The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1955, Image 1

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Vol. 56, No.
Friday, October 7, 1955
Activity Rule To Committee:
Council Hefeofs M of ion
f 'Pvlissduri CllicaFafion
Managing Editor
A Missouri migration was ruled
out Wednesday in Student Coun
cil meeting as a motion to en
dorse an unofficial migration to
Columbia was given a negative
vote. ff'
In o t h e r -
Council action,
the proposal f f
to abolish the "( -
Council's pol- . '4
icy of limiting , W
leadership re
sponsibi lit y"
was referred
to the Student
Activi ties
commi t t e e
with instruc
tions to return
Sunday Journal and Star
Miss Katskee
a report within
three weeks and if the Council did
not return a report recommend
ing the abolition of the policy, it
would consider eliminating A.W.S.,
Student Council, Kosmet Klub
and Corn Cobs from the list of ac
tivities. Gail Katskee, senior hold
over member, is chairman of the
Activities Committee.
Concerning the proposed migra
tion to Missouri, the report by
the migration committee listed no
choice of destination. The two
places under consideration were
Iowa State and Missouri. Dick
Riesche, chairman of the commit
tee and IFC representative said
that due to the many conflicts the
committee did not offer a regular
committee report.
Reische said that since AWS
had voted to give women a free
week end on the week end of the
Iowa State Game and the band
and cheerleaders would travel to
Ames, it would create many prob
lems to endorse a ' migration to
Missouri even though the majority
of the student body would prefer
a trip to Columbia.
Coach Bill Glassford would like
student support at both games
Reische said, but he would prefer
a larger attendance at Missouri
Reische also reported that the
band had an obligation to go to
Iowa State.
Marvin Breslow, CCRC Repre
sentative, moved that the Council
endorse and publicize an unoffi
cial migration to Missouri. Follow
ing a positive voice vote, a divi
sion of the house was called for
and the motion lost,
Sam Van Pelt, Business Admin
istration representative, moved
that the motion made by Dick
Johnson, Builders' representative
at last week's Council meeting be
removed from the table. Johnson's
motion was to abolish the present
Council policy of limiting leader
ship in activities:
Last year's Council approved the
plan on March 23, but the policy
did not go into effect until the
first week of school of the present
During course of discussion on
the main motion, Bernie Wisnow
senior holdover member, asked for
a ruling on a point of order that
once an action had been taken, a
motion can not be rescinded. He
Effect Of Rule
On Activities
The Student Council ruling con
cerning limitation of activities now
under discussion was passed after
considerable debate March 23 by
last year's Council.
The ruling contains a number
of provisions aimed at controlling
domination pf campus leadership
be a few students. An individual
cannot attain board status in more
than two organizations and cannot
be president of n.ore than one or
ganization. The ruling was introduced to the
council by Muriel Pickett, a Mor
tar Board and former president of
Builders. Miss rickett headed a
committee which made an exten
sive study of campus activities up
on Council request.
The ruling was passed in a
lengthy- Council session by a vote
of 20 to 9. A group of senior men
was unsuccessful in lobbying
against the proposal.
Membership in the following or
ganizations was affected:
CCRC, Ag and City YWCA, AWS,
Coed Counselors, Nebraskan,
ers, Red Cross, Union (board and
committee chairmen), WAA, IFC,
cil, Women's Dorm Cpuncil and- Inter-Co-Op
Any person found in violation of
the policy would be required to
drop the last acquired position.
It would be necessary for
board member (or a person of
equal status) to have a 5.0 cumu
lative average and an officer
would be required to have a 5.7
cumulative average.
The Dean of Student Affairs' of
fice would notify the Council of
violations. A standing committee of
the Council would handle viola
Enforcement would be carried
out through Council removal of of
ficers from unsanctioned positions
and the power of the Council to re
voke constitutions of organizations
Because the ruling affected
many influential campus organiza
tions, a great deal of controversy
was caused before and alter its
Those in favor of abandoning the
nrooosal felt that it would need
lessly limit capable individuals,
Hpnrive students of the right to
think for themselves and also
Hpnrive camDUs organizations pf
the most capable leadership.
The Outside World:
Staff Writer
The wreckage of a United Airlines plane carrying 64 passengers, in
eluding 19 who boarded at Omaha, was sighted on Medicine Bow Moun
tain in Wvnminfr. There was no sign of any survivors.
