It Happened At NU Campus po&eaiea appear to be werkins rer tune to fcU their ticket quotas. Thursday mornics, Ko&met K'ub workers came out of U:e meeting at the Sifma Phi Ep&kn bouse to Bad theu- cars, parked oa the redUaed skie f the Sj Ep driveway, bad been ticketed, ft was 3 a m. Weather R Net Mach ccMT Friday and Saturday, with cca xiWtbk ctaodtaess, Fm-ipitttka is expected. Extreme wiadiness, wish temperatures to reac the fcigb Ws Friday aftjernosa. .Vol, 56, No. 18 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Friday, October 2S, 1955 Exam Week: o the Coots o Suiveys. pinion The Student Coandl. sponsored surrey of student asd faculty pto ion oa the Jengfa of exam 1 was beld Fridsy rwming in all 10 .nu. classes. The pall, according to Marvin Breslow, ebairms of ttbe Counci (cemmitte oa calendar and final evumtefitisnss is to yet a sample of Student and faculty opinioa em bow Hons final exam periods should be. The poll is mot a v of tfbe wbole stodertt body, or of ttbe pro fessors, Breslcw ssid. Tea ajra. Friday Masses were picked to pass cut tbe poll questionnaires because ifbe fwajest aittrnhtsr of Students attend classes at tfhat time. (Questionnaires should btve been given .to between tore and four thousand students to 146 classes, Breslrw said. Forms were also sent la 65)1 faculty members. The poll was set p almost tat-' atifly like one reported to 1S3B by a committee eff Ifhe FaniKy Senate, This report was printed an the OcfL aft, 19S&, issue of ttbe Slebrsskan. The 3956 poll Showed students ,. and faculty to favor of Hanger exam period. At tfhut time, exams were wer a mineday period. Ait tfhat (time, exams were over a uane .day period. A measure passed to ttbe Faculty Senate provides for exams to M5&-5? to be to a six-day period. The pol 3s being conducted by Breslow committee, with Prcf 3X A. Worcester of tfbe Teachers College as consultant. Mrs. Bea Alpuerto, gradufite student, is help ing conduct ifhe poll as part of re search for her MA. IResults of tfbe pfefl should be ready for ifhe Council meeting Wednesday, Brestow said. Brcslow encouraged instructors to anatl fluestionnaires to She committee as soon as possible so that tabulating can be completed to itima. The poll was approved to Council meeting Oct, UB. Open House:'" Oct. 29 Ssf To Honor NU Parents The second annual Parent's Day, : sponsored by the Innocent So- ciety will be beld Oct. 29. I Dick Fellman, cbairman of ifhe; committee, announced tfhat letters' be-rc been sent to ifhe parents cf ; University students .urging them to attend the game. A block cf BOO seats bas been aserrod. Par- i ents mny pt-chase tickets for this section by sending $350 to She cf-j fine oI A, J. liewandowski. j During the balf x& the KansBB JJebrEska game, a special program will be presented by the yell squad, card section and band, Fellman said. Wednesday's Meeting: The lollowinrr cbart is the seoonfl ach member .during Wednesday's This chart also includes the total contributions at .the Oct. 19 "meeting, when exam presided at both meetings. Comments indicated on ifhe chart include .debate, points .of week was discusRed. " information, points (Of order and (questions cf members. Debate to Wednesday's meeting bas been .divided into three categories: reports, P-ecord of the discussions were made to duplicate and compared with motes made exam week and activities limitation. The total in Ihe last column includes enly this at toe meetings. As iin the last chart, an average as made to case cf .disagreement. 