The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 12, 1955, Image 1

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    AUP Members
Knowes Accresses 300
Vol. 56, No. 1.1
Wednesday, October 12, 1955
H) e
Months of planning and prepare
I w
tion were realized Tuesday eve
ning when the All University Fund
began its eleventh annual drive
with mass solicitation of students
livinff in Lin
In an ad
dress to ap
p r o x i mate
ly 300 volunteer
workers, Rev.
Dr. Rex Know
les, AUF ad
viser, s a i d,"
Speak courage
ously. Do n o t
a p o 1 o gize.
Courtesy Lincoln Star
doing is wonderful work."
He termed AUF as an ."institu-
. tion that has tried to do away with
the many divisions that divide the
campus. "Through AUF," he said,
we become ;n educated part of the
Approximately $440 was collect
ed Tuesday evening during the
mass solicitation of students liv
ing in Lincoln.' According to Judy
Joyce, AUF chairman in charge,
of independent solicitations, this is
about even with last year s ef
forts at the same time.
Miss Joyce said that there were
many students who had not been
contacted during the initial part
of the drive who would be reached
during the follow-up and clean up
Students not contacted Taesday
and Wednesday evenings will be
come part of a list which will be
submitted to five clean-up teams
The clean-up campaign will begin
during the latter part of this week
and will continue until it is fin
ished, Miss Joyce said,
Prior to the mass meeting of the
volunteer workers,, a "Kickoff Ban
quet" was held in the Union for
AUF Board members, guests, as-
AUF To Sponsor
Movie Wednesday
Movies showing phases of
World university Service and
Cancer Society aid will be shown
in the Union Ballroom Wednesday
by AUF, Ginny Hudson, mass
meetings chairman, announced.
Pictures will be run continu
ously from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
she said. These movies are being
shown for the student's own in
formation, Miss Hudson added.
Buff Helps
For Union
Copy Editor
The recognized authority on
student union. planning is survey.
ing the needs of the Union's new
Porter Butts, director of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin's student un
ion, is visiting Lincoln through Oct.
12, and is conferring with planning
committees to "find what are the
appropriate, answers to Nebraska's
needs," according to Butts.
Butts has helped local commit
tees plan new student unions and
additions on C5 campuses, includ
ing Kansas State and Colorado.
"My xunction, Butts says, "is
not to transport ideas from other
campuses, but to assure that your
addition will be tauormade to your
Nebraska's Union, Butts says, al
ready has one of the best programs
at any university. "It seems to be
quite extensive, covering cultural
as well as social areas."
"The trouble is," he went on,
"that there is not room enough for
the existing program. An adequate
building will increase the effective
ness of the existing Union and ac
tivities program."
Butts is a graduate of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin. While an un
dergraduate, he was editor of the
college newspaper. "The students
were bursting to build a union on
campus. I wrote so many editorials
to raise funds that I convinced
myself. I've been in the work ever
Butts has directed the Wiscon
sin union since 1925.
At the time he began student un
ion work, there were approximate:
ly 25 unions throughout the country!
There are more than 300 student
unions at colleges and universities
now, according to Butts.
"People are realizing that the in
crease in enrollment is going to
mean not only housing, but serv
ices and recreation," he said.
"This has been given a boost by
,the Federal Government. Last
August, Congress amended the
housing bill to make $100 million
available to colleges and univer
sities for building new facilities like
this or additions to existing ones."
Student unions are no longer just
a place to meet and eat, Butts
comments. Unions are becoming
full-fledged community centers for.
all the things the college commun
ity does together such as lectures,
discussions, movies, sports and ac
tivitie. Developments in union planning
at other campuses since the war,
Butts said, have included;
sistants and solicitation team cap
tains. Special speakers were Frederick
Wagener, 1956 state campaign
chairman of the Nebraska Division
of the American Cancer Society,
and Robert Henderson, a founder
of AUF and a University graduate.
Wagener thanked AUF for its
past contributions and said "I feel
that we are engaged in a very ex
cellent cause'
He told the group that one out of
four persons present would have
Cancer within their lifetime. He
explained the two-fold purpose of
the Cancer Society which is based
upon a combination of education
and research.
Sixty per cent of the money col
lected in Nebraska stays here he
said, and 40 per cent is used for
Reserved Seats $1.50: j
Ticket Sales il'oiv Open for Double-Bill
Of Gian-Carlo Menotti Modern Oppras
Student ticket sales for the Un
ion's double-bill opera presentation
will begin tomorrow, Diane Kno
tek, chairman of the event
announced Tuesday.
