Vol. 55, No. 95 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Thursday, July 28, 1955 Personality; adit ecGcimzes fJB Posfor's By ROGER WAIT Dr. Rex Knowles, Presbyterian Congregational student pastor, said in a Summer Nebraskan "Person ality" interview Tuesday that "I see my function as three-sided. Knowles was r e centiy awarded a a honorary Doc tor of Divinity degree from lP & stings College at the 1855 Com mencement ex- i i r ercises. The first Side, he Said, Cowxsw LincoJ Star jj-liie "provid- Knowles ing of a religious program for church kids from curch families who come to the University. The pastoral side. Knowles said, concerns "counseling and care of all the students and organizations or. campus.' This involves '"visi tations to fraternities and sorori ties," he added. The third side is interpretative, Knowles said. His function in this way, lie explained, is to make r a t : Unsightly? For the information of the reader, the knees appearing on the left of the picture are those of the male animal and the more graceful ap pearing knees on the right belong to m young coed. The dress Is -quite u .: 1 ', 5 "the whole University faculty, ad ministration and students face up to its true purpose for being." In this role, Knowles said that he tries to explain to them "the place of a university k God's world and the place of a student in this Uni versity." He illustrated what he meant by citing a mural by Orozco in the library at Dartmouth College. It portrays, he said, an "obstetrical table on which a skeleton mother is being delivered of a skeleton baby wearing an academic mortar board. Assisting are doctors ir. academic garb. Arrayed on shelves in the background are other skele ton babies. This mural, he continued, illus trates a '"university's proficiency in the production of sterile ideas unrelated to life." Knowles said, "I don't believe our University is this way, but it can be this way unless the Uni versity recognises its particular calling under God." He said that within a year a chapel win be built which will complement Che three functions of a university pastor. " 4 i i X similar for both men and women and the best was to discover the six of m Bermuda short wearer from the rear is to check the shoe size. The men, inevitably, wear larger shoes. iSee Picture on Page S). fJH ' zii d Jj Cj ' The University summer com mencement exercises will take place at 7 p.m. Aug. 5 in front of the East Stadium. Approximate ly 320 students will be granted degrees. The commencement speaker will be Chancellor Leland Forrest of Nebraska Wesleyan University. He will speak on "If Tomorrow Comes . . ." Chancellor Clifford Hardin will preside. Union Schedules Two Film Presentations Two foreign films are on the Union agenda this week, one to night and one Sunday evening in the Union Ballroom. "Earrings of Madame De, which was scheduled two weeks ago, but failed to arrive in time for its scheduled Sunday showing, w2l be shown Thursday at 7:30 The regularly scheduled movie for this week is "Pit of Loneliness." Both films will be shown with After two seasons on the scene there still doesn't seem to be any decision as to the acceptability and propiety of Fennuda shorts. Seg ments of the college community would like to take shorts from the realm of the bact yard the garden and -the lawn mower and place them in a respected position on the campus and the streets of the city. Last "Father's Day,': many male were presented with this particular type of shorter pants. The only problem" is where should they be worn, or should they be worn? An editorial in the Colorado Daily has started a rather signifi cent If Bermuda short? are signi ficent) influx of mail to the editor's desk. The Summer Nebraskan de cided to see what the few summer students bad to say on knee ex posure. "Norm Strand, graduate student in accounting, srid, 1 don't see any particular objection to them except in church and air-conditioned buildings.'' Asked if he owned a pair or bad ever worn Bermuda shorts, Strand admitted that be had worn shorts in Hong Kong. But he hastened to add that he doesn't wear them on campus because the only build ings be frequents are air condi tionedSocial Sciences Hall, Love Library and the . Union. A male University faculty mem ber who. declined to give his name commented, "They look ridicul ous." With that, he walked on. A sophomore in journalism, Bev erly Buck, answered, "Oh! I think they're lovely. They're very com fortable, cool and attractive, for both men and women. Miss Buck, however, bad .one reservation. She said, "Men shouldn't -wear them without knee socks. Otherwise, she observed, "They look icky. The former English department secretary, Mrs. Ann Gustafson, said, "I think they're great. I like them for both men and women. I wish -we could wear Bermuda shorts to work. The new secretary .of the English department, "Mrs. Dorothy Fatrks, IjYO) FJ3 E 5 d Lf3 Students receiving degrees will assemble at 6:30 p.m. in the Coli seum. They will obtain diplomas in the Coliseum after commence ment