The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1955, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday, October 4, 1955
Pogs 2
Ncbraskan Editorials:
A Difficult Job
. In Just ft few days the wheels will be set in
motion which will eventually result in the se
lection of the Board of Student Publications for
!s coming school year. As must be quite ob
vious, The Nebraskan feels close to this situa
tion and problem. Later, after the new Pub
Board has been selected, it becomes exceedingly
difficult for The Nebraskan to comment on the
gierits of the members; for, people being as
they are, most individuals feel hesitant in say
ing to the augusf group that will soon either
recommend them for promotion or pass them
ever, yoa don't know what you're talking
about, or "you should never have been chosen
to be a Pub Board member." Right now, how
ever, wescan comment.
At times in the past, The Nebraskan, The
Cornhusker, as well as many students and fac
ulty members connected in one way or another
with student publications have felt disappointed
at the choice the Council has made in selecting
student members for the Board. Too often, there
has been misplaced emphasis in the Council
chamber during debate, and interviews of pros
pective members. Realizing the weakness of
the old system, last year's Council approved a
sew plan, requiring all candidates to appear be
fore a special committee. This committee will
present a list of six candidates, two for each
vacant post, to the Council as a sort of prelim
inary recommendation. This should eliminate
the long, drawn out, spectacle-interview of past
years. It must be hoped that this year's special
committee will use its head in this preliminary
job of selection, for they will play an important
role in what could be a fine method for the
eventual appointment of publications staff mem
bers. Everyone will grant this is a difficult and
more than likely an unrewarding task. It is al
ways hard, if not impossible, for one group to
select three students who actually will assume
a role that belongs in a sort of guardian class.
These three students should be searching for
staff members as near to what the ideal should
be as is humanly possible. And this has rarely
been done.
Specific qualities needed for membership on
the Pub Board are difficult to enumerate. A
person should have had some experience on one
of the twe- major publications, either in an edi
torial or business capacity; but this is not alto
gether essential. The person should have a good
academic record; but a high average is far from
Negatively, the members of next, year's Pub
Board should not be people looking for a "good
junior activity.' They should not be the type
who will pry into editorial policy and try to act
the role of the successful publisher, which they
are not.
The Council's special committee is entering
a new arena. They have no precedent to follow.
This committee must remember, however, the
importance of the job they are preparing to
undertake. "With this in mind there should be a
minimum of what we might call politics and a
maximum of what should be called devotion to
a difficult job. D. F.
Sunday Opening Justified
Judging from the cautious early opinions from
the staff of Love Library, Sunday opening of
the library has begun successfully.
Bernard Kreissman, publicity director of the
library, quite naturally hesitates to conclude
prematurely after two Sundays early in the se
mester that use will be heavy all year. The Ne
braskan is also reluctant to jump at a slippery
Sunday library service was a Nebraskan edi
torial and news project dating from late last
November. Other Big Seven schools had Sunday
library use; Nebraska did not, due to budget
limitations. Even if few students made use of '
It,' extending hours to Sunday was needed, The
Nebraskan felt.
The majority of students liked the idea: Stu
dent Council approved it, the administration was
co-operative, Chancellor Hardin asked for an in
creased library budget before the Legislature.
It was granted, and Sunday library opening be
gsa Sept. 25.
In the past, some student projects, once ob
tained, have been promptly forgotten.
,1. But evidently students not only wanted the
library open on Sundays, they wanted to use it.
The 405 who passed the counting device last
.Sunday were there to study, not to' play games,
.as the librarians have pointed out. The total
number is not large compared to the thousands
who traipse through on a heavy school day near
finals. There will probably be a large rise in
Sunday attendance as term-paper-pressure in
creases, just as general library use .will increase.
There was some curiosity as to what kind of
. . To Recognize
Now that the United States has acted prompt
ly in extending diplomatic recognition to the
new Argentine regime, some people are wonder
ing why there has been so much debate over
the recognition of Red China.
The government of Provisional President Maj.