Reserved seats are available for
University students for $1.50, she
said. "To see a presentation of this
stature with the original cast would
cost approximately three times
as much on Broadway," she add
ed. If students purchasing tickets
wish to sit in groups, they must
buy tickets at the same time, she
said. Tickets are being sold by
seats and not in a bloc, Miss Kno
tek said.
The Union is presenting two of
Gian-Carlo Menotti's modern op
eras Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. in the Stuart
Theater, "The Medium" and "The
Weather r' Not
Partly cloudy Wednesday, scat
tered showers extreme southeast,
much cooler east and extreme
south; fair, much cooler east and
central Wednesday night; high 50s
northwest, 60s southeast.
Telephone" will both be given in
English with original Broadway
'Both operas are rather like
plays," Miss Knotek said. They
have good plots and are full of sus
pense and drama, she added.
Since the operas are written with
present-day plots in English, mus
ically untrained persons will be
able to understand and appreciate
the .presentation, she said.
Menotti, composer of both op
eras, has been acclaimed as tne
country's outstanding modern com
poser, she said. In 1954, he won a
Pulitzer Prize for his opera, "The
Saint of Bleeker Street." The op
era also won the New York Drama
Critics Award.
Other works by Menotti include
"Amelia Goes to The Ball," which
is in the repetoire of the Metropoli
tan Opera, "The Island God,"
"The Consul," presented by the
University Singers in conjunction
with Madrigals last spring, and
TV Show
"Conversation-Piece," a televi
sion program produced by the
English department is shown over
KUON-TV Fridays at 11:30 p.m,
The program usually consists of
a discussion on poetry conducted
by Robert Knoll, James Miller and
Bernice Slote, members of the
English department.
Usually the program takes the
form of having one of the three
read the poems and then the group
talks about them, according to
Miss Slote, who has charge of
preparations for the program.
Often guests are invited to ex
press their opinions, she added.
The program is run in series.
The present series is on travel.
Greece will be featured next week
and persons who have been there
will be on the program to help
discuss the poems.
The second series which will be
gin Nov. 28 will consist of poetry
by American authors of a hundred
years ago. ,
Home Ec Club,
VHEA To Hold
Joint Meeting
A joint meeting of the Home Ec
Club and VHEA will be held Thurs
day at 4 p.m. in the Ag Union.
Guest speaker at the meeting
will be Mrs. Arthur Hagan, hos
tess in charge of dining rooms
at the Lincoln University Club.
Mrs. Hagan, who has been with
the University Club for eleven and
half years, is recognized as a
designer of unusual centerpieces
for table decorations. She will give
a talk entitled "Think Ideas."
All Home Ec Club and VHEA
members are welcome to attend
this meeting, according to Ellen
Jacobsen, organization representative.
national research. Recently, $10,
000 was given to the University for
Cancer Research.
Henderson, now a certified pub
lic accountant in Lincoln, told of
AUF's beginning in 1943 as a Red
Cross drive and it's subsequent
founding. The idea of AUF came
into being, he said, because stud
ents were being hit so often by
The reason of AUF's continu
ance, he said, is because students
make it go." It's one of the really
student organizations," he said.
The AUF drive fs scheduled to
last from Oct. 11 through Oct. 27.
A clean up campaign will take
place Wednesday evening to con
tact those students not reached
during the main solicitation.
L . .-Thy (v v '-
iiitiiap .,-."'Yy
.y--"-fr-"- r n"'t feiwifiSS
"Amhal and The Night Visitors,"
which has been used on national
telecasting stations as a Christmas
Marie Powers will star in "The
Medium" as a hallucinated spirit
ualist, who eventually believes in
her own seances. Basel Landia, a
finalist in the Metropolitan Opera
Audition competition, will sing the
part of her daughter, who sees her
mother kill her lover.
Nadja Witkowska. lead in "The
Telephone," has won the GrinjjelipKing" Cole in past years.
Foundation Scholarship and made
her debut as Michaela with Rise
Stevens in "Carmen." She has
also appeared as Olympia in
"Tales of Hoffman."
"The Telephone " is a curtain
raiser for "The Medhim." It is a
light comedy concerning a young
Reformatory Student:
Copy Editor
One of the most unusual students
who ever attended the University
was Robert Sweigart,
There was nothing particularly
unusual about his appearance, rath
er an ordinary fellow. Most of the
present students have never
heard his name. He wasn't an In
nocent, nor has he achieved any
particular fame.
