The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 28, 1955, Image 1

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Weather 'r Not
The weather for Wednesday is fair with a
high temperature near 78 degrees. Moderate
winds from the west.
It Happened At NU
One weary new student, having finally com
pleted all the necessary steps for enrollment in
the University remarked: "Now I know why
they call it 'form-al' education."
Vol. 56, No. 5
Wednesday, September 28, 9CS
Fifty Singers:
en's CjfS Cfllil)
13 uj) U ufu) LI vu II V
2 i r
f .- - f P j " . ,
h I ft Mt-1
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law Additions
An addition planned for the
present Law College building will
add about 30 feet to the present
structure, and will provide space
for a law library, the Univer
sity has announced. The addition
-Authority Delegation:
MIS Court System
Debated By Coeds
A delegation of AWS authority
concerning the infringement and
court system is under considera
tion by organized bouses and house
Housemothers and house officers
met with the AWS Board Tuesday
afternoon to discuss the proposal,
which would allow a house repre
sentative to campus girls breaking
rules, according to rules set down
in an AWS rule book and a stand
ard guide. More serious or unusual
offenses would be handled by the
AWS court.
House representatives would meet
with housemothers to determine
whether a girl should be campused,
excused or sent to court. The rep
resentative would have the authori
ty to accept legitimate excuse.
"The proposal involves an ad
ministrative change, tind would not
put house representatives in a hard
position" in my opinion, Paula
Broady Wells, AWS president,
said in Tuesday's discussion.
The ultimate decision rests with
AWS Board members, but houses
are being consulted to allow the
board to vote fairly, she said.
AWS sign-out committee will still
check sign-out sheets, Kay Nosky,
AWS vice-president, said. A bouse
that continually turned in sign-out
sheets without evidence of infringe
ment of rules would be subject to
some suspicion, she said.
Penalties would not be arbitrarily
handed out to offenders, she said.
AWS desires a more personal con
tact with the students, which is not
possible due to time shortage un
der the present arrangement, Miss
JJosky stated.
Questions were raised by house
officers concerning resentment to
ward the representative who would
have the authority. Representatives
would hand out only mechanical
penalties, she answered.
All bouses expressed willingness
to cooperate with the system, should
it be passed. Some houses did
voice objections to the proposal on
the ground that the present AWS
system is effective and respected
by women students.
"The board feels that the indi
vidual woman would feel she knew
eiid understood more of various
aspects of AWS rules," Miss JJosky
la the past, an AWS ruling has
been accepted without question, she
said. The board feels that more
student comment wuld be an ad
vantage, she added.
The proposal would elevate the
house of representatives to an au
thoritative position in the AWS str-
Pat Brown Chosen
Queen Of Carnival
Patricia Brown, suphomcire in
Arts and Sciences, has been chosen
Queen of the annual King Koro
Karaval in Plattsmouth.
Hiss Brown, a member of Gam
ma Vol Etui
sorority, was
crowned a t
the King Kara
Xaraival Sat
turday night.
C a ndidates
for this honor
are picked by
different busj
t&esses in
f 1 attsroouta
and elected by Mis Brwa
popular vote 4 the citizens of Cass
The Kara Karaival is an annual
Cass County ceJebi-&tkon which lasts
for a week and includes band pa
rades, bee and other livestock
Other University students con
nected wib be celebration include
Pafbara Sullivan, who was chosen
a Countess, nd Janice Caldwell,
a candidate for queen. Bulb wom
en are twittbers of Delta Delta
3lia aarorily.
All Corn Cubs and Taste k nufA
turn in their llnst report 4 Cora
busker sale:, atctwding to Mike
Shucrue, CorahutJtw business
jnanafer. Keports rout be tura
in truin 1 p.m., tr p.m., Thurs
day and Friday, be muL
; s
L,., J JgLM"
t F .s ' S - :
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
will contain six book stack levels
and a basement. Work will be
gin this fall and completion is
planned for next year. This
building and the new adminis
trative wing will both be fi
nanced by the one-mill levy.
ture, Miss Nosky said. They would
not be considered as members of
the board, Mrs. Wells said.
A straw-vote was not taken on
the proposal at the meeting. House
representatives will meet in the
near future to further consider the
"We will welcome any suggestion
to improve the porposal, and will
work until it is acceptable to the
majority of students," Miss Nosky
4 - ..Jjmzmizz
Hardin Speaks:
Dinner Honors 13
For Long Service
Thirteen staff members who
have served 25 years at the Uni
versity were honored at the an
nual faculty homecoming dinner
Tuesday evening at the Union.
