The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1955, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Poge 2
Friday, September 30, 1955
lMcbraskan Editorials:
Practical And Practicable
An unfortunate situation bat come to an un-
fortunate, but necessary and possibly encourag
ing conclusion.
As a result of Wednesday's Interfraternity
Council meeting, three rushees will not be al
lowed to pledge until second semester. This
means that they cannot possibly be initiated
until next fall, a year after they first went
through a somewhat bewildering Rush Week.
These three men, towards whom no one feels
any malice, only sympathy, are the victims of
misunderstanding and hasty decisions which oc
curred during a period of tension. They have
been sacrificed to a respect for precedent and
a fear of worse entanglements in Rush Weeks
to come.
The present IFC Executive Council has con
stantly maintained a policy of upholding its Con
stitution, ambiguous as it may be in places.
This sort of objective principle is to be com
trended. It is the only practical and practicable
policy mat a group the nature of the IFC which
has, at times, 24 diverging points of interest
Rules which are made for a purpose are usually
purposeful that is, there is a reason for their
A Hush Week in which a pledge is not too
sacred should scare any fraternity man con
cerned with the rushing program of his group.
The sweat and strain would not end with the
pledging of a man. It would only end after the
last verbal cannonade, signifying the end of for
mal rushing, had been fired.
The IFC has been firm in its policy of re
fusing appeals to initiate men whose average
was not up to the 5.0 standard. This has not
endeared the IFC's executive committee to men
with 4.999 averages, but the rule has stood and
the exception has been ruled out. Consistency
and Justice are more compatible than are in
consistency and justice.
Things done in good faith are accepted in
good faith. Consistency in the practices of the
IFC can serve as a unifying force for fraterni
tiesand unity is something that is greatly to
be desired. This is evidenced by the example
of the fraternity that forgot to spike any pledges
before Rush Week and found themselves on the
outside looking in amazed and somewhat be
fuddled. If consistent policies lead to an orderly Rush
Week they might lead to a new policy of auto
nomous action in investigating Rush Week dis
crepancies. This sort of policy would eliminate
the "plaintiff-defendant" set up that now seems
to be the only means of effective enforcement
of IFC rules.
Three men will be able to attend fraternity
parties and enjoy fraternity fellowship. They
will be rushees for a semester most rushees
are only rushed for a summer but, these men
cannot wear pledge pins.
It may be a small consolation, for these three
men, but like other famous test cases, a great
deal of good may come out of the decision. It
may actually be evidence of better and more
orderly things to come. S. J.
Aging Campus Queen
Something will be missing.
ESen Smith Hall, Nebraska's rumpled link
to the past and cursty challenge to the future,
will soon be razed to accommodate an admin
istrative wing to the old Teachers' High Build
ing. Long is wrinkled queen of campus tradition
the turreted, red-bricked landmark is slowly be
ing eased into its inevitable position in aging
Cornimskers, yellowed Rags and the fond mem
ories of Nebraska students.
Already the gentle, feminine cloak of the
AWS, YWCA and PanheDenic offices have been
tripped from the good matron's proud interior.
No longer do the walls of EHen Smith, cov
ered with plaques, mementoes and portraits,
encompass the meetings of sweatered coeds. No
longer does Beethoven scowl down upon the
young women of NU from the piano. Or a canine
portrait of EBen Smith's old dog scan wistfully
aver a AWS court session.
Beneath her rumpled robes of red masonry,
the massive, carved staircase and the rich
carpets no longer feel the footfalls of coeds
the former heartbeat of the stately corridors.
Instead, a covey of stuffy, letter-filing deans,
dispensing repressive measures with merry
abandon, have sullied the subdued twilight of
Ellen Smith's many parlors.
Though this change of personnel has un
doubtedly offended Ellen Smith's dignified vigil
on the comer of 14th and R, she has not been
beard to complain save for a chipped brick
here and there, a patch or two of stunted ivy or
a fraye9 section of wallpaper.
However, Ellen Smith cannot wave her
wrinkled nose much longer at the legion of 20th
century innovations which she has watched with
All to soon, the air hammer and bulldozer
will claim one of Nebraska's last citadels of
tradition and fond remembrances of things past.