1 tToMi !t Stopnte 'I Ban Wtrik I 2imtatna t TP1 I Tmal 1 atwwrte I Ujmtimtmii 't TPnia! Xmom Almlnis ; ! ! (GaO XaMfciK !l JL "1 1 3 H M CDBmopolltan dub . . Z ; j ; f Senior holdover ;l q il a il ; j Jim Arntzea f ' f Sharon Mangold "j ;l 1 " ! X -1 "T Pharmacy ; l , ; ! W j aat vice-presidBHt : i j 1T " CornCobs' O a sj , 4 y 4 Bus. Ad. ; V J 1 I if I i , , i - - ' " Xbw -j 1 ; - j 3 ; j 3 j Bub. Ad. X ; ; 4 ; 4 j caenna Berry 111' ' ' " 1 1 !J f H VmrvOry Mvratey ! ft 4 f 1 -I If! 2nd Vice-president 1 j , :j I i 41 j Coed Counselors f i i I i j as-"'"' ' :i i4 i l i i 3 i3. i is j gas soil 7 i ol i 2 I r 1 10 'j 2 . j "j 4" j 4 Engineering M A ; t Dental College U l - ; U , , .... I, - - mi ; - .. Arts and Sciences j. ; ; O j ' O ; 'BAM : V f 1 - l & John Fagaa j ! 1 f!e Simmons .' - 1 'I I -I 1 Engineering,; i JL ' O ij !TWCA ; J ' ; VanmlBaB -1 ft ! ' 1 ' 1 ; ray BoM ' H ft 1 ft Teachers' CoHege' i ' t 'I 1 ! a BAEW ! V I 1 J J -V malBBd EJorfik ft 1 1 ft i Charles Tnimble I fl 1 1 ' "J 1 1 ICC v i i 1 : ; ; Ag Conege ' U !j I ' X ' j O -j canny notan j ft 'I il J f !J 1 'iftmTmM ? J : ' i il 1 Panhellenic ; w Ij - j i . ij 1 Arts and Scienoe JL ; ; JaneJearey ft , '1 ' ' ft ;'lCea Vosfka i ft .1 ' f :l . !l M I M ? Tassels U ) , i j . U geachars , il " : . ; 1 4 : lattaJeBnek f i j J. . J ft f Mnrial Wright d ft 1 I il ft Teachers" College 1 1 I j ;j AWS . jj U 1 il 1 4 U f TOk JanomiB ' j C .1 : 5 :l 5 I "Bernie WMtamv 1 o ! .1 : I ' : 1 Builders J J ; : I j Senior Holdover j O ; ; f i IJ r"- II VA m I 11 , vii I I tog 4ffr See etocial, 2. Sweethecnt, Prince Kosmefc 'legendary lapses' Swemea lomghl Xosmet X3ub FaB IRwoe, "T-j(tsmftatofts biw beea andludeS, enaary lapses, " wui e presenraa, at S p-ia. (the CMisenm. Marshall Koshnesr wia act as master of ceremonies. Six skills wiS form tftje roala pari Hf ibe show. Andy Smith, Xosmet Iddh Bevoe cbairman, said, wAs Voting. Method. : fating mKfiars far Ttrtoce cnsiiiHE ti "t!teTWka Swert beart TrifiKy iiigltt wfll e: X. ISaca vttiesr moat lum a ticket to he Ksmet KiA Fall lUniew. w&er must b9W a stnfieUt ITJ wja Mb idtet. S. ISaca niiBr caa vote tor m aisif&le Jar fw.'a Pr&sc tiearl. usual, ifhe skits are to tfbe process cf being pulled together Tight mow.. I think the skitmaSters are find ing the stage f the CdJiseum a buge space to fill mp."" The USSS FI1 Hevxw skits are generally better ttban prvranus years, be added. The show sbould ban considerable variety, beaid.j Acts and their skltmasters to the order tfhey will appear are ifhe SoT-j lowing: j "Bobin Booas, Ttelta TRpsilDn,! Marv McNiece, skatmaster;: "Tamed by the Shrews,"' Theta Xi, Wendell Friest; "T'eet SmeHey's: Booze,'" Phi Gamm Delta, John Forsyth and Ed Schmitt. . "King ATtbnr iin BuTganln"; Court,'" Phi Delta Tbeta, Warren ; Burt; "Red Hiding Hood's Snuare Granny,"" Delta Tan Delta, Fred Allen; "The Stewed Prince,'" Sjg- ma Phi psflon, John yser, To add to ithis year's show, f our G3$ a SIC HebraEkan ttabulation .of cral contributions from week's contributions. Student Council meeting. SmJffli said. These cmftaia a Its should provide ihe andience with in oca addiitonal