New staff members will be in
troduced by the deans and direc
tors. Chancellor Clifford Hardin
was the principal speaker.
Those receiving certificates were:
Miss Mamie Meredith, assistant
professor of English; Charles Mil
lier, assistant professor of physical
education; Mrs. Angeline Anderson,
assistant professor of home eco
nomics; Dr. M. Basoco, professor
of mathematics; H. K. Douthit, su
perintendent of the school of agri
culture at Curtis.
Dr. L. W. Lancaster, professor of
political science and chairman of
the department; Dr. Thomas Ray
sor, professor of English; Dr. Carl
Rosenquist, associate professor of
agricultural botany; Miss Harriet
Schwenker, assistant professor of
commercial arts.
Dr. Llyod Snyder, associate pro
fessor of agricultural economics;
Dr. J. L. Sellers, professor of history
and chairman of the department;
Lloyd Teale, assistant professor of
romance languages; and Walter
Weiland, professor of mechanical
Now is the time for higher edu
cation to plan for growth and ad
justments which are inevitable in
the years immediately ahead,
Hardm said in his address.
Hardin cited these four trends
which he said bear upon Ameri
can educational efforts, methods,
and objectives.
Those include population growth
pattern; rapid adjustments in liv
ing habits resulting from the in
creased mobility of the United
States population and such devel
opments as suburban communities.
Also, growing American interest
in international affairs and the
general realization that trensions
cannot be suddenly relaxed or ex
plosive problems speedily re
solved and the soaring demand for
higher education affect education,
he said.
'The impending flood-tide of en
rollment." Hardin said, "poses a
question of particular importance
to the public university. By herit
age and by law we are committed
to the encouragement of bro&d and
equal educational opportunity.'
Higher education has yielded to
demands for specialized training
d-sring the past half-century. Chan
cellor Hardin said.
"The issue is not whether pro
fessional training on one hand and
liberal education on the other are
Builders will hold a mass meet
ing Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Union
Room 213.
This meeting will be held to re
organize for the coming year and
is f'ir old workers as well as upper
class pledges, according to Doro
thy Novotny, publicity chairman.
There ill be a meeting at a lat
er date at which freshmen women
can sign lor work on committees.
Thela Sigma Phi
Tbrta Eima Phi. profeiwianal
fraternity for women fa journal
jsm, announced that its first meet
fcj wiD be held Thursday at S p.m.
tri the jJournalistB reading room in i
Burarti Hall.
' - -V ' " t giw ii" 1 -y-t i r::u tm sth f -i
A $600,000 administration an
nex will be built on the present
Teachers College building, with
bids on construction due Oct. 18.
The building will be of modern
Union Lounge TV
To Show Series
World Series play will be
shown on television in the Union
lounge starting at 10:30 a.m.
The first game between the
New York Yankees and the
Brooklyn Dodgers will show the
Yankees going after their seven
teenth world series win and the
Dodgers their first. The Yanks
are favored to win the series on
13-10 odds. Casey Stengel after
his sixth series out of the last
seven years, has chosen Whitey
Ford as the starting pitcher.
Walt Alston has picked Don
Newcomb to start for the Brook
lyn Dodgers.
compatible. They can be. The
question, rather, is one of empha
sis. The real danger lies not in the
over-production of trained people,
but that trained people will not be
sufficiently educated to compre
hend the value of freedom, and
will not be able to recognize a
threat to freedom when they dis
cover it or know how to defend
it when it is under attack," he
A public university cannot and
should not become a protagonist of
any religious sect or creed, he said.
Neither should there be an Iron
Curtain which seals off teach
ers and students from the basic
principles of Hebraic morality and
an understanding of the Christian
faith, Hardin added.
Universities cannot make their
maximum contribution to satisfac
tory individual living unless and
until both the minds and the souls
of their students are stirred, he
Championship Rodeo:
Alc-Sar-Ben Entertains
Scholarship Winners
Seventy-one University of Ne
braska scholarship winners were
honored guests of the Knights of
Ak-Sar-Ben of Omaha Monday eve
ning at the World Championship
These Ag College students were
among the W recipients of Knights
of Ak-Sar-Ben scholarships for the
1955-56 school year.
