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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1955)
.J" r i 5 ' '-i .. . a : J . ' I V. Poge 4 THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, November 9, 1955 j' - nib 1 . ! S,!W '? i Courtesy Lincoln Journal Y WCA, YMCA Delegates Leave For Convention YWCA and YMCA delegates are pictured here leaving for the Nebraska district conference at Chadron to discuss "Barriers to Brotherhood" with representa tives from five other colleges. Ia front row (from left) are Martha Glock, Marlene Hutchinson, Sharon Mangold, Carol Wiltse, and Jan shorn; back row (from -left) Russ Lange, Diane Morgan and Ellen Jacobsen. The main speaker for the two day conference was Harold Kueb ler, regional YMCA secretary, The group participated in discus sions of the kinds of barriers to brotherhood and studied practical problems in brotherhood as they apply to student life. Seventeen delegates attended from the Uni versity YM and Ag YM-YW organizations. $100 First Prize: Mari Sandoz To Sponsor NU Short Story Contest Marl Sandoz, native Nebraskan and nationally known authoress, will sponsor a fiction contest, known as The Prairie Schooner Fiction Awards, for students of the University, Miss Bernice Slote, as sistant professor of English, an nounced. The awards will be given an nually to the best original, un published short stories submitted by regularly enrolled students, both graduate and undergraduate. The awards will total $100 an nually, $50 for first place, $30 for second place, and $20 for third place. Miss Slote, chairman of the de partment of English committee which will administer the contest, said that each contestant may en ter no more than two short stor ies, each one approximately 3000 to 70000 words. Miss Slote said Miss Sandoz is sponsoring the congest to stimulate interest in short-story writing. "The winning stories, or others of merit, will be considered for possible pub lication in the Prairie Schooner, edited by Lowry Wimberly, pro fessor of English." Closing date for this school year's contest will be March 1, 1956. The other member of the awards committee is Dr. Walter Wright, professor of English. Rules for manuscript submission may be obtained at Room 207 Andrews Hall. Seven Volunteers: Wafers, Liquids, Acid Compose Strange Diet Newspaper Lauds Former Student The New Orleans Item has termed a former University stu dent, "one of America's most pol ished disk-jockeys." The article was referring to John Barrett of WTK radio station who managed the University radio KNUS in 1950 and 1951. "The Johnny Barrett Show" is one of New Orlean's top rated disk shows. The nation's top disk show is Dick Martin according to a vote by the show business magazine, Billboard. A group of six volunteers are acting as human guinea pigs in a home economics study. The girls have three complete meals com posed mostly of liquid and wafer forms with all the days nutrients. This staff of seven home econom ics volunteer students is continu ing the previous years study on the Nutritional Status of Women and the Utilization of Amino Acids from food. Headed by Dr. Helen Links weller, the study is now in its sixteenth day of a fifty day run. A typical days breakfast menu includes amino acids, sugar, waf ers, oils, lemon and orange juice, jelly, butter, syrup and non-caffine coffee. The lunch menu closely follows the pattern of the break fast menu with the addition of pudd ing, applesauce, multiple vitamin supplement, vitamins A and D, seven-op and mints. The dinner is identical to lunch with peaches added. Each girl's food intake is meas ured to her body requirements. Food requirement is so essential that bad table manners are over looked. Each girl must lick each plate as she finishes her meat Sally Steinauer, volunteer work er says, "It is a wonderful feeling being able to help. We seldom get hungry and tbe food trays are very cleverly decorated." Tbe past sixteen days are only a fractional part of this intense study. Weeks of preparation pre ceded thb year's work and included training periods and the ordering of foods and amino acids. Tbe problem of the quantity of tbe acids was simplified by Dr Ruth Leverton, of Oklahoma, who found the requirements and has published four of the essential eight. Tbe emphasis, this year is put ta Valine, on of the essen tials found in com and corn meaL la testing the quantity of this acid NUCWA To Hold Meet Thursday With Speaker NUCWA will hold a meeting Thursday from 7 to 8:13 p.m. in Union Room 212 accor&nz to pub licity chairman, Grace Harvey. There will be a speaker and a business meeting. Off-Campus Classes Draw Nearly 1500 This year nearly 1500 persons are enrolled in off-campus classes offered by the Extension Division. The classes are instructed by 45 faculty members and 10 