TKursdoy, JuTy 14, 1955 SUMMER NEBRASKAN Poge 3 1 LogucoQdd Odd Lesxmdae a. T)s End Up Please Jerry Miller and Courtney Camp bell, two University summer ses sion students, are, shown the Lincoln Chiefs baseball dugout by members of the ball club. Seen left to right are Miller; Bob Reyn- By SAM JENSEN Although Casey is due to strike out Friday night in the University Chorus production of "The Mighty Casey," baseball in Lincoln is not limited to productions on the How ell Theater stage." The Lincoln Chiefs, Class A en trant in the six-team Western Lea are currently in the midst of a two game home stand with the Sioux City at Lincoln's Sherman Field. The Lincoln team maintains a "full working agreement" with the Pittsburgh Pirates. The Lincoln baseball Club, Inc., controls man agement and finance of the team while Pittsburgh furnishes player material. Headed by manager Bill Burwell, recently "managerial consultant" for the Pirate syitem under Branch Rickey, the Chiefs are cur rently -in third place having hit a slump in recent weeks. Four new players are expected to boost the team's prospect for a 1955 League Championship. Listed on the Lincoln roster is Bob Reynolds, University grid All American, who has filled in out field and infield spots. Reynolds played a lot of baseball at .second base for the Husker nine while an undergraduate. Other teams in the Western League Include Des' Moines, Sioux City, Pueblo, Wichita and Colorado Springs. There is currently a pos sibility of adding two more teams olds, former University grid Ail- American now playing for the Chiefs; Miss Campbell; Dick Hall, Chiefs pitches, and Bill Burwell, manager of the Lincoln entry in the Class A Western League. to the League, probably Hutchin son, Kan., Topeka or Sioux Falls, S.D. The Lincoln Baseball Team is owned by 2600 stockholders and a 17 man board of directors, headed by President A. Q. Schimmel super vise operations. The business of the Lincoln team is headed by -General Manager Dick Wagner, a native of Central City. Wagner's wife attended the Uni versity. Wagner said that students and faculty from the University are always most welcome at Sherman Field. The Chiefs, he said, are one of Nebraska's two professional baseball teams. Wagner mentioned several stand out players that could bear watch ing including Dick Hall, pitcher- outfielder who is batting .313 and has won ten games and lost five; Outfielder Frank Rice, a native of Fairbury who is currently hitting the ball at a .301 clip, and Ted Ad kins, Lincoln's top first baseman who has accumulated a .310 bat ting average. Hall is on "quick call" to the parent club and can be called up any time by the Pirates and be playing in 24 hours for the Na tional League team. Rickey and other members of the Piratesy staff have made several visits to Lincoln to see the young pitcher in action. CHICKEN DELIGHT PflOUE 5-2178 Frcc Delivery I7e 11017 Serv '1.35 Cbirkea DeUfht Dinner. CMrkea DeflcM fimck. . Shrimp BeUfM DIrbat. Shrtmp IMIrM . 85c .1.35 . 85c . 95c Open Seven Days A Week 115 So. 25th St. Chiefs Schedule Games to be played at Sherman field while the summer school is in session include: July 14 Sioux City July 19, 20, 21 Pueblo July 22,23,24 1 Wichita July 25,26,27,28 Colo. Springs July 29, 30, 31 Sioux City Game time is at 8 p.m. A young man took his city-bred girl friend into a night club which was decorated elaborately in cow boy style. They were there a short time when the girl arose and excused herself to go and have her face made-up. She returned a moment later, her countenance a blushing red. "Ted," she said "youH have to help me. Am I a heifer or a steer?" AT miLLER S r 5902 South Street Take Normal Bus to end From Theatre (JL P 2 JCightweight lj J : oLuxury Coats j!j i ' Kr h. "' Cashmere All j!j 'I' ' Xfvr Season Coats j 0 by Country cJweeds jj I ! ' ! I ii u - Just Arrived n jj Vy" at MILLER'S jj j I , f Einiger Imported 1 j y I l A I Cashmere Jf 1 V - ! I I ft . ... ..II I ' ;'' ; I ' fl35 f I , ' Nude, Bamboo, Green Magic, Charcoal f! L, ; ' . 1 Z2S A 'l t ' Black, Charcoal Blue, Wedgewood Blue, ' aw,i Yarn Dyed Grey. Misses sizes 8 to 26 ! I and Petite Sizes 10 to 18. ! I J1 j Lara way the cashmere you select now! Pay jt V A ' j small sum each month, then have your 1, i I l I new cashmera coat for Fall. j I VX" als an u'l8 Second Floor I X riiuniinT jubii I9J5 ' I HAYLOFT SUMMER THEATRE ON THE STAGE Dramatization of Robert Louis Stevenson's Famous Novel Terrifying, Thrilling, Full of Suspense! Single Admission $lX9-tax tncL For tickets end! reservotions PHONE 4-2f7 Wednesday thru Sunday, July 13-17 CURTAIN 8:30 P.M. 'I S I -1