Gen. Eduardo Lonardi is obviously in full con
trol of the country.
But so is the Communist government in
The new South American regime lias af
firmed its intent to respect international obliga
tions and maintain order.
But Bed China, too, maintains order. And,
though the Peiping rule has flagrantly violated
international obligations in many instances, the
recent return of many prisoners of war could
be construed as an intent to respect their inter
national commitments.
"Why, then, do we recognize a country like
Argentina, only a short time after its new gov
ernmental formation. When it is still unstable,
untested, lias just appointed two liigh officials
who are suspected Fascists.
Or Guatemala, just hours after a rebellion.
Or Panama, just shortly after their split
from Colombia.
The answer, of course, is quite simple. Our
country lias long followed a policy of recogniz
ing those countries which would best serve the
Interests of the United States.
The immediate and complete recognition of
these South American nations is imperative be
cause of their geographical proximity to Amer
ica. In the case of Red China the .State Depart
ment thinks that, recognition at this time, in
ihe face of Red propaganda, threats and ag
gressive actions would definitely not be in the
best interests of the United States in the Far
Insist.-B. B.
students would show up on Sundays whether
they would be the same people who were there
eight hours a day all week, whether they would
be graduate students or underclassmen.
The many questions asked about directions,
how to use reference materials and how to write
short papers would indicate many freshmen and
sophomores using the library on Sunday. The
new hours should be a boon to underclassmen,
who are traditionally tied up in pledge duties,
activities and social life on week-day afternoons
and evenings. If they are sufficiently conscious
that the library is open on the weekend, they
will use it.
The reserve desk was busy and should con
tinue to be. Finding a two-hour reserve book
on Tuesday afternoon is nearly impossible at
times. In addition, many courses require outr
side readings from books on the open shelves.
Sunday students will find their task much easier.
Granted, two days do not make a test of at
tendance. It will take a year to determine how
heavy use will be. It seems apparent, however,
that students were sincere last year when the
cry for Sunday service began, and increasing
attendance will justify the administration's and
the library's providing it. M. S.
Melon-coly Note
A farmer living southwest of Norfolk has re
ported raising a watermelon weighing 82 pounds,
probably the largest ever grown in Madison
County. In the face of today's unseating of dic
tators and walking out of the United Nations
this may seem of little consequence, but just
think how much fun two little boys could have
with that melon.
Out of the mouths of babes often comes
watermelon seeds.
A Little Fun
Poor Juan Peron. First they yank his gov
ernment out from under him, then they expose
his love lives. Now Argentine authorities are
going around saying good old Juan is '"mentally
unbalanced." What's the use of being a dictator
and a despot unless you can have a little fun?
Like killing clergymen, maybe?
Terse Reply
The most common and over-used expression
among the current clan of University students
upon arriving back to school after summer
holidays, is, ""Have a nice summer?". Think
of the havoc that would be raised in the village
streets if someone answered "lousy 1"
A Louisiana sheriff, in leading a raid on
gambling joints, smashed 32 machines and or
dered all hidden machines returned quickly.
The next day eight one-armed pocket-pickers
were found lined up on his front line. Ah, the
letter of the law!
Money Talks
An old sports adage ha6 it that "It's not
whether you won or lost, it's hew you played
the game." In the world series this 'won or
lost" business can mean the difference between
$G,000 and $10,000 for a player's share. Sure,
tradition and gamesmanship are fine, but. . .
'Awake Unto Me'
Many professors were no doubt echoing the
sentiments expressed by the chimes of the Caril
lon Tower as it .chimed away merrily its usual
manner after nine o'clock classes last week.
Oddly and appropriately enough, the chiuies
were playing their old standby, making every
one feel right at home. The tune: "Beautiful
Dreamer, Awake Unto Me."
