The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1955, Image 1

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It Happened At NU
Several NRSPA delegates asked directions
yesterday of a senior girl, a journalism major,
attempting to find B2 Burnett.
The girl gave knowing directions. In a few
minutes, the delegates were back. There was
a class meeting in that room.
Weather 'R Not
Snow flurries early Tuesday morning clear
ing later in the day. Clear and cold all day.
No precipitation Tuesday night or Wednesday.
Expected highs to range in the low 30's, drop
ping toward evening.
Vol. 56, No. 22
Tuesday, November 8, 1955
Biz Ad Group
As Delegate
George Madsen, junior in Busi
Tiess Administration, has been
chosen by Alpha Kappa Psi, na
tional fraternity in business and
commerce, as the fraternity's na
'"mM tional repre
I sntjtiv ia th
of American
Ire conven
tion, to be held
Dec. 7-9 at the
Waldorf - As
toria Hotel in
New York, is
the largest of
Jr5k FMnits kind in the
Madsea world, and will
ae 15,000 manufacturers repre
sented. Madsen was picked from SO
college chapters of Alpha Kappa
Psi, and candidates throughout
the United States, As a student
delegate, his trip will be all-expenses
The trip 13 be sponsored" by
the Educational Division of the Na
tional Associatioa of Manufac
turers. He wd fly both ways,
Comvetnion features will iadode
prominent speakers, forums, dis
cussion groups and a banquet in
the ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria,
Madsen said.
Among the speakers w3 be
Harold Stassen, special assistant
t3 President Eisenhower; George
Meany, president of the AF of L;
Sen. William Knowland f Cali
fornia; Charles Sligh Jr., chairman
of the board for the National Asso
ciation of Manufacturers, Madsen
At fee University, Madsen is
secretary of the local chapter of
Alpha Kappa Psi, business man
ager of the Nebraskan and a mem
ber of Beta Theta PL
Ag Chemistry
Gain Approval
ApprovaJ of the proposal recom
mending the replacement of Chem
istry 5 and 13 with Chemistry S and
4, or 1 and 2, in the Ag College,
has been given by the faculty com
mittee at a meeting last Friday,
according to Dr. Franklin Eldridge,
associate director of resident in
struction. A large majority were in favor
of the adopted change, Dr. E3-'
iridge reported. The plan provides
an addition of a new 4 hour course
in Agricultural and Food Biochem
istry, as well as the abolishment
of Chemistry S and 13.
Chemistry 5 win be offered for
the last time next semester, Dr.
Eldridge said, but Chemistry 13
will be offered through next fall to
give students who have taken
Chem S an opportunity for finish
ing their chemistry requirements,
if they so desire.
Other action taken by the fac
ility committee at the Friday
meeting were changes adopted in
the curriculum of the vocational'
education department. Students
in this field will now be allowed
more elective courses in the com-,
ing semester. ;
Discussion of departmental ma-'
jors, curriculums, and their re-'
ouirements will be the main topic
oi the next meeting to be held No
vember 11.
Carroll Glenn To Appear.
Symphony Orchestra
To Feature Young Violinist
Carroll Glenn, young American
Violinist, will Ise the featured solo
ist at the Annual University Sym
phony Orchestra Concert TJov." 20
at B p.m. Miss Glenn is on an
American tour appearing both as
recitalist and soloist with the
principal symphonies.
A winner of all lour major mu
sic awards offered in open compe
tition in the United States by the
Jiaumberg Foundation, the Town
Hall endowment, the National Fed
eration of Music Clubs and the
Schubert Memorial, Carroll began
lier violin studies at the age of
Jour, with her mother as her first
instructor. At 11 years of age, she
became the youngest student ever
accepted by the Juilliard School of
Music in New York.
