Wednesday, October 5, 1955 THE NEBRASKAN Page 3 Football Tickets All students must present their I.D. cards to the Innocent at the east stadium doors for punching and then present their football ticket to the ticket taker for punch ing. Both the student's I.D. card and football ticket must be signed Identically In ink. FRANK KUCERA BARBER SHOP Haircuts Flattop Regular Located In Hotel Lincoln 145 North 9th Street I ( h ! vX x If, J - X o V r "w. t "-ktk I r f . WT2T 1,8,1 I I E mmirm-nmHtoi-m hit m , m JERRY BROWN . . . recently witched from fullbask to guard saw action in nearly two thirds of the Kansas State game last Courtesy Lincoln Journal Saturday. The stocky 200 pound sophomore from Minden has re ceived coach Bill Glassford's praise on his attitude and performance. As I See It If Brooklyn Can, Then Nebraska Can By WALT BLORE OPEN LETTER TO NEBRASKA FANS: Dear Fans, tt AX. J j w. mm - u. vnty can ao n m BrooKiyn, you can do it at Nebraska. It has been a long drought in Flatbush, but yesterday, Oct. 4, they finally eame home with the "big one." This all proves that where hope and iui reign oupreme, we cnances lor success are quite plentiful. Effigy Burners j In. Nebraska the drought over the past ten years hasnt been as bad as the effigy burners would like you, the fans, to believe. Although he crops havent been record breakers, they have produced pleasantly Path Always Rocky Regardless of the field you are engaged in, you know that the nara rccxy patns are much easier to traverse with friends. All through the years you, as fans, have demonstrated your loyalty to Cornhusker football fortunes. At times the fortunes seem quite tarnished. But, whenever things seem discouraging in the Husker camp, just remember mat to normally impatient Flatbushers had to wait until October 4. 1955. Bacon Comes Rome wra iia trying to say is hang on a while longer and the Big ea wiu cnng nome me Dacca againiai the same coaching staff too. The majority of this year's team is made up of sophomores and juniors. The freshman squad has a wealth of talent. Within the next two or three years the Comhuskers will make everybody including Oklahoma. sit back and take notice. Regardless of who has the coaching reins in toe coming years, ttie material will belong to Bill Glassford. Might just as well stick with him. Glassford Okay X think (bat Glassford is a good coach. He has produced excellent teams when he had abundant talent. During the lean years, which con front every coach but Bud Wilkinson, Bill has had more than his chart of troubles. Key players have been injured, and others hit schol astic or lingerie hurdles. This 1955 edition of the Big Red has been riddled by circumstances that would send weaker coaches into mental institutions. This is no excuse for a poor season. There will be no need for such excuse because this will not be a poor season. I believe that many of you fans will be quite surprised when the season comes to an end. Out en Limb Consequently, I have put myself out on a limb. However, I'm not worried because at the end of the season I can climb nimbly down from that limb and say I told you so! GC BIG RED! Erwy Leads Big Seven Storing. With 24 (Points Won Lout Tied Prt. Colorado 1.000 Oklahoma t 0 ( 1.000 Kanaaa 1 X .33: Nebraika 1 I 0 .333 Iowa State 0 t 0 .000 Kaniaa State 0 S .000 Mlaiouri 0 3 .000 Won I.nul Tl.d Prt. Colorado 1 0 1.000 Neeiatka 1 1.000 Kantaa State 1 .000 Kaniaa 0 1 0 .000 THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE Oct. 7 Mlaaourl at S.M.U. Oct. 8 Iowa State at Kaniaa Toxaa A M at Nebraika Colorado at Oraon Oklahoma-Tent at Dallaa Kanaaa State at Marquette Nebraska gridders are holding their own among other conference elevens according to the statistics compiled by the Missouri Valley Intercollegiate Athletic Associa tion. The Huskers are the number one team in the