The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 11, 1955, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, November 11, 1955
Page 2
Ncbraskan Editorials:
Paper-ttache Nostalgia
Once a year, about this time, when Autumn
Leaves Start to Fall, a strange rnd wonderful
tiling occurs on this campus. It is a thing full
of laughter, and not a few tears. It is a thing
full of half-forgotten faces, and half-remembered
It is a time of gaiety and clammy hand-shaking
and shrieking across crowded raoms. It is a
time of big black cigars and expanding waist
lines and "Milo Skalnik, class of '25 . . . Fred,
you ol walrus!"
It's Homecoming.
What a fine thing, Homecoming. For the stu
dents, it is a little hectic. For them it involves
racing around madly collecting cardboard and
old boards and chicken wire and throwing them
together in a marvelous combination of modern
art and primitive barbarism, resulting in death
and destruction of the most horrible kind for
whatever team unfortunate enough 'to be pitted
against the home club.
It is a noble thing, Homecoming. For some
reason, the sun always shines, and the air is
just a little nippy, and the smell of burning
leaves can always be sensed, whether leaves
are burning or not.
Colors are a little sharper on Homecoming,
and the air a little clearer. The old campus,
even if they did tear down old University Hall,
never looked better. People are happier, and
the juices run stronger through the young veins'.
Man, you can just feel it in the air. It's home
coming, all right. And anybody that says the
home team won't win is a blackguard, a red,
a drunkard and is probably some of that poor
white trash from Colorado.
You can see it early, about Monday night,
when people start drifting out of their fraternity
and sorority houses and dorms and look about
their front yards with a measuring eye. About
noon Tuesday strange skeletons begin rising in
front of the houses, and the mouldy smell of
paper-mache hangs in the air.
Friday is a frenzy of last-minute hammering
and painting and blowing out fusee of over
loaded circuits and "My sainted Aunt Catherine!
The guy wire broke!"
Then, Friday night, they are complete. Their
anguished cries and painted faces float weirdly
above the crowds and from every corner a
thousand voices spew out death to the invaders.
And the alums, girded in their fur-collared storm
coats, look with approval, wag their cigars and
mumble something about "back in '36."
And, into the night, there is singing and danc
ing, and "Eddy Farragut, you old reprobate!"
"Joe, I haven't seen you since we tried to burn
down the Oliver Theater." "My God, but my
feet hurt."
Saturday dawns, perfection. The air is a
little sharp, but we didn't bring that afghan for
nothing. People swarm toward the stadium past
the remnants of last night's decorations and the
stadium swells with that good old Alma Mater
the old grads brought back with them.
The people yell a little louder, the yell squad
jumps a little higher, and the visiting team
looks a little shaken bj the whole thing, as if
they thought everyone of those 40,000 screaming
fools were going to personally commit homicide
on them.
The game, which is the reason for the whole
thing, goes on, and is over a little soon. Then,
with victory streaming over them, or the little
black cloud of defeat settling over them, the
crowds stream out through the autumn after
noon, toward open houses, coffee and the Home
coming dance.
Then, surprisingly enough, it is over. The
pall of normality sinks in over the campus, and
the bits of crepe paper trickle along the street.
The stadium is empty of people, and there are
no crowds along tha streets.
Homecoming is over. Or is it? F. T. D.
Afoiv Use The Plan
Sad though it is, the Council again took an
action at their most recent meeting which never,
never should have been; but that's the way the
Council works always.
The motion to repeal the scholarship require
ment in the list of activities was defeated when
its supporters tried to rejuvenate a little life
into what was once an alert issue. But they
failed; and they failed for many reasons.
Right now this is not important. The im
portant point is that the Council made a deci
sion. Now the venerable Council must stand by
its decision and enforce its own rule. This means
strict enforcement on all levels of activity af
fected by the new law.
If the Council wants to do this job correctly,
and its time they decided that jobs of this sort
must be done correctly, all major campus ac
tivities must come under their immediate juris
diction. Now, one would suppose the Cornhusker and
The Nebraskan are usually considered major
activities. Is this being too prejudiced?