Edward Pettis, President of the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben welcomed
the group at a dinner which pre
ceeded the evening rodeo pro
gram. Joining the Nebraska dele
gation at Omaha were nineteen
scholarship winners from Iowa
State College, who were accom
panied by Dean Floyd Andre, head
of the college, and other faculty
Chancellor Clifford Hardin gave
a short address during the dinner.
Other Nebraska staff members at
tending included Dr. C. C. Wig
gans, chairman of the University
Scholarship Commute; Dean F.
E. Eldridjfe, Associate Director of
Resident Instruction; E. W. Janike,
Assistant Director of the Exten
sio. Division; Florence McKinney,
chairman of borne economics de
partment; and Margaret CannelL
home economics instructor.
All the scholarship recipients
were given special recognition dur
ing the evening's rodeo perform
ance. Nebraiia scholarship winners at
tending: the affair were PhyUis
Banks. Lorraine Barthuly, I m o
gene Barry, Mary Berger, Merc a
Dee Bonde, Helen Bishop, Karen
Boning, Dee Cbatterson, Edna
Cleveland, Betty Eberbart, Evonne
Eixijar, Marie Gerdes, Corene
Griffiths, Phyllis Hanson, Aria
Mae Heldenbrand, Janet Hightree.
Eula HilL Mary Lou Kimsey,
Lora Lee Lingren, Betty Parks,
Charlotte Sears, Vesta Shay, Alyce
Sidles. Katrina Tbomsen, Perna-
rie Tondtl, Marts Trautrimas. Iv-1
aa Auer. Mrs. Ivan Auer, Doc
Beck, larvin Einbop.
John Bur -
bajik, Wayne Chrustof ferson, Jim
design, brick construction, and
will be four stories high. It will
contain administrative of
fices and provide for additional
classroom space on the third
Activity Limitation:
Wove Explains Plans
or Enforcing Rule
btuaent council has appointed a
special committee for the specific
purpose of investigation infraction
of the activities limitations rule,
according to Skip Hove, Council
This committee will work
through the office of Student Af
fairs where officers of all campus
organizations are listed.
Members of the committee are
Sherry Mangold, chairman, L e n
Schropfer, Ken Vosika, Trudy So
kol and Bemie Wishnow.
Hove explained that the Council
will not interfere until there is an
actual infraction of the rules. The
activity limitation ' rule is not re
troactive so persons now holding
offices may still -hold them but
students can accept no new posi
tions which would be in conflict
with the rule.
In case of an infraction, the per
son would have to give up the last
accepted position-in other words
the one whicn produced the in
fraction, Hove said.
The rule applies to a list of 24
major campus activities. A per
son, under this rule, can be presi
dent of only one of these organiza
tions. The other half of the rule af
fecting other positions stipulates
that a student may be a board
member of only two of the listed
Hove explained that this also in
cludes membership in K o s m e t
Klub and Corn Cobs and paid staff
positions on the student publi
Notice: All npperclassmen who
are "V Men and out for ath
letics who failed to sign up for
concession selling may do so
this week.
Feather, Glenn Frink, Jerrold Gil
lespie, Bob G'ock.
Richard Hagemeier, Ronald
Helsing, Alan Hoe-ting, William T.
Howard, Lowell Hummel, Dick
Johnson, Delbert Kuhlman, Bob
Lebruska, Al Margelsen, Bil Mann
kin, Bill McCollough, Jim Mc
Lean, Roger Moline, Larry Moody,
Walter Patterson, Robert Person,
Marx Peterson.
Bob R a t h j e n, Glenn Sam
j Vjn Alan Schmid, Bernard Staab.
Betty Stark, Jerry Stark, Boyd
Stuhr, Duane Trenkle, Harvey
Tripple, Charles Trumble, J t m
Turner, Keith Versa w, Roy Volzkc,
Larry Voss, Arley Waldo, Robert
Wiener, Paul Yeutler, Charles
Yost, and Darrel Zessin.
To Show Birds
Through Films
The Audubon Screen Tours. Con-
sisting of colored motion pictures
presented by nationally known na-
toral-history lecturers, will again
be sponsored by the University
at both 4 p.m. and p.m.
The programs are:
Oct. a, "Hunting with a Micro
phone and Color Camera," This
film shows of wildlife calls and
songs and is presented Arthur
Allen of Columbia University.
