The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 14, 1955, Page Page 4, Image 4

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TlhiTScfoy,' July 1 4, 1 955
Friday Performance
:orus To Present
he Mighty Casey'
America's No. 1 pastime, base
ball, and music will be combined
in the presentation of the opera,
"Tthe Mighty Casey," by the Uni
versity Summer Chorus Friday at
8 p.m. in the Howell Memorial
The publitf is invited and admis
sion will be by tickets only which
may be obtained free of charge
from the Music Department, Union
or Howell Theatre.
Leads in the baseball game
within the opera will be played by
Vaughn Jaenike as Casey, John
Schwartz as the narrator and Carol
Je Armstrong as Casey's girl
An opera is given yearly by the
chorus as part of on opera work
shop sponsored by the School of
Fine Arts and the University Sum
mer Sessions. Most of the enrollees
are Nebraska music teachers
working toward graduate degrees.
Earl Jenkins, assistant professor
of voice ho is the music director,
liam Schuman "was created under j
the influence of the rising trend of
American opera, rooted in our own
culture and traditions. This trend
is :early becoming more dominant
and, it is believed by many, repre
sents the best hope for a vital
American theater of musical
The original verses of Ernest
Thayer's "Casey at the Bat" ap
pear intact in the opera's libretto.
Stage director is Clarence Den
ton, instructor in the Department
of Speech and Dramatic Art. Shir
ley Hurtz is accompanist, Dorothy
Maxwell, choreographer: Jim
Tomasek, lighting technician, and
Dale Ganz, assistant lighting tech
Other members of the cast in
clude: Glenn Trent, Allen Hartley,
Nancy Norman, Jack Wells, Gene
Knepper, Jerry Lawson, Joan Mar
shall, Sute Thomas, Doralee Wood,
Bonnie Young, Helmut Sienknecht,
Bruce Beymer, Shirley Halligan,
Jerry Hurtz, Danny Grace. Joseph
Crawford, Don Goodrich and Hugh
Thomas. -
The Inside Wei
Sport Reels
Two sport reels on huntinc will
be shown today in the Union Main
Lounge from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30
p.m. The two films are "The Mak
ing of a Shooter" and "Hunting
Dogs." Fishing will be the topic
of next week's films which are
sponsored b the Union and the de
partment of physical education for
Foreign Film
The first in the Union's foreign
film series will be shown at 7:30
p.m. Sunday in the Union Ball
room. The movie, "Earrings of Ma
dame De", has French dialogue
with English sub-titles. No admis
sion will be charged.
Starring Charles Boyer, Danielle
Darrieux and Vittorio De Sica,
the film's story revolves around
a pair of diamond earrings which
complicates Madame De's unruf
fled wedded life. She nawnc thpm
and her husband repurchases them
for his mistress.
Bridge Lessons
The fourth in the Union's series
Tf bridge lessons will be given
at 4 p.m. Tuesday in Union Par
lors A, B and C.
Mrs. Homer Honeywell is in
structor of the series in which the
Greeting Cards
for every occasion
Steljoneiy SScra
215 North 14
Goren point-count method is used.
Forty persons are enrolled.
Joint Luncheon
Pi Lambda Theta and Phi Delta
Kappa, education honoraries. will
hold a joint dinner meeting at 6:30
p.m. Tuesday in Union Parlors Y
and Z.
Dr. Earl Wiltse, superintendent
of schools at Grand Island, will
speak at the .dinner on "'What
Every Educator Ought To Know
About South American Schools."
Wiltse recently toured South Amer
ica for six weeks, visiting schools
The fifth in a series nf hand
crafts classes sponsored by the
Union will be held at 7 p.m. Tues-
aay in the Craft Shop. Since a
new project is demonstrated each
week, it is unnecessary to have
attended previous lessons Projects
to be demonstrated are rimn nlao.
tic, textile painting and wood and
metal tooling.
The Craft Shop is open Thurs
day evenings
Town Bt Campus
Is Being
Sjent at
Town & Campus
For Terrific
Summer Clearance
In addition we are receiving;
new fall thine that yon
should examine vith an eye
toward fall.
No. Words 1 Wk. 2 Wks.
1-10 .40 .65
11-15 .50 .80
16-20 .60 .95
21-25 .70 1.10
Visits NU
1st Lt. Dorcas A. S tarns of the
Women's Army Corps will visit the
University Thursday and Friday to
interest University seniors and
graduate students in becoming of
ficers. "There is a great need for Wom
en Officers in our National De
fense Program which can best be
filled by young college graduates,"
said Lt. Stearns. ""We are particu
larly interested in contacting quali
fied young women who are con
sidering fields in which they may
receive additional education s
well as an interesting career."
Lt. Stearns, who is assigned to
Fifth Army Headquarters in Chi
cago, will be at Ellen Sirith Hall
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days.
Women with college degrees,
who are accepted, enter the Army (
as First or Second Lieutenants, de-:
pending on their qualifications, and :
Hayloft Presents
Jekyll and Hyde
"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," by
Richard Abbot is the Hayloft Sum
mer Theater production currenty
being shown at the Hayloft. Per
formances begin at 8:30 p.m. and
will continue through Sunday.
Marv Stromer is featured in the
title role. Portia Hawley plays
Pauline and Noel Schoenrock is Mr.
Udderson. Dr. Lanyon is played
by Skip Weatherford.
The play is an adaptation- of
liobert Louis Stevenson's tory of a
man who is able to divide his per
sonality into two parts. Next week
is presentation is "Accent On
Seventy - eight per cent of
vehicles involved in fatal accidents
in 1954 were traveling straight
Nearly 14,000 persons were killed
in weekend traffic accidents last
NU To Hold
'Fun Roundup'
A "Square Dance Fan Roundup
will be beld at the University July
21 and 22 la the Union Ballroom.
This is the first time sack a pro
gram lias been offered.
The "Roundup" win be both edu
cational aad recreational.
Tbe '"Roundup" . is being spon
sored by the department f physi
cal education for women and tbe
Nebraska Folk and Square Dance
Association. Mrs. Overa Berck,
physical education assistant pro
fessor, is co-ordiaaUr.
Fraternity. Sorority. 4 Orowniaatiaa
Letterheads ... Letters ... News
Bulletins . . Booklets . PreoTsnas
graves pmnxs CO.
312 NorUi 12th Ph. 2-2957
for a two-year period or
$300.00 EASY
We aeei a eampaa aeeat s eJI aaHeasJlr meVwtter J draw-tiic wt mm elior
rate te vnrinrrrlnc liwihmn bt fail. TmemeMn prwflt: ee awt tai ml
mnulrra. 1 n pertem an bmrtinrrt and irtut-4 wiling taerrartlea. Wrtte:
Empire Eaciafwriaff Hnil Ce-, r.. lies 114 aal Ht. Sta., MC It, K.l.
5 JtSiaAiza
Misses Juniors -Holf-Sizes
or 8.05 cacli
Akwm -IS
I A falulu wWon of Lue-life fashion.
?VVrW t0 P ytHi ViHfl nd rth looking for U
w t r a . . ir-c Kivirn. uretuiv
CuhuuU for fctrr-rl wear.
All lhee summer fabric
to choote from,..
T'fSnf fVuiu.
T'rint ilnn
Print DrcnWc Nvlon jVrsev
Pima fi.H',..., m fl.t i n.
- - wiwiig - n iuii ana 14 ma
Miracle Chambrar
Dim't mi thU wonderful opportunity to one!
GOUTS ItreaHe ... Serund Tloor