-B. B.
usides1 The Crib
by Dkk fmlman what should probably be students who complain
Editor called a "second sober to everyone of their busy
Far below just about look" at last year's most schedules, the same stu
everythiag and every- heated political fight dents who carry the lit
body in an unsuspicious the program for activity tie blue calendars
suite of rooms known in limitation. Wisely, the (proudly, though siient
z. good many parts of the Council decided to table ly proclaiming they are
campus as The Rag of- the measure calling for activity people), the
face, there live a few in abolition. If the Council same students who fool
dividtxais who are paid to continues to act wisely, ishly believe they are
git, to think, to talk to they will refer the entire concerned with matters
everyone who walks into question to committee of consequence and the
the room and to even- and let it stay there a same students who feel
to&Hy tarn out a, news- weeks. that quantity is suffi
paper. Most of these in- Last year, for nearly cient currency to buy a
dividuali, especially .six Months, Council key to the Union's
those paid 'to do their members and officers, as fourth floor. Sadly
sitting in this quasi- well as the most power- enough, these students
inner sanctum, have fol- ful pressure groups then could hardly be more
lowed and continue to on the campus, consid- wrong,
follow campus affairs of ered the measure a long Time and again it has
all sorts exceedingly time before any action been demonstrated that
carefully. Some few of was taken. It would in- those who do get ahead,
these people have even deed be foolhardy for a as the saying goes, do so
participated ia one or new Council, consisting by accomplishing their
two "activities" them- almost entirely of mem- goals in one or two
selves at times, even bers who were not in on places. Here they have
the Council. And honest- the research, discussion the chance to prove hon
ly, whether It is known and debate last year, to estly they have the a til
er not, none of these throw the whole pro- ity to cope with more
people desire to haunt gram down the legisla- than busy work, and
the Council or blame it tive drain, this is impossible for
for doing nothing or Currently no propo- those in too many artivi
passfsg something cent of the limitation ties. Experience of the
which it fee's is wrong, scheme is now saying past, and it cannot be
But these individuals the plan is perfect. In discounted, has clearly
who do the sitting and fact, speaking as a be- proven this,
writing and talking will Ikver in limitation, it So as it new stands,
all openly admit to close- must be admitted that action on the vote to
ly following the legisla- Corn Cobs and Kosmet drop the activity limita
tion, or lack of it, on the Klub membership, for tion plan is in commit
part of the Council; for example, should be elim- tee. Here is where it be
they f aSy realize the im- inated from the plan. longs, no matter what
portasce and the power But this m no way inval- the C o u n ci 1 members
that resides ia the Conn- Mates the entire pro- whose very election was
cIL gram- There are other dedicated to the propo si-
This power Is unusual far mere important con- tion that all limitation
Host universities do not siderations. must find its final rest
give their student gov- At the outset, re la- ing place; for though it
erning organization the tively few students will is sometimes overlooked,
complete freedom that ia even be affected. And the entire area of stu
ocrs here at the Univer- those that might be dent activities must find
sity. It's easy to demon- forced to drop one or its proper place in a Uni
atrate this freedom. more of their excess ac- versity much larger
At Wednesday's meet- thitfcs should hardly be than any single one of
i&gt the Council took sorry, for these are the them.
The Nobraskan
jTTTT-rrrE yzaxs tt editoeial staff
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Little man on campus
by Dick Bibler
I Lwt owt i -1 fiV V a " . II
h cmtr ,ticrtwii j ? Jf. ' YOU? fTFltfAEO ....
Ytxiit tucefsf i i .-r33 I ED
Itke coseMevne
I III -rrfl I i lirrr-rr-rrr .
I ml
9W LEARN TUlMiKQ TH' FiS;t Yfie TUFu vmi crnrw -atimjc
Lowell Vestal
Greek Problem
Aired In Public
Last week's editorial columns
were very revealing to the inde
pendents on the NU campus. It
seems that more dirty linen on
the Greek side of the fence was
exposed than many independents
thought existed.
"Dirty rushing" in numerous
forms was dragged before the cam
pus in a parade of charges by
columnists and group representa
tives and reports by objective
Apparently little was exposed
which had not been going on for
years. However, this year the
Greeks are more interested than
ever in exposing each other's in
accuracies. There must be a rea
son for this interest.
Could it be that with smaller
pledge classes among the frater
nities these Greek organizations
have adopted a cannibalistic atti
tude? Whatever your answer, there
is definitely more interest this year
in who gets which pledges.
Community School
The Ideal System?
A professor who teaches history
of education commenced his class
last week with lectures on the
difference between the community
school and the traditional school.
According to him, the 'tradi
tional' school is that which some
educators now feel is antiquated
one in which "unimportant" sub
jects like Latin, modern languages
and other impractical subjects arc
The goal of the progressive
educator should be, this professor
feels, the community school where
"students are taught to do what
they would do anyway." Th ideal
curriculum stresses vocational
agriculture, since Nebraska is
largely a rural state.
Our state, he feels, is well on
the way to becoming the first
Double Whammy ,
to have this "ideal" system. He
cited the example of a secondary
school in southeastern Nebraska
which already owns its own locker
plant, land, tractors, dairy herd
Sisters, Arise!
Annie7s Coming
Sorority sisters, arise!
(Now you girls who haven't had
your full eight hours rest just
ignore this summons. It isn't time
for dinner yet.)
But for all you girls out of the
Orphan Annie is coming to col
lege. Please, girls, kindly withhold
your fervent screams of ecstasy
until I have finished!
Yes, it is true. Word has come
to me by way of Com link's caver
nous maw that Daddy Warbucks
has finally decided to part with a
few of his shekels and get Annie
off the streets.