entertalnmenl, be added. Curtfiin acts are from Zeta Bfta Tan, Alpha Gamma Kba, Delta TTpsilon, and Fbi Delta Theta. Finalists for Nebraska Sweet beart ssre MarCyn Beck, Ewrane Einspabr, Doris Anderson, Mary Ace Anderson, IRita Jelinek and Melva Joyce Faltrnbracn. Prince Kosmet candidatos in clude Don Beck, Bill Campbell, Doran Post, Ben Bebnorit. Sb Sera- and Osude Bereckman. M - Club To Initiote Sixteen Pledges ST Oub win birve an -informal mitiation on Sunday aSternoon, Bob Wagner, 33 Oub president,, an nounoed. Al pledges are to meet attbe Coliseum at 130 p.m. All actives are required to attend. There wiD be refreshments and fames. 3T Club pledges are: Bog BottorS, Don Brown, John Butterfieid, ILee Carter, Willie (Greenlaw, JJels Jen sen, Dick ILBuer, Tom Houcben, John Moran, John Morrow, Gary Peters. I lieonard lEosen, Tom Stitt, ILa-; vera Torcson, xraat jseroigne: vCtrack coach) and Jim Murphy- i Honsio "Hondo,"" starring John Wayne, Geraldine Page and Ward Bond will be shown as tfhe Union Sundsy JJigbt Movie to ifhe Union Ballroom. Students .must brind O's to get into Ithis free performance. wrw f . Ii JJ fJ mm wfru jrjum w 2za kJMM it m Jfo Council members were absent at either meeting. Skip Howe, Council president, ; Jf Commrffee Reports Rejected; $sndedL CoanciJ fewd Wednesday 1H4 to rescind its atfatfa of last ttJTitees. The Council aba wed to caasid- tbe possilsUCy f retostattof tbe scbalarhip refjmreinesDTs of tae polky at tbe next treetteg. These tvQatremezfts were &.? acctrnwola tiTO average for exiecaSiT posifians and 5 for bosnd posiibneis. Marv Bresiow, City Campss Re- iixias Cossadl wprsn!tatiTe,pr"ilS iJcpossable aai topraciiafaL made the origtoal tmolaon of retato- tbe scbdlasuic reQasress wbicb was postoaned. "This rootksa, 8 passed, wosdii roeaa ttbat tine Ssadent Coandl en dorses ttbe priacaple of bigb scboll arsbip among caapas fctders,"" be said. The acSMties EmJtafiaB policy was voted down after extensive de bate among Coonci cryembers. The anatitw bad previoasly beam retened to ooamjiftee far stady and reoonsiderat33a. The oommftSiee preserved a ma- Sority and a intoanity report; tfihe majarJty favored aboMan of tfbe policy. BdQ reports wer rejected by tfbe CaanciL The imajantty re port; was (defeated after CoancS iTOHrnbers (declared to tdebale tfihat abe reasons stated far rescinding abe proposal were ariwelaift to ttbe issoe. Argcanarits to ffsvar of abolish ing tfbe policy attogelber were: A student noast (develop sel-Iiin-Jtatiiin sometiane, and It is better to (do so to college tfbaa afser grad uation,'' Dick 3Tteis:'be, IPC repre sentative, said. The policy is promoting a Greek- Independeift breech. Ken vosika, it tAt Gomort Picked For Pub Board Charles Gomos, semor to Arts and Sciences, was ssen as tfbe third member 0 cuyStad iit Subcommittee 8i uaaderit Prib- bcBtions by toe Student C a a a 1 Wednesdey, -Selec lion af tb senior member (Of She committee had b e e m post- poned until I Wednesday by I tie Council, wbc selected ? h ifhe sopbomore and 3 and or members last week. Gmaon j a member cf Sigma5 past president of (oomnn as JJu and a 53DCWA. Sophomore member as Dick An drews and junior member iis Marv Breslow, a member (sf ifhe commit tee last year. Sharon Mangold, first vine presi dent cf ifhe Council, was chairman of tfbe committee