Fridoy, September 30, 1955 Page 3 THE NEBRASKAN Hm shell's P&sf CotcIs 0 m It if H 1 QBuQ I rrr-L TV . M 1 i 1 SS t y - 1 '.. c i n ' ' - C if j .. - 1 ' ' 1 ... j 1 I ; v , ' s " ...j One of the things Kansas State grid coach Bus Mertes has un doubtedly been worried about is how to get around Husker wing- WOTBALL fotBRaSKA n.4 Tat down. TWMnt OPPONENTS' 27 H First down vasstnc 1 Tim 6mm peiultk SB Total fine downs tH - Tarda sahml mrtifnt n Trfi ion mrni 299 No Bin rmhmt . 147 J Aeraac per tarn ruatini 2 24 S7 8S3.5 41 Paat attempted if Fum completed S 4 3 1 Faaaea had krtereepUd t Net Bain vastna 71 S5 319 113 20.2 8 X B 3 12S S Aenae p tame prafail !94 Total net yank aataed T( wrase total ottentt lift Total plan 4 S Amaaa per plar Pmtta VII Pat anran 1 Fmnblea I Fombtc lot Jg PenaHiea 101 Peoaitr Fardat ' TO Made PG Total "few 0 0 0 liteWUaalM 1 . FCSTISO . f Vn. Y4t . Blkd. IM MANAGERS Intramural managers are ad vised that their teams will be giv en more space in the Nebras kan if additional information concerning games is written out on the backs of the score-sheets. This information might include the names of scorers and how. they scored, and a chronological run town of scoring by both teams. Schedules Posted Contestants in the fall goH and tennis tourneys will find the sched ules of their matches in the PE building. Qualifying rounds in the free throw tossing tournament must be shot between Monday, Oct. 3, and uoon Oct. S. The tournament will tart at 7 p.m. Oct. 11, for the championship flight, with the rest to follow. Water-basketball tourney entries ft due by noon Oct. 1. Use , Nebraskan Want Ads For Results Prnf TVm thtawi, frm rwrwrn, re ru, aw. Kx parlanced. 0-1193. EntMrwMjf student lout arelerrtt. Wardrobe "' fit, muet null. Newt eolora. laeka. ehnreoal rraj', Iwown, olwlt, t. Hportaenata, snitta 42. Moat rirermwM pan Slmofl'a pan year. After a wrwT f. tei, j 4- " - Jf '4rfaafe-a. a-1 ...-. iff tmrnl g : . -m rwm Conrtesy Lincoln Journal man LE ROY "BUTHERUS. Known as a standout on defense Le Roy has also been snaring more than his share of the Ne braska aerials. STATISTICS aVICKOFF BETTRKb) f No. Yd. 1 Phcher 3 l 20.a Edwarft 2 40 20 I Greenlaw .1 14 14 I'SHING TC YG Yti Vtt Art. Rtwnlaw Fischer Johnson Edward! Kama Brown Erway 12 64 O 64 S3 16 84 2 82 51 8 42 1 41 51 12 fil 0 61 5.0 3 12 4 8 2.8 3 7 2 5 1.6 20 52 27 25 1.2 PASSING Ati. Coop. Pet. Net lotc. TO Creenlaw Fischer Johnson Erway Harsh man Hum 6 .833 102 0 4 S 20 5 J500 45 0 ,4f)0 2 0 .350 71 1 .200 7 0 .000 C 0 1 PASS RECEIVING No. Yda. Art. TD BofherOM Graettlaw Fischer Johnson Harm 4 24 6 1 87 13 41 7 143 13 10.2 7 7 Ag Club To Visit K State Campus Twenty Agronomy Club mem bers will journey to Manhattan, Kan. Saturday for an exchange visit with the Kansas State Agron omy Club, Boyd Stuhr, president, announctd. John Goodding, Agronomy Gub advisor, will accompany the group. Tours for the Nebraska group will be conducted through the Kan sas State College campus facili ties. A dinner sponsored by the host club will conclude the morn ings activities. Both clubs will then attend the Kansas State-Nebraska football game. This marks the initial exchange visit in which the Nebraska Agron omy Club has taken part. It is one of the club's highlight activities this year. on iho campu Youll b "top Man' on th cam pus if you or wII-groomdl I Good grooming booins with wll-prMcL Lot twtjow your wardrobo. Wo spod'oliso in on day s-rvico. DE LUXE Cleaners & Tailors 227 No. 12th Thorn 2-604S OroivnOfer Services Is GuarJ Sub Coach Bill Glassford announced that sophomore Jerry Brown from Minden has been shifted from full back to guard