nation on pass de fense, and their quarterback, Don Erway is the loop's top scorer. Erway of Nebraska, who scored all 16 points m the victorv over Kansas State, boomed into the Gym Team To Begin Practicing University of Nebraska evmnas- tic team started workouts Thurs day for the season which opens December 10 with an invitational meet at Chicago. . The varsity squad Includes Bruce Riley, Omaha, the ton scor er for the Comhuskers last season. Others are Verl Bore. Wakefield: DuWayne Furman, Hemingford; Phil Hockerberger, Columbus; Er vin Krist, Omaha; Jerry Landwer, Lincoln; Robert MacDonald, Bay ard; Don Pakieser, Omaha; Wil liam Raecke, Central City; Wayne Strickler, Lincoln; Eldon Parks, Giltner. Among the freshmen reporting are Charles Ellis, Beatrice; James Fraser, Omaha; Robert Heff el finger, Lincoln: Bob McCalla, Lin coln; Jerry Williamson, Lincoln; Roy Neil, Cozad. Buddy Yade, Fairbury, is senior manager; A. J. Sprague, Beatrice, freshman manager. Any student in terested in gymnastics should re port to coach Jake Geier. The schedule: Dec. 10 Invitational at Chicago, Jan. 14 Kansas State at Man hattan. 21 Colorado in Lincoln. Feb. 11 Kansas State in Lin coln. 16 Mankato Teachers at Mankato. 17 Minnesota at Minneap olis. IS Northwest Champion ships at Minneapolis. 27 Iowa in Lincoln. March 3 All-College Champion- 9 Illinois (Navy Pier Branch) in Lincoln. 4 for 96; and braska, scoring lead with 24 points. Mo Donald of Oklahoma follows with Oklahoma, perennial league champion and high ranked nation ally, picked up 895 yards total of fense in its two games. The Soon ers rushed for 760 yards and passed for 135. O. U. aerials have been 47 per cent accurate, tops in that category. Two Sooners paced the rushing department. Tommy McDonald has carried 26 times for 204 net yards. Jimmy Harris has 163 yards on 30 attempts. They are followed by Rex Fischer, Nebraska, 145 yards, and Bob Burris, Oklahoma, 142 yards. Missouri's Dave Doane is the leading passer with 10 completions in 29 attempts for 184 yards. Walt Strauch of Kansas with 160, Don Erway and Willie Greenlaw of Ne braska with 126 and 124 yards re spectively, fall in behind the leader. , , Rounding out the pass receivers are Jim Lecavits, Kansas, 3 for 108 yards; LeRoy Butherus, Ne- Frank Clarke, Colorado, 3 for 95. LEADING SCORERS Player 8chool TD Con. Erway Nebraika 3 3 McDonald Oklahoma ..3 Franclico Kanaaa ....3 Bnrnlne Mlnourl 3 Borria Oklahoma t r.G. l pta. M 18 12 13 13 LEARN TO FLY Save 50 by enrolling in a Flying Club (Opn to Univenity student only) Special meeting Oct, 12 at 7:30 p.m. in Parlor A. All members and interested persons are welcome. Lincoln Aviation Institution Union Airport Tel: 6-2909 Why Chancellor Adenauer reads The Reader's Digest .LA, QUENTINS clown & G( ampus 1229 R St, Phone 2-3645 NOW OPEN TOURS NTTES TILL 9 P.M. We have a wonderful selection of better quality, smarter fashions for your ap proval. See our assortments of wearable, compliment provoking, dresses, skirts, sweaters, blazers, sport coats, and blouses. Get the unexpected versions of cocktail and party coordinates. Al ways some thing new at Quentins. CHARGE ACCOUNTS LAYAWAT "In my country more than 500,000 people read the Digest in German each month. And they read not only about the people of the United States, but about the people of all nations. The Reader's Digest has forged a netv instrument for understanding among men." In October Header's Digest don't miss: ALL ABOUT LOVE. How can we tell the difference be tween true love and physical attraction? Can we really fall in love "at first sight"? What makes us fall out of love? Scientist Julian Huxley brings you a biologist's view of our most complex emotion. THOSE CAMPUS MARRIAGES. How do student mar. riages work out? Are young couples able to cope with studies and household chores? What happens when babies come along? Report on today's col legia tea who promise to love, honor and study. 