The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1955, Image 1

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w livl MA)1 1 mil .,,
Vol.,, No. 6 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Mdoy, September 30, 19
1 W"
or v
Heo Girt Finalists
Left to right are Evoone Eins
pahr, Elaine Sachscbewsky, Xa
iyne Snyder, Haima Kosenburg
and Marion SokoL chosen Tues
day as finalists far tb irs
ists w21 be presented at dhe
Hello Girl Dance Saturday eve
ning, Oct S, in the Union. Stu
dents attending the dance wiH
then select the winner.
Candidates far Hello Gir! are
Interfraternity Council:
en and are judged an activities,
grades, personality and poise.
Judges were Doug Jensen, Mar
ion Jandra, Carol Anderson, Rath
Vollmer, Ed Kemble and Dick
FeUman. Hello Girl for 1951 was
Janet LindquisL (Story at rigU).
ersiedl HFC A
u y
Annua Dance
For Saturday
Hum lUseaberg, Evaaae
EiBspahr, Elaine Saeascfcewsky,
MariM Sakal aad Kadyne Say.
der were selected Tsesday aigfet
as fiaalists far tte U5S Bella
These fire will he presented
at fee aaaaal BeBa Girl Daace,
Satarday, Oct S, ia fee Lawn.
SUdeats atteadiag win select
lie winaer, waa wffl fees be aa
aaaeed at fee cMclasin af tae
ae caadMates were caasea
tte iadepeadeat vasea at
lie raiTcrsity m Ike basis af
activities, aersaaaffiy, pais? and
eaaiast- ability.
Haaaa Baseaberf is trtasarer
f Tassels, a member at the
BABW baard, vice president f
Tawae Oab, a aaenaer af Alpha
Lambda Delta and areWstra.
Evaaae Eiaspakr is vice-yresi-eat
af Laamis BaS, sacial chair
aaa af Gamma Detta, a mrm
ker af Ag TW, Same Ec Oab,
Alpha Lambda Delta aad AIT.
jnanea safcal k iv
Council Activity Limitations:
uvu &u imdJUU
H& "s f9 suk ssJl
7 Ahflhk IHajjlISm
mi to abolish the Student! ions from a cross-section of stu-
Council mW limits nrZ i ZZZ .. fL 'UIZSL representatiT.
narKrirvaKn . i L. . , i """" movea uiai we 1
e C WL l0t ? toe - 7 led for one week.
Tnk I
viau, uaiversrv nu:itur nm.
The present
Council rul
ing I i m i t
ir.g activities
was adopted
last spring
by action on
r e c o m -EDendatians
a Sta d e n t
Cfflmril sne-
cial Activities
Commit tee.
P?sed amendments to She In
terfraternity Council CtoDfititatian
wnich would allow rushees to de
pledge during Eush Week and re
ptedge wriflua 30 days was defeated
Wednesday m-nen the proposal
fatoJ to acquire the needed num
ber cf vote far passage.
The vote for approval of the
plan was 1H Although a majori
ty cf the fraternities were in favor
f fl plan, a two-thirds vote is
needed for cans&utkmal changes.
One fraternity, Sigma Alpha Mu,:
abstained from voting.
Questioned m the possibility eff
bypassing the rules concerning
waucmjmg m me cases uf three
rushees who deptedged last Eush
Week, Bill Campbell, ITC presi
dent, ruled , that this procedure
would be out of . order since the
Tides Javolved were constitutionaL
An objection to the decision tf the
cuaa; was not sustained by the
irwernny representatives.
After the first amendment failed
to acquire the needed two-thirds
vote, the second supplementary
amendment lost almost without
contest. The first, and main amend
ment, stated that pledges who de-
pieagefl during Rush Week could
reptedge another fraternity within
a period of 30 days if both fra
ternities concerned agreed. Tie
Present XFC Constitutional provi
sion states tnat rushees depleding
a fraternity must wait a semes
ter before affiliating with another
fraternity. The second amendment
rephrased existing rules.
