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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1955)
Pegs 2 Wednesday, November 9, 1955 THE NEBRASKAN Nobraskan Editorials: UTUE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick ftibler Justifiably Proud Things arent so bad here after all, and Th Nebraskan is happy and proud to be able to ay H. Thanks to careful advance planning, full at tendance and much interest, discussion on the bitter controversy between the proponents of the one week exam period and the current and now also the future two week exam period meet, debated, voted and still got the meeting adjourned by the traditional 5 p.m. curfew. And there was a victory, a victory for the University. Students will now be guaranteed the time to review, analyze and synthesize course material. Good students will have time to relate the indi vidual parts to the whole, and poor students will at least have the time, whether they use it or not. Faculty members will have time to prepare exams, to carefully read them, to ponder (if they do) what the students have said and to give necessary attention to special duties, such as the reading of graduate theses. As Prof. Dein painted out on the floor of the Senate, the longer period also gives everyone a little time for 'housekeeping matters.' The integrity of the institution now stands a ' better chance of being maintained. The classical concept of the final exam, a question which is part of the learning process, will now be re tained. For this, all of us, student, faculty, admin istration and taxpayer alike can be thankful. To most students it is odd to hear, as Prof. Raysor said, that "this whole thing began 25 years ago" when students protested the then current shortened exam period. He continued his discussion, saying "it might be a good idea to see what the students think about this matter." Then be referred to the poll, recorded in The Kebraskan, taken among students in their classes, showing an edge for the longer period by more than four to one. And the Senate listened, for the results of the faculty poll on the same question was far different. Even if individual faculty members looked at the possibility of their own cramped schedule under the one week plan, they voted, fully aware of the real issues. Then, in the Faculty Senate, there was a quick vote which was preceded by a great deal of discussion, especially in favor of the longer period and the meeting was adjourned. The two week exam period had once again won the battle, after suffering nothing more than a dangerous, but still strategic, withdrawal. In this case student opinion was heard and it was listened to. Faculty opinion was likewise heard and it was listened to, and the faculty decided. And the decision was made for what each voting member thought was the general good of the institution, a fine institution of higher learning. The Nebraskan has staunchly supported the move to reconsider the exam question. It has assumed its role, as the newspaper of this com munity, in working toward what it thought was a desirable goal. This goal has been reached, fairly and hon estly. Students and faculty alike have given up longer vacations, easier exams and hap hazard reviewing and grading. University stand ards, always high, can now be raised. Faculty and students have again demonstrat ed that they are capable, contrary to some opin ion, of working together for a goal, in this case the entire University, a goal bigger than any of them. For all this, The Nebraskan feels justifiably proud. D. F. i Do The Right ' Thing "frS IN PRIVATE CONFERENCE VWTH MISS LUSH-CAKE TOWJf Emotional Foreign Policy Considered "TV ... Va . H ' ll U A few weeks ago I made some remarks about the world situation in this column. These remarks were met with so many loud huzzahs from the astounded popu lace that I have decided to try it again. Today I shall take up the mat ter of our emotional attitude to ward various foreign powers, a problem which has grown awfully confusing of late. It is necessary, you know, to maintain the nation's mental equilibrium by soundly hat ing at least one foreign country. In recent years this position has been admirably filled by the Rus sians, but now they seem to be getting a little out of fashion, and an attempt has been made to give their place in our hearts to the Chinese Communists. Unfortunately, one always be- if ' I "V No Logical Reason For Hasty KK Ban comes confused when trying to hate the Chinese Communists. That is because there are two groups of Chinese, both of which look alike and act alike, but one of which is not to be hated; the Chinese na tionalists. This distinction is often a pretty