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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1955)
Wednesday November 9, 1955 iinijjyiroes Slow IHlyskeir Halfbacks Battle IM Play All-University Selections Husker halfbacks. Rex Fischer and Willie Greenlaw are tied for The AO-Fraternity Fastball championship will be played to night at 4:45 oa the city field. De fending AH-University Champion Delta Tan Delta will defend Its Intramural managers are remind ed to submit their All-Opponent teams to the Nebraskan for selec tion of the All-University teams. These All-Opponent team should contain no members of the squad submitting the list. Those teams not complying to this and failing to hand in a list will be omitted from Ail-Star selections. the top ground gaining honors with identical 4.7 average yards per carry. In yards gained however, Fischer holds a 110 yard advant IKtepes IFir CIirsi age with a 500 total. crown against Phi Kappa PsL. Use Rag Want Ads 1 By BOY VTLRZ Sports SUff Writer Nebraska's Cornhuskers, current ly tied with Oklahoma for first place in the Big Seven race with identical 4-0 conference marks, will be trying to get above the .500 mark this Saturday for the first time this season. The Huskers tac kle Colorado at Memorial Stadium ' in the homecoming day game and will be trying to keep their con ference slate clean. Rex Fisher, senior halfback from Oakland, has been chosen by coach Bill Glassford as game cap- tarn. Glassford stated, "Rex has been a great contribution to the team and deserves the honor of being captain for the homecoming game." He currently is second in rushing in the conference and ranks eighteenth in the nation with 500 net yards gained in 105 tries. Both teams will be minus some top performers who will be side lined by injuries. The number one Colorado man, senior halfback Homer Jenkins, will be out of action. Sylvester Harris, Nebraska half back, number one replacement for Fischer, will miss the game be cause of a dislocated shoulder. He probably will also sit out the game against Oklahoma University Nov. 19 at Lincoln. Lyle Martin, who has seen very little action, Frank Nappi who hasn't seen any action so far this season and Gene Sandage are ready to replace Harris. Harry Johnson may see action at both halfback positions as he did last Saturday at Iowa State. Fullback John Edwards may be ready for the game but is listed as a doubtful starter by Glassford. He also was injured at Ames. End George Mink who has seen very little action this season has slowed this week by injury, been okayed for the Saturday tilt. Flanker LeRoy Butherus is still listed as doubtful and Jim Murphy guard and Marlin Hilding are def initely out. Hilding is out for the season. Tuesday the squad had a defen- ! V"- V 1 This will be the fourteenth game between the two teams. The Husk ers have won seven, lost five and tied one but haven't been able tol win on the home field since 1949. Last year Nebraska upset Colorado 20 to 6 at Boulder. HERE'S A HIT- LUCKY DROODLES ! Big Seven Scoring 4 i Caortesr IJnrota Jovnil BUTHERUS sive scrimmage working against the Colorado single wing attack. Some of the top men on the fresh man squad ran Colorado plays against the varsity. Work will be of the same order for the remainder of the week. Glassford said, "It is necessary to set up completely new defen sive formations to face the single wing attack. The starting lineup will be about the same as last week except for the fullback spot. George Cifra probably will more back to the starting lineup as John Edwards,! last weeks starting luJlback. is McDoaaM, OC Barrls, or 7 ERWAT. C ... a nmo, OU 7 Ffetfer, Kg t CUi., Cf 7 JeaUas. CC 7 FISCHER, . ft GREENLAW. JfC S Harris, OU 7 Peru, IS 7 Wkitcfeaad, Kg ...S Win. 3MT ft Mapkb, CC ......7 nii. Kg a trtfena. CI" ... 