The two amendments were first
proposed by Chuck Tomsen, Delta
Tan Delta president, at tbe IFC
meeting held Sept 21. Tomsen said
that three rushees and five fraterni
ties were involved in a situa
tion which occurred cluring Hush
Week where the three rushees de
pledged with &e intenti xrf
pledging another fraternirr
The amenrfmpnts, if imajp mtra.
active, would have allowed -
three rushees to affiliate within
the 30-day period.
Campbell also announced at the
IPC meeting that Bid Tomacm, Phi
Delia Theta sophomore, had hftm
appointed claainnan erf the IFC
social committee. A committee cm
rushmg which wiH be ajipointed
wn will meet wifla the IFC execu
tive committee to consider possible
revisions concerning ff.ncja Week
and the general fraternity rushing
program Campbell said. j
Tbe commiiJee investigated activi
ties an the campus and student
participation in them.
tin n naia iiuma- umjjwi n.n
ry, tmumnt af Bame Ee 1 '"' rf liaii&g Leadership Re-
a aDemaer at tbe B4RW I v woe accemea ny
baari. Alpha Laanbda Delta, Phi
EpsOa Omiowa, I ob
VBEA, AIT aad Newmaa Oab!
E3aiae Sachsebewsky , a
tember af Gamma Delta, Bame
Ee Oab, Ag TW, Ag Cm. Tas
eh aM Caed Camselflrs.
Xadyae Snyder is sacial chair
aaaa af Tawae Cab, secretary f
Ua rmate ad a member
Caei Caaselarc.
Weather 'r Not
The forecast for Friday reports
an expected high of 70 degrees,
with moderate to gentle saxh
west winds. The temperature will
dncp to about 50 degrees Friday
ACT contributed more to World
Itaiversity Service than any other
university grup in the Eocky
Mountain and Southwestern
st year, according to a bulletin
irom Peyton Short, WUS regional
The University was second only
to Lmdenwaod CoDei .
chJ at SL Louis, Mo, which
yearly contributes to only one or
ganized charity. ACT' divided last
years receipts among four organizations.
Tassel Application
Deadline Friday
Friday as the last day unaffiB
ated sophomore and junior wom
en can apply for Tassels, accord
ing to Courtney Campbell, publici
se chairman.
Applications may be lobtained in
the Union activities .office. A -5.5
weighted average is necessary for
Applicants will meet Monday at
p m. on union Boom 313. Tassel
activities include attendance at all
fames and rallies, selling Corn-
contributed ti9n7ip. .
WUS last year. This was 20
cent of the total receipts of $ 9BU0.
Among other Eig Seven Confer-
cm suuoois, ttie University of
Colorado contributed $1440, Univer
sity of Kansas, fiaj, SDmversiiy of
Missouri, 5aa. CniverEifv it nn.
ncma, lUaj.
WUS has again been chosen Id
receive AUF funds after this year's
drive, Oct IMDtct 2L The orEim-
izauon win receive 22 per cent of
avis tatals. -
Others benefitting frm this
year's drive include American
Cancer Society, Lancaster Associa
tion lor Retarded Children iCLAEC
School), American Heart Assacia-
Regisf ration Due
Before Saturday
radline for registration is
noon Saturday, John SeHeck,
Comptroller, announced Toes
day. He also announced an increase
in registration this year of more
than 700 students over last year's
The total number registered so
far is 7,729, including a fresh
man class which is ten per cent
larger than last year.
fJCC Head
To Visit HU,
Deliver Talk
Twenry-tfhree members of
Diversity's Madriral
Ibe Counca after lengthy debate
in the meeting between Counca
oes&eis and a cmumittee of sen-
ijrars opposing the plan. The vote
w a the plan was 3M.
At the present, the Coundl ruEiig
stales that an md3wiraBj r-'
bold more than one presidency,'
mar belong to more than twn or!i,
ganjzations as a board membEr or
above. Memlaerslap in Kosmet
Sub, Cora Ccfes, Tassels or Sto
derACounca is equal to a board
Breslow'x irwitinn nnul
"nas. uouncu repre- "It is not for a new council to
sentative from Cosmopolitan Club, vote out the ruling without gain
said that the majority of foreign! back to their organizations and
students on the campus think the I finding their opinions," he said,
policy a sound one. A resident of The student body must be given a
the Residence Halls for Men, Al- chance to express them selves
minas added that be thought the again, be said,
majority of dorm residents nn in Ohr rmn k,,;, : t.....
lavor of the imitations. the announcement of
Glenna Berry, second vice nmi. I dau:- rv-t t vr ; j
i ' uuu mi. o, neuo wiri.
