The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1955, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Pcqe 2
Tuesday, October 11, 1955
Nebraskan .Editorials:
Our Modest Proposal
As any fool can plainly see, the University
Is in the midst of a clear case of confusion,
complete and utter confusion on the difficult
and (weighty question of the migration and where
it should go. v
Now, silly as it is, on the surface the whole
mess seems impossible to understand, incapable
of solution and as was said, far, far too crucial.
We all admit that there must be more im
portant matters which are equally worthy of
our attention and maybe even our thought and
action. , Nevertheless, the migration problem
must be solved. Something must be done to end
the. chaos of the present migration, whether it
is official, unofficial, official unofficial or unoffi
cial official.
After consultation with leaders in the admin
istration, the band, the Council and even the
AWS, there appear to be a few moves we can
make, recognizing, of course, that nothing easy
is possible.
First of all, let's get this straight: most stu
dents want to go to Missouri.
Columbia has whatever it takes to make it
an attractive goal for the mid-semester trip the
average student would like to take. To forget
this is to forget the basic cause for this entire
Now the problem is, simply stated, what do
we have to do to get the Missouri trip recog
nized as "The Trip."
Here is our modest. proposal.
At the outset, the AWS should consider chang
ing its decision to grant special privileges for
the weekend of the Iowa State game. There is
absolutely no reason, unless we want to be just
a little too prudish and a bit unrealistic, for any
difference between the two weekends.
The AWS could allow women to select one of
the two weekends, giving them the extra time
for either of the two games; or, it could merely
change its mind and substitute the Columbia
trip for the jaunt to Ames.
After this is done; the question of team
spirit should be considered. It is too obvious
that the team could use the spirit of a crowd at
either of the games. It's really a moot point to
attempt to distinguish between the two games,
for we need all the support we can give the
boys on the field everywhere.
Let's go both places. Let's yell both places.
Let's hope the team will win both places. But
let's not draw any fine lines of distinction that
do not exist.
Thirdly, once we have gone to Columbia and
yelled our very hardest for a Cornhusker vic
tory, let's remember the tradition we will be
The Innocents Society will exchange the Vic
tory Bell with the Q.E.B.H. of Missouri. The
rotation trip to either Boulder or Columbia will
be retained and the fun and charm of the south
ern Missouri town will, we can be assured, find
a warm recess in the heart of every traveling
But there still remains the band. There seem
to be strange reasons for the band's plan to
journey east to Ames. This, it seems, cannot
be changed by anyone. And the yell team must,
of necessity, follow the band. .
But what about a pep band? What about a
group of cheerleaders making the trip by them
selves? Is there anything to stop this?
We think not. We feel these twb items should
be encouraged. In fact, we wish to openly give
our support to what we might call an Informal
This Informal Migration will have student
support, it will be spirited, it will be colorful,
it will to a degree be just what the Chancellor
ordered when he has spoken of University spirit
and pride. D. F.
One Week Or Two?
One week or two for final examinations?
No one has the answer. Not even the faculty
members who will convene this afternoon at
the Faculty Senate meeting know for sure.
Everyone knows it is almost impossible to
institute the one week final limitation for this
But a resolution was passed last May in the
Faculty Senate meeting that the exam schedule
be slashed to one weekll Spokesmen for the
proposal planned that the new provisions would
be written into the official calendar for the
academic year 1956-57.
However, the Senate still has the opportunity
to reverse the resolution. Officially, the exam
resolution is not on the docket for this after
noon. '
But it can be presented from the floor for
debate and a revote. The Nebraskan hopes this
will be done, and that the proposal will be de- ,
bated thoroughly and wisely. .
And it would probably be much better if
the entire thing was thrashed out completely,
both sides presenting their cases, and then
withholding the actual vote until the next Senate
meeting in November.
Last spring the exam proposal was stiff
armed through the faculty assembly with
Only minutes remaining in the meeting.
Insufficient and brief discussion.
Admitted, incomplete understanding on the
part of many faculty members.
A stacked group who favored the one week
Only partial representation from several of
the colleges.
And improper justification for the actual
proposal itself.
If the proposal were good or bad, this was
certainly no way to pass important legislation,
legislation which directly affects the entire stu
dent body, faculty and administrative staff.
-The least the Senate can do to justify its
hasty and ill-considered action, in all fairness
to themselves and the students is to review the
resolution this afternoon.
Review it, discuss it thoroughly and then
perhaps, to avoid the mistake of haste last year,
hold off the vote till next month until the whole
concept can be digested.
The Nebraskan has come out strongly for
the two week exam period on many occasions
in the past. But, more important than a decision
in favor of our stand, we hope almost complete
representation from each college will be pres
ent at today's meeting to give the proposal a
fair and impartial hearing.
Whether the final result is a one or two week
final period, everyone would appreciate it.
Especially after last year's fiasco, which not
only was a poor reflection on the faculty mem
bers in the Senate, but hard for the student body
to swallow. B. B.