Sweigart's only really dis
tinguishing feature, aside from
an intense desire to learn, was the
fact that he was also an inmate at
the State Reformatory
At that time,' 1952, Sweigart was
probably the only regularly en
rolled student at any University
who was also a penal inmate. The
Nebraska Reformatory was the
only one in the country to permit
inmates to attend classes outside
of the institution.
This week, The Nebraskan re
ceived a "progress report" on this
unusual student. An official of a
manufacturing firm in Los Ange
les, Calif., wrote a letter in which
he told of the progress being made
by this young man. v
In part it said: "I can tell you
that Robert is doing a fine job in
society now and is moving towards
greater things. He is now Produc
tion Manager of the cosmetics de
partment ... He is also still at
tending classes in his attempt for
a degree."
The company official was inter
ested in obtaining more informa
tion to develop a story to fonn an
"educational stimuli in our juve
nile delinquency program."
What was this unusual student
like, what was his affect on the
University, and its on him?
The latter question seems to be
answered in part by the letter.
The other answers were partially
revealed in two stories and an edi
torial which appeared in the Ne
braskan, Feb. 6. 1952.
Joan Krueger, editor, and Don
Pieper, managing editor, wrote the
6tories. Here is the story they told
then, partly in their own words.
Sweigart, who was originally
from Chicago, was serving a five
to seven year term for a robbery
in Omaha. He had been granted
permission by the Reformatory
to attend classes with the consent
Sophomore Filings
For Board Open
. Applications for sophomores to
the Board "of Student Publications
will be re-opened until Friday noon,
according to Sherry Mangold,
chairman of the Student Council
committee on publications.
Applications may & be made to
Room 205, Ellen Smith Hall.
Additional interviews will be
held next week., f
Upperclassmen who have ap
plied are Marvin jBreslow, Leo
Damkroger, Mary Lou Pittack
and Dick Reische, all juniors, and
Charles Gomon, Alice Todd and
John Terrill, senior!.
Nebraskan Phoro
woman who cannot stop telephon
ing long enough for her fiance to
propose to her.
He is leaving on a business trip
and finally obtains j her attention
in a hilarious way. Miss Knotek
The Union has presented the
Sadler's Wells Ballet, "The Caine
Mutiny Courtmartial," the F i r s t
Drama Quartet, Fred Waring and
a special production featuring Sara
Vaughan, Stan Kenton and Nat
"Every student should avail him
self of this opportunity to see a top
Broadway cast in some of the dec
ade's most outstanding artistic
works," Miss Knotek said.
Seats are also available at $4
and $4.50 for Orchestra seats;
main floor, $3; Loge, $3.50.
of the University.
Because his ambition then was
to be a coach, he majored in physi
cal education. He was particularly
interested in baseball and helped
coach a team at Whittier school.
Hollie Lepley, his physical edu
cation instructor, said of him:
"Bob realizes his mistake and he
should be able to show through
ethletics the right attitude for
young boys to take."
His English instructor comment
ed that she had never seen a stud
ent "try any harder to succeed in
class work" than Sweigart. "He
seems to feel that he is carrying
the whole load of future inmate
students. This responsibility has
made him more deeply anxious to
Sweigart's grades were only
slightly above average but all his
instructors expressed admiration
for his deep desire to learn and the
way he helped himself.
Miss Krueger wrote:. "He has
never tried to hide the facts. He
admits that there have been a few
unfavorable remarks made direct
lv toward him. Some accuse him of
increasing the tax burden by using
state funds for college. However,
the G. I. bill pays for his books
and tuition."
Although he carried a full load
of classes, Sweigart also carried on
his regular work at the Reforma
tory either before or after classes.
In ah editorial commenting on
this part of the Reformatory's edu
cational program. Miss Krueger
stated in part: "One often hears
the term 'paying a debt to society'.
It is commonly used when referr
ing to reasons for sending persons
to penal institutions for violations
against society. What we some
times forget is that society con
tinually is obligated on the other
side of the picture to offer a chance
lor rehabilitation of the persons
committed to penal institutions."
"The Nebraskan is proud,, and
salutes those responsible for the
progressive program, those in
mates making their part of it a
success and the University for al
lowing it. If it is kept on the high
and careful level of today, we be
lieve it should be continued."
Now, three years later, the pro
gram seems to be justified in the
record of its one "graduate," Rob-
ert Sweigart.
ILciuf cfs
Carnival Friday:
Penny Carnival festivities will
begin Friday at 7:30 in the Union
Ballroom with sixteen organized
coed houses vieing for winning
trophies, according to Carol An
derson, chairman.