B w8( soouja te ironed out, "but I
think it is good as it stands."
Johnson said that be thought or
ganizations such as Com Cobs and
Kosmet Hub, who pick their mem
bers from workers, are hurt by the !
ruling, since less men are able to1
work. i
The question of whether students
would migrate to Iowa State or
ICssouri was referred to the mi
gration committee.
Dick Johnson was appointed
chairman of a committee to ar
range a speaker for the campus
regarding election year in 1956.
Campus Robberies
Fraternities Report
$300 In Robberies
Other campus orEanizstMrm t
!! fectod by the policy are Crtr Ca.
t 3d e Pa Beligioias Counca, Ag and Gty
ers, were announced Thnrofljr- iwilaWD-. rv-, , .
Dr. David Folltz ZZZ? ZZr-Z.TV' -
aiiri- I7v, v-uiiuxubir, nwno Activities
airman of ta dmxrt-mjur : Rmni m? . .
. r-iM . u mnutaen, ah university
F. waiaers, Eejt eras, Unka
S ((board and committee cfeair-mw-,
I g I
l7f W
Dr. Eugene Carson ELate, pres
ident cf the National Council eff
Qiurdhes, win speak irdormalfy
at a fresby House open bouse on
Oct. 7 from 4 psa. to 5::3U p jju.
As president of the National
Council, Blake beads a co-opera-
Jiuskers and ushering at Univer-J tion and the Lincoln Comm
aity Junctions.
I Chest.
Outside Vorld:
ie I o iievenl
Staff Writer
Hnc that RntrHent Eiseuhower wiU reveal bis pautical
SSSS"- word
JTf- Ptiliticri associates, confident before bis heart attack
"SJ ftidaot act to run. ttrpt
n ?t I ,,uaot;Mr- be death of-
ea. Eobert Tuft, dhe party has o one outstanding Header who could
tive movement of more than Zlr j mas show.
vuv,miv members. He serves as
Stated Clerk of tthe General As
sembly of (the Presbyterian
Churxih, one of the highest execu
tive positions an the major denom
inations. He is also a member of the ex
ecutive committee of the World
Council of Churches, and jnoder-
ator cf KBCs Simfiav
''Frontiers of Faith.-"
One national magazine writes.
"Kevcr before in the United States
has a minister been given so many
responsibluties. Seldom before has
such a comparative! emmr ,.,
uoea SD WJJ iQUlOlfiea."
Of Trrruip
Tic mem
bers are: First
Soprano; 28or
tni Bos sard
and JJancy
Soprano; Sir
bars Blair,
S a e EjrVm srm
and Carol JSe- ..Jll
First Alt; Cuuru$g
Itor' Louise Gun
litiE, Evelyn Molzahn and Joan
Second Alto; Elair
Jeamne Schliefert i
Txrst Tenor: Donovan
and Amer Lincoln.
Second Tenor; Eogo- Brendk
Wendell Friest and Bruce Martin
Bantone; William
liam Hatcher and John Poutre
Eass; AHan Holbert, MsBrgaa
EuLmes, Weslev EeM r,
Last year the Erotm nwuni -
CBS program and a special Christ-
Womea's Athletic Associalioa.
Inlaleriury Counca, JSebras
ka UiDversiry Counca on Wm-vi at
lairs, Ag YMCA, Efsidents Asso-
caatian far men, Women's Derm
Counca and the Inter-Co-cm ram.
A baard member tar a person of
cajuaj statusiP as required to have at
least a 5J aocsmjulalive average,
and an officer must hsvt at least
a a.v.
A standing commitl m
Lounoi fcanffles violaliQns of the
rule after being informed by the
Dean of Student Affairs" Office.