on the Husker squad. The switch was necessitated by the injury of Jim Murphy who suffered a broken leg in an earlier scrimmage this week. Murphy will be out for the remainder of the season. After the Murphy accident .the Huskers were definitely short on guards and Brown volunteered to make the shift himself. He told Coach Glassford, "If tht team needs me, that's where I'll play." If Brown can learn the plays at his new position soon enough he will definitely see action to morrow. Brown, who is one of the faster men on the squad should fill the gap with no trouble. He tips the beams at close to 195 Bill Taylor has been switched from left guard to right with soph omore Don Kampe at left guard. i Brown will fill in behind these two starters. The Husker squad has dwindled to just 42 players, the smallest team in the Conference. Delts Take Sigma Chi By 6 To 0 By Ed Kemble , Intramural Editor Defending All-University intra mural football champion Delta Tau Delta started off the 1955 season Wednesday with a narrow 6-0 win over Sigma Chi. The Delts had to go into an overtime period to down the Sig Chis. Gustavson II, Selleck Quad king, didn't fare as well. Gus. II dropped a 6-0 decision to Canfield House Another squeeker saw Andrews House slip by Bessey, 7-6, as both teams tallied in the first quarter and battled to a stand-off the rest of the way. All the day's fare did not con sist of close ones, however. In two of an opposite nature, Avery white washed Boucher, 26-0, and Phi Del ta Theta ran over Sigma Alpha Ep silon, 26-6. Phi Gamma Delta came from be hind in the final period to edge Beta Theta Pi, 13-7. Selleck House registered a 12-0 shutout over Seaton I. All of these were A team contests. Beanies Freshman beanies will stay on sale until Oct. 3. Tickets may be purchased at William Harper's of fice on the second floor in the ad ministration building for 50 cents. Tickets may be exchanged for beanies at Ben Simon's on the sec ond floor. RUSSELL Sporting Goods We Equip Every Sport 133 No. 11th 2-3425 Cliff Squires Erv Moorberg 0 4 I i 1 i ' i V. flm Over IXoosos By WALT BLORE Staff Sports Writer New plays have been on tht docket for the Kansas State Wild cats as they prepare for their grid iron contest with the Big Red from Nebraska Saturday, Oct. 1, at Manhattan. Both teams are looking for their initial win of the 1955 season. The Wildcats are eager for a victory after their losses to Wyoming and Iowa. The Huskers are also hun gry for victory after suffering de feats at the hands of Hawaii and Ohio State. For Nebraska it means they must hang on to the psychological edge they had at Ohio State or face a long afternoon. They must do this without the strvices of ace guard Jim Murphy who suffered a broken leg in practice Tuesday afternoon. Roether and Whitehead Down at Manhattan they are Courtesy Lincoln Star DON ERWAY . . . NU field boss Still time... BOWL1NS IALL FOR CINTIPIOI Ann Botler Sarah Lawrence BLANK VIMI John Vancini Boston College wtwv , " I 1 . v' i f Z" . i - !')' S I t-J 1 1 la J, ' " . - iak A 0 (3 P aL-------w----- looking for their third consecutive win against the Cornhuskers. Back to help this cause are Bob Whitt head and Doug Roether, quarter band and fullback respectively. Roether is bidding to upset the iron man record set by Ail-American Joe Switzer. The 190-pound senior fullback saw 48 minutes of action against Iowa. According to Kansas State press releases, "Roe ther is not an exceptionally fast runner, but his heads-up play and determination make him danger ous. Give Doug a hole he can get his head through and he'll gain ground for you, says Head Coach Bus Mertes," The