But, because of non-existent legal technicali
ties, which the Council has yet failed to recog
nize, these two groups are now being excluded.
This is, in reality, quite silly.
If there are any two groups on this campus
which have more power, for good or for bad;
more influence, only because they reach all
parts of the campus, or greater responsibility
to the entire University, they have thus far been
members of what must be an unorganized dele
gation, maybe the mute delegation.
This new ruling, which the Council believes
in, must now be enforced on all campus activi
ties. It must be aggressively enforced. This
will accomplish two things.
First, it will be fair to all individuals and
all groups.
Second, it will give the University an oppor
tunity to test the merits of the new plan. If
it is good, and students really do raise their
averages, all will be well. If it is bad, and few
averages are changed among the already small
group of activity workers, there will be real
cause to petition the Council for a reconsidera
tion. For the present, the Council must maintain
its own integrity. It must demonstrate to all
that it believes in the new rule and had the
courage and ability to enforce it.
This, then, although not in accord with the
recent Council action, is a positive suggestion.
Try the plan out!
If it works there might be a few more people
competing for the Deans list of honors instead of
his list of downs.
And if it doesn't work, there will be time in
the future to seek a change. The Nebraskan
will certainly support the later move if condi
tions show it to be necessary. D. F.
'What Is It, Hemy?'
The brown-coated woman adjusts her bi
focals, leans forward spilling her soft-drink on
her program and elbows her husband. "What
is it, Henry?" Henry too leans forward while
squinting his eyes across the football field at
the region that is called the card section.
"It says, 'Hello, Mom,' " Henry answers.
"See that middle letter is an 0 with a little
chunk out of it."
Across the stddium many similar conversa
tions are going on. Wives are asking husbands,
aunts asking alert children, and small fry naive
ly saying, "Is that supposed to say something?"
Most University students go through four
years of college without ever seeing the card
aection in action. All they see is whatever is
behind the scenes which rather suggests . the
They are conscious that the card section is
going to perform when the leader yells loudly
the one, two, three, up signals. The casual
watcher might notice someone frantically try
ing to unfold his card after constructing a sun
shade from it. Then the pepster hurriedly waves
a cylindrical piece of paper high in the air sev
eral seconds after the signal.
Other card holders often bring a small pencil
to figure out plays and keep score on the light
colored cards. The squares too often prove to
be useful during fly plagues. Also there are
always several holders who dash out for a ciga
rette during the crucial time which leaves non
descript gaps in the field of blue.
The lackadaisical sloppiness of the card sec
tion was officiality brought to attention in a re
cent letter from the department of intercollegi
ate athletics. It said that "the football card
aection is not what it should be. The difficulty
is in lack of co-operation on the part of students
who sit in this section." The letter ends saying
that without improved co-operation a revision
in seating arrangements must be contemplated.
The individual student is unaware of the con
sequences of his conduct. His philosophy is that
just one won't make any difference. Thus he
calmly keeps on making airplanes with the
cards during a lull in the game and venting his
nervousness by fringing the squares during an
exciting play.
The solution to this problem is obvious and
When football spectators in west stadium
stare across the field at the section, they should
settle back munching pop corn and murmuring
compliments for Nebraska. The lady in her
brown coat could sit back relaxing and mention
to her husband, "Isn't that nice, Henry."
B. G. J.
A Bit Jaunty
It's funny.
Even with art eight-page paper, a special
Homecoming edition, there wasn't enough room
to put in all the news.
The church announcements, an important fea
ture of Friday's paper, were shuttled back and
forth and from the back page to an inside news
page to the editorial page.
Nowhere would the ad or picture layout fit
with the 17 inches of church column material.
It appears on the sports page.
by Dick Bible
The Nebraskan
Member: Associated Collegiate Pres. ".55:
Intercollegiate Prew mmmim Editor nam jmi
Eepresentatlve: National Advertising 8ervice. llm::mj:n::r""n::::::.
Incorporated ow rsmm iy t, t joriui.