The Higher Coal
Tonight one of the many campus organiza
tions begins its most intense period of activity.
The All University Fund will begin its eleventh
drive for funds for charity.
Charity, in itself, is a nebulous thing. Few
University students have been exposed to want
in its extreme. The idea that there are persons
who need help desperately is remote and un
pleasant. Like most fortunate people; students
are smugly satisfied.
AUF is attempting to serve as the book
keeper for the University student's conscience.
Student must look beyond their own existence
and their basic selfishness to the principle of
charity per se. The idea of doing good works
has been driven into most persons until they
abhor the idea of a collection as a necessary
AUF represents an unusual situation in cam
pus activities. The people who comprise the
board are superfluous. It is justifiable in this
instance to look beyond personality to the pur
poses and results of our "Campus Community
AUF is organized in the regular manner of
campus activities with officers and committees,
but unlike most activities, AUF isn't able to
buy two-page spreads in the Cornhusker or
place an attractive section in the First Glance.
Anything that does not come under the heading
of campaign expense cannot be paid for by
the AUF treasury.
AUF serves essentially as a funnel for the
student's money. It is a way of being chari
table painlessly. Students 'do not have to listen
to countless solicitors begging for funds for or
ganizations which are definitely worthy. AUF
is one organization and one solicitation. The
charities it supports are .chosen by the student
body. ,
A student cannot argue with the need of such
organizations as The American Heart Associa
tion, The American Cancer Society, World Uni
versity Service or The Lincoln Community
One new organization, LARC School for re
tarded children, has been' added. Because of
this organization's sincerity of purpose, small
beginnings and large faith it will put AUF's
money to work in vastly gratifying ways.
Perhaps in its zeal, AUF has overplayed
its publicity hand. This is beside the point.
AUF should be thought of in terms of five chari
ties and not 23 board members. It is a group
of charitable organizations and not a group of
students working for honors.
When a person contributes to AUF, he gives
to charity and not to a student solicitor.
AUF may be outstanding or mediocre as a
campus organization and its individual mem
bers may be outstanding or unpleasant, but it
is impossible to condemn the purpose of charity
which a contribution to AUF represents. J. B.
The Last Horse
It would appear that nothing is sacred any
more. Pioneer Park Golf Course was invaded
sometime Sunday by at least two horses, ac
cording to John Peterson, golf pro at the course.
This is the second time- in the golf season
that the course has been pillaged by errant
horsemen. Lincoln's golf enthusiasts may have
to resign themselves to torn fairways until, these
two conflicting sport interests can be reconciled.
little man on campus
by Dick Biblar
The Nebraskan
Member: Associated Collegiate Press raH ,. otek reiimu
Intercollegiate Press Editorial' Paae Editor ....Bruce Brusmiinn
representative: National Advertising service, VEm" x :::::: ::::x ::::::::::::: fZ"
Incorporated Sports Editor ."..".".."" "".. WW...." .'..".'.'. Bob Cook
T- .n ibij ri. Copy Editors Judy Bout, Bab Jelipirhnis,
ROOTtl ZO, Student Union Mary Sbelledy. Lnelrrace Swttzer
s 14th Se R Af Editor Jim Femtber
University of Nebraska Night Hews Efltor Judy Bo,t
Lincoln, Nebraska Reporters. .Barbara Sharp. Beverly Deepe, Arlene Hrbek,
The Wehrartan Is published three time a week by tu- Rharl Urwls. Sara Alexander, Carolyn Butler,
(lent of the tnlTemtty of Nebraska under the authortxa- George Hoyer, Wes Flttaek, BUI Oisen, Gary
tlon ef the Committee on Student Affair as an expression Frenzel, Bob Ireland, BUI Pitta. Ken Peterson,
of student opinion. Publications under the jurisdiction of Wtb Keatlincer, Walt Swttzer, Fat Drake,
the Subcommittee oo Mudent Publications shall be free
from editorial censorship on the part of the Subcommittee. Editorial Secretary Maureen Newhonse
e on toe part o any member of the faculty of the tnl-
Trlty, or on the part of any person outside the Unlver- BUSINESS STAFF
Ity. The members of the Nebraska., staff are personalty ..,., naorM Marisen
Ie.ii.nible for what they say, or do or cause to be Business Manager ueorg Maasen
JrTE februarT sTwos' ' Business Manager. ...BUI Bedwell, Barbara Eleke,
mtererf as second class matter at the post office la Connl """ 'ck
IJncoln, Aebraska, under the act of August 4, 1912. Circulation Manager Don Beck
Ll Oo
Let's Raze
Ellen Smith
If ; I
It's time to' be nostalgic again,
to drag out the purple phrases,
the tear-stained cliches and to
blow our noses for a little while
over Ellen Smith Hall. In all my
haste to attack people and defend
things, I almost let this subject
slip by unnoticed.