The Nebraskan
- SSmber: Associated Collegiate Frew
1 Intercollegiate Press
SJepresent&tive: National Advertising Service,
91m F'wnWin U mitHfe4 by tnrtit of the tlntver
Vry of t. BntlftT Urn awthoriaatiaa f the Cwnmlt-
1,. m -tHlent Afinlr w an extmMtm tiH)it opinion.
jj,j...,,m mdr the Jurisdiction of the hutwommitt
wi, tt4eiit luiUeM'no HM toe free from edttartnl
ammrstilp " prt o the IMibeommtHna, w an the
part of uy nwimher te ttwnilty f toe I nlverHy, or
tm tm im t any pron mirxide the l!nlvee(tj. The
trwmnen rf the ISetorMlwii taff are awcwnally resnom-..-ib
Jr wnmt they . r t or eauM In be printed.
teattmrr If lift.
V.nfrerf M aoronO etM mutter mt the pout office tm
J.m, WebnMte, mm the aot of Auxurt ,
Koom 20, Student Union
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
frdUn, .................. tollman
!dltorhd"rwm editor .Bruoe Bnwrmann
Muiuine l.dilar ......... ........ . . Mm Jen
K.xiru I.OHot
t,py Editors
............ ........ .ITed lmly
, Bob ok
, iudy Boat. Bsha JelKerhuiii,
Mary gbelledy, LuetrnMe Hwltier
Ac dltor - Jim Feather
Wlht Wew Kdttor ... Xvtinwe fwltwr
Kfttmrtero Hew fly Ueene. ttertoata Ktiarti,
Hepurters. .Barbara haxp. Ueverly lteene, Art rlrtok,
ttharl iyewl. hura Alexander, rn!n Butler,
.rairitf Muyer. Km nttaeh, BH) )lm. .nry
Fremset. Hub Ireland, Bill rltte. lien IXwwm,
3lc.k Heutlliwer, Wall wHmt. fat Urake.
JUruirwn Tvhowie, i.dftorial Wflnry,
fat lmlw, tvart tiwltwrr. Arlrne rlrnek.
John Hatmm, Uiek ttetitllucer. He i'ittacb
fintnMi Manarer
a.'t ttuatneaa Managers
ClrentaUoa Manater . ...
. .ftennre IMadnen
.BUI Bdwell. Marlmr ick.
truwue Hunt, Silok f.ff
fc .... .. .. .. .- Aiuu Book
Little man on campus
by Dick Bibler
Facilities Criticized
Last week the noble Nebraskan
admonished those critics who have
the short-sightedness to designate
Lincoln as the center of the figura
tive Corn Belt, the nucleus of cul
tural stagnation.
The editorial pointed out, quite
righteously, that Lincoln and the
University offer, through the
social season (September-June), a
variety of programs and perform
ances to those who have the ener
gy and finances to attend them.
Early last year I made, as I
recall, the same mistake as the
compiler of that editorial. I blasted
the student body, in no uncertain
terms, for not taking advantage of
the cultural facilities available to
I made a further mistake, how
ever, by following my own ad
vice. I condescended, on the ap
propriate occasions, to shed my
jeans in lieu of more acceptable
attire, and I faithfully, if uncom
fortably, made the rounds of the
theater, symphony and Union at
tractions. Unwilling to believe that
Editorially Speaking
Browned Tackles
Critical Problems
Some very sad news has recently
reached my ears. It seems that
my writing has given some of my
friends the idea that I am not a
serious thinker.
Instead, they believe that I go
my laughing way heedless of re
sponsibility; that my life is just
one big week-end. This is not true,
and today I'm going to prove it.
Beneath this gay facade there is a
mind which is constantly at work
seeking out solutions for all the
problems of the world. Thefe is
also a heart which beats true, but
it doesnt solve any problems.) So
prepare yourself to hea.- my views
about some of the really burning
issues which face the world of to
day. Certainly, the most pressing
problem of fhe moment is that of
Sweden. Several small magazines
which are devoted to the pursuit
of culture have informed me that
the immorality rate in Sweden is
alarmingly high. I'm not entirely
Although I actually disapprove
of them, an occasional strong man
who is a dictator plain and simple,
without any ideological pretenses,
adds a little extra zest to life. I
have not yet solved this problem
because I do not feel that it is
necessary. Human nature will no
doubt soon solve it for us.