Published at: Room 20, Student Union W((rtlt Nw, Ed(tw 'ZZZ'.tSSS 2Z
14th & E Miter ."...Jim Veather
keaortrat Bartiara phm, Artene ftfek, tant Alm-
TJniversity of Nebraska anaer, raroim Hutu. oeom mwt, w piumW,
lnli 1C.kM.ka Mil Oleen. Oerv Framel, Hah lrlexl. Mil Pltte,
Liineom, rxeDraSK Kenneth Petrnon, Ok KtHfT. Jack Cmrtln,
TH Hetiraefcen H pnhliatMMl Tixwlar, WediMeoajr and iUr Dowrll, Mary Peterson. Jaatee Karr-ll.
JTrlday ulmr the KM raw, exeept ourlne vacation Marianne ThTwmon. Judy Hartraati, Marty Kaet-
ad exam 1na.. and one teem I uhlltiea durtnc " Kim, Oermalne VVrteht, Umla lLrvy.
Aqt, M anient. e th, at Nebraek. aad-r VZTJ'tAX rJ
tea t th tmmltt an (Uno.t affair. t"kJI Mai.T Harnldt Hla. KaJrn.d'
an e.-rraelea of .tdit -pinion. fWItlon. nailer 7tTr.lVto AThI' C.taS
the ftutaoletla. -J.mHt er, Htaorn, Public.- 'fiSftoJ!? Don. Va. MartS
Mont etmll be tree from adltorlal enorhlp an the Epeen, Jannlree Barnard, Nancy Oonvw.
part of te 8iibrommittr er on tba part ot any member Editorial Mmrreary Maortn. Mewhema
af the fawilty of the linlmrelty, or an the part of any .
(mm enttlne the Kelw.lty. The memhere of the BUSINESS STAFF
Urtirafifcan etaff are nerwnmll renixwMlMe for what they Rntnea Marwrer wrr MadM
eav. or do or ennui tn be prtntrd. renrnnry K, WM. a't twlneee Menafctt ...BUI ttedwell. Barbara Kirk'.
Entered eeemHl flaw matter at the poet offlaa la Vmaf Harrt, Mlrh Neff
Uwsoia, hebraoua, antier the ael of August a, UU. Clmaiattoo Maaaay 1Mb Baa
l (yw Hi hi I f T
WRH Gov't
"ik"? Inspected
Kuaiaa mm a ..war
The second major independent
campus organization ready for in
spection is one of the favorites of
the male segment of the campus
the Residence Halls for Women.
Behind that white, colonial fac
ade at 540 North 16th, some 400
college women live. We shall see
how they govern themselves and
look at a few of their problems.
Each of the three halls, Ray
mond, Heppner and Love, has its
own officers. A president, a vice-
Th Silent Majority
president, a secretary and a social
chairman are elected by the mem
bership of each hall for a one-year
These officers in turn select an
intramural athletic chairman, a
publicity chairman, a music chair
man, an art chairman and a scho
larship chairman. These latter of
ficers are often freshmen and
must be chosen after the first
scholastic reports are issued at the
end of four weeks of classes. No
freshman coed is allowed to partic
ipate in activities until that time.
The supreme governing body of
the WRH is the House Council.
This group speaks for all the resi
dence halls. The president and sec
retary of each hall- hold seats on
this body. Other members are the
'Somewhat overpaid' . .
To the Editor
Doris Fleeson's answer to your
request for an article in the "Chal
lenge" series is as preposterous as
it is snobbish.
Had she thought before she
wrote (quite a bit to ask of a
columnist?) she would have re
membered that doctors, dentists
and lawyers all do a lot of char
ity work, despite the fact they
usually get paid for their profes
sional services.
Actors give benefit shows for
worthy causes. Even carpenters
and plumbers sometimes donate
their professional efforts for pro
jects in the community interest.
"Miss Flppsnn is indeed uniaue
if she has never -wished, as others
have, that more persons, especial
ly young folk, would pay more at
tention to the thoughtful article
on the editorial pages of newspapers.
What better way would there be
to stimulate interest than to reach
a college audience whose members
are still forming' the intellectual
habits they will carry for life?