7 M'WILUAMS,irC Wclkcr, CC 7 Hants. IS 7 KS ...S C TD PAT FG 7 12 7 4 S 5 t S I Toal I 71 42 M S SO Z! 14 18 18 it IX It WHATC THIS? For solution see paragraph below. Oklahoma's Sooners, . who would sooner be at the top of the heap in their gridiron competition, have achieved just that this week as they take over as the number one team in the Associated Press poll. The 55 edition of Wilkinson's wreckers seem to be fallowing the script they used for a best seller in 1950 when they annexed the na tional championship in much the same manner. Oklahoma sheds some light on the Big Seven as they seek to I protect their 26 game skein in conference play. Their overall winning streak stretches into the fifties. As Maryland is in second position after being the top ranked eleven for several weeks, the Orange Bowl game should draw top interest this year. Due to the pact inked by the two conferences. it will be Oklahoma versus Mary-1 land for sure, as both have death grips on the top rungs of their I respective loops. YOU ALWAYS COME OUT ON TOP when you light up a Lucky, because Luckies are tops for taste. Luckies taste better because Lucky Strike means fine tobacco ... mild, mellow tobacco that's toasted to taste even better. The men in the Droodle above have come out on top, too in more ways than one. The Droodle is titled: Con vention of baldheaded men smoking Luckies. Follow their shining example: light up a Lucky yourself. Youll say it's the best-tasting cigarette 5rou ever smoked! DROODLES, Copyright 1953 by Roger Prica i . - " l -. I . ' w af K f t - r -r - r .... , t T0ASTD'f Sfurientsl EARN $25! Cot yuur w If io on tSe Locky Uroodle goia ttsme. vie pay X25 for mil we ne mod for a whole raft wa don't oae! Send your Droodlea wilb deacriptive tiUes. Inciode youznaiae, addresa, oc4 leee and dan and the oanae and mddrrm of tiie dealer in your ooi lega town from vfaon you buy csgBT&Jtjem most oftea. AdUlreas; Lucky Droodle, Box 7A,Moaat V" croon, ti. V. I 1 rTVi two uai nmt . , , TMEl HEADS TOetTKH TlV ' ' f I 41 I .1 I H f M eOHCIVMTC0) If cigarettes : urroN soma THIOU&H SUTTONHOLI Maria C3iriMenten U.of Minnesota mam or unas Wm. Q. CT Brim, Jr. Sewck College of Engineering mCEQEf S TASTG Bit ?1S Cleaner, Freshet; Smoother CAT.Cs. ntODccr or i, njtiem. &uceoirriyHzt amesica's leaoijeg MAjrcr actpsek or ciOAttf tea New Faces Promising sophomore basket ball talent includes Oft to right J Jim K-tfoadri of Toledo, O., Gary Reiinerf of SClari, Dan Schmidt toria, O. of Helena, V.iai Lyle Kannen coin, of SjracrtE.5, Jim .rwcod of Fos- and Jim Thorn of Lin- Thinclads Take Third In IS Meet The fimi-rrg 4-Zt'. University harriers finished third in a frua&rangular cross country meet at Iowa State Saturday. The Husker thin-clads piled up 44 point, to finish behind Colorado 'Hh 27 points and the busting Cyclones irw ith 25. Eantai State finished last m-ith 48. The individual winner was Jack Hughes of Colorado who broke the tape on the three an fie course ton 15:25. Bob Elwood of Nebraska placed second, 25 seconds behind Hughes. 1- Jlac KuChea C5 3S:2S. Z. Boa E3ao Of 1S;5SL 8. Jo Fumk Cil 15:f.5 4. Jac HOTitKAw CSS 1S:SiS. i. JMmwaa C'J 3:P1. . CmI ftwmaHm IS J-QB. 7. Hen "imma lSu 5:aQ. a. Ailaa JCmi OS I:80 . IFxBKk Joti CB J:81. IB. Hubert iGneat 3:5S. Jl, Lee Otunr 3 ;8& 5 . 