graduates who have received their master's or doctor's degrees. Instructors travel from the Uni versity to Scottsbluff, Imperial, Benkelman, Ainsworth, Butte and Hartington as well as 43 other com munities closer to Lincoln. But the faculty members are not the only people that travel long distances; some students travel from 120 to 130 miles in order to attend their classes. The amino acids will cost $2000 Dr. Rosalie Farley, coordinator this year. The United States De-(0f in-service extension, remarked that if a course is requested, tne students show an unusual amount it will vary as the other amino acids stay constant. A test of a similar nature was run by Dr. W. C. Rose of Illinois who was the first to work with amino acids. partment of Agriculture gives the idoney to the North Central Region, who in turn grants the money to the University. Berzak Slated To Discuss Civil Service William Berzak, U.S. Civil Serv i c e Commission representative, will gjjeak on "Career Opportuni ties in the Federal Civil Service" at 4 p.m. Thursday in Social Sci ences Room 209B. He will discuss the variety of 7000 trainee positions open to col lege students who pass the federal service entrance examination. Beginning salaries for most of the positions, with periodic promo tions provided for, is $3670 a year, Tbe objective of the commis sion, according to Philip Young, chairman, is "to bring into the fed eral service each year the best of the nation's young college gradu ates and to provide for them the kind of working conditions under which they can build useful and satisfying careers;" of effort to attend and participate. Since the interest shown is mostly in non-credit courses, the Exten sion Division plans to offer more courses on a non-credit basis. About five years ago the Uni versity was the only state institu tion doing much in the field of extension work. Now Wayne, Chad ron and Kearney State Teacher's College have off-campus programs. Many people receive off-campus instruction through the classes pre sented by KUOX-TV. Fellman To Speak At NUCWA Meet Dick Fellman, Nebraskan editor, will speak at a NUCWA meeting Wednesday at 7 p.m. on "Israel, Egypt, and Us." The meeting will be in Room 313. "With the situation between Egypt and Israel like it is with the rest of the Arab neighbors, al most anything could happen," Fell man said concerning his topic. He added that the whole situa tion is complicated by Russia's de sire to sell many of her old out dated arms to the Egyptians. AT miLLER'S Phi Sigma Iota PM Sigma Iota, romance lan guage honorary, will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Glenn Berry, president, will pre sent a paper on the works of Jose Marti. New members will be initiated. AWAY I 1 fia2iw J SPECIAL PURCHASE Snughi Anklets by Bonnie Doon Wear Them High . . . Wear Them Low . . . no matter how you wear the Snughi it's the smart eat sock at school. Elastkbed for perfect fit, you ean wear this up like a campus, or rolled down in a triple cuff. Sparkling White in size 9 to 11. Moot Court: Senior Semi-Finals Begins Wednesday Senior semi-final rounds of the Allen Moot Court competition will be held Wednesday and Thursday nights at the Law College build ing. Lyman Johnson and Bernard Wishnow will argue against Robert Baumfalk and Marvin Hoscher at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. ' Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Frank Piccolo and Joseph Brown will team against Richard Ball and James Parmalee Jr. The winners in the two rounds will meet next spring in the finals. The sophomore rounds will open Monday with the following teams: Monday, Richard Childs and Irv ing Bahde vs. Donald Bloom, and Gordon Gay. Tuesday, William Marti and Da vid Erickson vs. Gene Spence and Floyd Stearns and Marshall Beck er and Norman Krivosha vs. Charles Burns and Charles Fitske. Wednesday, John Marvel, Har old Walker and Eugene Billings vs. Raymond Mladovich, and Norman Veitzer. Thursday, Tracy Huston and Wil liam Wolph vs. Demenico Capo rale and Willard Lorensen, and George Null and George Sohl vs. Don Raymond and Jerome Bar ton. Monday James Knapp and Bruce Barton vs. Deryl Hamman and Marvin Green, and Lloyd Knapp and Phillip Johnson vs. James Phil lips and William Ross. On The Social Side: Parties Dominate Scene By GRACE HARVEY Social Editor, The work weekend before Home coming was climaxed by the an nouncement of two engagements and two pinnings. The end of the social drouth is in sight with the advent of the Homecoming Dance, Military Ball and Christmas in the near future. A flashing sign adorned the front of the Chi Onega House Friday announcing the opening of "Club Chi O." Tourists and gamblers danced to the music of Bill Albers combo. Party decorations included murals of champagne glasses and aces of spades, poker chips