19-PAGE CONDENSATION FROM $4.00 BEST-SELLER: "MY PHILADELPHIA FATHER." Whether blue blood Anthony J. Drexel Biddle was teaching ju jitsu to the Marines, singing a dubious tenor in opera, hobnobbing with pugilists or raising alliga tors in the house, he did everything all out and then some. Here, told by his daughter, is the laugh ing, loving life of "America's happiest millionaire." AMERICA'S TOP LABORiTE: GEORGE IMEANY. Life and beliefs of the man who may lead 15 million workers when the CIO and AFL merge. Get October Reader's Digest at your newsstand today only 2Si 44 articles of lasting interest, including the best from leading magazines and current books, condensed to save your time. teflQGOOOOOOOOOQOQOOOOflWDflgCWCOOWQOggaOO at m:i i fp s III lbbl.ll W rpY OF " TWO V - - ( Shop 9:30 to 5:30 Thunday 10 to 8:30 the mi, You've (seen them in lira ;uui You've seen them at the "GAME" touch-down twins Pullover Hi-rise Socks Bermuda Shorts all 5 95 UHJr S p Red with White Here are th'e "winna" on the fun-time clumber-time squad! Warm LUrgan lounge and sleep wear that appears outdoors for sports or idling la the dormitory after the date . . . before Hghts-out. Touchdown Set" was mado peciaHy for the comfort and funof the "College set" ... at prie practical foe a college-days budget. Lucky 7 or luckj 11 youTl be in luck comfort and pocket wise both, with Touchdown Set . . . designed especially for "All-American" Beauties by Tommies! UGER1E, THIRD FLOOR diamend jubilee 195 ft I ptuwi.ujii. "HwnH.iwgain """ 1 u "Hiu ' m u.n ,iiiiJiiiMiiWaii,iii"iiii.n 1 m iiu.1 nn mn i m jnuimmnuiW'.n i'-uipw''uiiiiiiiiiii,jjii wihik , , nwmmjjuig, .mi ii.iimjwM'""""!! I r, iirirt-miiiwriffiiiiiiiiirnimiiti-iiiin ngur MTriMrimmiiiiinrnriin im Miin rum 1 1 in nmi iir fmiji-fi-snrin ,i)rtsjMrnii-iiiw a'''TttiMii minim iLiamm i nmifi n im muf riniwifti wrtTiiriif"',irii,i ni-L mi iwriwimnninf iwi a -i nnm)fninT'ii-si I II ft fSflntAk If sWcfiMft ft II 11 d&Z&k WtJMk M mfk 4Sk ift. ft rm mil n mm m L m' II taiaU U KJSlJ o ytl U LaVVlJiU y Lata 1 liVILsA 8 II M ft 1NlWJ""l'")M'M'ULWI)'W'a''lWumiMlll- '.llti.V:l:jfW Mllll.miLll.ull ,UMiiillilllirtW')J'WIJIIitllliL,l)llluJUIIUllI.UI),IIIIJW auaw-1miiift'M",m" l V If M I r iiiiiiiiBiBiiMiiiiiii''TriiiiiiMiiig '-5 nmnrarninrirritin ini'iinirr-iniii iiniiniiiiiiiiiiinfiinii 111.11?" iininn.niniir ' 1 wmi -wAn.'m: ims WHAT'S THIS? jf'. " , J j HI For solution see it?t,f($ ' , - jf II P paragraph at r$h. j . ' '1! XHtAT Of ADAM 2: V (AFTIt IVQ lAl - V Judith Hey k 1 J n BottonU. " i III II' KffilH I r- j OCTOPUI AT ATTIKTIOM JF-''W S V Jerry Romottky g '' 1 ! 0 North Texat State t I 1 mH9 MAT ji l xKfif Jt Dole Sponaugle .yr A H IF YOU'RE UP A TREE about what cig arette to smoke, there's a pleasant, point of view in the Droodle at left. It's titled: Davy Crockett enjoying better-tasting Lucky as seen by b'ar in tree. Luckies taste better for a hatful of reasons. First of all, Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. Then, that thar tobacco is toasted. "Its Toasted' the famous Lucky Strike process tones up Luckies' light, mild, good tasting tobacco to make it taste even better . . . cleaner, fresher, smoother. So set your sights on better taste light up a Lucky yourself ! DROODLES, Copyright 1953 by Roger Pries Students! EAPJ Cut yourself in on the Lucky Droodle fold mine. We pay $23 for ail we use nd for a whole raft we don't nee! Send your Drootee with descrip tive titles, include yonr name, address, college and das and the name and address of the dealer in your college town from, whom you buy ciga rette most often. Ad dress Lucky Droodia, Bex 67A, Mount Vernon, ti. Y. CIGARETTES America's leadiwo UAjturACTCxti or cmassttis I V A A j 4 w -v. 'ivitr mwucun vtiuJiX&Urrryxartrf