In making bis motion. Jdhnt
explained that be did not Mm-ft the
ruung on activities was m aacunS
aaoe with students wishes.
"I See (the Student Council nnru
cy limiting activities as not be
ing Headershjp. but is bina,
itaderElup, be said. Be afl&,S
that the Counca should "do what
the students toel its right.'"
Gaa EatEtae, Counca boldwer
member, said that the special ada-.'
vitiei committee last jtar gut opin-'
Three University fratemiry boos
es were involved in a series of
robberies early Wednesday morn
ing. The aurvnTimf Is-Vp jjj cagjj
and personal property totaled
more than $3M, according to Lin
coln peffiee reports.
Houses involved in the robbery
were Alpha Tan Omega. Zeta Beta
Tan, and Phi Kappa PsL
An estimated $70 in r.afr as
taken ffrom 12 members of the Al
pha Tan Omega bouse. Reports
from the men set tbe tame of the
robbery at between 5 and 6:38 ajm. i
The togbest personal loss was $37
wish no loss off prcperly being re
ported. Lasses at the Zeta Beta Tan
bouse mcladed approximately fliiB
in cash and several watches. Ea-
vAutx w me moiase was appar
ently made by a ladder leading
to the fire escape as the dcors
bad been locked that Eight. '
Higbest persoBial loss at the
& noose was $57J from on
biZUold and 5 from annfju-r
Members report that the theft cc
curred between 2 and 7:39 m, ,
Phi Kappa Psi members report'
a combined total of $129 in
and watches stolen. At least four
members ere included in the loss.
The thief entered the bouse through
the front doer which was left un
locked. The city police reoorted Tbar.
day evening that all leads were
being checked but do deEmie sus
pect bad been found.
This was She first theft reported
from caputs organizations daring
the present school year.
Reds Hold
For Study
East German students are r.
cjtttned to take almost aU j their
courses a Hbe RuEsiau cattme 5m
seminar-canducted classes, Glenna aa includes:
To Sfeair
in Play
Jack Parris. senior in Ter-hm
CoBege, w21 play Sertoo, the lead
in the forthcoming Cniversiiy Tbe
aler prodactaoas, talag 17
Whittaker. tbeaSer crector an
Doanced Tbursday.
Parris is a member of xk.
ka Masoiaers and has bad consid
erable experience in saca orodac-
twns as -Death of a Salesman,
"liHie Faux," and t2aariey "
Three addifimal leads, StosJj,
Price, and Carporal Shnittr wi3 be
played by Skp Wealberford, Ted
N'itaier and Jan Tomasek, respectively.
S. S.
Emily Jacbon:
'Danny Grad' Visits
Campus For Year
&rry, a summer rMtaa- to Rpt- i Don Auld: Earrr. E Pmvs-
lia. said an contrasting the lives of: Berb, Jim Copp; Hcflman, Don
East and West German students. Montgomery; 0sie, Ejcfcard Gaac
Miss Berry was one of the jpeak- tafsan; ItoCartby, Larry Carslea
ers at the first meetixiz cf the aom; HameL Toe nwi
braska Umvenity Council of WoriJ ltefa StanW F."t,- n .
- 1 a
Eimmower could be the deciding factor if be desired to Dick
us successor an sw a,a i - .. .
- juu. jjiu. jicj'e a some laouut
0 WTaielluer Ike would express a urefereno
Eai-ly Preaidential primaj-ies may force Ike to sbow lus band,
sooner iihan be may Hike. The first primary wiH be held March w
rw uavauR suwwflfl by primaries m Minnesota, Wjconsin.
JutnniE, 3Hew Jersey and MaBsaclmsetts. More ftian a dozen additional
tuuviv ui oe neia inrougn May and unto June.
Eiaenhpwers political friends have realised Ihut if Ike decides to
-x iiu Burnt a successor, be must do so soon so the man be
chaoses will have a good cbanoe in the key primaries.