conducting inter- viewst Cther candidates were Cynthia Henderson and John Terrill. j)E3WmS J redlhers" Col&ege, said. Brwstew felt this was jvt true said jesniHy repcrt, sJmkM be .stefieo. ladejysadeTts are eiJber aaiast tbe proposal or sadiiSTmsnt to it," Lea Sdh!ropfr, RAM Ccwe&cI rep resesEAalax, sid. Tbe polky actuaaly Kprse!Eils aa attempt to eiyaaBae sSsadeaSs" alxil ity, acoarding to Mk-k JfeiSf, Isssi- "lise scaajarsktiiip stapwassiro mm-! fes ppartaasaSiy to TOiacii,' Cbaries Tnaiable, Ag ccSleje, sail. Scaae persfcs idwelsp personal patcft-: sal to adfivittses, mot ia scbdarslap, be said. ""AWS feels tbe polky 5s ogi. cal and at. to tflae best totesrest of the tadate,"" Maritl WrigU, AWS, said, We fed tot tbe best oalSied sftodents will soooeed in any weA,m she said. AiffBHwrfts adraToed to stppo:4 of H2s polcy iaclkided; The proposal is deKrtic and does XkOt aTrtpk-ise vrndoe irestridOoas 4 . 5 w jg "W It I ' I 1 v t Award Winners Honored: Pirftared are tfbe winners of he William Gold SDey Awards for lB5St, presented at Ifhe annual Biz Ad banquet tfhis week. mtf ri"ti a nl 1 iulvvm nans Smorgasbord Food from al over tfbe world wiD be served at tfbe X15CWA In ternEtianal smorgasbord Sunday from S to 7 pjtn. to ttbe Union Boimd-i Boom, Gunnar Green, Cosmopolitan C 1 a b President, said. Tickets are available in booths. and from SHJCWA members. Tick ets are $125. Cream puffs from France, chick en adobo from ttbe Philippines, Kor- esr. sweet rice (desert, lamb cooked in Afghanistan, sweetsour short ribs from China, Latvian coffee :cake, Dutcb rusk with strawberries and cream and Slerwegian meat t balls wiD be en ttbe imenu. The meal will be served on cancDe- lighted ttables. Mil- OOWu' Grade Average Tabled ca tbe feldTida3lL', Gleaassa Berry,. pie set swaaaped wjSJi work a ad t2e poiiry is a ecessary tias;,' sbe added Tbe palky is to develop iaresa tve asnd oct resttrict sS-aieEts," Ver&cffl KilH, Tejdbers C 1 1 e c e, said. Perbaps tbere is aa verabimd-1 aibe of actaviiliaes wis3 Tesrlap pdrsg furac&eis em ttbe c&u&pucs, Gail Kttsiee, sedkr baSdcver usseamber. said. "Maybe stmne of tbena sboalld die a cimH deaJJn, wbk-i caald Ifcap pern Binder ttbe policy,"" sbe sid. Beraie Wisbaam, sieiaar bnldarer, said aa appeal boasd was otat roecessary; exceysxs weakeaa eff fferitiveisess, be said. BresWls prapasal to reSaaa ttbe sdbolarsbip secSaons eff ttbe pSBty was also ideb3ed. vidaal scbolaStic regmireiroeintts rtataweid aft eae r(aaiiw www v4acb are saSEiciesrft, Reisebe lea" fwwse t emSSert Ike ftoea said. I wmk wia le wse fw tbe Mrtar IE stodests bave abwe aTesrageEacl Fuceiga Sseat Tear la pruaiMiiS, ttbey sbomM bave above MarcTa, 4 I 5 : t-'n Front iw ddeS; to rigbt); Joan Kloge, JeAma Saader,Betay Brancb and Konalfl XablmeiHr. Back row ((le2t to rjgW: Mor Commandant Nominees Apply Thirty-nnr mft bave ap plied (for the t?sitin f Binrary Cioinnandailt at tfbe I!iKS MlHtary Kali, ani win be toterraewed by seninr cadHs frma Air Fiitw, Army and Xavy KiOTC w Sw. S, Oiuf-k Tomsea, Wing Staff Msera ber. anninmced Fradsjp. The candidates aiv: Harriett A3 Bpr, TPeggy Baldwin, SBarfiya Bei df!k, Cxienna Berrj-. Janice Car wsan, Fbyllis Cast, Shirley Pstar, Shirty Tewey, GaO Brahnta, Xaa cy Brasper, Sharna TEgger. Fauwea &utzmann. Xanry BaE, Marianne Hansen, Oaire Hbsman. ! Wills