- ' 3 . , ; i "V SI r'J', ' 1 ' - Page s4 THE NEBRASKAN Tuesday, October 25, 19s1? . j-r -'j - I : .'- " .,' . v ; t, ... ,JJi i I x -J or Foreign Student Tour Shown boarding a bus for a tour of eastern Nebraska farms are three foreign students attend ing the University. With them are the co-chairmen of the tour. Courtesy Lincoln Journal Eqrly Christmas: Steinberg's Santa Displayed In Union uy wj&s i'lTTACK zen and, when World War II in- Staff Writer yolved the United States, Steinberg An exhibition of 10 original joined up, winning a Navy com- Christmas paintings by Carl Stein- mission which eventually landed berg opened Friday at the main him in Italy and North Africa and lounge of the Union. The paintings later in China and India. He pub- wtacn will remain on display usnea his first book of drawings through Nov. 10, are from the Hall- in 1945, "All in Line," which was mark cards collection, and have followed by "The Art of Living." been reproduced by the firm as 1949, and "The Passport," 1954. He Christmas cards. continued his magazine work, be- Flying in the face of America's gan developing the Santa Claus firmly entrenched Christmas tra- characterization for Christmas ditions, Steinberg has created a cards, and won some choice com wholly new face, figure and per- missions for murals in hotels, lux- sonality lor Santa Claus himself in ury liners and commercial build- Shown are Bob Lebruska, Phyl lis Nelson, Mrs. Primitiva Man- alo of the Philippine Islands, Miss SarojKhanna of India, Jo sef von Al of Switzerland and Eugene Robinson. Art Galleries Exhibit Paintings Of Barlach The first large showing in the United States of the art work of Ernst Barlach 20th century Ger man artist, is now being present ed by the University Art Galleries. The exhibit, which opened Sun day will run through Nov. 27. Barlach is best known as a sculptor but has also done much work as a print maker and illus trator. In Germany he is equally well known as a novelist, but his work has not yet been translated into English. During and following World War I a new movement in "contem porary" art was begun in Ger many. Barlach became one of the leaders in this movement. Because this form of art, often referred to as expressionism, seemed to be against the Nazi doctrine, Barlach was persecuted and much of his work was destroyed. According to Norman Geski, di rector of the University Art Gal leries, this exhibit is "an artistic event of national importance, Geski describes the works as "mys tical, gloomy, and philosophical al though not without humor. The exploration of the common man prevails throughout his art." While wood sculpture was Bar lach's favorite medium, most of the exhibition is in bronze cast after the original. In addition to the actual work of the artist there are also pictures and information about his student days, his trip to Rusia made in 1906, his studio, his public monuments, and his con temporaries. The bronze head of the Guestrow "Angel" is among me most lamous of his works. deski reported that a large crowd attended the opening of thea exhibit. Erwin Boll, representative of the German government was the paintings to be displayed here and has won acclaim for his au dacity. Santa Claus, reasoned the Ro manian born artist, need not be the static figure he is generally shown to be, repeating the same humdrum activities year in and year out. Santa can be anything he wants and do anything he feels like, Steinberg believes. Few artists have dared to tamper seriously with Santa's ap pearance for nearly a century. Cle ment Moore gave a definite de scription of the old elf in his poem, "A Visit from St. Nicholas," but it remained for Thomas Nast, famed American cartoonist, to depict Santa's now traditional form in the 1860's. He has remained consist- ings. On a typical card, Santa might work some of his unique magic. He will draw himself, then a girl, and then both the girl and he will finish drawing the picture and a Christmas tree. . Foundation Offers Grad Fellowships Seven hundred graduate and eighty post doctoral fellowships for scientific study during 1956-57 will be awarded by the National Sci ence Foundation. They are available to college seniors who expect to receive a baccalaureate degree by 1956 and to those who are studying for or have masters' or doctoral de grees. Applications for postdoctoral fel lowships must be in the fellowship office of the Natonal Academy of Sciences National Research Coun cil by Dec. 19, 1956 and for gradu ate fellowships by Jan. 3, 1956. All applicants for predoctoral awards are required to take an examination which will be given on Jan. 21, 1956. Annual stipends range from $1400 to $3400 plus tuition, laboratory fees and some travel expenses for all scientific fields, including natural and social sciences. Math Colloquium Professor Hugo Ribiero,, depart ment of Mathematics, will speak on "Some Recent Developments in Mathematics", Thursday at 4:15 p.m., in Room 210, Brace Labora tory. Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m., Saul Epstein,' colloquium chairman, announced. present. Tape .recordings were antly the same to this day. , made to be broadcast in Germany over tne voice of America. Geski urged students to take ad- Stemberg's Santa Claus, which he originated as a Christmas card design for Hallmark cards four vantage of the exhibit He beUeves years ago, has developed an ex- ucmciiuuua tranrflinarv nnmhpr nf ta ontc anrl tnat it wm nave a appeal to everyone." It has taken over a year and a half to bring the collection together. Museums and private collectors have con tributed to it, and it is being presented in collaboration with the University of Washington, the Day ton Art Institute, and Harvard Uni- versity. It will later travel to each of these places. Special lectures are being pre sented in conjunction with the exhibition. Miss Naomi Jackson, assistant professor of art at Mc Master University in Hamilton, On tario will speak at this weeks lec tures. The lectures are as follows: Thursday, Gallery B, 8 p.m. "Ernst Barlach: Scupltor." Friday, Love Library Auditorium, 8 p.m., Ernst Barlach: Dramatist." This last lecture is to be presented in collaboration with the German De partment. Further lectures will be announced later. White Tells Holy Land Tour Ideas "The pasion and strength of Arab-Moslems' political positions are the results in part of religion which is a vital everyday exper ience in their life." This was one of the impressions received by Dr. C. Vin White, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, on his trip last spring to the Holy Land. He spoke Wednesday evening to the University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa; national scholastic fratern ity, on the topic, "Altars on Main- street." Dr. White said another impres sion was "the thrilling experience of seeing great numbers of men going to places of prayer and wor ship. The virility of religion catches the attention of a Wester ner, for the men do not outnumber the women in the churches of America." He explained that a traveler is permitted to see what he wants to see if he insists upon it. "The departments of tourism provide sights and objects accord ing to the demands of the trade. This is said not to deprecate the value of sacred object and loca tions but is said only to emphasize that some places and things are of questionable historical or religious value." Food Handlers Institute Set For Monday Tne Umversity's annual Food Handlers' Institute for all food handlers will begin Monday at 1:30 p.m. Room 313 of the Union, Tom Gable, public health engineer, said. All cooks, second cooks, bus- boys, waiters, waitresses, dish washers, housemothers and others who may be involved in the hand ling or preparation of food at the University should attend these ses sions. The purpose of the institute, Gable said, is to prevent illness and fiifipn.QA hv nprmninfrmcr oil ru 1 t:.i -i , ""- f-- uiuj tuuvcuwuiiai ciiaracierisuc oi sonnel hand n? fnnH with tha fimHa the old gentleman the artist has mentals of good food sanitation retained. Snri with the oteniDergs aanta is a ratner nersonal health hnhits solemn, digniiied old man who re- Th moatim n,,r i u tii,wbiii..i tv ill i- v i : i i.iirT i iiii- damentals of why food Sanitation is necessary; what diseases, infec tions and poisonings may be caused or transmitted by food or food utensils: and how food hand lers can help prevent such dis eases and outbreaks. Meetings primarily for house mothers, cooks, and full time em ployees will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. in room 313 in the Union: Nov. 1, 2 p.m., Historical Society Auditorium; Nov. 2, 2 p.m. Histor ical Society Auditorium; and Nov 3, 3 p.m. Union, Room 313. Sessions primarily for bus-boys will be held Nov. 1 7:15 p.m. So cial Science Auditorium and Nov. , i ;io p.m. oociai ocience Auai- torium. Physical Examinations and chest X-rays will be given to all food handlers except full time University students. This entitles food handlers to a University Food Handlers Permit for the current characteristics. They are not the ordinary attributes of St. Nicholas. The girth of Steinberg's Santa Claus is, in fact, very nearly the minds one of a kindly, benevolent Monty Wooley. He owns a variety of suits, including what appears to be a Chesterfield coat that is some times trimmed with fur, sometimes ornamented with oriental devices. His weakness is tasseled caps, also frequently ornamented, and the tassel itself is a thing of beauty and originality from which general ly dangles something resembling a Christmas tree ornament. On occa sion his chest is adorned with bril liant military decorations. "Steinberg's Santa Claus is pos sibly the only new and original Christmas symbol to emerge in the last thirty years," said a Hall mark art director recently. And, fantastic as the figure is, it has caught the imagination of thou sands of people who now ask every year to see the new cards on which Steinberg's Santa Claus appears Steinberg has been described as IFQ Suggests Chariot Race A chariot race to replace the annual Ugliest Man on Campus competition was suggested at an Interfraternity Council meeting Wednesday. Nothing definite has been decid ed, Bill Campbell, IFC president, said. Mick Neff is chairman of a committee to look into the idea of a chariot race. Crop Supports Still Needed, Mitchell Says C. Clyde Mitchell, chairman of the department of agriculture ec onomics, outlined the essentials of what he feels would be a correct agricultural program at the Dem ocratic state convention Friday. Mitchell believes that the prop er place to adjust disparity be tween production and consumption is at the consumer s end. Sur plus crops, he said, should be