Penny Carnival is sponsored an
nually by Coed Counselors. The
ballroom will be decked in carni
val decorations when pledge clas
ses of organized houses present
carnival concession booths fea
turing entertainment or games.
Organizations, themes, and
boothmasters to compete in Penny
Carnival are: Alpha Chi Omega,
"Braves, Come Stompum For Al
pha Chi Wompum," Ann Luch-
singer and Dorothy Beechner; Al
pha Omicron Pi, "Trap a Drive
From the A O Pi's," Kay Krueger
and Joanne Fahrenbruch; Alpha
Phi, "Tee With the Phi's," Carol
Smith and Joan Riha.
Alpha Xi Delta, "Alpha Xi Can
Can Capers," Mary Keller and
Bobby Wylie; Delta Delta Delta,
"Doom the Deltas," Kay Williams
and Arlene Hrbek; Delta Gamma,
"DG, Pause That Refreshes,"
Nancy Chapman and Barbara
Gamma Phi Beta, "Let a G Phi
Cat Feather Your Hat," Bev Jac
obc and Carolyn Novotny; Kappa
Alpha Theta, "Chinee Ketee," Ro
berta Welch and Cynthia Barber;
Kappa Delta, "K D Coins In i
Fountain," Peggy Volzke and Mar
ty Epsen; Kappa Kappa Gamma,
"Kappa Koaler," Jeanie Aitken
and Nan Carlson.
Pi Beta Phi, "Try Your Aim,
Of Institute
Courtesy Lincoln Stai
Dr. Leroy Laase has been elect
ed the new president of the Ameri
can Interprofessional Institute.
Dr. Laase, chairman of the Uni
versity Speech and Dramatic Art
Department, was elected at a con
vention in St. Paul, Minnesota.
The American Interpr9fessional
Institute is a society of men from
differnet professions who meet in
Mid-Western towns to share ideas
of each profession. The next Na
tional Convention of the group will
be in Lincoln next September.
Dr. Laase is also a member of
the Board of Directors of Crippled
Children and chairmen of numer
ous other groups.
H. P. Davis, a professor of Dairy
Industry, is a director for the in
Lincoln men on the program in
elude Prof. Davis T. A. Filipi of
the State Health Department, John
White of the State Historical So
ciety and the Rev. Carroll Lemon,
execuive secretary of State Coun
cil of Churches.
To Sponsor
Staff luncheons for The Nebras
kan will be held every two weeks
beginning this Friday, according to
Sam Jensen, Nebraskan managing
In addition to the editorial and
business 'staff, all reporters and
columnists are especially invited to
attend, he said.
Purpose of the luncheons is to
discuss current campus topics, par
ticularly in relation to the Nebras
kan's stand on them, Jensen said.
This plan is new this year and is
expected to result in better under
standing of campus problems and
issues by all concerned with the
Win Purse Anon Fame," Linda
Beal and Sonia Murphy; Sigma
Delta Tau, "Strike Down the
Queen," Sandra Sherman and Joye
Magidson; Sigma Kappa, "Sigma
Kandies,"2 Carole Coleman and
Nancy Isgrig.
Love Memorial Hall, "USS Love
Liner," - Elaine Sackschewsky and
Rose Marie Tondlt; Terrace Hall,
"Terrace Travel In," Shirley Pan
konin and Laika Cilincky; Towne
Tickets for Penny Carnival will
be on sate at the Union Thursday
and Friday afternoons and also
Friday night, according to Carol
Anderson, chairman.
Tickets are 35 cents. Coed Coun
selor Board Members will be sell
ing them at organized houses
Thursday night.
Club, "Towne Toppers," Donna
Rinker and Gloria Temple. ,
A committee of faculty members
will judge booths on originality,
suitability, attractiveness and aud
ience appeal. Participants and
spectators will also vote for the
winning booth. This year's judges
Hanson Baldwin: '
Political Problems
Defy Easy Solution
Most of - the political problems
of man have no permanent solu
tion some of these problems will
be solved but others will arise to
take their place, Hanson Baldwin,
military editor
of The New
York Times,
said Tuesday
Speaking in
formally at a
dinner spon
sored by the
Nebraska Uni
versity Council
on World Af-
fairs Raldwin Courtesy Sunday
iairs, camwui Journal and Star
said it was BALDWIN
timely to have such a discussion
on the eve of the Geneva Confer
ence and during the illness of Mr.