The accident was termed the worst commercial airliner crash in
the nation's history. Lt. Col. E. R. Weed of the Wyoming Air National
Guard said the four-engined aircraft apparently had plowed into the
12,005 foot high mountain and then had slid down its rocky east face.
Of the 19 passengers that boarded at Omaha, nine were transfers
from Braniff airlines. Eight of the persons were military personnel,
'believed to be inductees. United Airlines officials in Omaha said it was
not yet known how many of the persons boarding the plane at Omaha
were from this area.
Robert Johnson, vice-president of United Airlines reported that
until Thursday, United had flown more than four years and almost 12.5
billion miles without a passenger fatality.
The Latter-Day Saints Church in Salt Lake City reported that
several members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir returning from
Europe were aboard the plane. The choir completed a European con
cert tour last month.
Faure Fires Critics
Although fighting still continues in eastern French Morocco, white
flags went up Thursday over several small villages in the Mid-Atlas
'Mountains and along the Spanish Moroccan frontier. In spite' of the
evidence that some rebel tribesmen are ready to surrender, French
officers were not optimistic that all the trouble was ending.
The political situation is now causing trouble in Morocco as well
as in France. In France, four critics of Premier Edgar Faure were
fired including Defense Minister Pierre Koenig. These dismissals
caused speculation whether the Cabinet could survive the break.
To add to the troubles of the French, Moroccan rebels continued
to hold important positions in the surrounding mountains.
Contract Awarded
The contract to begin work on a small artificial earth satellite to
penetrate into far space has been awarded to a firm in Baltimore,
Md., according to reports from the Defense Department. The satellite
U due to be launched sometime in 1957-58.
A-Plant Considered
A staff recommendation to build ar atomic power plant in Ne
braska is being considered now by the Atomic Energy Commission.
The proposal was made by the Consumers Public Power District of
Columbus. There was no indication as to what the decision of the
Commission would be.
Senate Drops Plan
Members of a Senate subcommittee have dropped their plans to
conduct public hearings on freedom of religion. The chairman of the
committee, announced that it would proceed to the writing of a report
based on replies to a widely circulated questionnaire sent out by sub
committee staff aides.
Protests against conducting public hearings had been made by
Catholic, Protestant and Jewish church leaders.
made reference to Roberts' Rules
of Order, page 169. The Council
follows Roberts' Rules according
to the Council Constitution.
President Andy Hove ruled that
this point was not germane to the
main motion under consideration.
Breslow then moved that the mo
tion be referred to a committee
which would be appointed by the
executive committee and would
consist of no fewer than five mem
bers and would have two senior
members in attendance.
An amendment to the motion
was offered by Johnson instruct
ing the committee to consider cer
tain organizations for elimination
from the policy if the committee
did not return a report favoring
abolition of the policy. This amend
ment passed.
Miss Katskee moved that the
motion be amended and the policy
be referred to the already exist
ing Council committee on Student
Activity. The move was ap
John Fagan, Engineering repre
sentative, moved that the motion
be amended to read that the com
mittee return a report with three
weeks from the time of passing
Breslow accepted this amendment
to his original motion.
The main motion was then
brought to a vote and the motion
carried. Wisnow suggested that the
committee submit majority and
minority reports when the report
is due Oct. 26.
Miss Kastkee announced that
the meeting of the Student Activi
ties committee would be held Mon
day at 1 p.m.
During the disucssion of the main
motion and the amendments, the
following comments were made
John Fagan Kosmet Klub and
Cobs are both being hurt by the
policy. . . an organizaiton cannot
exist without workers.
Miss Katskee The trouble
with some of the organizations that
are being hurt is "internal" and
not connected with the Council
policy. . . it should be the job
of the organization's officers to ac
quire workers. The reasons for the
policy are to spread the activity
offices around, to enable more peo
ple to fill offices and to spread
leadership responsibility.
Reische Some of these organi
zations don't require any great
amount of time.
Don Beck, Corn Cobs represen
tative There is no reason for
this policy ... as representatives
of the students, we should decide
now. . . we have more important
In other Council business, An
thony Van Dijk, World University
Service representative, and Tom
Gable, University Health Service,
addressed the Council.