Nov. H. "Between the Tides,"
showing the animals at the edge
of the sea, is presented by Robert
Marcb 14, "Penguin Summer," tet, Boston, Mass., has been se
presented by Dr. Oiin Sew all. lected to give the sixth annual
April 6, "Great Snrtokey Sky- Samuel Avery Memorial lecture at
tod," presented by Dr. C. Harri- the University Oct. 27. '
son Onans, of the University of His subject:' "1 Age 65 Too
Toledo, Early Too Late to Retire?"
May 7, "A Touch of the Tropks," Victor R. Seymour, chairman of
presented by William Wagoner. the Ifrcturefcbip committee of the
In coft junction with the National
Audubon Society are the Bureau of
Audi? Vuuual I;utrucUon of the Urn-
j vers: ty's Estsennon Division and
the Universuv SS ate Museum.
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
floor of the Teachers College.
Work on the building is expected
to begin in July, 1957, and will
eliminate all campus temporary
buildings except for Student
The Council rule also imposes a
scholastic minimum. This requires
a weighted average of a 5 for
board positions, Kosmet Klub,
Cobs and publication staffs.
Officers of the covered activi
ties are required to have a 5.7
The rule to limit activities was
proposed in the Council last
March and occasioned much heat
ed controversy.
The rule was proposed after a
committee from the Council inves
tigated University activities. The
committee gried to analyze the re
lationship of activities to the total
University program.
The conclusion of the committee
was that there was too much un
used leadership potential on cam
pus. The rule, in effect, expressed
the desire of the Council to increase
opportunities for leadership re
sponsibility. This rule takes the place of, and
' j expands the coverage of, the for-
i mer AWb point system which
limited activities for women stud
To Hear
Travelers Roundtable will be pre
sented at the first meeting of the
Nebraska University Council on
World Affairs Thursday at 7:15
p.m. in Union Room 313.
This feature of the program will
consist of three University students
who visited Europe this summer
discussing the European way of
life and people and showing color
slides of points of interest.
Miss Glenna Berry, a senior in
Arts and .Science, will contrast
the "Students' Lives in East and
in West Berlin," from the Imprev
sions she gathered on her two
week stay there.
She was a University YWCA del
egate to the YMCA World Centen
nial in Paris and a member of a
traveling discussion group. Miss
Berry, elected to attend the two
week conference at the regional
YWCA Conference, was the only
Nebraskan to attend. Miss Berry
is a member of Pi Beta Phi, is
president of City Campus Religious
Council, vice president of City
Campus YWCA, and a vice presi
dent in Student Council.
Duane Furman, a senior in
Teachers College, will tell of the
French people and student from
a student's point of view. He stud
ied French at Sorbonne University
in Paris for six weeks this sum
mer. While on the Continent, be
visited eight European countries.
Wanda Wallbridge, a senior in
the College of Agriculture, will
'how colored slides taken on her
two-months' visit of Europe. She
traveled on th Pitlv Tm, r.t t
don. England whirh .
group of college coeds. She visited
j England, Belgium. Germany, Switz
j erland, Italy, France, Spain and
North Africa.
Following the Travelers Round
table, a business meeting will be
Babson Selected
For Avery Lecture
An authority In the field of busi
ness research, Paul T. Babson,
president of United Business Serv-
Palladian Society Alumni Asocia-j
lion, sponsors of the series, ex
plained that Babson 's firm has just i
completed a two-year study of re
tirement problems.
Selects M
Fifty men students have been
selected members of the Univer
sity Men's Glee Club, Dale Ganz,
director and assistant professor of
voice, announced today.
The group plans to sing concerts
on campus, in town and out in
the state later in the semester,
Ganz said. Membership in the or
ganization is open to men students
who are not music majors.
The men's glee club was organ
ized last February by Ganz. The
purpose was to widen participa
tion in music for non-majors and
to provide a need for singing
groups, Ganz added. The type of
songs will range from Bach to
show tunes.
Membership includes: first tenor:
Dennis Coleman, J i m Feather,
Richard Hill, Wendell Belieu, Ron
Bath, Bruce Martin, Marx Peter
son, Duane Warnick, Don Dieter
ding, William Raecke and Tom
Hebard, William Balak.
Second tenor: Tom Olson, Stan
Slater, Jerry Spencer, Warren
Wolpa, Richard Lannon, Burton
Johnson, Gene Hiatt, Donald Fitz
gerald, Dale Lewis, Stan Widman,
Don Gorrell, Mack Lundstrom and
John -Brady.
