Poge 2 SUMMER NEBRASKAN file upmnuwy Supposedly, opportunity knocks only once, but this axiom probably doesn't hold true anymore as opportunity seems to be knocking on every door and in every closet. The University's Summer Session of 1955 will offer opportunity in the classroom but there will also be op portunity at the special convocations and m the exhits tions and the museums. There is learning in discussion of common problems with others of like interest and there is chance for education in the libraries and in so cial activity. There is much to be learned from people especially learned and educated people and there is much to be gained from places especially places of cultural and his torical interest. One of the objectives of the Summer Nebraskan is to point out these opportunities for learning. Opportune ties that exist on the camnus and m the community in the classroom and in seminar and convocation. The University's fine program has been planned and set forth. Opportunity for learning, just like spring, seems to be busting out all over. 1 S UHVBfS Traffic deaths on Memorial Day this year set a new high in carnage and wanton destruction of human life. Memorial Day is supposedly a time to honor the dead not a time for adding to the death toll. Countless editorials have been written, slogans have been devised and speeches have been given on the subject of traffic safety, but if results are indicative of the worth of these efforts then all these words haven't had much effect. Death still travels the nation's highways at top speed. Thirty-five thousand five hundred persons were killed and 1,960.000 were injured in 1954. Excessive speed was the most dangerous driving mistake in 1954. Speed killed 12.380 people and injured more than 659.000. Weekend crashes accounted for 13,980 killed and 678, 000 hurt during 1954. Thirty-nine per cent of the deaths and 35 per cent of the injuries occurred on Saturdays and Sundays last year. Tnretr-out zf four auto accidents happened to pas senger cars driving in clear weather on dry roads, and 78 per cent of vehicles involved in fatal accidents were traveling straight ahead. These are grim statistics. The above figures point out that accidents are heavy, even though state and community authorities have spent millions of dollars in an effort to provide safer and better roads and saner driving. Insurance companies and other private firms are spending millions for safety education. State, county, local and parkway police are constantly patrolling streets and highways. More and better engineered thruways are coming off the drawing boards. It appears -to us that al most everyone is concerned with this needless slaughter and its accompanying waste of human and property values. Almost everyone, that is, but the drivers. Traffic regulations were set up as a proper guide for the handling of traffic, and need the cooperation of all drivers. The problem starts and could ideally end with the drivers. Who are the drivers? Each one of knows the answer to that question. It is sincerely hoped that by continually reminding drivers of safe driving through newspaper messages, television, radio and literature that traffic accidents will be reduced in the coming years. We are the drivers. "Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts." Henry Adams "Civilization is a progress from an indefinite, inco herent homogenity toward a definite, coherent hetero geneity." Herbert Spencer. Ths Summer Nebraskan Member: Associated CeBesiate Press iBiereoDezlste Press Representative; Xaitoaal Atfvertfctag Service, Incorporated The Nebraskan is published by students of the University of Ne braska under the authorization of the Committee on Student Affairs as an express ion of student opinion. Publication under the jurisdic tion of the Subcommittee on Student Publications shall be free from editorial censorship on the part of the Subcommittee, or on the part of any member of the faculty of the University, or on the part of any person outside the University. The members of the Nebras kan staff are personally responsible for what they say, or do or cause to be printed. Editorial Staff Editor Sam Jensen Assistant Editor Roger "Wait Editorial Board John Gourlay, Marianne Hansen, . Marilyn Kitcheil, Kay Nosky - Business Staff Business Manager Barbara Eicke For information regarding advertising or editorial matter in the Summer Nebraskan call 2-7C31, University extension 4225, 4226, 4227. IfTTU MAN ON CAJ.IPUS by Dick llbfer XZ-f - ' Student Opinion Collegia Big Four Talks . . Because of increased speculation concerning a meeting on the sum mit between the Big-Four Chiefs- of -State, the Associated Collegiate Press asked a sample of college students across the nation the fol lowing question: Do Th Think the Uafic -States Saoald Participate ia a Big-Fan-Talk tm the Very Near Fa tare? The results: YES 75 per cent NO 14 per cent UNDECIDED 12 per cent Most students echo the senti ments of fiie Purdue University sophomore who feels "We have nothing to lose." Others feel our participation would be helpful even if nothing results from the talk. A senior at Southern Methodist University says "Any move to show the world we want peace will help." Still, other students attach res ervations to their approval of a Bag-Four talk. A coed at Western College states that "We should con cede no more free peoples to the Communists." A junior at Augustana College thinks our participation is a must, because "We must have a voice in any decision that may be made. Many of the students who dis approve of a Big-Four talk say "the talk won't do any good any way. The Russians break their promises as fast as they make them." Others feel the talk would yield nothing but "propaganda fa vorable to the Russians. Russian Editors ... Last year a group of United Stales college newspaper editors toured Russia. This year group of Russian college newspaper edi