I am sure that all of you must
be convinced of the seriousness of
my mind by now. If you are not,
there is nothing more I can do.
This then enables me to close this
column on a personal note. The
inevitable approach of colder
weather saddens me greatly, for it
means that the girls in their tight
sweaters and skirts will soon be
wrapped in huge coats as they
walk about campus. No longer will
I be able to gaze out the window
and enjoy one of the finest sights
the human eye can see. Truly, win
ter is the season of despair.
I was in error, I continued the prac
tice during summer school.
Much to my horror, my exclu
sions disclosed a tragic situation.
The revelation was so discourag
ing that for months I resorted to
writing nothing but nonsense and
treatises on campus conflicts (the
two are usually synonymous.) .
What was this extraordinary dis
covery? Simply this: Lincoln,
thanks to its atrocious facilities and
its passion for the pedestrian in the
fine arts, has acquired for itself
the mundane reputation of being
Artists scheduled to appear in
Lincoln recall their artistic integ
rity; then they shove their hands
in their pockets, mutter with Ish
mael "Oh, Time, Strength, Cash
Given' 'em Ell
and Patience!" and schedule a pro
vincial program to appease the
provincial audience.
And those same audiences do
nothing to disprove this disgusting
attitude. They fidget through the
works of the classic roasters, and
would fidget if Kapel himself were
paying. Tbey weep with ecstacy
when the Twin Liberaces spew
"Tenderly" from the Union stage,
and they pressure the University
to present a hacked-up version of
The Messiah year after year with
out respite.
Whose fault? Everybody's: the
Union staffs, the Lincoln Sym
phony Association, the audience's,
the artists. All seem to lack integri
ty, taste, and gumption. What can
be done? Well ... yon decide.
T - J
Greeks Vs.
Jess Jesting
clear on how their figures were
gathered and tabulated, but doing
the ground-work must be a pretty
risky and exciting business.
There I go again, being frivo
lous; 1 promise it wont happen
anymore. Now this bad publicity
may well be doing irreparable
harm to the reputation of what is
probably a very pleasant little
country, and it is our duty to take
up the cudgel in its defense.
It seems to me that with our
American resourcefulness
we could get busy and work up
such a whopping immorality rate
that all reports of Swedish sins
would vanish from the nation's
publications forever. It is a noble
cause, and 1 for one am willing to
make the sacrifice.
You see how easy it is to solve
problems with a little original
thought. Another international
manifestation which seems to me
to be deserving of comment is the
problem of the vanishing dictator.
The fall of Peron has sadly de
pleted the dictatorial ranks, with
only Franco remaining as a really
strong western dictator outside the
communist circle.
Well, well, it appears that the
"silent majority" is no longer sil
ent. Lowell Vestal, whose column ap
pears in this paper, last -week
picked up his sword, mounted his
white charger and rode off into the
wilderness to slay some Greeks.
Forsooth, he pricked me first
with his vorpal blade as I came
staggering out of a pledge-whipping
session. I guess I'm supposed
to hurl my gage at him that ex
pression is also from that dead
Shakespeare, who is one of my
writers. Sort of a hack.) and chal
lenge him to a duel on the village
green at dawn. En garde, then.
Dangling participles at twenty
Actually, Lowell Vestal has been
writing a pretty sharp column, and
though I dislike correspondence be
tween columnists, I think he de
serves an answer to his questions
and accusations about fraternity
life. If you'll wait while I wipe
the blood off my hands, I'll forth
with reply.
There are, of course, a myriad
of personal reasons to pledge a
fraternity at this University, but
most of them sprout out of the soc
ial benefits inherent in good fra
ternities. Since the reason too
many of us come to college is its
Nebrashan Letterip
To the Editor:
Since the game with Hawaii, I've read with increasing disgust and
irritation the insidious array of literary hodgepodge assembled hy
sports editor Boa Bryant of the Lincoln Star regarding Bill Glassford's
ineptness as a football coach.