Miss Feeson is unique, also, if
she received her education at an
institution that was not supported
in a large measure by the gifts of
time and money by many, many
persons who usually got paid for
what they did.
In fact, her answer borders on
the stupid. Herman Wouk's reply
not only was a sound message for
college youth It was darn good
advertising for those other writings
for which Herman Wouk is well
All of which reinforces a notion
this writer already had: Perhaps
Miss Fleeson is sometimes over
paid for what she writes!
James C. Rippey
Former graduate student.
officers who are elected at large
from the residence halls.
These at-large officers are a
President (or more officially a
Governess) a Vic e-president or
Vice-Governess, a Secretary, a
Treasurer and chairmen in charge
of intramural athletics, social ac
tivities, publicity, music, art and
The House Council has an ad
viser from the administrative staff
of the residence halls to guide the
In addition to the voting offi
cers and adviser, the House Coun
cil has other, non-voting members
who may be called in when neces
sary. One of the most important
of these is the representative from
the WRH to the Barb Activities
Board for Women.
The BABW representative is the
link with the all-campus coordinat
ing group for independent wom
en. Her importance to the House
Council requires that she attend
nearly all council meetings.
Other representatives who are
called in for specific issues include
delegates to the All University
Fund, the YWCA and one woman
from each of the three halls who
represent the WRH to the Asso
ciated Women Students.
Like most independent organiza
tions, the WRH is no exception
when it comes to problems of gov
ernment. However, the system of
government is being revised to
improve conditions which were
found to be undesirable under an
earlier -constitution.
One large problem is the spread
ing of news of the House Council
to the members of the WRH. Since
each hall has 100 to 150 members,
regular meetings of the halls are
difficult to hold. One proposed so
lution is to post well-written ex
tracts of House Council proceed
ings on bulletin boards.
Inevitably each year some fresh
man women join sororities. These
women then often become inactive
in the WRH program and pose a
problem to the officers. According
to University regulations, all fresh
man women must live at 540 for
one year.
It therefore becomes the duty of
the officers to try to carry on the
best program possible with a partially-disinterested
The Women's Residence Halls,
along with the Residence Associa
tion for Men, is a member of the
Association of College and Univer
sity Residence Halls. The ACURH
serves as a clearinghouse for ideas
and plans used by student govern
ment groups over -the country.
The University holds the distinc
tion of being a charter member of
the ACURH. The spring confer
ence is the highlight of the year
when delegates gather to exchange
problems, solutions and plans for
better residence halls government.
-'Spring Show Affected'-
Kosmet Klub Expresses
Views On Fall Show Ban
K os met Klub Business Manager
(eds. note: This is the formal
statement of Kosmet Klub concern
ing the ban placed on their Fall
Show last week. The article is wrii
ten by Barry Larson, business
During the past week, there have
been a great number of misin
formed and misinterpreted facts
presented concerning the action
taken by the Faculty Committee
on Student Affairs concerning
Kosmet Hub. The purpose of this
letter is to explain the true situa
tion as it affects the Klub.
I do not intend to take any
psuedo stand, nor do I intend to
criticize the faculty committee. I
do feel, however, that the commit
tee acted a bit hastily. I do not feel
that the decision rendered by the
committee is fair to the Klub. By
the same token, I do not believe
that most of the members of the
committee realized the impact and
far reaching effects that their ac
tion had upon the Klub.
The first and most obvious effect
on the Klub is the removal of our
Fall Show. I don't think that any
more paragraphs need to be writ
ten explaining why the Fall Show
fills a need and is definitely good
for the campus.
But, just as sure as there are or
g a n i z e d mens groups on this
campus, there will be an all male
skit show of some type. Whether it
be in the basement of Kings or
at some place off the campus, the
men at this University will express
themselves in some theatrical
The Klub has worked for many
years to bring the Fall Show to the
point whefe it is. The only thing
that stands between the Klub and
a completely acceptable show is the
objection to the Master of Cere
monies spot.
If Kosmet Klub loses the show
now, everything that has been done
constructively will be for naught.