tors have asked permission to visit the United States, and our State Department agreed to allow them to visit our country. (Then came the "finger printing" incident.) The United States State Depart ment Ilm decided to allow a group of Rassiaa college newspaper edi tors to visit the United States. Do lorn approve of this decisioa? The results: YES 79 per cent NO S per cent UNDECIDED 13 per cent Many students comment that they are proud of this country and welcome any opportunity to show it off to the Russians. A coed at Holy Name College feels "The more the Russians learn about the United States the better will be the chances for peace," while a Wooster College senior says "We have nothing to hide." Disapproving of the proposed visit, a senior coed at Colorado A&M feels "The Russian editors are not really students," but one of her classmates responds that "Any contact with them will help foster better understandings." Yalta Papers ... The recent release of the Yalta papers stirred up a national con troversy in which many opinions, both pro and con, were expressed concerning the timing of this re lease and the actual release of the papers themselves. What do col lege students thing about this re lease? Do vo think the release of (he Yalta papers by the State Depart ment was a proper thing to do at this time? The results in per cent: - Total Mea Womea YES 2 S3 a NO 49 43 35 UNDECIDED .. 32 24 42 The results indicate the coeds are more indecisive than college men on this question. Further more, almost one-third of the col ege students sampled were . un decided. The reason for much of this indecisiveness is expressed by a sophomore coed from South east Missouri State College who says "I do believe that the people have a right to know what happens, but Fm not sure It was wise to re lease them (Yalta papers) at that particular time." Those favoring the release might second the comment of a graduate student at Southern Methodist Uni versity who feels "It never hurts to know the truth," or fee state ment of a Western College coed who savs "It was proper at any time. The earlier the better. Per haps we will learn from our past mistakes." Students disapproving of the re lease generally attach oolitical mo- tives to the State Department's actions. A Richmond Professional Institute freshiran says it was "A political move that accomplished little except to dig up dead facts that cant be changed." From-. Tho Editor's Desk The Nebraskan office receives all kinds of periodicals and publi city releases intended for publica tion or quotation In the paper's news columns. ' Items . ranging from texts of speeches of the pres. idents of corporations to informa tion concerning an annual art ex hibit in Wyoming find their way into file Nebraskan offices. While glancing around at all the piles of paper that have accumu lated during the year, I came across two hems of particular in terest, 'The Democratic Digest and Festival which is the "Newspaper of fhe International Preparatory Committee for the Fifth World Festival of Youth and Students for Peace and Friendship." Admittedly, the publications have no connection and no association is intended. They differ not only in content, but also in format. The Digest is a small pocket book type publication and is similar in make up to the "Reader's Digest." Fes tival is printed on high grade news print and utilizes color, sen sationalism and illustration. Students of propaganda tech- aiqoe could well ase the Digest for examples of every method of propaganda. The examples of half troth and "card -stacking" are quite obrioas. For example, the cover meatioBs aa exclusive inter view with John Foster Danes. - The interview, as it turns out to be, is actually a compilation of statements that Dulles has made over the past 16 years. Questions by the Digest are answered by excerpts of Dulles statements which he made in speeches, inter views and writings. Dulles proba bly never beard of the questions until after the publication of the magazine. Most of the content is composed of derogatory remarks directed at Dulles, President Eisenhower and Vk-Prei24 N4aoa, Very littlm of the material is positive or deals with actual work of the Democra tic party. It seems quite unlikely that any but the most staunch member of the Democratic party could stom ach such flagrant name calling and ridicule. There certainly is a need for party publications of gen eral interest to the public, but parties that agree on the general principles of government should not have to resort to mud sling ing and base propaganda. A more positive approach one that stres- s positive information would appear to be more suitable. Oa!y 53 days remaia to tbe Fes tival reports the issue of Jaae 7. Tbe Festival which is to be held ia Warsaw win eegia Aag. 13. Faces of smiling youth in work and peasant dress are spread throughout the paper. News of fev erish preparation of the groups of delegates and the events which will take place at Warsaw fill the. news columns. No antipathy towards western nations is " men- tionen, but the words "peace, co-existence," and "friendship are used for various effects. A small . guide to Ihe Polish lanruage is found on the back page. Provision is made for stu dents, workers, farmers and em ployees to identify themselves in Polish, but if you are engaged in any sort of executive work, you would have to remain unidentified. There is also a translation of "Lets exchange badges." If, after figuring ut several in formative references, general feists and if yoa csa identify tho pkiare of Galileo yoa may ead ia the identlilcatioa and be awarded a free subscript ios to Festival. This is about as hard as winning free dance lessees, by identifying aa h Hitra mental arrangement of "Stardust." In closing, a press release also found its way to the news desk that predicted tbe growing popu larity of Bermuda shorts on the campus, we'll see. : c t : 3 3