JJow entering her ninth season
under the direction of Columbia Ar
tists Management, Miss Glenn has
appeared more than 170 times with
major American and European
Symphony Orchestras. She plans
to proceed to South America ior
her first tour of that continent
when ber present tour is over in
April. Her husband, Eugene List,
was soloiEt for last year's Sym
pliony Orchestra Concert at INe
braska. Tickets for the concert may be
obtained from the Union main of
Jice beginning Wednesday, at p.
iv ha
Director, Soloists Prepare
Preparing for the Phi Mu Al-
pha-Sinfonia fall concert are
Oeft to right) director Wesley
Sixty-Five To
Phi Mm
To Presen
Sixty-Eve University members of
Phi Ma Alpha Sinfonia, national
professional music fraternity, will
present their annual fall concert
Thursday at 7;30 p.m. in the Union
Wesley Reist, instructor of mus
ic, and Jack Snider, instructor in
brass and theory, will direct the!
program. ;
The Sinfonia Brass choir wi2
play Voluntary on 300th Psalm
Tune, by PurceH; Six Pieces from'
Punff-Stimmigte, by Pezel; and
Sonata from Sonaie et Caiozani,
by Buonamen't.
Members of the choir are: trum
pets, Donovan CrandaH, Dale Joy,
Dallas Matthews, Jack McKie and
Dick RasseH.
French boms, Gene Baien.
Elaine 31 cClary, Dkk Oehring and
Al Ziegelbein; trombones, Wendell
.Freist, Dkk Goettsch and Ed
Baritones, Al Holbert and Jim
Imig; tuba, Bob Maag and Harry
The Sinfonia Sinfonette win play
fee Bradenburg Concerto No. 2 in
F Major, by Bach, with the follow
ing soloists, Duane Booth, Roger
Brendle and Jack McKie, on F
trumpet; Jim Stevenson, violin;
Willis Rosenthal,- Cute; Or! an
Thomas, boe; and William Bash,
Other members of the Sinfo
nette are: Charles Palmer and
Morris Collier, first 'violins; Earn
est Harrison and Bob TidesweH,
second violins; Walter Carlson and
louis Trzcinski, violas; Bob Davis
and Charles Klasek, cello; and
Harry SpicknaH and George Work,
The Glee Club will sing a selec
tion of Schubert numbers, includ
ing: ""To Spring;'" "In the Gon
dola;'" "Salve ReEina." (in Latin):
"La Pastorella,'" 4 in Italian");
"Standchen," (in German); and
Werspruch,'" in German).
Members of the Glee Club are:
Clark Alexander. Joe Babcock,
Duane Booth, Roger Brendle, Je3
Bush, William Bush, Walter Carl
son. Phil Coffin an, Donovan Cran-
Joe Crawford, Dick Davenport,
Bob Davis, Wendell Freist, Tom
Gilliland, Dick Goettsch, Dan
m. Each student or faculty mem-1
ber is entitled to two iree tickets. J
Reist and soloists Bill Bush,
piano: Jim Stevenson, violin; Ro
per Brendle, F trumpet, and
John Poutre, baritone. The Sin-
Grace, Bob Graham, William
Hatcher, Gene Hazen.
Al Holbert, Jerry Hurta, Walt
Hutchinson, Howard Johnson, Bill
K&iA, Charles Klasek, Gary La
voie, Amer Lincoln, Jack Lindsay,
Irwin Luedders, Robert Maag.
Ed Mal2er, John Marshall, Herb
Meininger, Nathan Miller, Blaine
McClary, Monty McMahon, John
f rail
Student Affairs:
NU Student Opinion
Opposes iTfC Jkction
Staff Wriie
General student opinion appears
to be opposed to the ban on the
Kosmet K3nb.
An Ag junior has this to say,
"The faculty committee, by this
uncalled for action, is hurting the
University, not helping it The KK
show gives those students inter
ested an opportunity to participate
ji a public show. The action cur
tails a large functionary and in
fluential club on campus. The Kos
met Klub is here to stay."
An Arts and Sciences junior
said, "Union Shows have had bad
MCs like the KK show but they:
weren't banned A lack of thought
before they acted was shown by
the faculty committee. Personally,1
t cMnt like the taste ... ifs all
right for college students but when
outsiders are there, the MC should
show more judgment. The faculty
should not nave used this particu
lar instance for an example. It
creates a mistaken impression of
UK. I believe that the faculty wID
give the KK another chance and
that botfi KK and the faculty are
at fault."
Another student felt that certain
members were never in favor of
KK and felt that their action in
closing the Fall Revue was a '"dir
ty wev" tf baiting the Kosmet
Klub since instead of saying they
weren't in favor of having a KK at
all, they decided to ""starve them
out" of their spring show.