The Council also discussed the
possibility of holding a mock po
litical convention next year.
Zebe Plans Incur
Hitch: No Singer
"Without A Singer" was the
theme of the ZBT fraternity
As a reward for selling the
most tickets for the Ralph Mar
terie concert the Zeta Beta Tau
house was to have the Marterie
girl vocalist as an honored guest
for dinner.
For the occasion a special
steak dinner was planned, an
orchid corsage was donated by
local florists, all bachelor alums
were extended a special invita
tion for dinner, the Journal-Star
made preparations to take a pic
ture and a special welcome post
er was made.
At dinner time members
learned one important fact about
the singer she had been fired
three days earlier.
Queen Election
Election of the Homecoming
Queen will be held tonight in the
Union Ballroom from 7 to 9 p.m.
All University students will be eli
gible to vote upon presentation of
their Identificatiffn cards.
The finalists, chosen by the Tas
sels, will be announced at the rally
preceding the election tonight. The
identity of the queen will not be
revealed until Homecoming, Nov.
12. '
7943 Pulitzer Prize Winner To Discuss
'War, Politics And Atoms' Wednesday
Students Give
Year's Report
Of Pub Board
Student members of the Board
of Student Publications submitted
their summary report for 1954-55
to the Student Council Wednesday.
Included in this report was a
statement of financial status, a list
ing of most significant accomplish
ments and three recommendations.
It was reported that as of June
30, the Cornhusker had made a
profit of $1,545.07 with $255.00 in
outstanding reports as of Sept. 17.
A profit of $4,505.88 as of June 30
was listed for the Nebraskan with
$599.90 in outstanding accounts as
of Sept. 12.
Considered one of the most sig
nificant accomplishments was a di
rective defining the lines of author
ity and responsibility and specific
regulations for the Nebraskan.
Another was the altering of the
Nebraskan commission plan so as
to give full commission on local
advertising. Additional color in the
Cornhusker was listed as the
third of the most significant accom
plishments of the Student Publica
tions Board.
Submitted as the first recommen
dation was that there be more con
tinuity in student membership and
the duties Of members be more
clearly defined. Second on the
list of recommendations was that
student members be aware of any
news controls upon student publi
The final recommendation in the
report- submitted by Shirley Ros
enberg Rochman and Marvin Bre
slow was recommended by Mrs.
Rochman and not concurred in by
Breslow. This was that it is felt
that the responsibilities of the
Board of Student Publication are
such that it is too much power to
be exercised byso few people.
An All-University convocation
with Hanson Baldwin, military
editor of the New York Times,
has been scheduled for Wednes
day at 10 p.m. at the Coliseum.
Classes will be dismissed.
The topic of his speech will be:
"War, Pontics and Atoms."
Baldwin was graduated from
Annapolis in 1924, resigning a year
later to join the Baltimore Sun as
a reporter. In 1929, he joined The
New York Times and since 1937, he
has been reporting and explaining
military matters.
Appointed The Times' military
editor in 1942, he covered the bat
tle areas of the South Pacific,
North Africa, England, and
France. His articles from the Pa
cific won him the Pulitizer Prize
in 1943.
During the Korean war, he made
extensive inspection trips to Korea,
Japan, Indo-China, Formosa, and
Hong Kong.
Baldwin is author or editor of 11
books, including "The Price of
Power," "Great Mistakes of the
War," and "Power and Politics
the Price of Security in the Atomic
In addition to his public talks,
Mr. Baldwin has lectured at the
Nebraskan Photo
Where Your Money Goes:
Increases WUS
0 A!0i
rm mm
uoiimoii flue I
Adds Texan,
Maj. Bokhoven
Maj. Frederick Bokhoven of San
Antonio, Tex., has joined the Ar
my ROTC , instructional staff, Col.
Chester Diestel, professor of mili
tary science and tactics, an
nounced today. ,
Maj. Bokhoven will hold the title
of assistant professor and also will
be adviser to'the Pershing Rifles.
His last assignment was in the
"joint Army-Navy plans and opera'
tions section at Ankara, Turkey,
where he advised Turkish military
staff in matters of training.
He is a graduate of the Univer
sity of California.