I almost missed a chance to wax
rhapsodic (pretty good phrase,
eh? I get better as I go along)
over an ugly old building about to
be torn down in the face of prog
ress. Further, I almost missed a
chance to play campus sage to all
the freshmen, slipping into my
three-button tweed coat and my
But not quite.
I am taking as my handbook
for this little bit of syrupy sen
timentality, a saccharine, murky
piece. However, everybody, B. C.
and A.D., has been moaning over
the demise of Ellen Smith HalL
and pining away over this fond
memorial to "the good old days."
I, for one, on the other hand,
am glad to see that piece of junk
torn down.
The sooner it's annihilated by one
A new slant on James Joyce:
I've flunked all my courses,
Of course, it's a pity.
But mother, oh mother
I'm on a committee!
A man standing in the lobby of
a large hotel was eyeing each
young girl that passed him.
His eyes lit up when he saw a
pretty girl of about 25 coming his
way. As the girl went by him, he
said to her."Hey, honey, don't ' I
know you from somewhere?"
The girl ignored him completely.
Angry, he called after her. "I'm
sorry; I thought you were my
The girl turned and looked him
straight in the eye. Then, in a voice
that stopped him cold, said: "I
couldn't be your mother; I'm married."
of those neat machines with the
big black ball (this phrase is cold
ly calculated to automatically
My Bootless Cries
strike fear into the hearts of
pledges) the better. That crusty,
Victorian monstrosity with the dis
colored brick and ragged ginger
bread (stale by now) has been
clustering up our lawns for quite
some time now; and obstructing my
view of Love Library and Tempor
ary J. (What, I ask you, is more
pleasing to the tired eye than a
sunlit vista of Student Health at
eventide? I ask you.) Take it off,
I say.
Besides, Ellen Smith has a tra-
For ftll Iwfwitiw centtcf ynmr ntmrmt
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Newspaper Censorship
Shakes Press Freedom
The wonderful thing about Is
sues which rear their ugly heads
around here is that the heads
appear perenially, and that tiese
heads assume a progressively dis
tinctive likeness to that of Me
dusa. Unfortunately, however, we
seem to lack a Perseus ... or a
Earlier this year a Mrs. Fern
Hubbard Orme prepared a nebu
lous petition , which, if passed,
would have removed most of the
literature from our schools,
churches, archives and news
stands. Not long afterwards, Postmaster
General Summerfield took time
out to revel in Aristophanes'
"Lysistrata" before he permitted
it to travel its harmlessly hilarious
way through the channels of the
U. S. Mails.
This is not to insinuate that
Mrs. Orme or Summerfield in any
way resemble Medusa; perish the
No; it is the repulsive prin
ciple of censorship slithering gent-
dition of housing a lot of unpleas
ant do-gooder organizations. A lot
grups have met in those hallowed
old halls and scuffed those knotty
oaken floors underneath the bust
of Pallas, or whatever it was
Brugmann was mumbling about,
over the stout old door.
Now, in this age of Pachuko and
the atomic cannon, do-gooder
groups and sentimental old forts
are anachronistic and should per
ish from the face of the earth at
their earliest convenience. And the
first contribution we of this Uni
versity can make toward bringing
such things to pass is to raze
Ellen Smith Hall, burn all its rec
ords, flush down its nostalgia and
put up a nice, modernistic brick
square with no windows and no
So let's go.
ly amongst us once more that
leads me to flee to the relative
safety of my typewriter. I have a
healthy horror of reptiles.
The question of censorship is not
one of legality but of morality.
Milton described it best, but men
before and since him have real
ized the implications of the cere
mony of purification by scissors
Given' 'em Ell
and fire. It is immofal to curb a
man's rational and imaginative
processes, and it is immoral to
curb his artistic expression of
these processes.
Likewise, the merit of a work
of art is not determined by its
subject matter but by the artist's
treatment of, the subject matter.
Those persons who have thus far
evidenced a desire to censor liter
ature do not seem to be persons
who are qualified by either intel
lectuality, intelligence, sensitivity,
taste or education, to commit the
crime wih good judgment.
Our newsstands and bookstores
are admittedly overloaded with
trash and rot; but the answer is '
not in censorship. Individuals of
intelligence and education choose
to read their literature with ob
jectivity; the ignorant and half
witted read pulp. We have insti
tutions for the half-witted, and
schools for the ignorant.
So, from the heights, distantly,
the voice of Athena calls Per
seus for the Gorgon's head.
Classified Ads
Wanted: 4th Vet for Apt. Reasonable
price Call 6-7.9U1 after 5 P.M.
Lost-Strayed or stolen CEASAR Black
Beagle dog Omaha tag ZBT House
2-3094. Reward.
For Sale 1926 Chevrolet 2-door coach.
Call 3-1895 after 8:00 P.M.
Do you want good food at cheap prices
Board S9 per week. Inquire Norm
House. 1725 Q. 2-5846.
For Lincoln's most complete lighter line,
cigars for pinnlngs and your lighter re
pairs at Cliff's Smoke Shop, 121 No.
Send A Friend a Scarey
215 North 14th
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