Now Daddy Warbucks, you all
know, was once a Phi Gam and,
of course, flunked out of school
before he got through Junior Di
vision. But Annie, gad! Put her in a
sorority and she'd be worth her
Mock Teles
weight in pledge pins. Just check
this run-down girls.
PERSONALITY? Wide-awake . . .
Cm fend off murderert, arsonists,
saboteurs and Sandy without blink
ing an eye . . . This "little lady
would bold her own in any sopho
more's convertible.
CLOTHES? Could stand expan
sion . , . Frequently sports a crim
son frock cH pulled up at the
knees,. . . Rid her of this, how
ever, and she'd be the queen of
the campus.
has it that Daddy once bluffed out
Harry Truman with a pair of
deuces and left the table owning
half of Fort Knox.
Now girls, I know that you will
want to look your beast when
Annie drops in on you so I tell
you what I'm going to do. If
you 11 write today to Gomank, Box
1, UN, enclosing a head of cabbage
(housemothers' heads will net be
accepted) 111 send you, in due
time, an illustrated brochure ex
plaining the art of w inning pledges
and influencing idiots and entitled,
What a way to make a living.
a usx of tax&Aee asking
wmrum ru&eif veterans
oft pension BEFORE a
ililVTiue ' -?5H
hi an in mi 1 1 in nfrJ
f rtTity, Soittrify. A Orgcraltatioa
Ltttmiba4 ... lttt ... Mws
SaDatuM ... Eoeklata ... fngrcum
112 Kotlk 121b.
Ph. 3-2SS7
1 J OCT.
, r I TV,
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and coop (complete with chick
ens.) This argument of traditional
school v. community school is not
new it is related to the battle
of liberal arts v. trade school,
thought v. habit. It's an old story,
but just as important now as when
it was argued between the prodigal
son and the stay-at-home.
Vocational courses are a prac
tical addition to a high school cur
riculum. But an addition only
they should never be a substitu
tion for fundamental, academic
courses that develop the student
as a rational individuaL The dan
ger of community courses lies not
in their adoption but in the ex
tent to which they force elimina
tion of other subjects.
This need for "co-existence be
tween vocational and liberal
courses was emphasised by Chan
cellor Hardin at a faculty din
ner Tuesday night. He expressed
the same danger that there must
be a balance between the two so
that trained men will be suffici
ently educated to comprehend the
value of freedom.
Unfortunately, apparently not all
educators agree with him.
A school which would provide
vocational subjects at the expense
of formal, liberal education is not
providing an education in the true
sense. There are those that be
lieve man would be happier if
he could not think. But a human
being has a right to think because
he was given the ability to do
so It is the function of our schools
to teach a child how to think
no what to think.
Roger Henkle's colura has been
particularly interesting. It would
seem he has done an about-face
since his first column in which he
not only pulled all the skeletons
from the Greek closet but also
showed the bare walls for good
Mr. Henkle thoroughly criticized
the entire rushing system and then
said the present arrangements
The Silent Majority
seem to be fairest. His criticisms
may be valid, but in the mind of
the independent the big question
still remains: WHY GO THROUGH
No one has defended rush inn and
pledging as such. And surely some
thing can be said in their favor.
One independent said he consid
ered writing a letter to defend the
Greeks since none of their writers
have done so. Most independents
realize the Greek system has some
merits. I should like to see Mr.
Henkle present these in a future
While awaiting the reply, I shall
try to explain why most students
are independent.
The typical midwestern Ameri
can student has grown up in prob
ably the most free atmosphere in
the world. He is not willing to give
up his freedom readily to a mys
terious society which, he has been
told, will take large amounts of
his money, embarrass him with
initiation stunts, regiment his time
and make him give outward re
spect to thirty or forty men who
for several months will do all in
their power to make his life mis
erable. This same student does not want
to be told that he is going to buy
tickets to this and that activity
and from whom be will buy them.
He does not want to be told with
whom he may socialize, in what or
how many activities be must parti
cipate nor that he Is expected to
attend a function on the week end
he planned to go borne.
Even beyond these physical rea
sons for being independent, many
students have a deeper, ethical
basis for their independence. They
do not want to submit themselves
to selection or rejection on a east
system which they feel is undemo
cratic. The stories are legion of young
people whose personalities have
been injured for life because of
their being rejected by a Greek
organization. Some writers bava
asserted that this one factor over
shadows any advantages claimed
by the Greek societies. '
It may be argued that ruined
personalities are the result of in
dividuals putting too much empha
sis on "making the frat." Still if
individuals cannot be persuaded to
place less emphasis on this phase
of their college career (and there
is nothing to indicate such a
change in attitude) then the sys
tem should be changed to make it
impossible for so many people to
be hurt.
Many solutions have been dis
cussed, but deferred rushing ap
pears to be the most practical.
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