Sam Van Pelt said, ""They acted
These tickets will Tegerve a seat
for the performance until 7:45 pjn.
C curtesy Sanlw Jcotml lad tr
fonia Brass choir, Sinfonette and
Glee Club will present the fall
program at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
in the Union Ballroom.
Moran, Dick Oehring, Bob Owen,
Charles Palmer, John Poutre. Bill
Raecke, Chris Sawyer, Lee
Schneider, Roger Schroeder, Nor
bert Schuermaa, Glena Sperry,
Harry SpkknalL Ed Snyder, Or
las Thomas, Bob TideswelL Ed
Velte, Dick Voth, Rod Walker,
Roger Wischmeier and Al Ziegel-
, oein.
awfully fast and it is curious that
they acted upon comments of
members of committees who saw
it when only one member saw the
production, and be was the ad
viser. I have hopes the petition
will be accepted in time for next
year s Fall Revue.
Charlie Truroble said. 1 think
people who go to KK shews have
had enough experience in lif e and
are broad minded enough to know
what to expect and not be led
astray by raunchy emarks.,,
Chemical Engineers
The American Institute of Chem
ical Engineers will meet Wednes
day at 7:30 p.m. in Room 123 Avery
Lab, according to Gerald Inbody,
William Neef will present a
Chem-E's viewpoint of Europe, in
a travelogue complete with slides. J
ideas for E-Week will be discussed. J
Set For March 4-8:
I? w ?"
jwoneF i o
On Heligious Weec
James Ooyd Sroner, director of
the University Christian Mission of
the National Council of Churches
of Christ, will visit the campus
Monday to make definhe plans ior
Religious Emphasis Week.
Religious Emphasis Week, f one
from the campus for four years,
m-ill be held March 4-8. Faculty
and student seminars, convoca-
Itions and discussions in organized
j houses, dormitories and class
rooms is the care of the four-day
program. Seven speakers have
been pr ocurred for the occasion.
The return of Religious Empha
sis Week, according to Glenna
Berry, secretary of the executive
council iar Religious Emphasis
Week, is due to ""more of a relig
ious motivation on the campus"
than in previous years when the
project was dropped because of
lack of student interest. j
Stoner will meet wiih commit-1
tee chairmen by appointment Mon
day afternoon. He will discuss pol
icy with executive board members.
Stoner visited the campus during
May last year to initiate the Re
ligious Emphasis Week program.
The University Christian Mis
sions, -of which Stoner is director,
were .organized by the Department
of Evangelism of the Federal Coun
cil -of Churches in 1938 and beve
continued on campuses throughout
the United States ever- since.
Stoner spends much time travel
ing through the United States nd
abroad visiting church leaders anfi
student leaders in churches. Dur
ing the summer uf 1BS1, Stoner
visited 10 countries in Europe:
England, Scotland, Norway, Den
mark, Sweden, Germany, Switzer
land, France, Belgium anfi Hol
land. "While there "he visited church
leadfirs. Student Christian Move -
Completed Exam Poll Shows AV2A Edge
Final and complete returns from
the Student Council poll on exam
week show 1934 students favor a
two-week period compared to 421
favoring one week.
The question of exam length will
come up Tuesday in the Faculty
Senate when the tentative 1956-57
calendar, allotting one week a
semester to final examinations,
comes before the senate. Student
representatives on the faculty com
mittee obtained permission to pre
sent a minority report.
Marvin Breslow, chairman of
the Council committee on calendar
and final exams, stated that this
total is considered complete be
cause 110 out of 120 packets have
been checked. The remaining
packets, he said, may be accounted
for by 10 a.m. Friday classes that
did not meet on Oct. 28, and by
classes taking examinations at that
The final total, showing a pref
erence for the two-week by a ratio
of 41! to 1, differs only slightly
from the incomplete total printed
in the Nebraskan Nov. 2. At that
time 1922 were listed for two
weeks and 420 for one week.