ceremonies. Dr. Forrest was appointed Wes leyan chancellor June 1, 1954. Pre viously be served three years as Dean of the College at Wesleyan. Forrest also was director of stu dent . personnel services and dean out charge for admission. All per sons participating in the Summer Sessions program are invited to attend, according to Judy Kaplan, Union activities director. Starring Charles Boyer, Danielle Darrieux and Vittorio De Sica, the first film's story revolves around a pair of diamond earrings which complicates Madame De's unruf fled wedded life. She pawns them and her husband repurchases them for bis mistress. i IS ,Si 1L. 31 m what she said was an Alabama accent, drawled, "Oh, definitely I think Bermuda shorts are the thing, the coming thing, that is. She added, My husband wears them all the time." Following is the editorial which aroused indignation and comment a the University of Colorado: There'i certainly nothing worse looking thaa a pair of men's knees, especially when toey're sticking out of a pair of pants," Arthur Godfrey said recently in reference to Ber muda shorts. We agree. And we found it difficult to be come accustomed to evea the most curvaceous female legs protruding from Bermudas. Since their intro duction Into the feminin wardrobe more thaa a year ago, Bermudas have spread in popularity faster than Davy Crockett reached the top of the hit parade. They've ev-a gone as far as to make Bermuda tuxedos and pajamas. Whatll be next? We're certainly i against peopl wearing comfortable clothes, but it seems that all sense of beauty was thrown out the window when Bermudas became fashionable. The bonier a girl's knees, the more often she wears Bermudas, or so it seems. And even those females with attractive knees and shapely legs don't look any too terrific in the new fashion. During the past year we have siowlv become accustomed to girls wearing Bermudas. It's one of those things that's "bigger than you, so why fight it. But let's stop this foolishness be fore it spreads too far. Well have to put up with women and their Bermudas until the fad dies down, but something should be done to limit their introduction into the male wardrobe. Is it necessary for men to look like grade school Mds ; just to be fashionable? Do our clothes designers exert that much power ver us Chat they can dress the population in clothes that look completely ridiculous? We say an emphatic "No! So let's keep those boney knees H of the college at Taylor University, Upland, Ind. He was an instructor in English and Bible at Anderson College, Anderson, Ind. NU Enrollment Rise Expected Between 7800 and 8000 students are expected to register for the fall semester at the University, Dr. Floyd Foover, director of registra tion and records said Tuesday Hoover attributed this increase of 1900 over last year's second se mester figure of 7000 students to a "growing interest in higher edu cation, not only the increase in the birth rate." Final total registration for Summer Sessions was 2,852. The breakdown by college follows: Law, 2; Dentistry, 65; Parmacy, 20; Arts and Sciences, 278; Teach ers, 740; Teachers Advanced Pro fessional, 525; Graduate, 618; Engi neering, 177; Business Administra tion, 219; Agriculture, 121; Junior Division, 19, and Students-at -Large. 67, 9 9 9 and hairy legs under a pah- of falMeBfth trousers. Let's keep our sense of respectability. 1 am glad to find someone who is brave enough to face the criti cism that be is bound to encounter as result of objecting to this grow ing fashion of bermuda shorts. To me, however, they are equally nr more attractive than short shorts on most women. Those who should Dot wear bermuda shorts definitely should not wear them shorter, although they do. As for the men: I think th?re are few things less attractive than bermuda shorts that display, not only bony knees, but hairy legs as well If .they don't care what roost women think of their latest fad be ing usurped by the opposite sex, wont they even listen to a dis gruntled member of their own sex?" and other's aot so laudatory: "1. Bermuda shorts are unat tractiveeven on girls with attrac tive knees. This is a flagrant abuse of editorial right of opin ionan attempt to foist upon the reading public a bigoted and an te inded notion. I don't know the sex or inclinations thereto of the writer, but as fojme, I like girls, knees, and if they choose to dis play them I am the gainer. 2. The sense of respectability is lost when men don Bermuda shorts. If so, then the most re spectable people in England, on the Continent, and on the East Coast have been deluded for years. They are sensible, intelligent peo ple, and the leaders of their coun tries. We should do well to lose a similar degree of respectability. 3. To wear shorts is to follow blindly the dictates cf the fashion designers. How perverted can rea soning be? Trousers are obviously the most popular garments for men, Who, then, is being slavish those who wear trousers, or those who wear shorts? Who is following blindly the dictates of the mass? S DuT I : 1. .MM. I IB