French Oppose Reconciliation
French Foreign Minister Astuine Finny told tl United Nations
tienenil AsaemUy that liis cotatry is against WenterB reiionciliation
'Ui Russia if it sneutis iShat he Atlantic Fact muut be diijsulved and
anatthe UJS. muut witlidraw iu lurries from Europe,
"'FaiEwia is ,un the wrung track Wlwn ilt attacks :he Allantk Pact
and when it banes its propapmda on ihe eiiuiiimliun suf what it calk,
umproperfy "foreign buses, he .dcliud. Finny addud that be knew
no ioj-eign banes imposed on any slate in tiie Atlantic
iLy of mieuns of defenMe thai iiave bw?n plact-d "in common, freely
and voluntarily, in the service l0f a single ifleaL tliat of peace, be said.
Finny was the third of tlie Eig Four Foreign Miuiiiters to afldreas
she tenth annuiil seuiiion s the (General AsBerably,
lo Inciud
Unrvfirsity students were iDvited
Friday to yarticapate an JSiibrai&B
Wesleyan's Tou Meeting of she
Air on Sunday might
The (question chunMj fqr his
broadcaat as, "Are Our Cdn,.
SupresEing llndividilalisIDr,
or.. E. Merrm Boot, atlhor of
Ccfflectoifinj on the CaTnrca. wra
defend the question, and IDtr. J
Richard Wihneh. Univenutv J
Iowa sacio'logiiit. Will -oodob. ffirmt
Eoul 3s as English profeimor at
Earlham Coltege, Kichmond, Lad.
jne proauction wuj last from
SM) pm.. to 7 pjn aUbouiih the
actual broadcasstmg wifl Hunt only
an bour
A spwaal halMiuur prfrJoraaflcaift
rfiow will be iiaudfed by the modr-
l,ur. Dr. Ehroerd l
wiH enable the auftient to h-'.
come acgututitctd with Sb jipeak-.'
ers, 11 problem, and Hie iimchaB-
Lics vi the broadcaait, i
Staff Writer
For the first time in fiv t
,: .. . -
(t-iorFeriiiry juai a Uanny Grad
on its campus. Bulding Utus pasi
tian is Emilv tlwr-
from CiOebroak. 3S JL
A Danny Grad as selncled by the
Das forth
Foundatkia on T
the basis of I
sciiolar iilji ;
actoi ties,! I
Chris tint .;
leader s b i p, . . .1
and interest
servong olb- .
ers. Wiiliaia . ' ?
Danliarth, an- , - '
tbor of the f
oouk. 1 Dare ' ' - 1
Ttua,' eclab- Jttwa
lished (this aarogram 15 years aga,
thraugb bis aalereflt xa She religi
ons drveloi'meiat of txSZ.s.e eta.
As a Danuy Grai. Mhm Jae-k.:
has btsse seat to the Cinveriaty to
ne-1? ine reiUgACttw activities and
serrioe orgaaiitatioiis. She is avail
able as as a5vi&er. speaker, or
&svmmm roop kader, and as to
t Hound at ber office an the Bom
Eooncxccjcs Boading, iEoom JUL1
from 1 to 3 on weekdmrs.
ranous colleges and adversities
m the United States, are chw-en
after jgraduatiua to attend a five
iraiiung period al Camp Mon
awgnca, Mick is preparatium fur
yr year as a Danny Grad
To be its Jios program, a gij3
maust be rejommended to the Daa
5ara Foundafem by either the
sdaodTs Dean ctf Women r the
Danftrla Assatiatej on ber can;
pus. Each year on J8e v..
Day. al She Danny Grads liave
reumon at Damfurffl bwi in
Louis, Mo. i
Miss Jaek?ffl is a firsf year
graduato of Oberlua College. Ober-
w, yws, when she majared in
Affairs Thursday idrbt. She
j Jfebratika s only delegate to the
lUCA CenlnuisiJ ConventiaD ia
j Paris this summer, and she visited
ffl Berlin for two weeks.
These study stmsnars are pre-
oura over By lajaaoa East German
workers. JSiss Berry elained. In
dividual studying 5s discouraged
"so that students &m jet the
wrong idfras. she said.