The Council committee on calen
dar and exams distributed the 120
s. rvey packets to all 10 a.m.
classes Oct. 2S. The committee was
Dinner Set
For Today
The annual International Friend
ship dinner will be held Tuesday in
the Union Ballroom from p.m.
to S p.m. according to Glenna
Berry, City Campus Religious
The CCRC is sponsoring the good
will dinner this year. Last year,
the dinner was given jointly by
The purpose of the dinner is to
provide an opportunity for Ameri
can students to become accruaini
ed wiih students from other lands
on the University campus. Miss
Berry said.
AH foreign students are cor
dially invited to attend and individ
ual students, faculty members,
campus organizations and organ
ized bouses have been given the
opportunity to invite and sponsor
foreign students, Miss Berry added.
Clark Jeary, mayor of Lincoln,
and Dean C W. Roesnlof will wel
come those attending the banquet.
Mary Lou Kimsey will present a
welcome from the students, Ron
Blue wiQ preside as master of
ceremonies and three groups, two
of which are composed of f oreign
will entertain at the
ment leaders, the World Council
of Churches and the 'World Stud
ent Christian Federation 'headquar
ters. The sponsor of Religious Em
phasis Week is the Council on Re
ligion which consists of the City
Campus Religious Council, the Ag
Religious Council, the Heligiom
Workers Association and the Cottn-
cU on Religion Advisory Board.
The purposes of Religions Em
phasis Week include promotion of
religious growth and analysis -of,
religious beliefs, Miss Berry said.:
All campus relgious groups are to
Members uf the executive coun
cil Jar Religious Emphasis Week
are Rev. Rex Kaowles, executive
secretary; Dr. Herbert Jehle, vice
chairman; John Nelson and Russet!
Lang, ccchairmen; Glenna Berry,
secretary; Anjy Smith, treasurer;
and Emily Jackson, "Danny grh&
on campus.' correBnondinp secre-
,;tar - .
assisted. Breslow said, by Prof.
D. A. Worcester of Teachers Col
lege and Mrs. Eulalio Alpuerto,
graduate student.
Final results by colleges are:
Agriculture: two weeks, 250; one
week, 100; a ration of 2 to 1.
Arts and Sciences: two weeks,
442; one week, 59; 7i to 1.
Business Administration: two
weeks, 312; one week, 58; 54 to 1.
Engineering: two weeks, 516;
one week, 131; 4 to 1.
Pharmacy: two weeks, 48;
week, 4; 12 to 1.
Teachers: two weeks, 324;
week, 50; 6li to 1.
Unclassified: two weeks, 42; one
week, 19; 2 to 1.
Totals by classes are:
Graduate: two weeks, 43; one
Ten Months On Tour:
Flanagan's Duties
Keep Him 'Busy'
Staff Writer
Ralph Flanagan, playing for the
Homecoming Dance Nov. 12, is a
top candidate for "busiest man in
band business.
After his band was classed as
ta? top band of 1950, by Billboard
magazine, be was signed for
"ABC's of Music radio series.
Soon after, be was doing a week
ly ABC network show for U-S.
Army and U-S. Air Force Recruit
ing. He bad worked a total of
574 out of a possible 594 days.
In bis first year, be grossed a
fcalf-miHioa dollars, played "in
person' to an estimated three mO
liaa persons and bad 44 weeks of
commercial radio shows on the
CBS and ABC networks, SdH going
! stvxng, Flanagan is constanSly en
3 rosd tCT maaihs J"ear
Not until after gradjstioo from
high school did be Sad time to pur
sue his interest in music. He
learned to play the piano ;aickly,
and was soon working with small
combos and bands around bis borne
town of Lorain, O. Before long, be
was composing and rewriting un
satisfactory stock arrangements.
Flanagan's first big break came
lb? day of bis 21st birthday job
with Sammy Kaye as pianist-arranger.
The war interrupted. After
four years in the service, be re-,
turned to work exclusively as an
arranger and wrote for such name
personalities as Sammy Kaye,
Tony Itartia and Perry Como. j
He does much of bis cwn ar-
Pol Sd Honorary
To Sponsor Meet
. Pi Sigma Alpha, political science
honorary, will bold a meeting
Tuesday at 7:30 pn. in Union
Room 213.