difficult one to make, and people who are not constantly on their toes find themselves lumping the Chinese together indiscriminately, thereby becoming open to a good deal of criticism from their more alert colleagues. The problem is further enhanced by the fact that the nationalist lead er, Chiang Kai-Shek, is such a de- Jess Jesting The Council, In a flurry of noble motives and lack of sensible thinking, last week passed a motion that put a large, hairy paw on leader ship on the University campus, and on activities in particular. In passing the scholarship restriction for of fices and board positions in student activities, the Council very neatly and very decisively lopped off the heads of a number of campus activity workers, depriving them of their chance for offices and board positions for which they have worked hard and for which they are well qualified. The reasons behind the passing of this ruling are sound enough. The plan, according to its supporters, calls for exceptional leaders to carry an average accumulated average, since the all University average is -5.7. Others said that a S.7 limit for officers is at least a minimum, since '"leaders should at least be as good as those they lead.'" The idea is that student leaders should be well-established in the University grade system, as well as having those properties of leadership and organizational ability necessary for a position of responsibility. Those In support of the movement are of the well-founded opinion that a good leader must also be a good scholar, and that a S.7 grade average requirement will assure this. This is indeed fine. Not only will our campus leaders be keen of eye and smooth of brow, but they will maintain averages at least equal to those they are leading. Off they go, flaming sword in one hand and Bartlett's familiar quo tations in the other. Yah, man ! There is one Email, oblong blur on this beauti ful tapestry, however. The Council, in their noble endeavor, has neglected to consider the scholastic differences between the colleges, and the requirements of the duties in the various activities. It is here that restrictions should be made, and not at a Council meeting, where the final decision affects everyone. It should be realized by anyone who thinks about it long enough that the academic load in some colleges, such as Teachers, is lighter than engineering or pre-professionaL Some persons capable of getting a 5.7 average in one college would not be able to do it in another. A course like chemical engineering, with its labs, takes almost twice as much time as a course in Teachers or Business Administration or Arts and Sciences where long, low-credit labs are not present or necessary. Also, some activities are not of as large a scope as others. Persons with paid staff posi tions on student publications, for example, put in much more time and effort than an officer in an organization such as CCRC or Red Cross. This is time and effort that could be used for study. Thus, with restrictions put on every worker in activities, regardless of academic load or the time required in the activity, some persons are given an unnecessary extra load. If the Council had mare carefully considered what they were doing, instead of reveling in the fine, noble dream of scholastic restrictions, per haps a better plan could have been worked out. Perhaps an individual's duties and scholastic re quirements could have been considered in them selves before a mandatory restriction was dropped on him. But it is, seemingly, too late. By reversing the decision they made last week, the Council would make themselves, in their own eyes, look inconsistent and silly. The question is, however, did the -Council do the right thing in the first place by restricting leadership? The answer would seem to be, by popular opinion, no! Thus, by reversing last week's de cision, the Student Council might very well do what they started out to do in the first place keep activities leadership on a stable plane. F. T. D. ...No Time" The so-called "'gulf between students and faculty narrowed for a while Tuesday and then appeared to widen again. The dosing of the gap was related to the consideration of student opinion by the Faculty Senate in its actions concerning the length of exam week, but the breach opened up again when an administration official decided that a Nebraskan query was not important enough to bother with, at least until some time later. The thing that makes this action discourag ing is that the information desired was released to a Lincoln paper, but the University Dean of Student Affairs was not able to talk to a Ke braskan reporter "Wednesday at 5:15 p.m. since his "office was