Manhattan re lease also said, "Roether was named 'Player of the Week' by Wildcat coaches. Best K-State line play was turned in by a sopho more guard Rudy Bletscher." On the Husker side of the ledger, the team with the excep tion of Murphy is physically ready. Senior guard Bill Taylor has moved over into the guard slotleft vacant by the Columbus junior. Soph Don Kampe has moved up to the guard slot on the other side cf the line. McWUllams Named Glassford has named senior end Jon McWilliams to captain the team against the Wildcats. Team ing with McWilliams at the ends is Leroy Butherus, junior from Lincoln. At the tackles are Jtrry Wheeler, sophomore from Milan, Illinois, and Lavern Torczon, Platte Center junior. Taylor and Kampe at guards, and Doran Post of Shel ton fill out the starting Big Red line. Don Erway will again quar terback this unit. Harry Johnson from Valley still holds tht edge over Willie Greenlaw at right half back. Rex Fischer has the left half slot nailed down, and John to remember her tocsfey l?CoJ1jq o nr ODD 7GDL7 0l1GJL Himdreds and hundreds of students earned $25 in Lucky Strike's Droodla drive last year and they'll tell you it's the easiest money yet. Droodles are a snap to do just look at the samples here. Droodla anything you want. Droodle as many as you want. If we select your Droodle, we'll pay $25 for the right to use it, with your name, in our advertising. And we always end up paying for plenty we don't use! Send your Droodle, complete with title, to Lucky Droodle, P. 0. Box 67A, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Include your name, address, college and class. Please include, too, the name and address of the dealer in your college town from whom you buy cigarettes most often. While you droodle, light up a Lucky, the cigarette that tastes better because it's made of fine tobacco . . . and "It's Toasted" to taste better. DnOODLEa, Copyright 1963 by Bog Prioa "IT'S TOASTED" to taste better! Co. rsooucr or fn Luckies lead all other brands, regular or college students questioned coast-to-coast Luckies taste better. if IMF y ira Edwards has a commanding lead over George Cifra at fullback. Starting for K-State are Don Zadnick and Jim Rusher, ends. At tackles are Ron Nery and Jack Keelan. Two sophomores, Rudy Bletscher and Ellis Rainsberger have the guard slots nailed down r. . - , Kansas State quarterback BOB WHITEHEAD will lead the Wildcat offense against the Huskers. The senior field general and master of the snlit-T formation will at- AMERICA"! I - " ' -" v i - , ' - " It x i.&SStf' Sbw it in and . 7 Iff 4 7 COLLEGE STUDEUTS LziSijJU O PREFER LUCKIES ill (US fo Saturday's game. Captain Jira Furey, center, completes the Wild cat line. Bob Whitehead will run Bus Mertes' split-T plays. Kenny Nesmith and Bill Carringtpn ar running at halfback. Roether fills out the starting 11 for the Manhat tan farmers and engineers. f m i I ii-sv . Courtesy Lincoln Journal tempt to be the thorn in the side of the Cornhuskers again this year, The flashy 155 pounder led the Cats to their 7-3 victory at Lincoln last fall. with TELEGRAMS! If you've been remiss with the mfa don't despair! There's always tints to make amends with telegrams. Flash her a glowing birthday greet ing in your own inimitable style. Its delivery on Western Union's special blank will win her undying devotion. Yes sir any way you look at it, . telegrams are a guy's (and a gal's) best friend. Just call your helpful Western Union office.,, 121 South 10th St Lincoln, Nebraska TeL 2-2894 JJBAOma MABVtACTWKSM Ot CTOAJtSTTM king size, among 35,075 The number one rssscr.: O ' f 4 e"iJli4 Uiulur 1 p.m.