He called Eisenhower's proposal
of exchange of blueprints and
aerial inspection masterful in its
political and psychological intents
but difficult in the technical as
pect. "Arms are effects, not causes of
political dissensions," he said. "Ei
senhower tried to encourage Rus
sia to talk of political problems
because these discussions hold the
key to solving these problems. The
solution is not to be found in dis
armaments, but in political agree
ment." There has never been such a
thing as disarmaments, Baldwin
said, and he added that there prob
ably never will be in our lifetime.
He said it should be called a lim
itation of arms.
Describing his personal views on
r iv 1
in uL iunmm
Outside World:
Ike Answers Bulgonin
Staff Writer
President Eisenhower resumed his position as head of U.S. foreign
policy Tuesday by drafting a reply to Russian Prime Minister Bui
ganins disarmament proposals.
Eisenhower conferred with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles
for 2a minutes discussing such matters as the forthcoming foreign min
isters conference at Geneva and Bulganin's proposal.
Dixon-Yates Questioned
The validity of the Dixon-Yates contract was questioned by Lewis L.
Strauss of the Atomic Energy Commission.
The contract was cancelled July 11 but Strauss, in a letter, said
that any cancellation payment to the Dixon-Yates power group is being
held up while the question of validity is studied. If the contract is valid,
the government must pay costs incurred by the Dixon-Yates group.
Estimates of this cost show that it could involve several million dollars.
Adenauer III
A special medical bulletin disclosed that German Chancellor Kon
rad Adenauer has pneumonia. This was the first indication that the
Chancellor is seriously ill.
Friends of the' Chancellor have reported that this time he has not
responded as well to medical treatment as on previous occasions.
Europe Integration Urged
The free nations of Europe were urged to integrate their air forces
to meet any surprise attack by Russia by Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther.
Gruenther, supreme -commander of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization, said the integrated command should be divided into four
main areas: northern European, central Europe, Mediterranean and
"If war should come today, Oct. li, we probably would win, but
I can't guarantee this will always be the same in the future." Grue-n-
ther declared.
Ag Booklet Criticized
The charge of distribution of "pure, unadulterated Dolitical wona-
ganda" by the Agriculture Department at the expense of the taxpayer
was mada by Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn).
Humphrey declared that the Agriculture Department's new bock-
let, "Facts Important to Farmers"
half truths, improperly circulated at
are Mrs. Francis Vogel, Assistant
to the Associate Dean for Women;
James Miller, chairman of the de
partment of English; and David
Seyler, Assistant Professor of Art.
This year all booths are to be
evaluated as to all equipment and
decorations which are to be used
according to a standard rate. A
maximum of $15 is set for use
by each booth for equipment. Hous
es whose booths are estimated
above this amount are automatic
ally disqualified from competing.
Participants will vote from 6:45
to 7:15 p.m. Spectators may vote
until 9:15 p.m. Iidentification cards
are necessary to vote. Students
must present their ticket stub
which must be punched by six
different booths with their ID
cards for voting. Students who
leave the ballroom to vote will
not be permitted to re-enter be
cause of crowded conditions of the
ballroom during Penny Carnival.
Final decision of the winners will
be based on 60 per cent judges'
vote and 40 per cent student vote.
The winners will be announced at
9:30 p.m. The winning booth will
receive a .trophy. The second and
third place winners and two honor
able mentions will also be given.
a wide range of international prob
lems, Baldwin said he was some
what "pessimistic" about the fu
ture of American interst. The de
ciding factor in this future would
be the degree to which the Com
munists can educate and control
youth living under their regime, he
Speaking of Europe, he said th'Kt
in our lifetime we might solve
thi problem of Russia. He added
that by maintaining a balance of
power through building Germany to
oppose Russia we might only ere
ate another problem replacing the
Soviet danger.
Replying to a question, Baldwin
said that the United Nations will
play a subsidiary role in solving
the world problems of interest to
the Big Four powers. The U.N.
walkout by France is an example
of a problem of a Big Four power
over which the U.N. will not be
able to act as a principal agency
in finding the solution.
"The U.N. is as effective as the
wisdom which guides its use,"
Baldwin said. He did not foresee
the U. N. becoming a world gov
ernment or a supreme power. This
extreme sovereignity might turn
it into a world tyranny, he said.
The U. N. will be able to be
considerably important in arma
ments discussions where experts
can meet for thorough study of the
problem, Baldwin said. It can
likewise be a forum for world prob
lems, but if these problems be
come emotional, these discussions
can do more harm that good. He
cited the Cyprus issue as an ex
contains "misrepresentations and
taxpayers' expense."