Eat German students ba Berlin
bave, by treaty, Jbe riglit to trrreJ
at West Berlin at (their wO. sbe
said. Many tf ibem stafly at the!
Unjversify wbida was idoald fcv!
mc roia raanoataon bj Amer-
itans realized that Eas4 Germans
were eroering into Weat Berlin to
tody 4b old houses by dim an3e-
bar, Stephen Stmlte; Eeed, James
Gcs; Peterson, Arbe Thayer; Ked
Dog, JWhn Madden; Germao Cap
tain, Ataa Starr; Geneva aaaa.
Lea Sciropfer and guard, Eobert
"Stalag ir is the story ctf (bt
privations, she aKemptod escapes,
and the beartbreaks of tie ia a
German coQceatratko cam? dar
ing World War n.
The play is trA wisboii t h
morons toacbes in purarTig tbe
iives of Seftaa, Stwb. Prace. Gar-
para! SbuUx and tbe rest, Wfciaa
ker said.
AJSer an erleaow! run on Broad
way, "Slag 17 was made into
a emrje sffarring WiSaani Hoildm.
The tJiBversJiy Theater prodacSisa
Slimes Eat Gcns k 2?". !
Begin Drills
With Rifles
K21es w23 begin to be hh by
CiBvenaty Kaval EOTC Mans in
ttir jidLlary driving. Ma rime
CapL A. E. Bare of tbe JflJOTC
unit announced,
Tuesday. 3 Caiar M iv.n
'in1 iam lL.A 1., J m
and chat,"" Mow Jackccaa sail'shipmea tim cairied rJW
mtnaangiL, becymiug aeo
ana preparing lor ber w
in the em!ter..
into W Berba, Miss Berry said.
She showed Sbe a4jenee a typical!
Kusrian Pr2X.an2ij&,-TM.-lr of a
Emsasa aoldier in a salutmg posra.
Sion agairwt a red batkiroani. A3J
signs and posters are printed fas
KffiEEian. she said, as the Soviet
attempt to "Ztmajstzze" tbe East
"England as mst a soriabjnijjc tvy-
emmtjrjtt aaa Americara fer tt
ij Kaglanfl s beoomaag Commmisiiiic
acre MHsoandkwJ.' aa Engbsh travel
er repealeSy feJd Daaae Eitrnam.
a Cxtrversity stodext who stnad&d in
the SrarboDne far to weeks Cms
fummer and tcssred other cmB&ne
of Europe.
Lanruare dJItfasJsaes were warn
b Us? than in T-vrvptaa
cauntriet, Faanm said, lit eoBS-j
bere one can ndw a reruuaT.
tiim-siure roeal far 75 ctj4s in
AjBtvii'aa tiurmscy.
Wanda WalMge, b to-ed
fc-siue Eutwmuj tsuuriirs
3 f ..
W.'T. m 1 wifmwjrtti at a LifZ t: I 1 i i if
Luud faateig the vMjnZrZZ: , Tl'i' ff"a i Opiate-
07k later .i The nf. .44 (77:zr Tl BS7!a " sSaST od tcJi 1-.
W . T.TJir:t 'r.ito?y. &7. vj U beid a a r7.
Football Movie
Planned Sunday
"Tbe All America. besW-v
at 7:39 juaj. aad starrfcg Tarry
Cartas and Levi Kelsen w3 be tw-
SMatod ty tbe Vma Siasday
J part of a regular series of aca
Sizeia-y evening esitertaisisesis.
The pftctore tells Guggtcxjr of a
bey wbs transfers frwa a Kg.
fcttfibaU Essadftd d to aa Irr
tcatT cwege wtere few&aa if
played far fja. The torabJe be h
as aa A3 Anatrkan ea a ctmpim
where tias dbesn't csran yifctej
form tbe theme for tbis tmke.
The Cm'jo waraes! tbat L .
cards w3 be cfeesked at tbe deer.
Tbe Csaan wLI vmeri Imr- rmr
Saaday jrgU movie darfc?g Octo-
iar- Boiesaes are prated in fc9
J 4'-
i -'
' v
t ' ' -
v - : .
"ir " -