapare iarprt s;yrjj and &5eas with the artist and anicttig SheBsii!ves. she ai3i. ""EmaliBSuiy, Siis l&nmss ooa tvmc4, 5hte Uiuoo wotid Lie to . . . WE'RE PLAYING ALOBi falo Blues." Placing second on in the sorority contest was Gamma Phi Beta with "Can Tops In Popularity Polls sax, clarinet, trumpet and trom- I bone. In 1939, a relatively unknown singer crooned "My Last Goodbye" and the public made it the number cne song on the Hit Parade for several weeks. Following up his success with this record, Eddy Howard featured "Careless", "A Million Dreams Ago" and "If I Knew Then," and each record sold over a million copies. After these records appeared, Howard lost some of his popularity. He organ- ized his own orchestra but tne Green, Hewitt To Compete In Moot Court Two Law College seniors will leave Lincoln Tuesday for St. Louis, Mo., where they will com pete in the annual regional Moot Court competition. The seniors are Robert Green and James Hewitt. In the first round Wednesday evening, the Nebraska team will Owitew UnsxHm Star Greea argue against a Louis University. team from St. The competition continues through Friday. The Cfuestion this year is an anti-trust law problem involving the legality of a merger between a petroleum refinery and a gas-station chain. The Nebraska team will attempt to argue its way to the national competition in New York City in the middle of December. In 1353, the Nebraska team of Eleanor Knoll, Ron Hunter and William Grant won the national competi tion. work out a system in which the stodects who bought membership tickets for the Arts series would it- ; ,i,. . I , r' A y-jtagjjam Awyifc ypfCqtfaaavaM ajaaaawa' BewiU select the gorst artist." Ijiusped about 23 per cent this Tickets for the series which hi-1 year. There irere 1773 requests eludes all three performances are !'d w;;h the division compared still on sale. The prices are 1X23 K!2 in The coshW cl for students, S3 for f acuity and $5 3 candidates available remained p fw patross. The other programs J proximately the same with K4 thii include Gloria Lane, mczzoso- J" nd last year. prana, and the Actors Balkiay, dra- ma vtiet&xss. Hazel Johnsso, Lincoln dance in stractor, said "Anyor who esjers good dasckf wi3 vz&jJbu-Zy mats an e2cH5t perfarm.asice if he fails to attend Dra.per"s concert."1 The Ne York Tisses ssid list Draper cwiih'i&e top daacikig wiJs td3 hiZH m-sts,?:! to ex press bimself in a &kmt voc Sa lary tTj.Un"j his own. M c Vv (uJ See Story, Paga 4 1 i I it - :horus:atejamn 1 Couitcar Sunday Journal and Star Colorado Weather the Storm, and Chi Omega placed third with "They Did FalL They Will Fall." It Happened At NU While Homecoming displays were lighted Fri day night, one boy picking up his date at a sorority house left hurriedly when he thought he had blundered into a secret meeting. The entire house was spookily lighted by candles because antiquated wiring had threat ened to collapse when the spots were turned on. Tuesday, November 15, 1955 u T Play band didn't seem to be too popular so he disbanded the organization. Shortly after the end of World War H, Howard was signed to re cord lour sides, two records, three of which had been selected by company officials who told Howard be could choose the tune for the remaining side. Eddy remembered that he had beard a song that he liked called "To Each His Own in Cedar Rapids, Ia. He chose that for the fourth side and the song two copies year and soil sells 2000 copies a month. In the 1447 popularity poll of Bill board Magazine, that selection won first place in both greatest all around and popular music cate gories. It also boosted Howard in to first place in best-liked band bracket for the year of June, 1946, to June, 1947. In the male band vocalist division, Howard was ranked second. The Eddy Howard band has com pleted engagements at Chicago's Aragon Ballroom, New York's Com modore Hotel, New York's Capi tol Theatre and Los Angeles' Co coasut Grove. Howard does not use a girl solo- jist, but he has a male trio handle some of the vocal spots instead of doing all of them himself. As s good luck charm, be uses "Care less" as his theme song. Meirhenry: State Teacher Lack Eases The teacher shortage, acute throughout the nation, may be eas ing on the state level. This is evidenced by the annual report of the University Teacher Placement Division which shows requests for tachers in Nebraska schools dropped about cine per cent this year. The cumber of requests declined from 26 last year to 2294 this year. The number of placements in Nebraska dropped also. A total i Z7S persons received teaching positions in the state this year through the facilities cf the place ment division. Last Tear there were A teachers placed in the state. Dp. W. C. ileierhenry, division coordinator, said the drop in re quests may in part be due to the fact that schools which used the division's services two and three years ago bare now been able to retain the teachers which they faired at that time. The total number of requests. I which fcschides out-of-state schools. S Allhocgh there is a dsfj-Jie scar- cy of teachers far e!.ejn2ary schools, lujrhsry prated ctt that there also is an Lscrtig shartage of prT3M'l far the ai-fe-ge Je-veL Pi Tcu I glaeeri- Isxxvzry 3 held I a-Tnsal snscAtr ia e .g V--a g Tiy .-.'. y ai p t.