used as part of a program of eco nomic development administered through the United Nations to un derdeveloped nations. Mitchell said that somewhere be tween two and three million low income farm families would need credit to develop their farms for more efficient production. Only after these things are done can we with economic or political success abandon any significant part of our price-support pro grams," he said. ' Transfer Student Party Planned A party for all transfer students is scheduled Thursday In Union Parlors A, B and C from 3:30-530 p.m., Marilyn Heck, Union hospi tality chairman, announced Tues day. Invitations have been sent out to many transfer students, but be cause of an Incomplete list, all transfer students may not have been contacted, Miss Heck said. There will be refreshments and entertainment and all transfer stu dents, underclassmen and upper classmen, are welcome, she said. This is the first party for new transfer students and is sponsored by the Union." Aquaquettes To Hold Second Practice Session Aquaquettes will hold their second tryout session, Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the Colis'eum pool. New members will get their initi atiort invitations Wednesday, joan Huesner, vice-president, said. Pic. tures for the Cornhusker and ini ation will be held Thursday at 7 p.m. at the pool, she added. Omicron Nu Holds Initiation For Five Five senior women were lnitiaed into Omicron Nu sorority last Tuesday afternoon. They were Ruth Vollmer, Marilyn Anderson, Carol Dunker, Dorothy Matzke and Margaret Kroeger. Omicron Nu is a Home Eco nomics professional honorary. V is. Coming to Lincoln ... the famous Nadine CONNER Lovely METROPOLITAN OPERA SOPRANO Thurs., Oct. 27, 8 P.M. University Coliseum Admission $1.50 Tlrkets on Sale at: Dletze Music Sfhmoller ft Muelle Box Office Sponsored by the Nebraska State District 1 Education Association o o o comic draughtsman of o u t- year. Full time University students standing genius." At 41, he is America's most famous and re spected pen and ink craftsman with a sense of humor. Steinberg was educated at Buch arest where he received a degree in philosophy and later he earned a degree in architecture at Milan. The architectural theme remains a dominent characteristic in all of his work today. He is intrigued for example, with the gingerbread dec oration of Victorian houses; the house he designed for Santa him self is typical. In the late 1930's Steinberg be gan submitting comic sketches to American publications where they won ready acceptance and in 1941 he emigrated to the United States. Settling in New York, he took steps to become an American citi- need attend only the Institute to qualify. Classified Ads LOST! S-Speed Emerson mahogany rudlo- pnonograph tn Union Ballroom at Penny Carnical. Please return. Reward. Call Mary Peterson. Raymond Hall. We have openings for two male students. Koom and board. Norrl House. 1725 w st. 2-ssa. Proofreaders, Typists Needed Typists and proofreaders are needed for the Student Directory, Betty Branch, editor of the Di rectory, announced. Students can work any afternoon from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Student Council office, she said. Directions can be found on the bulletin board in the Builders office. o o o sx Graduates and Undcrfraduajcs ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, AERONAUTICAL, PHVS.CS, CIVH find youi'sclf in the most diversified "aircraft company in the industry rnnDYcAR AIRCRAFT CORPORATION GOODY i-AK Mirx ow and Litchfield Park, , . TArine Departments w . missiles, guidance Mzona areas are engaged "f Outers. Specialists in ZSZ: and the 'development of analog c V to " cTowave, mJ. electronic, eleQ ro . . i it i- or nruai k - t ..nnaiii ui 1 these operations. v , nr0pUlsion, anaa"" theB, JLi mechanical, structural, propu dePartment9 mecnau Many opportunities, - - lated bllV orhanicai, mei."""" exist in mew . . , which cater to tne euwx- , airplane wheels anu tennas ior gruu., Aw.ft where new uitra- O . I A ft fZ :e you c with vour capaDiuu III r-.-f"o in racuoii""" - . Modern facilities are .oem. - - eral 0r specialized expert activities. Here is future plan8. QUENTIN'S Town & Cam pug Open Til 9 p.m. Thurs. SALE! (Coma in Look Around) Early Winter Woolens and Late Fall Cottons REDUCED 25 ABOUT 50 DROSSES TO SELL One Group of Wool Skirts 25 OFF ABOUT 20 OF THEM. ccbviCE DIRECTOR A C A"a"l Ji " will . V" """ " U r.pr.t.Mo,v. NQVEMBER g GOODYEAR MBCCOWOBJOlon UV .....hi., pad. Akron 15, Ohio lUiyraw'""" 0? O! O 1 Sd"VJKSttxJ44A Lincoln's Bur Pept. Store NOW . . . to blend with your jewelry . . . your costume . . your decor I .1 . A Package of 20 cigarettes in JW assortment of S smart pastel tones W rartnn r S r(s. 3.75 GOLD'S Jewelry and Cosmetics . . Street Floor The distinguished new "occasion" cigarette! King size, filter-tips in orchid, yellow, peach and two shades of blue, all with gold tip. Packages of cigarettes all in same pastel tone available on special order. I ut of Poncho Villa's fabulous saga torn ihk sfic of living tStrtotyhlmW 9 1 ' in Mxi's wild region, where it oik happened, as it fcopeoWJ I I i mtm" mi i. 41 ..miiiih'i"" twtr9m I 4 7 f ifou for I fj- a woman, grirago? j I c iovor! Bui for ' m 'mmM.m mm i ' 1 -'---mmm!Z ita,, I . St (STARTS TODAY ""4. f -.s-'rr ' CARTVUN i w I " sr-. a.f f-r j w -"'"4 1! " ' ' - ". '''1