Addition of two enlisted men to
the staff was also announced by
Colonel Diestel. They are:
M. Sgt. William Vaught of Fair
fax, Okla., who will serve es an
instructor in Infantry weapons. His
last assignment was with the
Third Battalion of the 61st Infan
try Regiment at Ft. Carson, Colo.
M. Sgt. Renhold Dietz of Wa
keeney, Kan., who will serve as
and weapons. Prior to coming to
Lincoln, he served with the Third
Infantry Regiment at Ft. Meyer,
KK Fall Show
To Have First
Curtain Acts
Kosmet Klub announced Thurs
day that curtain acts will be pre
sented for the first time at this
year's Fall Review, Oct. 28.
These are open to all organized
houses, co-ops, and groups with
in the large dormitories. Any small
group, singers, skits which may
be presented between acts will be
eligible for competition.
Judging of these small groups
will be done by the Kosmet Klub
sometime during the week of Oct.
World University Service, whose
representative, Anthony Van Dijk,
is speaking on the campus now, will
receive 25 per cent of the funds
collected in AUF's coming drive
Anay hmitn, auf president, an
WUS is the only national agency
organized for the purpose of so
liciting in American colleges for
funds to aid universities abroad
he said.
This is an international organi
zation for aid to university groups
in war-devastated nations. It
serves in Europe and Asia with
out discrimination as to race
politics, or religion.
Smith said Jthat aid given by
WUS falls into five major cate
gories, which are food, clothing,
medical aid, books and housing,
"Need and need alone is the prin
ciple which governs the distribu
tion of aid," he said.
WUS is a member of hte Ameri
can Council of Voluntary Agen
cies and cooperates with CARE in
channeling food parcels to stu
dents overseas. This is the agency
through which CARE conducts its
Book Project campaigns in Ameri
can colleges.
" "Through contributing to WUS,'
Smith said, "the University be
comes part of the agency that is
Band Day Parade
Starts at 9:15
from Stadium
Technicolor Movie
Set For Sunday
The technicolor movie "Has Any
body Seen My Gal" starring Piper
Laurie and Rock Hudson will be
shown at the Union Sunday night
at 7:30 p.m. ,
The movie is a comedy-drama
of the roaring twenties with pop
ular songs of the era.
J7 fWTEltd L
um. M Ends
I t st. lL J
11 J!L I C
i i I r i
seeking to bring together all mem
bers of the world university community."
WUS is crusading against pover
ty, disease, ignorance and despair
as it builds for the future, he added.
The organization is entirely stu
dent supported and depends on
600 American and foreign univer
sities and colleges for aid.
Last year, 20 per cent of AUF
solicitations was donated to WUS;
but, due to the importance of the
service and the interest of stu
dents in the project, the amount
to be donated has been increased
five per cent, Smith explained.
Five per cent of the AUF re
turns will be placed in an expense
fund to be used for publicity, cam
paign materials and correspon
dence. The remainder of this
amount which is not used for ex
penses goes into an "emergency
fund to be used for publicity, cam
p a i g n expenses and emer
gency relief need.
The 16-day AUF drive, Oct. 11
Oct. 27 will consist of independent,
f'-aternity, sorority, organized
house and religious group solici
tation. AUF sponsors the annual AUF
Auction and the selection of Ac
tivity Queen.
country's military Institutions, In
cluding the National War College,
Naval War College, Armed Forces
Staff College and the Air War Col
lege. While in Lincoln, Baldwin, -also
will address the dinner meeting of
NUCWA Tuesday evening etlhe
The address at the Coliseum; to
sponsored by the University Con
vocations Committee, with Dr. O.
H. Werner as chairman.
Oct. 29:
To Honor
Parents' Day, sponsored by In
nocents Society, will be held in
connection with ' the Kansas-Nebraska
football game, Oct. 29.
Dick Fellman, Parents' Day
Chairman, announced this week
that a special letter is being sent
to the parents of all University
students explaining the program to
them and urging them to attend.
All fraternities, sororities, dermis,
and student houses are being urged
to hold Open House Saturday so
that parents may become more fa
miliar with campus life, reports
A special block of 800 seats is
being reserved for the parents at
the regular price of $3.50.
During the half-time intermission
the card section, band, and Yell
Squad will present a special pro
gram honoring the parents attending.