The University will have to start
all over with the problem of pony
chorus lines, dirty skits, bad feel
ings and all the other complica
tions that Kosmet Klub has elim
inated through the years.
By banning the show, the Prince
Kosmet and Nebraska Sweetheart
elections will probably be discon
tinued. This discontinuation was
not set forth by the committee, but
it does follow the closing of the
show. It should not be new to any
one that one of the reasons that
Kosmet Klub sponsors this elec
tion is to gain interest in the Fall
a a
The fact that these elections are
as popular as they are can be at
tributed, in part, to the fact that
the candidates are presented at the
Fall Show and that the presenta
tion is as much a part of the show
that it is.
Well, there is the problem as it
exists cn the surface. What most
people don't realize is that, by ban
n i n g the Fall Show, the faculty
committee has removed a very im
portant source of income for the
Kosmet Klub Spring Musical. This
it, no small point!
Since 1912, Kosmet Klub has pre
sented a Spring Show at the Uni
versity. For the last six years,
they have presented a bona fide
Broadway musical. Such shows as
"Good News," "Finians Rainbow"
and "Bloomer Girl" have been pre
sented by the Klub at no expense
to the University. This Broadway
production is one of the only shows
of this caliber that makes its ap
pearance in Lincoln during the
year, and it is definitely needed
and wanted. Many prominent bus
inessmen and citizens in Lincoln
feel that the discontinuation of the
Spring Show, and of the Fall Show
for that matter, would be detri
mental and a definite loss to civic
entertainment. It goes without say
ing that the University receives
much favorable publicity from the
Spring Show.
a a
However, Kosmet Klub can not
sustain a show anywhere near
Broadway caliber without the add
ed revenue of the Fall Show.
Furthermore, a substitution for
the Spring show "broadway musi
cal would not be acceptable to the
students and public. A show such
as "Bloomer Girl" takes about $6,.
500 to produce.
It is impossible for the Klub to
offset this outlay when we only
present the show three nights.
Also, the highest priced tickets
that we sell are $1.80, and you
couldn't even get standing room at
a B musical for this price! Even
if we raised prices andor extended
the production, Kosmet Klub could
not hope to make money on this
For many years, the Fall Show
has been the difference between
Kosmet Klub's existence or failure.
There has been some suggestion
on the faculties part of finding
other means for providing the
necessary additional income need
ed. Let's face facts you dont
make (1600 selling poppies at a
football game.
So what about Kosmet Klub? If
the committee allows us to con
tinue some sort of Fall Review,
under proper supervision, then the
Klub can hope to continue. I am
sure that every effort will be made
on the Klub part to coordinate
with the faculty so that there will
be bo reoccurrence of this year's
If the committee upholds the de
cision to ban the Fall Show, then
there is a definite possibility that J
the Klub would not be able to
continue. Not only will next year's
Klub be affected, but this year's
Spring Show can be affected tea.
a a
If the future prospect of Kosmet
Klub is in doubt, we will most cer
tainly lose some worker support.
Without the workers, it would bo
near to impossible for the Klub to
present a Spring Show this year.
I realize that I have presented
a lot of if's. However, these basis
facts must be realized. If Kosmet
Klub does not have some sort of
activity in the fall to help support
the Spring show, then wa moat cer
tainly can not hope to have a Spring
Kosmet Klub is a theatrical, non
profit organization. There is rery
little recourse that we have which
can bring us enough finances to
operate the Klub. The Fall Show,
or at least a similar type show, is
about the only means we have to
accomplish our main purpose, that
being to present the Spring Show.
I sincerely hope that the "faculty
eommttte will be able to work
with the Klub and reach a reason
able solution to this problem. The
show can and will be produced in
such a manner that the students
and the University will be proud
of it. All Kosmet Klub asks for is
the chance to try.
" 1
Cartooa !
You Art Invited To Worship
12th and M Ktreeta
Morning Worship 11 tCO KM.
Smnnom "Why Is It
Hard To Bo Good?"
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that ninety-five per aeat
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treai the unrranitr witb
ut aver herring tabes
eouree la
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