1Z, M liiwu (CK.S'1 J:S1. 3 8. hitw Ktt, ,:&S J.K J. Cleai Tanun li& J:5S. JS. Iiuir EaU) J7:t'2. J. fat Anflemoa iO' !17:M.S. S 7. Arltm iuu;lv fK.Sil 57.4a. I. Jm rjusmtBTH C'i) JT.ftiL 3. Ornneia CN J:1!B This was the Hast meet of tSx year for the Nebraska cross coun try squad TK closes tt season this Saturday again at Ames, io the Big Seven Cross Country cbaia-pkmships. Fischer Named Captain Rex Fischer, senior halfback who is now ranked tStk ia total yard age nationally. wJB cantain b COTnhtiskers Saturday in their biD!raQkig tassel itf the Colo- raQ9 BuHaioes. Unixetsitjrrf .jsra:--.... Ta interested ' in. advanced academic ttudy '-j)M4 l-Bui important rearch and &evtUpmrd Ur.-warsit, -C2'alt3 in industry, Hugh ctfera Turao ttco eeparate, 1 I iii 1 1 itllla aHW" 11 in j, - yP"! 1 1 practical programs: Vfmmrvtg tfi Calfcmia -,4 . r ' $7$5 in s HUGHES COOPERATIVE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM FOR MASTF.R OF SCIENCE DEGREES Th prxtgam m dmpJ to czucbk Offitctaxu3kif jtrniiuittet am Ekxxmciilj tcpttwtrmf, Madaimiftl Eapaoorimg r Hrasw to e4(tsdo lie Mjwict of SaeaaoE 3c47iee r.f wring t-jgara-itaacr an sa oaeiKt. The prwpnaiii u cnaBjTjaeJ f fuU-e aaaoasara- eBBjilwjicmat at Huj4ts ttmdnr da jiuid amae xf czprnemai aeaiti(st atuf aiiiciricr, ismi cSbiwsfl itar atnntmei to pwuarat tiac wauinrat to mairitiut? a biijj-teae laurvarwry tdtiodult t Ttanioai, bwjit ami feet ' J3 le ntwadtul by HbjSms. Tie jnoRBit pwniJcJ v3 ensii-fe lie enrtacyaot ta eojwy a eemOTUilile atsaiuijri of Sii-vang 5aale pBrauttny ks (3tjjscJ anadica, Apflkja mtaa be jHe to mott ifee esatraaat ofOM'jmt jut Lc Aoflefca, 4 Umwirwty of SrtnatSarfU CMrai, iw lihe UmowafW sf An- st HiBgbff aijjpaucoit oiwt be U. S. csazeo for whom sf rjWKSf viate tBaamv tfcaaor cxa iaf tttut.i A sDumiy as is awiorJ -jJ be """V, sni tnstruavns ttuy be Cleaned by fribnf UCxmiriaaifEt Graduate SiiJj. Cardl Beaffi s ood ityJe sense tells m fees jrcrty-Ccryari fstUo&s cd Magow's me ih eloeII VhaJ a lovely eelection of 5lamorous styles fa bkacii end colors- Youll definitely loci: o ffcjbt fa cdier-iive fashions fcoia Uajse's. THE HOWARD HUGHES FELLOWSHIPS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ' EJb3e for 3ese awwiic ae U,S. casixms wbo lume cwnpfeml suae -ysar of sr&sme vtxk m Ej-jEuoranj or Ursis ami "jft(V wauHy fov (nkdLBime nueodbg at uSar CiHwrna IramuaOTe cf Tedhiwtlloijy for swdy tliae Jrrae of ISociloir of PitiltMsspliy r pwxd.&a!tml msriL adi fcjowt4tjp ccwtjs a tmdlve-muwiji pramj 4adi gaadbuSa a trawotJk siraued (5rrdlcj eMQt priest camsd out duncj t&e ffittsaer at Hajte la!rdb & Bejpsmsoi laboratories, JoJiomsed by a fclitaroe jwcjxm cf statf 7 ami eeaeao-dli at Cuiiioraa fcasanaue of TadswAngy.. tad astintaatst pnmdec a csd xnrari of not teat cues fjooa, a tblxrjr of mot lb tbxo ti.yxi, fiat t v (acittasw aokd imewdt ex la icajiit jwmcituvJe pKj-acryntwia ta due prtsrua, Liti.'t'it a.d:ia!tecat imgr be amdc Jtlow2; xai tzxKtfxirtttxm cxpaxss tie ptw6tti Sot tbow hrk'i cmaie cf SnB&cm r!fefa, J&mif end tsmsffole mfermmism, wretpem&w 0 the Hmreii Hugha Ffimfff Commute. 2 I """ f 3 ' V t ... 7 - - - f .-r.r--! VST nnut n? TtnhLnn - Me gee's Third Floor HUOHU nCaCARCH AND CrEtOVINT LACHATOIC CaW Gtj,LxnArrkf Ommj, Cdsfomie (AifPt)Vf.LieDuS i'MUtrX Presiiag, CoiJ. tut Tetk, frtttt Jlugha fttawt rf A Or, A. V. lUrf .rW:--5, i-fVii Vtuyhcm&ml. 3f