closed' and he was ""going home.' Ee did mention that he was the only one able to release information on the subject and he would be able to see a Nebraskan representa tive the next day "'at lis convenience."" The issue involved was the re-instatement at six of the 18 students suspended from the Uni versity last spring following the riot At the tone of suspension, The Nebraskan first men turned the difficulty of obtaining information from administration sources. Of all people, it would seem that the Dean of Student Affairs would be the person most interested in the students and their opinions. It would seem that the Dean of Student Affairs would be the type of individual who should take time to keep students informed. In short, of all persons in the Adniinistration, it would seem that the Dean of Student Affairs would be the one to be on the side of the students or at least be the person Who would be most inter ested in .clarifying and explaining the actions of the University to the student body. Dean Colbert is neither malicious nor pur posefully inconsiderate in his actions, but on several occasions be has belittled the attempts of the University's student newspaper to pro vide information to the student bode this, in effect, thwarts the student body's access to information. To some people this isBue this incident J might seem petty and inconsequential. And it would be if it were not indicative of a frequent disregard of student opinion by University of ficials. The student body has a right to be con sulted and considered in many affairs of the University. It is indeed unfortunate that at a time when students and faculty both become interested in the other's opinions concerning a central issue that ;unthinkkig action on the part of one official mars and hampers a growing spirit of co-operation and respect. S. 2. Ths Nobraskan rtFTT-FrVE TEATS OLD SSnnher: Asseciatod Collegiate Frew Snteroolleciate Frees Eriss'ewsnfefivw KafloisaJ Advertising Service, Snearparated Fsblifibad at: .ooa JO, Student Union lith 4 CtifverEjry ef Nebraska lAnoola, Nebraska Ttm P'llM'urturi pnMUbaa TiiiHi, Waftanoar and Sunnc 4t ehitoi pm. tvint Sin-hi -vacation! mat mmmm poftod. ta -ana tMw la piitil'ahfta aiwmr Aufnwt, h atudsaM t ttot (intvcralts' el frahraiua tmflw JMattariiaatMa of ttw Onmmttta an fttuomt Attain 9m mm enrmaMaa nf itiAont aimiMm. fuliUoatlum titiflar turn JurtiuiMtanB af tha fttibammtitttta im tttutimrt fntollna--turn 9tmtl aa Tiuro adltartat vmumruMp an th tw af tn atwimitT!a. ar aa tim part af ans- amnnlnr ml tkm acuity at taa linivmnltv, w aa ha part af an twraan nutatnw the hutvimilcj. Tim mrnnban iff tha tmltna at nanmaallir vasimMthle nr-rha Hmr av ar flo or catrnti te Imp prtiiMd. I fihntarr H. 1Hn. Cinamtd aa iiuuua eta manar at thu poet ntllea M LtaMuUt, Jaatenwha, aiiAaff tm mot at atosuat a. ISIS. EDITCEIAL STAFF f.flttor . . . , IMnk rnthnaa f.dlu )a) mm I. altar , .Kmar Bruci maoarm Collar .few htm f.flitar , .S bat nnr T iUtm .. ... Boh 4imik japr Cdlton . J uo Bant, Baha aeUmrhnw. JUary UnaUaOir, Lofirra wttar WWh Ww Editor Jttanr SlMlhtOv Ac tailor .tra nhm feeporl : Burba, film., a.b Hi-ask, ian a.wa iider, arolm Biitlmr, 4iorrr Mwor . V Plttack, Hill Olmn, Oarjr i nnaol, 1m ib inttanfl, 1U frti. , isnrnnth Pmrimm. look Kxntllnc . aaok ClarUn, aulw Iow-II. Mary fntmwm. antoa f-armU, Marlamw Whywrmrm. iudy Hart man. Martyr Kfwt 1nc. Hyrvla KIiik, matne .Wrwnt, ILmfla W. Marr lilnnK. M And aim. Mlrh t (r d. IKanry Jiiloiut. a.vlor I'Dltnhinan. Linda Imsk. fat Tatrur.. Tom kwiiM, Marsut Mnrnady, Itntna Itaimnna. mi clana fttuh . Aim Hair., yntlila aaohau, ath.v (umh. Honal Vaa fit mn v, Mary Ln Epaaa, Jnimi e Mamard, Dancr ionvnr. (.dldmal fmtar . . Mauruic VieWhonat KUEEVXES BTATF flnffln a Manar ftanpgr Mad Aai't HtMlmat Mmamsm .BUI Bltmll. ttaruar C;nip. tMma Bunt, ftlina Krff Cbnulatiaa Manaaar .... .iLaa Bask Two weeks ago this column criti cized Kosmet Klub for misman agement. This criticism was given constructively, since we like to attend EX shows and want to see their quality improved. But now Kosmet Klub itself is the victim af mismanagement and a hasty. Si-considered de cision. In one short meeting, five days after the show, and on the basis cf one written complaint, the fac ulty committee oaa student affairs stamped out the KK Fall Kevue. That this 'decision had previous consideration, or that opinions were gathered from many people actually in the audience, is doubt ful. Obvious contradictions between The Nebraskan's coverage and the Dean of Student Affairs" printed remarks on this action led ns to dig a little deeper to see just what did transpire at this now famous meeting. . Dean Colbert was quoted as say ing "The action was based on com ments of the committee members who saw the show.' Yet the same Nebraskan story said only one member attended Dr. H. L. 