Why is it that when a team makes a bad showing, has a disastrous
season or loses a game they should have won, the inevitable host of
sports writers, those who are supposedly well-informed in sports and
their mechanics, descend with maniacal fury upon the coach's hack
yelling for hair, blood and a new mentor?
Why is it that the coach is always to blame for every fumble,
every infield error, every missed lay-up shot? In short, is the coach
really responsible for his team's performance? If so, coaches, all
coaches, are as guilty as sin, as sick a form of humanity as ever
walked the earth's surface, and should be shot at sight to keep from
contaminating the glorious public. No coach has ever fielded a perfect
team, and 95 per cent of them, at one time or another, have fielded
miserable ones.
A coach cannot put the desire in a boy's heart, nor speed isa his
legs. Nor can a coach field a winning team without material qualified '
to win. Th;s last fact seems to have wholly escaped the realizations
of Mr. Bryant and his colleagues.
Let's view a few examples which may help clear the clouded
cerebra of the local scalp-raisers. IXiring Paul Fachards' stay as man
ager of the Chicago White Sox, that American League team enjoyed
several successful seasons. His team was fast, determined and, most of
all, capable. At the end of last season Fachards moved to the manager
ship of the Baltimore Orioles, who, under his direction, are currently
clinging to a precarious seventh place in the American League Tace.
Now, Mr. Bryant, is the difference between the Chicago White Sox
of last year and this year's Baltimore Orioles due to a sudden inept
ness on the part of the manager Paul Richards? Or is it rather a dif
ference in the ability of the respective players composing the tarns?
During that time he has fielded some excellent teams, and also
some -whose performances chagrined the countryside. The .difference
between his good teams and his bad ones must have "been obvious
even to the lowly amoeba, but can one say that this difference was
due .in its entirety to a difference in his coaching quality from year to
year? Does a coach coach badly one year and well the next? Now you
tell me, does he?
The Cornhusker team was definitely outplayed hy Hawaii last
Saturday (?) and deserved to lose. The team was sluggish, undeter
mined and, for the moment, incapable. And yet, the entire load of
abuse and criticism, and little praise. I highly respect tnd admire any
man with guts enough to make a living out of it. i
Another example, and a more personal one my father has been a
football coach for 20 years;
Rodeo Club
Rodeo Club will meet Wednesday
in Ag Union TV lounge at 7:30 p.m.
The meeting is open to all inter
ested in attending. Rodeo dub announced.
social life, then it is only logical .
to join an organization which best
provides such a life.
And I doubt if anyone can decry
that fraternities can do this, and
do it most easily. Fraternities, to a
great extent, are the springs of
campus spirit. Since fraternity
men naturally develop a sense of
loyalty and pride in their fratern
ity, it is easy to expand that to
include the University.
And tis foEy, verily, to play on
words and insist a inon-fraternity
man is more an independent-mind-ed
person than a Greek. Fratern
ities, for the most part, put prac
tically no restrictions on their
They can date whom they please
when they please, they can join or
buy whatever they want to, they
can come and go as they wish.
There is no more pressure in a
fraternity house for a man to get in
activities than there is over at
Selleck Quadrangle right now.
Agreed, each man should learn
how to be alone, hut it is more im
portant that he learn how to co
exist with his fellows, slobs though
they may be.
Accruing to fraternity life, "an?
largely absent from dorm or coop
life is a sense of belonging to a
loyal group, and of being able to
live with all sorts of people. Fra
ternity life is an education in psy
chology, and a very valuable one.
And, of course, Independents
ought to keep in mind that year
alter year and semester after se
mester, the all-fraternity grade
average is above the all-men's
And furthermore ... oh, oh, one
of our pledges escaped from his
cage. I'd better go catch him be
fore he reaches the Dorm.
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