and streamers. Joyce Taylor was the party chairman. Couples attending the Delta Tau Delta Night Owl Party were greet ed by a mural depicting a baggy eyed man wearing an ice pack as they entered the door. Entrance to the basement was gained by means of a slippery slide and a labrynthine tunnel. The floor was laden with a foot of sawdust and the walls decorated with cartoons from popular campus humor mag azines. Couples, costumed -to look like "the morning after the night before," danced to the music of the Jimmy Phillips combo. The party was planned by Adam Kohl. Farm House fraternity held its annual Fall Party in the Georgian and Lincoln Rooms of the Hotel Cornhusker. Approximately 50 couples attended the semi-formal party. Music was furnished by the Tommy Tomlin combo. To highligt the party festivities Al Siffering passed cigars to an nounce his pinning to Toni Frost. Social chairman Jack Aschwage, was in charge of the party. Engagements: Marion Koch, junior from North Platte, to Dave Toillion, Cornhusk er Co-op sophomore, also of North Platte. Myrna Olson, Pi Beta Phi jun ior from Omaha, to Courtney An derson, sophomore at the Univer sity of South Dakota from Sioux Falls. PINNINGS: Toni Frost, from Ogallala, to Al Siffring, Farm House junior also of Ogallala. June Stefanisin, Alpha Pi sopho more from Lincoln to Paul Schorr, Phi Gamma Delta sophomore, al so of Lincoln. Social Calendar Friday Homecoming Eve Dance Palladian Society Party, Tempo rary Saturday Homecoming Dance Sigma Phi Epsilon Homecoming Leadership Talks Scheduled At Ag Dr. Franklin Eldridge, Associate Director of Resident Instruction, announced a series of Community Leadership talks to be held on the Ag Campus Tuesdays and Thurs day at 11 a.m. in Room 304 Ag Hall. Dr. H. C. Filley, State Grange Master, will present the first talk of the series Tuesday morning, Dr. Eldridge said. Charlie Marshall, president of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Fed eration, will discuss the organiza tion and services of the Farm Bu reau at a session Thursday morn ing. Chris Milius, president of Farm ers Union, will speak Nov. 17 at the concluding session. All Ag students are invited to at tend the three talks, which have been arranged especially for short course students, according to Dr. Eldridge. Use Nebraskan Want Ads New - made gentle for modern taste Enjoythe fresh unfil- tered flavor of this new Er " m " cigarette now in the smart new red, white and gold package. Max Shulman's column "ON CAMPUS" in this issue, for the full, exciting story. r-" " S ' 'jf ..... i PHILIP MORRIS Int MEW YORK ' tlmi At Bailey's You Got fJ - PI "IN PTl tran wmt r in waara w HmunM CS! wm tm meiutt or sm.ii m ore tctOtY ttr ekbratfn tab am4"f!:? rt AJfiUoWd CkrtUam. vwld'i U.ig1 short am . . . You gal yew uuMtrlctad cboica el S10 worlk at urclimdJM Fim wMfc vary parehos al $39.75 or mm. CboeM yoar SIS fn CW horn Sailcy'l moMndsaa MlacBoa Ufa baa) in EaUay kMor al Btt k4 prlcaa hi yaas) al PJ$ t. 1S17S YVV ' V KIM $3430 VVS.V $ 7.M to $12.95 $7.Sto$ie.9s TfsyZ?-. .... s i.fs $ &'fr.;' i Fell SviH & T0Cctl All fhm Sprt CnH . Iteffar FM SMo lM9ftt4 ftXk ftft Btf . , Trv-Vil Spwt SMrts Tnr-Vil Dntt SMrti Btifcfvy Sport atocfccH KtMf' Oum Stock root emnt n cooc t hultts! tut Mom to rT! no own rvntnm WO IHTOCtT! HO CAHTIM CRAXSI Aeronautical Civil Electrical Mechanical MathPhy.ics ENGINEERING GRADUATES J ' X JW- :W R,ar X Kq 60c Lockheed representatives will be on campus Friday, November 11, 188S to discuss how ths company's diversified development program can advance your caresr. For interview see your Placement Officer. Activities at the California Division of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation cover virtually every phase of aeronautical endeavor. A total of 45 major projects is in progress. The expanding development and production program has already resulted in 13 models of aircraft now on production lines -huge airliners, commercial and military cargo transports, extremely high-speed fighters, jet trainers, radar search planes and patrol bombers. Development projects are even more diversified, include nuclear applications to aircraft, turbo-prop and jet transports, advanced versions of vertical-rising aircraft and a number of other significant classified projects. This capacity to develop and produce such a wide range of aircraft is important to career-conscious engineers. It means more scope for your ability, more opportunity for promotion with so many projects constantly in motion, more job security -because your career is not restricted to one type of plane. ILockhGGd AIRCRAPT CORPORATION ft u ,1 M , ,,. .44 i 72& I JSM & "v. : CALIFORNIA DIVISION burbank California . HOSIERY, Vint floor mm c;v2 21 A If"" I Will'-.' fWCJ 10 5TAJEI ft dianend jubtla I9SS ft tfOOOOOQSOOO&0000&