The program win include discus
sion of jab opportunities wiih talks
given by Norman HUL, and Lane
Lancaster, professors of political
science, Robert Morgan, assistant
professor cf political, science and
Pi Sigma Alpha adviser, and J. B.
Harrison, instructor of political sci
ence. The speakers win be introduced
by Marilyn Mitchell, president.
Miss Mitchell said that any in
terested students are invited to at
tend the meeting.
The Oufside World:
Declaration Issuei
The jaiut declaration issued
Marshal Tito calling ior freeing of
to anger the Kremlin, particularly
the October Revolution.
Diplomatic observers at. Geneva
believed to be to have Communist states independent from Rassia
as is Yugoslavia. Neiiber Tito nor Dulles defined She meaning f
independent,'" however, and jieiiber went into specific detail
Ike To Leave Hospital
President Eisenhower is scheduled to check out of Fitzsimons
Hospital in Denver Friday morning and fly back to Waataartos
aboard bis private plane. Columbine
He will spend the week-end at
bis Gettysburg farm viiere be will
His doctors report that amy
! bed ore Ube nresident will be in a
jfmsk relectitin.
Dr. Paul Dudley While, nafced Boston bear! specialist, laid a new
conference &at it will be entirely vp to She chief executive as to
wftiether to run again. ,
'Painful' Spy Case Discussed
British Foreign Sacretary Earold MacmHlao cleareS Herbert
Fhilhy, farmer secretary at fee Brfcisb embasry in Washington. i
charges that be was the "iiurd man" wbo tipped ff diplomat Jiao
Lean and Burgess causing uem to fiee.
Unfolding the "pjuzifuT spy story in Parliament. ItasZae
that there was "no evidence" that Pbilby was the mp3 man. Be
told the House of Commoiis "we doffit know Iar cerUia Co eere
was a tiurd man.
Maomillaa opened Che fiihi debase on Ihe missing BriuA d;.-i
mats since they defected from the Foreign OfSce to Russia Sour
years ago.
week, 13; 3 to 1.
Seniors: two weeks, 392; 'one
week, 69; 54 to 1.
Juniors: two weeks, 502; ont
week, 84; 6 to 1.
Sophomores: two weeks, 598; one
week, 94; 6 to 1.
Freshmen: two weeks, 399; one
week, 161; 24 to 1.
In all, Breslow said, 2355 stu
dents' votes were polled. This was
not, he said, a vote of the whole
student body, but an as nearly rep
resentative group as could b
The poll of student opinion was
authorized by the Council Oct. 19
in connection with the minority
report opposing the 1956-57 calen
dar prepared by the Faculty Sen
ate calendar committee.
NKfcu i'ixxa
ranging and some composing. One
of bis more ambitious works was
setting George Gershwin's blues
from "An American in Paris' to
dance time.
Some of Flanagan's ontstanSing
arrangements are '"Joshua, "G in
ula ilia, Stars and Stripes For
ever, "Skw Drive" and "Never
theless. "
Formerly a man of many bob
bies, Flanagan finds be can't af
ford the tme to keep up with
them. He first took tip flying for
relaxation but now ctZizes bis
plane for doing arrangements,
transacting business and saving
Grant To Give
Medical Talks
Dr. William Grant of Pasadena,
Calif, assistant professor of neuro
surgery at the College of Medical
Evangelists, Los Angeles, will de
liver a series of Elastrated lectures
Tuesday and Wednesday.
His lecture schedule inclndes:
Surgical Treatment of Nerve
Deafness, Tuesday, 10 aJiL, Un
ion Faculty Lounge.
"Mental Retardation and Its Al
lied Disorders of the Brain from
a Neurosurgical Viewpoint, Tues
day, 2 p.m. Union Faculty Lounge.
"Cerebral Pslsy, the Diagnosis
and Treatment cf the Underlying
Causes," Wednesday, S us, Love
Library Auditorium.
The public is invited to attend.
The lectures are being sponsored
by the University Research Coun
cil and .department of educational
psychology and measurements.
by Secretary of Suae Dulles and
the Soviet Satellites is expected
cuniing as it did on &e eve cf
said &at TiMfs main idea was
the White House before ratrnr to
be late January or c Fearnrev
1 i Ihii.iJ iM 4 "T "
notation in ,drii?l fcw