Biwalt, Marlcne Bukfhin- sna, Juan Knadson, Beggy Larsfn, Sandra tjedingham. Vbiian Bem-; aner, Sliirtey MdPedb, Barbara OB-1 sen, Marfiyn toi j eanine Schliefeflt, Bbyffis Sber-: man, Sandra Stevens,, lucrifl Swnr- i re, Cartil Thomnsna, Baula WcBs, $nyt Walla, Virginia Wiiw, Kay "The Medium": Tickets Sar fee' Menotta double bill cf cperas are still available, Yam Olson, ticket sales chairman, said Tuesday. Several good student tickets beve not ye:t been sold, be said. TheBe seats ;are mot reserved and cost $130, be added. Students may also purchase loge and main iloor seats at regular prices, be said. The .operas are nemg presented 3B.ov. S at S p.m. in the Stuart tfheater. Marie Powers, former prima donna to fine Paris Opera, will sing the lead to '"The Medium," feature attraction. The Medium" as She story .of an hallucinated spiritual ist wbD believes in ber supposed urysto powers, Olson said. An cper a-bu5a, "The Tele- pbnne,' wiD be presented as a curtain-raiser.. It is a snarl com edy abaul cKcessive Mephoning thst women .du, C!1kqd said. GiKD-Car'lo Menotti, composer cf both -operas, is a- Pulitzer Prize ICS ShoesJsine Mondiry -is the -day sat to the Mortar Board Shoeshine en the 1 first ioar eff the Union betwaEE 1 llt3D a.m. and S pjn, Sis Ma-tar Board members will be en hand every bour lo shine Hie shoes. The shoesktne is beisig inaug- i urated this year for the purpose cf coDecttof funds for AITF.. Price lar a shine will be Tffi cents. Some Tickets Left For PJenoffi Opera avera sclsoJars&ip, EresSow sail. The scboiarsbiip reqreasests were aa toegral part of tie pc&cy aaJ sbfa3d June beea coc&kkred v i t h the JwSry J sasi. Cocacil nsenabers sb.xiJd tee at to w mm cm the es;.ter, be sai-d. A Kv&kwi was passed to tM Brc&ws sooUvi vsrJl t&e next laeetsag. MB's To Fine Late Daters Fritoy atM is Mwlar Bari Late fK XIM, aeewwSas t Camle Veterseker, !rtar Baerw seetry. CWAs wiS ke liked eeat r every miaone St are eat after lt. ami tke elos: kr at Counsel ILinoBjT Sue gaa Balmes, Alam Chanka, Xea dft& Snider, David JtelmsciB and Bfinamd E&fy, Stat xnctemBi at Marvto Finn. Ag Day Plans To Feature Open House PreparationE for Ag Day, to be beld Sffturdty, are to tie Sinai stapes at tfbe College ff Agrioul tmre, reports Dr. Franklin 3E3 dridge, assaciate (director nf resi dent tostrnctiarL NebraskHns attending Jfhe epen bouse may register airy ittme aSter $ am. to ttbe Ag Activities Build-ing- wberc they wH be civen a map eff ttbe campus and a program for ifhe (flip's activities. Some ttio feets Sot Ihe noon barbecue will still bE available. The Ag program wiD in clude (departmental cpen bouses, khibf in tfbe college activities building as wel as special displcys in ttbe (departmental buildings, con ducted tours around tfbe campus and Ifhe barbecue at moon. winner .of 1958 for "The Saint f Eleeker Street.'" He bas also writ ten ""The Island God," Amaabl aa The 3?igbt Visitors,'" "The It Maid and The Thief and "lie Consul." ""Menotti is .one cf tfbe country1 fastest-rising young composers,' Olson said. His cperas are noted Jar their interesting plots and 3od music, be said. Both .operas are modem and will be sung in English, be said. A culfc ural attraction that compares wiSh this one seldom comes to Iin coin, be added. & v - 1 '". " - i -'14- 1 , i ! ?. f ! :;v; iw f . hi. x tt