'Wea ver. a a This is confusing, since Dr. Wea ver, who is also KK advisor, told the committee how KK had tried to clean np the show, promised fu ture improvement, and then, be cause of his double role, abstained from voting. Dr. Weaver was not the .only committee member in the au dience, although attendance by members was light and not all those members who were so eager to banish the show were there. The members f the student af fairs committee might ds wen ia the future t attend some stodeat affairs. 'The Nebraskan also reported "the group was not warned this year to clean up the show." KK was warned, and they did try to comply. KK checked every skit script for obscenity. The curtain ,acts were planned to take up more of the time lusually used toy the MC to tell dirty jokes. The MC was chosen because he was a for mer member of the, and he knew he was supposed to keep the jokes subtle, rather than smutty. It is interesting to note, and a compliment to Kosmet Klub, that no specific objection has been made or for that matter should be made to the show skits them selves. The objection has been to off-the-cuff, cH-color remarks by the MC For this the whole show has been banned. What other precautions could KK have taken? You can tell an MC what yoa want, bat ence be stands before the mike, neither Kosmet Klub, the committee on student affairs, or anyone else can control him. According to University by-laws. Kosmet Klub has the right to ap peal the decision. At first it was thought appeal would have to be made to the same committee. However, Dean of Faculties A. C Breckenridge told a Lincoln paper Jhat it would not be f air Tale Of Two Cynics for KK to appeal to the same group which made the decision." So apparently some other body will bear the KK appeal, which they plan to make soon. Breckenridge eaDed the baa nly "temporary.' Bat if this was the intent ef Che committee, way wasat KK just pal a biw fc alios r made subject te stricter snpervisieB? Baa, according te the dictionary, means "to pro hibit at evil; te ferbia." This ban of the show for even one year will probably have the eSect of killing the Klub, far it is their money-making project for the spring show. With neither show, KK has no longer any rea son for being. Breckenridge also said "ThereH be a food many months to get things straightened ouL" But the committee must have thought there was. reason far basae, when they took such immediate and thorough action prompted only by hearsay and one letter. It seems this haste might have been canned by thoughts of the "effect that publicity cf such a quick administrative crack-down would have out in state where voters are concerned with pro- AH We Need: i One More Kick If somebody would just give this place another good, stout kick. I'm sure it would roC over and die. Maybe that'd be best Put the poor filing out of its misery. There's hardly a spark of life left. So let's all get in line please, and wait our turn. The Faculty Senate gets first crack. The aealots whe compose this body have only recently proved themselves quite adept witJh the Big Boot and a wagging finger flirown in. Just last week, in fact, these jostles of virtue or Great Levellers, whichever you prefer broujit fcit institution to its knees with a telling Mow. So step back, everybody, and let these ministers of "iry Con formity have one more well-placed kick. TheD Utopia. Or Tiddleywinks U depending on how yon look at it. But wait, gentlemen! There's another group waiting to test Stheir toe. Its the Selleck Quad battalion, no leas. And all tbe way over from the Big Bed Barn where college spirit means .as much as halitosis. Well, duck, Cluck, duck and let them tthrough. Es been said that these fellows haven't enough gumption to walk on the grsfi. nor enough initiative to dot their a s. And I thought they had gone to seed for me winter. Once npcm a time, Fraternity Bow might have been expected to step forth and revive this institution. To pump new vigw into its life leas form. But todey? Fraternity P.ow they might as well hoard it lip. No spark there anymore. No imagination, eiiher. In fact, no nofihiag. 