Baritone: Will Else, Larry Ep
stein, Marvin Gilman, Jim Kane,
r f -i r
I. '
yf My..
Days Numbered
Ellen Smith Hall, long a cam
pus landmark, will be razed for
the construction of an adminis
trative wing to the Teachers
College Building, University of
ficials have announced. Since
1919, the building has housed of
fices of the YWCA and the Dean
of Women.
Ellen Smith Hall was built in
1888 as a private home, costing
$40,000. In 1915 it was rented to
Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. Dur
ing World War 1, the YWCA
moved in a canteen for servicemen.
Outside World:
Nixon, Cabinet Licet
Staff Writer
Vice-President Richard Nixon, keeping the wheels of government
turning during President Eisenhower's absence, announced that the
National Security Council and the Cabinet will meet to consider matter
which he termed "of a routine nature."
An increasingly important question raised as a result of Ike's
absence concerned how much presidential authority can be delegated
to Nixon and his aides. Nixon announced that Attorney General Herbert
Brownell, Jr., would attend the Security Council meeting to give an
interpretation of the delegation of authority,
Brownell, however, said that in view of Ike's "encouraging" prog
ress, g may not be necessary for a meeting to discuss the delegation of
authority. "There are legal ways and meant to assure the orderly
functioning of the government under the Eisenhower policies," he de
clared. Dr. Paul Dudley White, "the heart specialist attending Ike, said that
Eisenhower "will be much better off to take up some of his duties
than to worry over neglecting them while he recovers."
Egypt Accepts Russian Arms
Egypt informed Britain that she has accepted an offer by Russia
to supply her with arms and military equipment, in spite of a plea
by the U.S. and Great Britain in New York that there should not be
any race to supply arms to the Middle East.
The United States, Britain and France have tried to maintain a
military balance of power aod to prevent an arms race between the
Arab countries of the Middle East and Israel, under a declaration
signed among the Big Three in 1950.
Although a state of armistice "exists in the Middle East, the Arab
countries including Egypt are still technically at war with the State
of Israel. (
Ladejinsky Tangle Called Error
Denying security clearance to Wolf Ladejinsky, a Russian-born spe
cialist on land reform, wss termed a mistake by Secretary of Agricul
ture Benson.
In spite of the fact that Ladejinsky had bei cleared by the State
Department and had worked In the Tokyo Embassy, he was refused
security clearance by the Agriculture Department Unt January.
Ever since that incident Benson said that his department's aecurUy
program has been overhauled. He acMed that newspaper criticism of
his decision in the Ladejinsky esse "caused me more concern than
ever" about t'.-c Agriculture Department's security program.
"I'm sure we have made mistak In handling our security pro
gram, but they were bonert and conwientiou isLtoi," Benson iSf.
Benson reviewed his decision before a Senate Civil Service ii!com
m litre.
Walter Schmidt, John Noble, Rich
ard Stopher, Conrad Schneider,
Robert Wagner, Bill Dahl, James
Eselin, George Schweers and Clin
ton Gehrke.
Bass: Alan Anderson, Peter An
derson, Bob Hinman, Dean Davi
son, Lonnie Bayer, Larry Oster
man, Nathan Miller, Larry Schrag,
Ernest English, Jack Mills, Don
Leisy, Bob Keifer, Chuck Hood and
Lynn Van Winkle.
Harry Grasmick is the accom
panist. Student Directory
Will Publish Early
University Builders plan to have
the 1955-56 New Student Directory
out earlier this year for the con
venience of all students, announced
Betty Branch, chairman in charge
of the directory.
Contents of the directory will be
much the same as last, the only
changes being the new cover and
new location for several sections.
Typists will be needed next week
to help prepare the text for publi
cation. Anyone interested in this
work should report to the Builders
office at the Union, Miss Branch
Triir" - ' - 'iniiiwriitiNV iffr iriufcn
Courtetr Lincoln Star
In 1920, the University pur
chased the building, and
remodeled it. It was first known
as the Women's Building, and
then re-named Ellen Smith
Hall in honor of a registrar of
the University, a woman who
had joined the staff in 1877 and
who served nearly 30 years. Her
portrait was hung in the build
ing by the class of 1902.
The announcement of the pos
sible doom of Ellen Smith Hall
last year brought protests from
some students and alumni.