BABW Selling
Tickets For
Annual Dance
Preparations are nearing com
pletion for the Hello Girl Dance
Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Union
Ballroom, according to Marian
Clark, publicity chairman.
Students attending the dance will
vote to elect the winner from five
finalists selected from independant
women candidates. Finalists are
Hanna Rosenberg, Evonne E i n-
spahr, Elaine Sachschewsky, Mar
ian Sokol and Nadyne Snyder.
Tickets for the dance are avail
able in a Union booth from any
BABW Board member and at the
dance, Miss Clark said. "Tickets
are 50 cents and either stags or
dates are welcome," she added.
The 1955 Hello Girl will be
crowned by last year's winner,
Courtw Sunday journal nd Star Janet Lindquist, Miss Clark said.
U.S. Service
To Interview
A representative of the 'Foreign
Service Office of the U.S. Depart
ment of State will be at the Uni
versity Oct. 17 to interview stu
dents interested in Foreign Serv
ice Careers.
A group meeting with the rep
resentative will be at 4 p.m. in
Room 208 Social Sciences. - -
In a letter to the University Com
mittee on Placements Arch Kean,
Chief of the Employment Division
of the Foreign Service, emphasized
the "unusual opportunities now
available to young college trained
men and women as a result of the
expansion of the Foreign Service
and the urgent need for officers at
the beginning grade."
The Foreign Service Officer ex
maination will be given Dec. 9.
Applications for the examination
are due Oct. 21.
For additional information stu
dents may call the Committee on
Placements, 2-7631, extension 4159.
NU To Receive
Army Psych Data
The University is one of 24 ma
jor universities to be invited by the
Human Resources Research Of
fice, a unit of the Army cooperat
ing with George Washington Uni
versity, to accept the Office's un
classified reports.
Frank Lundy, director of Uni
versity Libraries, said the reports
are predominately psychological in
character and principally in the
areas of motivation, morale, and
Homecoming Dance
Ralph Flanagan and his orch
estra will play for the annual
Homecoming dance, Nov. 12, ac
cording to Norm Creutz, Corn Cobs
Tickets will be $3 a couple and
will go on gale the last week of
October. The dance will be held at
the Coliseum.
Flanagan's group has been
called "America's Number One
Band" by the country's leading
music publications ever since they
played their first date in 1950.
During the first year together
the orchestra grossed a half-million
dollars, played in person to
an estimated three, million persons,
broke attendance v and gross rec
ords in many of tWe nation's top
dance band spots,' had 44 weeks
of sponsored commercial radio
shows, was spotlighted on several
television programs, recorded a
long list of top selling records and
Baldwin Dinner
Tickets for the Hanson Baldwin
Dinner should be picked up by Or
ganizational and house representa
tives Friday at 3 p.m. in Union
Room 309.
The dinner will be held Tuesday
at 6:30 p.m. in Union Parlors B
and C. The dinner is sponsored by
the Nebraska University Council
on World Affairs.
the nation's top selling pop album
Until his big break in 1949 Flan
agan was virtually unknown to the
public, although he had already
bunt up a reputation as an ar
ranger and was well-known in the
music business.
That year, however, RCA Victor
was looking for someone who
could turn out instrumental sides
with a strong dance beat and thus
generate a new interest in dance
During his first eighteen months
with Victor, Flanagan cut over 80
sides and n Rodgers and Ham
merstein album which became the
top pop albuni for the year.
Until March of 1950 the Flana
gan band was strictly a studio re
cording band. Finally in response
to overwhelming demand by col
leges, ballrooms, theaters and
night clubs, he scheduled the
band's debut. At Wrentham, Mass.
the four-day-old band attracted one
of the largest crowds in the his
tory of New England ballroom bus
iness. An estimated 4,000 persons
were turned away.
The records show that Flanagan
launched his band when the ball
room business was at its lowest
ebb yet he has consistently drawn
capacity, crowds. His secret? "I
have none. The public wants music
they can listen to and dance to. I
give it to them with no gimmicks
To Play In Coliseum
NflsmnJran Hurt
Ralph Flanagan, shown above,
will play t the annual Home
coming Dance, Nov. 12, in the
Coliseum. The Homecoming
'Dance Is the culmination of all
Homecoming activities, Karce
coming Qwen will be presented,
and awards will be jrsarte t
winning house displays snj float.