5o it looks as we're just around the corner from that melting pot vcf mediocrity 4he Cassroom Campus. And you, my friend, can have it tecting the character of students away from home. Whether such action was justified was apparent ly not. considered. The committee would not beed KKs explanation. Nor could they see that a suggested remedy elimination of the MC and substi tution of an announcer, with more curtain acts to fill in would have prevented the same objections to future shows. a The committee thought Che shew was a pain, but Instead of apply ing a core, they cat off the whole finger te spite ene cat. This sets a dangerens precedent caa the aest campus erganizatioa te make a mistake expect to be chopped off as well? The trouble is, we aB make mistakes i evea faculty committees. JitfuHy hateful fellow that the slightest lapse in concentration can lead one into error. I can only see one way out of this, and that is to find as an other patsy. Maybe the French would fill the bill, they have been giving us a lot of trouble. Also, the French have aa advantage which the Chinese do not. Throughout the past, the French have often proved themselves our superiors in courage and clever ness, and have furthermore ex hibited a complete indifference to ward our standards and mores, oaa This has probably been enough tc instill a feeling of inferiority ia most Americans, and this feeling would form a good foundation for hatred. There would be a few anquished cries from artists and authors, but their effect would be negligible. The whole thing could be initi ated with very little prodding from the propaganda organs, and would be generally satisfying to the ma jority of Americans. j However, we may want to keep the French on as possible allies, and in that case, my idea is un workable. If so, I am afraid that the next decade or two may cause quite a severe strain on our emo tions. We caa count on a respite, though, when the Germans come around again. We are traditionally fine haters of the Germans and can handle them with very little trou ble; certainly, without all She shifV ing and trickery the present requires. (js tAwthvr f -Banfott Bof Wt CV eU.) SCHULTZ IS A J1ANY SPLENDORED THING Eeppo Schnltr, bcnilevardier, raconteur, connoisseur, sports man, bon vivant, hail fellow well met in short, typical Ameri can college man smokes today's new Philip Morris Cigarettes. "Why do you smoke today's new Philip Morris Cigarettes, hey?" a friend recently asked Eeppo Schultz. "I smoke today's new Philip Morris Cigarettes." replied Eeppo, looking op from his 23 litre L-head Hotchkiss drive double overhead camshaft British sports car. "because the are new." "SewV said the friend. "What do you mean new?" "I mean modern up-to-date designed for today's easier, breezier living," said Eeppa "Like this 2.9 litre L-bead Hotchkiss drive double overhead camshaft British sports car?" asked the friend. "Exactly," said Beppo. "She's a beauty," said the friend, looking admiringly at the car. "How long have you had her?" afcr-" ' v'.wuinw f ai'mSJ- . v """""" ""?aii miii ---" b" j iii 1 iti minrr ii . "It's a male," said Eeppo. "Sorry." said the friend. "How Ions; have yoa had him?" "About a year," said Eeppo. "Have yon done a lot of work en him?" asked the friend. "Oh. have I not!" cried Eeppa "I have replaced the pushrodi and rockers with a Eootes-type supercharger. I have replaced the torque with a synchromesh. I have replaced the tachometer with a double side draft carburetor." "Gracious!" exclaimed the friend. "I have replaced the hood with a bonnet," said Eeppo. "Land T Goshen!" exclaimed the friend. "I have replaced the faBolhie with petrol, said Eeppa "Criro-a-netrtlies ! said the friendr "And I have put gloves in the glove compartment, aald Btppx My, you have been the busy one!" said the friend. Toi tsost be exhausted." "Maybe a trifle," said Eeppo with a brave little smile. "Do yoa know what I do when I'm tired?" asked the fries-. "light a Philip Morris?" Eeppo ventured. "Oh. pshaw, yoa j-uessed!" said the friend, pouting. "Eut it was easy!" cried Eeppo, laughing sDverlj. "When She eyelids droop and the musaOature sags and the pryebe is depleted, what is more natural Ihaa to perk up wifli today' FMip Morris in the red, white and rold package?" "A bright new smoke in a bright new pack!" procMmad fS f nend, his young eyes glistening with tears. "Changed to keep pace with today's chargfrg world r de dared Eeppo, whirlirg his arms ia concentric eirde. "A renaer. more relaxing cigarette for a sunnier age, aa are of rrttter leisure and broader tislas and more beckonicf horizons!" Now, tired bet happy, Eeppo and Ms friend lit PhZip lionises ? ' f -iPe a ffp aeDt etentment. At length thef nend spoke. "Yes. sir," be said, "he certainly i, beaury - JJtJ "Llre Hoktkis. drive dcUe crer- bead camshaft British sports car?- atked Eeppo. nres said the friend. "How fast wiJJ be r9r ni I dont nghnj bumf said Beppo. "I cant nd 0 Otai IlZ FbitiP Morrit, mho bring fou Uus twfuitu, jrmm lLi TOU rti" 'Uk " tfwru w fOUr drlv,n "Pni, fa nem, femlU thSlip Herri.